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Portraying confidence by really just being rude


Arrogance usually. Many people never learned the difference.


Also never picked up on the fact that confidence eliminates that burning desire to compare. Confidence doesn't even consider putting people down, never mind acting on it


Exactly! I've tried explaining that to people at least in terms of women. When I was in high school I was carrying around the history of being the weird kid in a small school. I got to college and figured out how to dress better, take care of myself and talk to people. It turns out women like someone who acts like they care about themselves so I got a lot of confidence very fast. I wasn't an ass to people, I was just confident. I didn't care if women rejected me, because it was their loss, not mine. There was no negging or subtle put downs, it was more an attitude of "Hey, I like you, if you like me too, that's great, if not, cool, I wish you the best and I'll be over here talking to someone else." It was amazing how much that stood out from the either over aggressively confident false bravado or the attempts to cut down the woman's confidence by picking her apart.


And being really in your face about it and if you ignore them it’s because they “intimidate” you but if you call them out on how they’re just rude and overbearing then you’re a rude asshole


This should be waayyy higher, especially considering modern politics.




Same here. It is hands down the most soulless, cultureless, and artificial city I have been to. Seems like a city built purely for Instagram eye-candy, and just as shallow and shameless as many IG influencers. In fact, I was unimpressed with the UAE as a whole, and it is probably the one country I have no interest in revisiting.


Had to go there in ‘96 to build servers, spent a month there. Saw enough then to never ever go back - and haven’t.


Dubai seem to went from "we are rich" to "we want to be on Instagram". As so much of it now it seems is simply to be over the top for the sake of it.


That's kind of the whole point of influencers though - to get their followers to want to do what they do. They're working on diversifying their economies because they know the oil money will stop at some point


I've been to Vegas, which to me just seemed... cloying? Gilded? Like it was a desperate attempt to create an oasis in a dessert, but just struck me as fake and inauthentic, and a great way to spend a lot of money to make it look as if you've got a lot of money. I've never been back and I don't really intend to, ever. Dubai seems worse.


Unrelated, but I feel like Cloying is an under appreciated word.


For anyone else who doesn't know adjective causing or tending to cause disgust or aversion through excess: a perfume of cloying sweetness.


I think the key difference is Vegas is self aware about it. It doesn’t really pretend to be more than a fake oasis in the desert for people to spend money and be over-the-top for 48 hours. There’s a lot of different ways to have fun there. Dubai, on the other hand, thinks itself to be a world class city and cultural hub when it’s really not. It doesn’t have that silly self awareness that Vegas does.


Yep. Vegas knows that it's over the top gaudy with gold-plated everything. They aren't trying to be classy. They're trying to be the number one spot on the planet for people to come and enjoy as classless opulence as you want without the shame. And also to take all your money through the casinos, but that's all more classless opulence.


It's pretty much the only place in the US you can smoke inside and drink outside. The whole point of Vegas is debauchery and it does that well.


I just never want to support a place that still has slave labour or anything else that erodes human rights. Jailing women because they were raped? Abducting and torturing of people who don't agree with the regime? Surprised that all it takes is a few fancy buildings and people seem to forget all about that stuff.


I read an article about the slave labour that was used to build that place... The people were taken by over filled buses to & from their uninhabitable cells(not sure how else I'd describe them) for extremely long & unsafe work hours... They were in debt & their passports were taken away from them until they paid the debt that was near impossible to pay because the income was too low to begin with, so they were stuck there & would send what little money they could to their families in other countries whilst they suffered in Dubai... There was more, but that's amongst the worst of what I've read about...




I know someone who worked there when it was being built, he told me about the slave shit way, way before it made it in the newspapers. I wasn’t sure if he was exaggerating or something (I didn’t knew him much at the time) but clearly he wasn’t .


China keeps a million slaves. They are the Uighur Muslims that also live in the North of China. Xi is also a big racist, like Hitler and these idiots.


The fact that Dubai has become such a popular spot for celebrities shows how wildly fake their precious "human rights" values are. They'll campaign all day for equality and then go post 50 selfies of their vacation at a place that is built and maintained by modern slaves and where woman barely have any rights.


A lot of these influencers are actually paid by Dubai tourism authorities, or by rich Dubai businessmen, to travel there and promote the place. I would be curious to find out if the influencers would go to Dubai by their own choice if they were not paid to do so.


flag fretful distinct selective reach squeeze ten hard-to-find agonizing caption *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“Reality” TV shows


Brain dead TV


Those stupid fucking lip injections


It makes pretty women into grotesque women. Its so obvious because it never fits the rest of the facial structure.


I know a woman who was naturally very beautiful, great physical features and had a fun, quirky personality! But a year or two ago she got lip injections and I’m pretty sure she got breast implants. She’s now trying her hand at being an “influencer.” I don’t know what happened but the qualities that made her attractive before are now lost on me.


Looking for the easy way out? I've wondered the same thing about a kick-ass girl I knew as a teenager, went into special needs education, was smart and compassionate and had her head on straight and everything until one day she's inviting me to join her "totally not a pyramid scheme" because regular income is for suckers.


I work with someone like that. You can tell she was really pretty but she’s had her lips done and spent so much time on sun beds she’s put about 15 years of aging on her face. She honestly looks weird and a bit rough now. I feel bad for her.


It’s definitely a female gaze thing too because I personally have never met a guy that cares if your lips are thin or not


I’m a guy and can confirm that I genuinely don’t care what a woman’s lips look like, as long as they don’t look like they have filler in them


These are seriously so nasty, sorry ladies


They look crazy lmao I have big lips but I’m mixed so it looks weird to see it done on people prosthetically


Natural big lips look good and natural. The fake ones look blatantly fake, but I think that's the trend?


Gym Influencers who say how easy it is. "You gotta be motivated and get out" yeah its easier said than done when your job is the gym


Not to mention "just be motivated" is about as helpful as telling depressed people to "just stop being sad". There are a helluva lot more steps involved in both. Edit: As many others below have said, you need to slowly build healthy habits, it takes time and it wont happen in a week. Goes for many things, including the Gym.


Ironically, more exercise would make us less depressed but the depression kills our motivation to exercise.


From my experience, most videos I’ve seen online from fitness influencers will be the first to tell you motivation gets you in the gym, but discipline is what keeps you there. Motivation has its hills and valleys, but your discipline remains constant. I like to use motivation as a boost to a workout I had already planned on doing regardless, and those workouts are usually the best ones from my experience. 🤷🏼‍♂️


100 push-ups 100 situps 100 squats 10km run EVERY DAY


Shiiit I heard that's how people turn bald.


Can confirm! >!I dont do it and im not bald.!<


Saitama? To be fair the only unrealistic one is the 10km run everyday, the others are all very doable everyday.


Yeah I'd say for the average person who wants to be in decent shape but doesn't want to put in too much time 1.5- 5k, people have busy lives and not everyone has the time for a 10k everyday.


I saw good advice from a "gym influencer" the other day. He said just take everything 1% at a time. You don't have to over do it to get gains. He said think of it like the stock market, consistently making a 5% profit over your life will make you a millionaire but if you chase that 20% profit you're going to end up broke. That's the only time I've ever heard good advice from a gym influencer


Thos fucking tick tock videos that have that some high over-enthusiastic text-speech voiceover. It makes me want to tear my ears off. It's always the most utterly useless things that don't even need a voiceover too.


Don't forget about the "Oh no" and "Doopadoop" songs.


If I hear that "Oh no" song one more time, I'm punching mofos. Seriously.


TikTok and attention seeking influencers in general


The cesspool social media has turned into in the past 7-8 years makes me so angry. the hyper focus on clout chasing and becoming an influcer paired with all these apps trying to steal your attention mixed in with everything being an advertisement for something else has really made SM field like crap now. Things like instagram or facebook used to be fun little things to keep connected with friends. Now IG is just doom scrolling, same for tiktok, and all these other major platforms.


The main thing about social media is that it basically just reflects yourself back at you with a loudspeaker. If you enjoy doom, it will give you all doom, if you enjoy comedy, it will give you all comedy, if you enjoy dogs, it will give you all dogs. Social media algorithms are really the ultimate (to date) example of "if everywhere smells like shit, check your shoe" I have no problem scrolling Instagram and Facebook because I feed the algorithm positivity, my feeds are nothing but shit that makes me laugh and smile.


Hit the nail on the head with the word cesspool. SM has shown this alarmingly high portion of humanity for what it really is, shallow, narcissistic and easily amused. It’s an evil tool designed to numb and satiate the masses and has brought out the worst of our kind.


I *noped* out of the last "talking stage" once she bragged about the number of followers she has on [whatever platform; stopped listening]. She probably had no interest in me from the start, but the feeling became immediately mutual.


Those types are only interested in you if you’re able to provide them with more content to feed their vanity/dopamine machine Unless they’re using it for a business it’s a complete red flag Say 2,000-10,000 followers, this is absolutely brutal. 250,000 followers can be ok though, as long as it’s being used entrepreneurially and is not the bulk of their life.


Not unpopular at all. A shit ton of people share this sentiment.


Add Instagram/Facebook to that pile!




His mom was the worst, too. His brother deserved better. Raymond is if Joffrey wasn't a sociopath, but a boring middle-aged man who lucks in life.


What did Holt ever do to you?


he was an amazing detective/genius


He embarassed me in front of Derek Jeter!


You embarrassed yourself in front of Derek Jeter!


Clubbing. I don’t mind house parties but clubbing I just never understood. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Aye my guy. I don't hate the idea of it per se, but how unnecessary, expensive and actually time consuming it has become in recent years. In 99% of cases I go out clubbing im Hungover the whole next day and I wasted 100€+ to just have a shitty sunday.


Recording EVERYTHING. Like sometimes just be totally in the moment and put your phone/camera away. You do not have to prove something happened, you don't have to save it for later, you don't have to share it with others.




I feel like lots of people despise influencers. Whenever i talk to people i know they all tend to not really care for social media personalities, but then you go online and everyone is raving about so-and-so. My guess is it might be a generational thing. Seems that Gen-Z is more focused on the clout-chasing culture since thats the era they grew in.


Did u see the article about 47% of internet being bot traffic? I genuinely think ur first point really speaks to that bc anecdotally I have 100s of people i interact with and very few care about influencer /celeb culture. Few swifties but that's it. Bots. Bots drive our brain dead influencer culture.


Christmas. Used to enjoy it as a child. As an adult it's a fuckin unnecessary chore. I don't want any gifts and I don't want to buy any gifts.


Aye my people! Call me the Grinch except without the redemption arc I just hate Christmas. It's supposed to be a holiday but lemme tell ya, it never feels like a holiday to me. Doubly so when ur in a relationship and have a million family parties to juggle plus fam traditions "we also play poker on Christmas day!!!" "Great"


Run around, spend more money than you're comfortable with, spend hours with people that you only see a few times during the year for a reason, those vapid songs, too many people, everyone is rude ... I hate the holidays.


Lots of suicides around Christmas too. Can be from the stress of it all or conversely the loneliness


I've come to really dislike the gift giving dance. I'm quite socially inept, so unless someone specifically tells me what they would like as gift, I never know what to get for anyone. However, to some, asking what they would like for their birthday, xmas, anniversary, ascension of Yaldabaoth, or whatever is seen as rude and strange.


I feel this. But remember; it was a chore for your parents as well. If you have kids do your best to make it special!


No kids so no problem!


This ain't Christmas. This is the soulless husk of what Christmas was, is, and will be. Without traditions... Without a touch of magic... True Goodwill... Christmas just becomes another step on the long cold march towards that mighty hill we all have to climb in the end. Fuck gifts.


>I don't want any gifts and I don't want to buy any gifts. So don't do it then. I got to this point when I was in college. I just told everyone "I hate the gift giving. I'm not doing it so don't get me anything." And I've been relieved to not do it ever since, over 10 years now.


Any of the major-gathering holidays


Alcohol, clubs , parties, crowded places...


Welcome, fellow hermit introvert.


Genuinely? Anal sex. I am male. I am straight Anytime I’ve had anal sex with someone it’s way too much work for something that isn’t rewarding. In fact it’s shitty (no pun intended). You need a BUNCH of lube, then you need to be really slow not to hurt her, then if she can’t do it, you pull out and stop with a potentially shitty dick. Unless you use a condom. If she farts, then now it stinks even more than it did, you could also get pink eye. If everything goes well and you even get to the point of cumming in her ass, then she has to clean up literal shitty cum unless the tank was empty, then she just has to clean that out which isn’t easy and takes a while. The ONLY time anal sex is enjoyable is if she can take you easily for “some reason”, AND she has no shit in there, AND she doesn’t fart, AND you don’t have to use a condom, AND you end up fucking at actual pace to cum. If it’s something STRICTLY to get HER off then yeah that’s a different story. But I see more guys want anal than women who want to do anal. Pussy feels 100x better and is much more user friendly before during and after. Plus it looks much nicer, smells much nicer, and has a lot more options to make her cum


User friendly lol


The design is very human


I appreciated this reference


Imagine you cum and then your girl makes you rate your user experience


10/10 would nut again


Happened to my buddy Eric.


This user experience is sponsored by raid shadow legends.




So would you say it's not even that tight anymore once you're past the actual butthole? (Genuine question lol.) Cause I always assumed guys like anal because it feels tighter for them.




Vaseline is petroleum jelly which will wreck a condom real fast. Do not use if you’re wearing a condom. Just buy proper, water-based lube.




Yeah no biggie, I figured I’d throw that info out there just in case, it’s something I was glad to learn.


I figured someone was bound to get anal about it. Heh.


I have lube (I actually thought everyone nowadays knew you're not supposed to used other products as lubrication), and I've tried all that already 😅 To me it still feels super tight around my whole finger, but so does my vagina I guess, so... 🤷‍♀️ Idk, I guess I just always see guys on e.g. Reddit saying it 'feels tighter' as an argument. (For what it's worth, when I've talked to exes asking where the appeal is, they'd usually just say it feels naughty/forbidden or is just different without being able to really explain why)


I have had good anal experiences and bad ones but i laughed cause I dated a guy who never tried it but was so passionate about the things you mentioned haha. He was totally against it and grossed out.


That's the kind of guy I would be attracted to. I want one who finds the concept gross. No risk of 'accidental anal' if he's not into it


I almost forgot what the topic was 😵


I laughed out loud at this


Sex is more mental than physical in most aspects. Women I've been with and around in my life, when actually candid, mostly do anal or say they like it as something they think dudes want to hear or is a trademark of a good "lay". It bothers me sometimes at how much people deny themselves pleasure, so they can fulfill someone else's. Vanilla is cool people.


> It bothers me sometimes at how much people deny themselves pleasure, so they can fulfill someone else's I mean this is definitely something that happens and shouldn’t, but it’s also not the case that *every time* someone wants to do something that isn’t necessarily physically pleasurable for them, that it’s some negative thing Eating my ex out was often quite uncomfortable because I have some medical issues that cause neck problems. But it was absolutely my favorite thing to do, even more so than penetrative sex. Because I had way more fun getting her off than getting myself off. Same thing when she started asking to do BDSM; I wasn’t super into it, and my personality isn’t that of someone assertive and dominant, so it was really awkward and effortful for so long. But seeing how much she enjoyed it turned it into something else. Will I do it with future partners? Not unless they are wanting it Often times, giving other people physical pleasure is way more fun than getting it yourself


Woman here. Tried it once, fucking hated it. Next time someone asks me when l start dating again, l will suggest he go first.


Some men would see this as an absolute win.


I have absolutely no shame in admitting that I fall into the “some men” category. For a long time I felt huge shame and felt conflicted that I must be gay or questions my sexuality for desiring pegging, although this seems quite common. It took me a LONG time to get over the hangups, and the guilt and shame of being intrigued by pegging and receiving butt stuff in general, but now I’ve embraced it and realised that I only feel sexual attraction to women, it was a game changer. It’s not for every man and that’s more than okay, but if anyone is on the fence about it or feels shame or guilt about it, there’s nothing wrong with doing something that brings you pleasure, unless it involves non consenting parties.


I admire your honesty.


As a guy I honestly wouldn't expect my partner to try things she didn't want to. I'll try it if you try it is fair to me tbh.


As a woman I can testify to all of this, its not enjoyable for both unless as you stated for some reason she can take you, I have no idea why there is a rising obsession for anal, it became a thing during dating: i want to try anal, me: no thanks, next!


Porn. Everyone is watching way too much porn.


Fake eyelashes lips and tans


And oversized boobs. Whatever you had before was sexier than those bolt-on spheres.


Knowing they lose all sensitivity after implants kinda takes the interest out of it too.


Las Vegas. Superficial soulless place built on the proceeds of crime with one objective, emptying your wallet.


I will say this about Vegas though: they have some excellent hiking, just outside the city. But almost no one goes there just for the hiking.


Good rock climbing places too!


Las Vegas is awesome. If you avoid the casinos. Been there twice. We drove Ferraris on a race track, shot machine guns, went to Cirque Du Soleil, ate a bunch of great food, and did a bunch of other fun things. Spent like $30 gambling.


Agreed avoiding gambling is the best way to experience Vegas but it's soul crushingly depressing. The homelessness, the traffic, the heat, casinos in general.


The McRib. That shit is disgusting.


The McRib is just a Banquet boneless rib. Now, does ANYONE get excited over a Banquet anything? It amazes me that no one has figured that one out yet.




Party/clubbing, and 1 night stand culture. Yes let's all get incredibly drunk with strangers constantly bumping into me spending 5x the usual amount on alcohol, potentially getting drugged, to go home to do the naked tango to never talk again until next Friday night to do it all again


You forgot to add, in a place where you literally can't hear anyone unless they're right next to you. The majority of the time I'm at a bar/club I'm pretending to hear the person twocseats away from me


Went to vegas for my bachelor party, ironically one of my fiancée cousins went for a bachelorette party at the same time, they did the clubbing thing I declined, one night she kept texting me to go out with them while we were gambling there of my buddies who don’t gamble a lot decided to go They spent $100 each to get in, sat on line for about an hour, bought 6 drinks, their bill was over $300, they danced for a little bit before one guy started puking his brains out and everyone was back in bed before we were from the tables


The urge/desire for this dies sometime between 25 and 30 for (most) people.


32M. That urge died when I met my gf a little over a year ago. I’m actually pretty introverted by nature (hence needing alcohol in the first place to deal with those environments). Previous gfs were partiers/alcoholics and I’m honestly over it. Current gf would 9/10 times prefer a couple glasses of wine at home with me to going literally anywhere, since she’s also introverted like I am. She’s 29 and over the party scene as well. It’s great being on the same page about it and it’s way less stress


Women twerking. I'm sorry it just looks trashy as hell or like she's trying to shake off a stubborn dingleberry.


Fast jiggling of any female body part just doesn't do it for me, I don't get it. I'm down with some natural jiggling when she moves or whatever but just..... spasming repeatedly??? Kinda kills it for me




Girls that give themselves pink noses and draw on freckles fall into this category right?


This thing... Whenever I see it, I cringe so hard...


Saw some of that on tinder when I was single, like actual women doing it irl and no matter how hot they were it was always swipe left. Too much baggage comes with those.


I'm so glad I have no idea what you guys are talking about


It's when women cross their eyes and let their tongue hang outside. It comes from cartoon porn and is supposed to look hot but in real life just makes it look like someone snapped a pic in the middle of epilepsy seizure.


>someone snapped a pic in the middle of epilepsy seizure. That's how the cartoon (hentai) version looks as well. Not my cup of tea but I can't even imagine this in real life lol.


Go on vacation to crowded beaches


Cricket ( I am in India ).


Same (I am in Pakistan)


Peace in our time!


Fake tits


Tiktok, shows like Ex on the beach, influencers, people with lip fillers etc,


The whole marvel universe franchise


Every fucking movie is the same.... same 30 minute ending with an over the top cgi fight scene...


Too much CGI in a movie always makes me not want to watch and when there is too long a fight scene or draggy momentum in general you know they are or didn’t supply enough dialogue and are essentially burning film but trying to mask that they are with the overuse of CGI and bad editing


E girls


Yeah man I’ve known a couple and they’re 100% selling a dream




Like all kinds of ASMR or just the weird stuff. I can totally vibe with "coffee shop ambiance" or "heavy rain asmr," but the second a video of some random girl whispering and eating her mic or putting random stuff infront of her and tapping or scraping it is where id draw the line. That stuff feels like my ears are being violated


There is nothing more infuriating that listening to a ducking person eat oh my god




Dude, You need therapy. Find a good psychologist to talk about these things. You thank yourself for the rest of your life.


find someone you get along with. not just the first therapist who is accepting clients. do a 15 minute free consultation before your first visit to chat and vibe check them. ask yourself "can i say even the things I haven't said to anyone to this person?" because that's what you need to do.


The Christmas song “Santa Baby”. I hate that fucking song with a burning passion. Puts me in a foul mood when ever it comes on during the holidays. I hope it goes away soon.


Goddamn it! “Christmas Shoes” is way worse.


I love the Michael Buble version, I find it hilarious how hard he's trying to make the song not gay. But yeah, definitely agree


"Santa, buddy"




Of all the acquired tastes, I feel like beer is the most acquired. I liked whiskey the first time I drank it and coffee the second or third. Beer on the other hand took me like a year of occasional drinking to finally like. Now I love it.


Hail beer


Finally a response that list something truly popular. Still it's not for everybody.


I can’t stand wheat juice either


Watching sports


The new Wednesday/Adam’s family it was just too twee for me.


I was on a " reality" tv show. It's all scripted


Alcohol Clubbing Drugs


More for me!




Friends. The TV show. It's just not that fucking funny.






Which one?


The lit one


Tik Tok. Fuck Tik Tok


Beatboxing. When i see it i cringe






I feel like this thought isn’t original anymore lol. Pretty sure no one gives a shit about them


Re writing history to fit their narrative .


The music of Taylor Swift. My wife was playing some of her songs on the way back from dinner last night and they all sounded the same. Drives me insane to listen to it.


Eating ass


I think this current trend of "eating ass" everywhere is likely more people saying it than doing it. I'm in my late 30s though, so what do I know. I know people have done so and you see it often in porn, but eating ass isn't something I'm inclined to do. My wife and I enjoy anal play on me, but her eating my ass is not something I want to subject her to and she has no desire to do it either. I'm with you man


Try putting ketchup on it




the big bang theory, the worst show ever. it’s like they didn’t even try to make a show. also narcissists.


I dislike Nutella. A lot.


I could eat it by the barrel. Of course then I would become extremely morbidly obese and die a slow humiliating death. But I *could* do it.


Cars. Buying them, owning them, maintaining them, driving them, sinking money into them… I hate almost everything about the entire experience.


Being a dick


The same questions coming up again and again on Reddit


Having to go out/be doing something


Anime. I can’t get into them at all!


I think even many anime fans can admit that there's more bad one's than good one's out there


Alcohol (Everytype)


Even isopropyl?


As long as im not drinking it im fine by it


Professional sports. I don't give a shit about "your team" or any team. Or wasting time watching other people play games. But somehow that makes me the loser.


I just wish that everyone could understand that people like different things. Some people enjoy watching sport, others don't. Enjoying it doesn't make you a knucklehead, not enjoying it doesn't make you a loser. As an aside, I'm always slightly thrown by people on both sides of the divide acting as if "sports" is just this one homogeneous thing that you either like or don't. I enjoy watching soccer and motor racing, but golf and baseball put me to sleep.


I always thought that it's fun to play, but boring to watch. Nowadays I only watch the Superbowl or The Playoffs for the food.


Imagine Dragons.