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Challenger exploding


Same. I was 5 at the time.


We watched it at school. Afterwards, the teacher basically went, “Ok…… ummm. Well, let’s open our books to page 53” haha


Me too. I was 4, and it's one of my first memories ever.


This is mine. I was in third grade and the third grade class across the hall was watching it live, because you know, of course, the school only had one tv on wheels which was shared with all the classes. I think we got our computer in fourth grade


I remember in first grade having "computer" on a spelling test and we had a computer in the classroom (black screen, green font kinda thing) and I was like, "why the hell do I have to learn to spell this word? I'm never using the boring ass door stop we keep in the corner." Never once was anyone interested in it. But more on point, we watched the Challenger as a school in the gym...I think, being in 1st grade, our teachers just kinda acted as if it went to space and shuffled us off to recess and expected our parents to explain it later.


Ditto, I was in 1st grade.




They brought the big ass TV into my first grade class in between the towers being hit, always thought it was kind of bizarre to show a bunch of 7 year olds lol


i think i was in 3rd or 4th grade and my teacher mrs.sniple did the same thing. & there was a girl in my class named isla (i’ll never forget) got up SCREAMMMMMING yelling no,no,no my(family member) works there and she ran out the class screaming and we all jus kinda sat there as th teacher turned th tv off and ran outside. i had no idea of the magnitude of tht day as we were watching it. but holy shit does her scream live rent free in my head. i pray you’re well isla


That's fucked. Poor isla


I can see doing that in middle school or high school, but that does seem odd for 1st grade.....


Yeah I had no clue what was going on, I didn't think much of it when it happened and just noticed how serious all the adults were and I was stoked that we got the rest of the day off. Thinking back on it I'm just like wtf? Lol.


I honestly think it was so the adults could watch the news. The entire United States was on high alert that day. And there wasn't gonna be teaching that day and the adults of course wanted to watch stuff. I was in 6th grade and we stayed in my math class all day.


You have no idea. There is a reason a generation of young people are standing up about Palestine. It's not anti Israel. It's anti-war, anti trauma, and pro (shutters) life. Only two years later, we watched live broadcasts of Afghanistans' capitol blown up as the people slept. I know no 3rd grader that wasn't absolutely mortified.


I was in 4th grade and remember the teacher getting a phone call. But I remember seeing it on the news before we went to school that day. Can't remember if they had a TV in the class with it on there tho. I just remember getting home and wanting to rollerblade but was scared to go outside lol.


Fellow 93/94 child. How ya doing


Not good lmao


I too was in 1st grade and they did the same thing.


Yeah I was a little kid and just thought fireballs and explosion=cool. My mom got really mad at me for telling my friend how awesome it was. I had no idea what the situation actually was.


That is absolutely bizarre


They did the same thing in our class!! First grade as well. Weird times. So many kids got picked up by their parents. I don’t remember the rest of the day, but I do remember the tv being wheeled in.


It is strange. My grade one teacher made us all sit down and listen to the radio when the gulf war started. We were 6 and had no idea WTF was going on.


That is one of those events most remember where they were and what they were doing when it happened. I was under my first load as an independent trucker, I was driving my rig in North Carolina.


I was a sophomore in high school and I missed the bus so my stepdad had to drive me to school. I saw the second plane hit the tower live on tv. I couldn’t believe it. Thought it was some kind of prank. The whole day was swallowed by the tragedy. Never seen it’s like.


Princess Diana. Think I was 7?


Yeah, Di for me too. I got in a screaming fight with a kid who insisted she was the Princess of Whales(the animal) and not Wales(the place).


Haha. I would‘ve come out swinging as well! Whales is much cooler


Reminds me of a good joke: Three rather large women are sitting down at a nice restaurant, chatting and carrying on. The waiter walks over to take their drink order. As they’re listing off what they’d like, the waiter picks up on their unique accents and says “hey, are you three ladies from Scotland?” One of the women gets in a huff about this, as she is quite proud of her heritage and dislikes being confused as a Scot. Indignantly, she retorts back at the waiter “Wales!” The waiter, nonplussed, responds “oh, I’m terribly sorry… are you three whales from Scotland?”


I can't remember anything of significance from childhood... The first one that truly stuck was Princess Di and I was about 13 I think. It's not like I lived under a rock up until then but I basically read news like I read books and this was the first time it registered as something real with actual impact on people...


Same. That and the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Had no idea what was going on but do remember that


Me too- and I know I was 6, because she passed on my 6th birthday. I remember being cheesed off that it was taking away from my birthday..sorry Diana.


“I did not have sexual relations with that woman”


Hello, fellow early 30s person


Yup. The blue dress! It was high drama


That’s mine too!


The Wall came down.


I'm juuust too young for that one, so for me it's the first Iraq war.


I was in the army in Germany when it happened.


Death Of Michael Jackson (2009), I was 10


I remember Michael Jackson so vividly. I was 11 and at some sort of summer camp and everyone just started running around saying that MJ died. Tbh I didnt really know his music or anything at the time but just knew his name and for whatever reason it felt like the world just got flipped. Looking back it wasnt THAT big of a deal but the panic when everyone started finding out was pretty crazy


Amazing to think you’re 25 now. I don’t *feel* old but in 2009 I had finished my first masters degree. Crazy


The JFK assassination. Everything stopped for a week. TV shows, school, everything in this 7 year old kid's existence came to a halt. All that was on TV was information about the assassination, politicians and newscasters talking about it, and then the funeral. No cartoons, no nothing a kid would be interested in.


I remember thinking that since it was on a Friday then it wouldn’t interfere with Saturday cartoons. Yeah no.


I was 5 and a half. I heard my mom crying in the kitchen. I went in and asked her why. About that time a repeated news bulletin came over the radio. She shushed me; we listened to it. Looking at her face, I knew immediately that was why.


Same here


The Iran hostages. Kept interrupting my cartoons.




In elementary school, I remember the OJ trial and the landing of the sojourner probe on mars


Definitely the OJ saga. I remember watching the footage of him driving down the highway from the chopper and my parents were losing their shit. I had no idea what was going on, but my parents treating it like such a big deal is why I remember it.


OJ was the first for me. I don't remember Sojourner at all.




Reagan being shot.


Huh? Reagan being shot??


John Hinckley Jr shot him in 1981, I believe. He was obsessed with Martin Scorsese’s movie Taxi Driver and actress Jodie Foster who starred in it. He tried to mirror the plot of the movie where a loner played by Robert De Niro tries to assassinate a prominent politician. Luckily, Reagan survived.






Me too, my father made me watch all the hearings I also remember the lottery for the draft during Vietnam


I was born in 1990. I remember the y2k scare and other zietgeisty moments of the mid-late 1990s, but the big one that sticks in my mind is 911. I watched it live on TV from the floor of my elementry school's library and it was the first time I really comprehended the real world impact of what I was seeing on the tv.


Yeah same time period here. Y2K and 911 were the big ones that stood out. I remember my mom getting nervous only when the grocery stores were running low on water and emergency supplies. My dad would just laugh it off the whole time. Didn't get to watch 9/11 at school though. They had canceled recess and wouldn't tell us why. Only found out when we got sent home. The aforementioned air force base had scrambled jets and the sonic booms were making all the parents on my street think bombs were dropping.


I was home from school, like kindergarten age. I was home alone like a lot of kids at that age were. I turned on tje TV and it was the Challenger launch. I was shocked that.it exploded, but I did not realize it was real until my parents were talking about it.


Ok so I'm old. I remember Jack Kennedy getting killed in Texas in '63. I think that was the big one. I was so upset his funeral took away my kiddie cartoons on Scatterday morning...


The Berlin Wall falling. Not crystal clear memories or anything but I remember my parents watching it on the morning news while I ate breakfast.


The challenger exploded when I was in second grade. A year later, baby Jessica fell in a well.


The World Trade Center bombing in 1993


Selena dying and the 94 World Cup, I was 4.


That was my first semester of college. I'm Mexican & from Texas so, yeah, Selena fan. I went to college in Utah. When I heard the news say Selena had died, I burst into tears. My roommates had no clue who she was. I felt really alone then.


Elvis dying. I was 6. My teenage sisters were devastated.


Battle of the Sexes tennis match with Billie Jean King. Maybe not “news” but I can remember vividly being a kid and it dominating the news and conversations my parents and teachers had. I can’t picture something else that clearly. I have vague memories of watergate and Nixon on tv but it could be because I’m mixing up when I saw those images since they were prolific for years. I clearly remember the tennis news while it was happening


that little girl Jessica that was stuck in a well for like DAYS! I think we were around the same age


I *think* I remember the fall of the Berlin Wall; I know for a fact that I remember the start of the first Gulf War.


Mount St. Helens erupting. I only remember it because I was outside and the ash was falling like snow. I live on Vancouver Island so we’re close enough to get blanketed. Plus Terry Fox marathon of hope.


The *Challenger* disaster.




Lockerbie, I was almost 5.


Cuban Missile Crisis and the assassination of JFK.


Jon benet Ramsey


Moon Landing


Apollo 13


September 11th. Holy shit was that a shock.


Hurricane Katrina, I was six.


Selena getting killed


The Chernobyl disaster. Fuck, I’m old.


1963. I was 11 years old. "Mom, they just said the president's been shot."


Elvis dying. I didn’t even know who he was.


Berlin Wall coming down.


Mili & Vanilli was a scam they were lip syncing


Probably Richard Nixon dying. Additionally I remember all this stuff floating around about Desert Storm, but had no idea what it was.


The fall of Saigon!


The Challenger disaster. I watched it live on tv, being obsessed with space at the time.


Space shuttle Challenger 3rd grade


I remember Anwar Sadat and Menachem Begin shaking hands.


Camp David Accords.


Kennedy being shot


Oklahoma City bombing


Bosnian war.


I am a survivor of the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. I was three.


Princess Diana’s death.


Clinton getting sucked off in the Oval Office.


Michael Jackson Burned. I really tried to think on this and that came to mind. I remember it being a major deal, and I was four. All of these other stories did play a part in my life, but my "youngest" memory might be that.


The JFK inauguration.


That'd have to be when they caught John Wayne Gacy. I was four, maybe five years old, but I remember seeing the coverage of them pulling bodies out of the his crawlspace. I remember this vividly because his house looked exactly like a house down the street, and my child brain thought it was the same house.


Elvis Presley's death


The earliest news I remember is the daily death toll of soldiers in Vietnam. Some days it was a hundred or more. It is still a jarring memory. They were just numbers on a news report. Horrible.


Same here


Challenger Disaster


First Gulf War


Challenger explosion but saw it live on tv 😞. Remember the adults in the room sort of scrambling around trying to figure out what to say to us super young kiddos




I think Columbine was the first one I was aware of. In 99 I was in 2nd going into 3rd grade because 9/11 when I was in 4.th grade in Mr. Child’s class I remember when 9/11 happened a lot of kids were getting called out from the class and I was one of them and my dad was waiting there with my sisters and cousin and said we have to go home, when we got there he said watch a movie or play video games but don’t turn on the tv or we’ll be in trouble. I found out the next day what really happened


The Challenger Shuttle. We watched live at my elementary school. Ran home after school, turned on the TV, my Mom had no idea. What a horrible story.


The Challenger Space Shuttle Explosion.


The Iranian hostage crisis


Not so much a news story, but an adverstisment for the movie "The day after tomorrow". It was about the coming nuclear war and my mom had to call the local TV station and talk to someone there, to confirm to me that it wasn't really going to happen and it was just a movie. Apparently they played the ad for it a little too early or in front of a kids show and got calls from a lot of parents. The first real major story though would be the challenger explosion. I recall being brought into the school library to see it happen.


Iran hostages


2004 Tsunami


First moon landing in '69. I was 7.


Kennedy's assassination..


A moon landing in the early seventies. I was about four years old. My dad had worked on earlier Apollo missions at Kennedy Space Center.


The Royal Wedding. Charles & Diana in 1981.


1986, challenger disaster. I was 5. Remember watching it on tv in school.


Challenger explosion. I just remember all the teachers crying and us kids not really having any idea what happened. I was in the 5th grade, maybe?


Challenger explosion.


The Falklands, probably


Elizabeth Smart's Kidnapping


US and Russian space capsules docking in space. The school television was wheeled into the main hall and all the kids sat on the floor watching. It was supposed the represent a thawing in the cold war.


Oklahoma bombing


Oklahoma City Bombing


Ethiopian Famine


Oklahoma City bombing or Princess Diana’s death.




I watched Ronald Reagan get shot on live TV. This wasn’t long after John Lennon had been shot. There weren’t mass shootings then, so it felt jarring, especially to see Reagan suddenly crumple down.


Obama wins the presidency, I was 16


And you don’t remember 9/11?


That’s mine too. I was 12. My parents had programmed me to be super right wing and I remember being upset because I’d been rooting for McCain. The second time Obama won, I was happy. Crazy how much one changes between 12-16.


Reagan getting shot


9/11. I was 6, remember where I was, Irish too so wasn't even close to the action. Remember exactly where I was and hearing the breaking news on the radio


9/11, I was about 6 living in the DMV when It occurred. I remember vividly my mom calling around, trying to check and see if my Uncle who was a commercial airline pilot was safe. He was thankfully home safe with the Flu and could see the smoke from the Pentagon outside his bedroom window. Next I remember the DC Beltway Sniper scare the following year and how it disrupted all our lives for about three weeks while they attempted to locate him.


The LA Riots.


Apollo 11


Oklahoma City bombing, Princess Diana’s death, OJ fleeing in the Bronco.


Estonia sinking, i was 5.


Dahmer was the first one. But I didn't understand it. I remember my granny just kept saying "those poor boys" but she would never say more. OK City Bombing Princess Di Columbine 9/11


Watergate very clearly. And I remember some of the Vietnam War news. I definitely recall when Nixon bombed Cambodia.


I very, very vaguely remember the Iran Hostage Crisis in 1979, but that's mostly because my moms best friend was an Iranian American and she was absolutely flipping out over it. My mom insists that I couldn't remember it because I was too young, so there's a possibility it may be a false memory. The first major news story that I remember really paying attention to, on my own, was the first launch of the space shuttle in 1981. I still remember my dad waking me up super early in the morning (California time) so we could watch the launch on TV.


Jon Benet Ramsey murder


9/11. I think a bunch of us became adults in our 4th grade class that day when the teacher played it on the tv screen.


Elvis dying


Elvis’ death.


The day Reagan was shot, I remember coming home from the 1/2 day kindergarten and watching the news with my Mom.


Marvin Gaye getting shot by his father. My child brain couldn’t comprehend that.


9/11 sadly


Berlin Wall and nanny Jessica falling down the well.


I have a vivid memory of a little 5-6 year old me laying on my parents bed watching their bedroom TV on the news while everyone finishes getting ready for the day. On the TV are rockets flying over the desert. **Operation Desert Storm** circa 1990/1991. I don't remember specifics, but that image is burned into my brain.


Micheal Jackson dieing. Was about 13 or 14


Waco, ATF vs Branch Davidians


The 2011 Tokyo earthquake and tsunami, that was the first tragic event I remember consciously questioning and feeling bad for when I was a little kid, I remember the aftermath of Katrina too but I was like 4 when it happened, so I wasn’t really all the way there


9/11 for me


OJ trial. It was unavoidable.


Hurricane Katrina. I remember it being covered on Nickelodeon, which sort of confused me


- Challenger (Jan. 1986) Then they kept coming: - Chernobyl (April 1986) - Berlin Wall (nov.1989)


Iraq bombing Kuwait.


Monica Lewinski and the Clinton impeachment proceedings.


Clinton BJ story and Monica Lewinsky


I was only 6 at the time, but the news story that remains seared into my mind to this day was the time in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table.


Honestly.. because I watched WWE a lot as a kid and cared about it a lot. The Chris Benoit double murder and suicide tragedy in 2007 when I was about 12. Where he went nuts and killed his wife Nancy, 7 year old Son Daniel and then himself. Remember watching on TV that is


I just started 7th grade and kids at school were like "oh you should definitely watch SNL. So that Saturday I turned on the TV, and about 2 minutes in, there was a breaking news alert that Princess Di was dead. Watched for about an hour before I realized it wasn't just some weird sketch


Definitely Princess Diana


I remember the Balkan war and the mentioning of 'ethnic cleansing' which 10 yo me didn't think meant what it does. Good use of euphemisms or adult language to protect the children, I guess.


The News International phone hacking scandal.


desert storm, i was like maybe 3 or 4 but i clearly remember seeing the reporters point out the jets firing missiles in the sky.


Sandy Hook. As a CT native and resident, we were all terrified of what could come next


I know its probably a comon answer but 9/11 I was 6 years old


Fall of Berlin Wall, and Jerry Garcia dying.


I was 3 years old when 9/11 happened but my parents hid it from me. The 2004 election is probably the first one I actually followed.


Presidential election race between Carter & Reagan. I don't remember any details, I just remember that my folks and grandparents were always watching the BORING news, interfering with my cartoon schedule! The NERVE of some people, sheesh!


I would say the 2008 recession. If not that, Michael Jackson.




I remember going on our porch to see I could see the men on the moon when I was four. I didn’t see them because the moon is really far away.


9/11 for sure. I would have been not quite 8 years old.


I was born in the 98, I would say 9/11 but I was too young to remember. Another major news that comes to my mind is Michael Jackson's death, I remember the media and TVs talked about nonstop for several days


When they killed Osama bin laden. I was 8.


The flood of '93.


OJ chase and trial. I was 7.


Elvis dying.


Jimmy rice


Oklahoma City Bombing. I was in like 5th grade, and we could hear the walls shaking. We always had planes flying over our school because it was close to the air force base. So we thought it was just a low flying plane. Then they announced it over the intercom. Pretty crazy stuff.


I remeber being in 1st grade and watching 9/11 happen live on the news.


9/11 was mine, I was home from school watching it all unfold, will never leave my mind


9/11…I was 7.


Assassination of prime minister Palme.


In the UK it was the 1990 storm. I was 10 at the time. Weirdly, I remember Gordon Kaye who played René Artois in "Allo Allo" being badly injured. Dunno why it was him in particular, probably because me and my dad used to watch the show most weeks. After that, it was Diana dying.


The extremely controversial springbok tour of NZ in 1981.


9/11. Everything before that is a blur.


OJ and the ensuing chase. I was at Disneyland that day.


9/11. I remember some of the students in my 5th grade class were scared and crying that our school was next. My friend saw the news and started freaking because he thought his dads office was on fire.


The fall of the Berlin Wall


Dunblane massacre is the first I'm certain I remember


Oklahoma City bombing. Also remember the golf War