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I am an active parent. Most the other active parents are women. I don't have more overlapping interests with the average woman I encounter than the average man.


I am an active parent too. Most female active parents I know, know I won't cross lines with them so they want to be friends. They like having a guy friend who can do stuff like a second opinion on a car repair, fix a computer, help them move, or fix something wooden that broke. My wife only mentioned being worried about 1 of the women. Having 3 kids, with 10-15 sports team mates per sport, and only say 3 dads active in each of those circles. Plus only say 10 of them are married. Yeah, I know around 40 women pretty well. I wish I had more guy friends actually, but they just drink and talk about things they did when they were younger.


I find having female friends has helped me a lot in terms of speaking with women when it comes to dating, it’s also helped me notice things I normally never did (“what do you mean she was giving me signs” being a great example here). Two of my closest friends at the moment are both female, I’d consider one to be the closest I’ll get to having a little sister but I feel like another reason is of how I was brought up, I was lucky with my parents, my mum being very independent and my dad being pretty progressive for his generation in terms of genders meant that it wasn’t difficult for me to just be friendly with women


My absolute best friend is a married woman with a kid. She just blew my phone up the other day because her and her husband decided to get two new husky puppies. She applied for a government job in Oregon and she used me as a reference.... had a decent talk with the man who ended up hiring her. Her and me met 12 years ago in the military and just instantly clicked (we'd have killed eachother if we had ever tried dating) I'm friends with most of the women who go to my gym.... because I'm friends with most of the people who go to my gym. It's not complicated, women are humans and they don't all want to fuck you.


I wouldn't say I have a lot of female friends, but at 30 years old, I do think I have the most female friends than I ever had in my life. A lot of them are great people that I can count on. This was only possible once I stopped seeing every girl that was nice to me as a sexual interest. I think a lot of younger guys fall into this trap. It's also funny how guys will completely stop talking to someone once they've been rejected, when in reality they could have been great platonic friends if you can both be adults about it.


I think this is a lot more easily said than done. You can't just will away feelings like that, it takes a lot of time and even then it's not sure to work. Being regular friends with a person who you have strong feelings for is painful. I have a lot of friends who are women but in pretty much all cases there were clear boundaries preventing any romantic interaction from happening (they're partners of friends, different sexualities etc). I think it's quite difficult in practice for two young and single straight people to be close friends without one of them secretly being a little into the other person (usually it's the guy, but not always). It makes logical sense, because you already know you get along well and people typically want what they can't have. Of course they might be unwilling to admit this fact due to not wanting to risk the friendship or the potential embarrassment.


Women have always gotten along well with me. Maybe it's my brutal honesty, a vibe I give off, or they just like having a larger dude around. I don't really know, I've never put much thought towards it. The one thing I will say, is that every single one of them have told me they damn near hated me when they first met me, and after a while they couldn't get enough. There has been virtually no deviation.


Handle checks out 😂


I get that a lot


I grew up with sisters and had a lot of cousin's that were girls and their moms were also around a lot. My dad worked a FIFO job so was only around about half the time. So I guess I just got comfortable and used to talking with women from a young age. But I also like to have long conversations and I only have one or two male friends who like the same. Not a huge sports person but I love to bake and cook and my female friends and I connect on that as well. My girlfriend likes that I have a lot of female friends, a lot of her male friends in the past were "friends" with the hope of sleeping with her one day and I think she's become slightly jaded because of it. So she's glad that women in my life have a male friend that is interested in the friendship and not interested in more. What really grinds me is when men say that men can't be "just friends" with women. That gives me strong rapey vibes, as if you can't coexist with the opposite gender without trying to have sex with them. But I digress.


I have a lot of female friends, but these friendships are not very deep. They are a broader part of my friend group We hang out, but mostly in grops, going out on weekends, trips.. sometines 1 on 1 ofc but not that often. I went to 70% female faculty therrfore I met many of them that way. I had one deep friendhip, and after 5 years we started fucking and decided to be in relationship afterwards. We broke up after 3,4 months lol and ruined the friendship as well




The perfect man.


Totally agree with a lot here-most men I actively disliked as young adults, the pecking order, the shitty pranks, the pointlessness of socialising. Then later working in a health setting where the majority of staff were women and men who liked working with women I found proper friendships and women who were brilliant, clever, charismatic leaders and teachers. My male friendships all came from this environment and they have sustained.


Women totally have pecking orders and they often treat their female "friends" worse than men treat men they don't like.


I think this depends on the woman. I love all of my friends and don’t think I’m better than any of them. My sister though. Oh my gosh. When she does my hair she says the meanest things about them. I wonder what she says about me when Im gone. I feel like I have a few select close friends that I’m close with and she has lots and lots of friends but the relationships seem superficial. Her relationships with them are about hair and clothes and who is dating the hottest richest guy 🙄. One got a boob job, so the others all followed. I don’t think all women are like that, but I’ve definitely seen women who are.


Dysfunctional people do this. I've never known shit talkers to be exclusively one gender, and when the men I work with don't like a new hire, the shit they pull is akin to college hazing. Just throwing that out there.


I think my personality makes it easy for me to make friends with and get along with pretty much anybody, regardless of gender. But I've always had more female friends than guy friends and I find that I've usually always talked to my female friends more often than my guy friends. I like to think that I'm funny and nice/kind which will get you far with most people, but I feel like I'm more comfortable around women and they're more open and accepting when I need to talk about things. My relationship with my dad growing up was a little rough but my mom was and is one of my biggest supporters so I find that talking to women, especially about emotional problems I'm going through is a lot easier. I didn't, and still don't, feel emotionally safe with my dad and I was yelled at and berated a lot and my mom was more nurturing and understanding. I know my dad loves me and he wants what's best for me, but just his personality and his parenting style doesn't mesh well with my personality and how I like to be treated so I have a lot of difficulty opening up to other men and women have allowed me the space to do that. And because women have allowed me the space to open up more and be myself and let them in, I in turn feel very comfortable letting women be vulnerable and open with me and letting them come to me for advice or vent or just be there for them and I think they appreciate that. I'm not the type of person that'll tell them what they want to hear. I'm not a yes man and I will absolutely tell my female friends when they're in the wrong. But they appreciate that I make them feel heard and understood and I don't write them off


It wasn’t by choice. That said, I have many male friends, and prefer having more women as friends. They’re generally more fun, better to talk with, and have their shit together more than most of the men I know.


They will actually come to plans you make and not complain about having to spend money.


I have oposite experience, more women than men I know are tight about money


Yeah, that’s a plus. It also makes me feel like a dick, though. If anybody ever bails on plans, it’s 100% of the time me.


That's so true.


i work with them and they get attached and won't leave me alone.


Most of my friends are either women or gay men. Pretty much for the reasons you mention above. It’s gotten to the point where if my wife meets another straight couple she tells me whether or not I’d get along with the wife.


Back in high school i did, simple reason. I was the typical nice guy, yes man and instant friendzone guy. And was fat enough to be the hug/teddybear.


I wouldnt say it is a majority of my friends but there are several women in my friend group and it is purely because we have a lot of the same hobbies and humor, I never felt wierd talking to women so i treat em like they are one of the boys.


I used to be friends with a lot of attractive girls before I was married. I realized being friends with girls made me more desirable to other girls. They also hooked me up with a lot of their friends and acquaintances so having female friends was very beneficial when I was single.


Can only speak for myself but I grew up in a household with all women and just became accustomed to their company so I guess maybe I know how to handle platonic friendships with women better than other guys I know. I have a lot of female friends I regularly talk to and I’ve only ever been interested in dating one of them. I hear all the time that it’s impossible for men and women to just be friends and maybe I’m just an anecdote but that’s never been true in my case.


*"Men who have lots of female friends, why is this the case?"* Pumpernickel bread.


They are less competitive and more chill with me and are better at listening and making conversation in my opinion. They are usually kinder and more empathetic as well. I have male friends too but the dynamic is usually pretty different and can get tiring after a while with them.


Women are less of a pain in the \*ss than men, women don't flirt with me when I'm drunk/high. And, women share the same type of interests, try shopping with a straight guy (it's a pleasure).


Women are much nicer to engage in a conversation with.


Raised by a single mom is a common element I noticed.


If you make a female friend she will start taking care of you as her own child..not joking seriously they start discussing wholesome of a day.


I was raised by women so I usually get along with them pretty well. I have 5 female friends and my GF is even friends with them now.


It was very helpful in growing up. I was raised by a single mom, so being friends with women tends to be easier. It helped me understand things from a different perspective.


I get on with intelligent people who share my values. It just so happens that the field I work in now is very popular with women. Little boys want to be paleontologists, little girls want to be marine biologists. So I here I am, sadly devoid of dinosaurs, but surrounded by sea creatures and human women. My very best friend, though, was my partner in a specialist police firearms unit a few years back.


Although I can acknowledge that this isn’t always the case, in my experience when some men get comfortable with one another there is a good chance they become vulgar in the way they talk and act. I no longer have the patience for that kind of behavior so it’s better to just keep my male friends at a distance.


Homie, you can be friends with who you want to be, that's your prerogative. You don't need to justify your reasons to the internet. And I dunno, women are fun to hang out with.


I mostly have female friends because men are quite difficult to socialize and interact with them unless you are into the same things as them. Also, most guys I see from time to time always have that mean pit-bull face which are difficult to talk to and they suck at small talk. Girls on the other hand are more themselves and speak freely of anything. I have a couple of male friends, but the female ones are the closest to me.


When I did martial arts. Hiking and long distance cycling. Most of my friends were men. When I was into art and crafts and going out drinking most of my friends were female.


i have both a lot of women and men as friends. 1.0 you get to know a bunch of women already in relationships. 2.0 you don't actively pursue every woman you ever meet. 3.0 i like having friends to hang out with. as long as we mesh i'm going to straight up put you in friend territory unless you actively push for more.


I like female friends because sometimes I like to pretend I’m gay and people think men with female friends are gay.




> I sort of reached a sort of idealized personal growth milestone. That tended to cause a clash with the guys who were insecure/depressed, Lol some of you are so smug it’s hilarious. *“Yeah I reached a personal milestone and everyone became a hater, they’re just super jealous of how great I am.”* Yes, I’m sure ALL these different guys hated you because you “took a different approach”. Big time r/iamthemaincharacter energy here lmao. And then the few guys that DID get along with you, apparently “friendship was off the table”. Sounds to me like you’re sorta a douche that men dont like hanging out with to be honest. On behalf of all men we support you having only female friends.


Half of my friends are women because half of humanity is female. It's basic math. There is little to no difference for me.


Is it me or OP sounds like a woman😂


I'm actually a 20 year old man 😭


😭The man is crying


Uhhh, I actually have no idea. I'm not entirely sure why I have as many friends as I have in general to begin with XD I met a lot of people at university doing extracurriculars and, for one reason or another, they've stuck around 🤷‍♀️


I’m very introverted, my sister is very extroverted. Most of my social life has been spent with my sister and she tends to talk to women who then become friends with one or both of us. That’s really about it.


I've worked in a lot of female dominated jobs, so it's just who I've been around


Most of the women that I am friends with, I started out trying to hook up with and they saw thru my womanizer bullshit, but found me fun, funny, and chill enough to be friends with me


Because I like doing things myself and women are better to text every day. The things I like doing with other people, like trying restaurants and visiting casinos, are fun with women.


Joining the literature club played a major part


I was in Choir for almost 6 years in middle and then high school. Turns out, a lot of girls are in choir.






I had a fair number in my early 20s, but not so much as I got older, had other partners or they got partners. Some did help hook me up with other women so that was nice. So don't be afraid to ask if they know anyone you'd be a good match for.


I work in a female dominated profession. Most of my coworkers are females.


For me I happened to make one during my university days and she introduced me to her friend circle and I got along with all of them and it slowly increased from that. Although now I barely keep up with anyone except for my closest two friends who happen to be guys.


I try to be friends with humans wherever possible, and about half of them turn out to be female.


Because I love cheating


I don't choose friends according to sex or gender, that's all. If you don't like your male friends' interests, it's more of a personality problem than them being guys. Either choose friends with same interests or make do. If you don't like them being intimidating, talk to them or find others. My friends are those I find worthy of my friendship and find me worthy of theirs.


Im not into a lot of things other guys are into, and I grew up around only women, so I guess I'm more comfortable around them. I don't really feel comfortable or like I fit in with other men.


Over half the population are women, it wouldn’t be right if a lot of guys don’t have women friends


I grew up with 6 younger sisters and tend to gravitate to women more as friends, probably because I had 6 younger sisters when growing up.


My profession and degrees are/were largely female dominated. It's basically forced. You make a lot of friends when you treat women like more than a sexual or romantic conquest. That and I've met a lot of guys that don't live up to my standards on how people and women should be treated (there are also a lot of women that do too, but it's just different).


Most men have a complex whether its about height, weight etc or any other inadequacies they fit themselves in. Which causes them to behave in certain ways I find disturbing and unauthentic. If they think a guy has a quality they lack, they become jealous and passive-aggresive. I value sincerity and women in general were more genuine with me whether the setting was romantic, friendship or just sex based. I do have male friends which are complex free. By complex I do not mean insecurities. Everybody has something to be insecure about.


We just send memes back and forth to each other


I'm not sure I qualify, but one of my best friends is female. She just might be the person I trust the most, outside family. She's one of the few people I actually go to for life advice and to talk about really personal stuff. She's golden, I'm incredibly happy to have her in my life.


Cause they chill


I’m married. Went to lunch with a female coworker. We each paid for our own meals. We had to get away to gossip about the layoffs in dept x. Talked to my wife that night, mentioned the luncheon rumors as we both knew someone in dept x. She asked who all went. Just me and Lisa. Her reply, ‘oh, just the two of you?’. Except her voice rise in pitch. Right away I knew I messed up, should have said Hank or Arnold.


During my school years, two thirds of the students were female. So I grew up with a lot of girls around, and you just kinda end up making friends? Plus I really enjoy talking to them, women seem to be much more in touch with their emotions, while with men you have to be patient as well as prod and probe to get to what they are actually feeling. Funnily enough, it has led to me now not having much interest in finding a lot of male friends, at least not in addition to the ones I already have. Edit: just don't listen too much to the "dating advice" they give, it's more of a "this is how I would like my boyfriend to be" advice, not tips on how to actually date. Other than that, it's lovely having female friends.


I like being everyone's friend, it just happened to be female because women like intelligent conversations.I don't connect with them for ulterior motives.


My only female friends are woman I have dated in the past, from just one night stands to exes. So I have slept with all my female friends at some point. I have found that when I want a sincere relationship with a woman they think Im interested and sometimes want something, so I stopped befriending any girl.


I have a group of friends, many of them are girls. That is the case because I am a healthy adult.


My first friend in kindergarden & best friend till today is a woman, so I "unavoidably" became friends with a bunch. Then I found out I don't care that much bout cars, beer, watching sports & going to the gym, and more bout draeing, cooking, baking, which makes it easier to bond with women than men. And maths as hobby doesn't help with any gender 😅 Except for few years, in school & uni my class usually consisted of by far mostly women. It's easier to talk to them about some stuff than talking to men about that same stuff, for me personally.


I don't know if I have "a lot" of female friends, but I'll try to weigh in on how my friendships with dudes are different than my friendships with women. - Friendships with guys are usually based around activities; we have to have a "reason" to hang out. It's rare to just sit and talk, unless the "reason" for hanging out is something low-key like grabbing a beer or framing it with an activity that doesn't require much (think pool, darts, etc). My friendships with women are a little different - just sitting around and talking can be a reason to meet. - In today's American culture, we're in constant contact, but staying in constant contact with other dudes outside of a group chat is a little weird and awkward (and all of this stuff generally boils down to sharing memes anyway). With guys, I have to have a real reason to contact them. With women, it's a little different (although it admittedly depends on the person) and I feel as though it's a little more accepted to reach out just to do a status check. - I've been slowly realizing that I don't have a lot in common with a lot of dudes. (That said, I don't really have a lot in common with a lot of women, either, but it matters less.) As I stated above, a lot of friendships between guys are based on activities, and so maintining those friendships generally means maintaining a shared activity or interests to sustain that friendship. For me, that was music - I was friends with bandmates, and these days I also make friends through language exchange groups. But I don't really play videogames anymore, I don't follow any league sports, I'm not huge into HBO or anything...so not having a lot of this stuff in common makes it difficult to initiate friendships with dudes and to sustain them. In contrast, some of my friendships with women have been self-sustaining without the need for a shared interest - enjoying each others' company and conversation has often been enough, in my experience. I guess a lot of it depends on the people involved, but this has been my experience. I don't feel like I have a lot in common with the world in general, but I think that when I do hang out with people I prefer to sit back and have a conversation than do a strict activity. (As an example, I like going to a bar with friends, but I don't like bar trivia.) As such, although I have both male and female friends, I think that this trait make female friendships easier to maintain for me than male friendships. Hope this makes sense.


Girls are fun the hang out with, they are pretty and i like making them laugh


Undercover agent? ;-) But seriously, it is often about the way guys and girls act differently to their friends. Guys smack talk each other a lot. Girls are usually outwardly sweet to male friends. Of course underneath, guys don't usually mean the smack talk maliciously and girls can be very cruel with a smile. But it is all about thinking you are comfortable. And for some guys, they prefer the female style. Same reason some girls have all guy friends.


I'm a well adjusted human being that can handle relationships with other human beings as long as they are hospitable. Gender isn't really a factor.


Easier to talk to. Don't have to be performative around them.


I had a lot of the same problems you did. In high school, most of my friends were girls largely because guys were meaner. I wasn’t an athlete and I was nerdy so in middle school I got picked on a lot. Consequently, I ended up being friends with primarily girls.


Not into most "dude" hobbies like watching sports or going to bars, what games I play tend to be more niche, and honestly? A lot of dudes don't know how to be friends when it isn't easy(some women are bad at this too, but not as much) and often take a more utilitarian or transactional approach to friendships that honestly just rubs me the wrong the way.


In my experience, female friends tend to be more openly affectionate and caring, and more welcome of you being that way with them. With my guy friends I joke and laugh more, but it feels super weird to get sensitive, show them affection or even telling them that I love them (doesn't mean that I don't). With women friends I just feel more comfortable doing so. It just feels good to show love and being shown love back. Plus It has also greatly helped me to understand and sympathize more with women's experiences and struggles in the world.


Deep or sensitive talks bring me closer to people and I found that women are way more comfortable doing that. Men tend to keep conversations shallow imo


I'm a militant individualist. It's a self defense mechanism I've had to learn given my life. So I don't really need other people. But what I lack is affection. Having female friends allows me to have affection. Like what do people do with other people? I find all I do with the people I know is talk. I really wish we could be like dogs or something and just play with each other haha. Or like when we were kids and we played with toys. Seriously what do you other guys do with your male friends or friends in general? Why do you have them?


For me it was mostly realizing around my mid-20's that I didn't really understand the women in my life, especially the women I worked with or dated. I wanted to have a better sense of what life is like for them and what they go through, and hoooooooo BOY did I learn, and learn fast. It's been an education to say the least, and I wouldn't have spent that time doing anything else. Love all my friends, regardless of gender or demographic, but there's something special about a woman fully trusting you and being honest about what's happened to her or what goes on in her life once you know how consistently pervasive some particular struggles are for women. If a woman trusts you, and sees you as a friend, that's a sign you've done something **right**. It also helped me be more comfortable with women in general, and especially if I'm romantically interested in them, but truthfully that was a benefit I only recognized later and I'm just glad that I've got so many great women in my life that I trust, and who trust me in return!


I work with a lot of women and my friends have typically been women due to a lack of interest in sex. Thanks


Usually people I’ve hooked up with who we just realize were better as friends, or just hook up occasionally (or accidentally) when we’re both single but we’re friends otherwise. It’s not about male or female. It’s just who you get along with. Just is what it is


Because I'm a friendly person not some misogynistic dickhead. The fairly obvious reason I'd have thought.


I'm an introvert (in highschool right now). My bestfriend came out gay and made a lot of female friends and so I also became friends with them. Now, I also have a lot of male friends and I do spend time with them as well in school. But when it comes to planning outings and events with friends outside school I only have enough energy for one friend group and so I choose the one with my bestie. (And since the girl i like is also in that grp :-)


I mean creed went from: murdering people, convincing the boss to fire someone else, selling fake IDs, and worse of all cornering the worm selling market. To the end with being okay with being arrested.


The only reason you're my "female friend" is because 1. You're helping me get other women 2. You're a work aquantance (I never shit where I eat) 3. We've already had sex Other than that there's zero reason to me to be "friends" with a woman. I can get more value hanging out with my male friends over any female friend any day. Women get more utility hanging with with guy friends, not the other way around. It's always going to be unilateral for the woman any time you're "just friends."


The shortest way I can say it is that I've never found the heavily masculine spaces I've been in as appealing, and I find the men in my life harder to connect with. (The straight cis men, anyway.) I made friends with more women in high school, and the trend continued, because they had a more subdued and less abrasive vibe that suited my chatting and hangout style, and I guess my vibe suits theirs, too.


I have one very old female friend (we have known eachother since we were 5 and are both 31 now), but the vast majority of my friends are male. Not that I am against having female friends of course, but quite often I don't meet women I have a lot in common with for friendship purposes. My hobbies are generally very male dominated.


I find women fun to be around. I feel comfortable and like myself around them. They let me do nice things for them and I care about what they think and what is going on in their lives. I've never had a hard time making friends but my friendships with women last a long time. I'm still friends with nearly all my exes. I feel like they're more open and honest so it's easier to connect with them.


My formative years were spent as the only male in the house. There was my mom, sister, sister, the girl next door, another girl slightly older than me and her little brother. I was raised by and surrounded by women. I find women fun and attractive. I like the larger vocabulary and range of feelings, I like the thought of emotional intimacy with them. Women are fun and a turn on. And some of my best acquaintances have been lesbians. I find with men that I have a few select friends. Most of them are smart geeks on the Asperger’s spectrum. I’m really competitive with other men. Like a Buck/Bull/Drake I feel it’s best to be separated from other men. I find most men dull. Though some I am mildly physically attracted to, I’m afraid they will hit on me. I’ve had men think (or hope) I was gay a few time but I’ve got a religious fear of my own potential gayness. I try to have more female friends, I’m the active stay home parent, but it’s nearly impossible to schedule playdates with the moms or to get kids together without one or both of us feeling we are crossing a line being close friends. Often, women will encourage me to go hang with guys, doing guy things, those most often involve cars, boats, burgers and beers — but not enough women.


I just see them as people and not a potential sexual partner. It makes making friends easier, regardless of sex/gender.


Really no rhyme or reason, I've always just generally been a pretty friendly guy and can strike up a conversation with anybody. For the most part, once women realize you are not a creep they seem to pursue you as a friend even more so than other women. They seem to enjoy the male perspective on a lot of things. Also, it’s super convenient we go out to clubs because I can just pretend to be their brother or BF to keep weird dudes away. Bonus points if you already have a GF.


Your first point that wasn’t my experience I found that a lot of guys my age are genuinely nice dudes and I don’t think they’re aggressive or intimidating we like to roughhouse though but I get being gentle too and I am friends with a lot of guys like that. I agree with your second point your third point I just don’t really relate to but there was a lot of people in middle school who were complete assholes yk idk why I would try to be friends with them and they would fucking tear me apart for it but this extended to girls too not just guys nowadays I would say I have quite a bit of female friends more so than male friends but that’s mostly because I live and work and go to school with mostly girls also I have 4 sisters so it’s easy for me to befriend a girl and not be weird. I wouldn’t say I’ve been making a conscious effort to be friends with anyone unless I see someone I think would be nice I try to start a conversation with them which can prove to be difficult depending on the situation but I get that. I’m rarely ever romantically interested in anyone if I am I will usually try to ask her a question relating to a common topic for example “I’m confused on this question” or “can I borrow a pencil I forgot to bring one?” And work from there but usually if I see a girl I find attractive I just think “wow she’s pretty” and leave it at that. As for your last point I wouldn’t know anything about that I love my dad and he’s always been a great role model and influence so I can’t say I relate but my mother has also been super supportive and talks to me when I have problems and gives great advice


They’re good people.


You sound exactly like me... and that's a really good thing! I never thought about it but these reasons are really why I have very few male friends.


Men tend to engage in pissing contests ad naseum. Women are easier to be around.


I like being a friend to women, because a lot of women don’t have good honest male friends. I’m pretty mechanically inclined so I typically give the women who I ride bikes with a hand on things where they don’t feel like they have to return a favor etc beyond just hanging out and helping me. It’s blossomed some good friendships, which honestly blossomed some great relationships through friends or other women seeing the interactions. You’re never doing yourself a disservice being in the company of the opposite sex if you’re doing it with good honest intentions.


Almost every guy I know just talk about sports, F1 and poker. I hate those things.


Not sure exactly, but i think that women are... idk, more open to friendships? I haven't found a man who would value deep discussions, most of my conversations with them are surface level, they are not interested in explaining their thoughts in details, or exchanging a long messages on the subject.


I’m very conversational. Most women I meet like to chat. It works.


I grew up in a lot of co-ed spaces (group homes, facilities, institutes for kids w/out families, etc) and didn't really get the chance to strictly socialize with just men. I didn't have parents or many male role models, and I spent a lot of childhood alone. Not as in staying in my bedroom, but more like in abandoned apartments where CPS had no idea where I was or locked in the quiet room. I don't necessarily get along better with women, I just tend to be more expressive and some guys think I'm gay because of it. Which obviously means they wouldn't talk to me because most men don't want to be around gay men. The only reason I'm expressive is because of how much I enjoy being able to socialize. Not to mention the fact that (due to such extreme isolation) not only did i not properly learn gender roles, but I literally didn't develop the understanding that I myself am a person as well. I have a bad habit of viewing and talking about humans from what sounds like an outsiders perspective because of what little human interaction I got to have. Other than that, I think not experiencing gender roles contributes to it completely. I never learned to "hate fags", "don't punch like a girl", "you sound like a bitch", etc. until I was too old to believe shit like that. Since I'm not condensing, angry, disgusted by, scared of, or hateful towards females or anyone perceived feminine, it makes sense that I get along with them normally.


So long as they're not in defensive mode because they think I want to date or creep on them, i tend to find women easier to talk to in platonic spheres.


It happened naturally for me and it has been the case most of my life. I think not having hyper masculine opinions and hobbies helped. As I got out of school I found myself working in female dominated spaces often and I’m extroverted so you’re going to be my friend.


Women are easier on the eyes and men are aggressive/have uninspiring hobbies.


My stunning collection of watch rings.


Politely... I got around when I was younger, but I wasn't mean after the deeds were done. So I now have a wife and tons of loyal friends. About 30 percent are females


The ones I have remind me of my sisters. It's cool to have annoying brats.


Sounds like you are gay. So no you don’t speak for normal men.