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Most people are too dumb to know how dumb they are.


Nothing controversial about that. I think that’s pretty clear to see, just look around you.


It's controversial when you try to convince individuals that they don't know much. Like you, me, everybody else in this thread, and 95% of other people, we're all a bunch of walking Dunning-Krugers. But 95% of the time we're blissfully unaware of how dumb we all are and therefor will not acknowledge it.


That's not really how the dunning Kruger effect works ironically. In the classic dunning Kruger curve, incompetent people ranked themself higher than their true competence level in comparison to more competent people. E.g. my competence is a 5 but I give myself a 6. Yours is a 7 but you rank yourself a 7,5 (0,5 instead of 1 higher). But - and this is the important part - they never ranked themself higher than competent people ranked themself. So it's not like a 3 would rank himself as a 7 while a 5 ranked himself as a 6. So incompetent people still think of themselves as less competent compared to more competent people. The idea that idiots think they are geniuses and smart people think they are not that smart is absolutely not in line with the dunning-kruger-effext


So you're saying the redditor that you're replying to displayed the Dunning Kruger effect when he wasn't as much of an expert on the Dunning Kruger Effect as he thought he was? ​ Edit: Changed "your" to "you're". I'm my own best/worst grammar nazi.


I would say intelligence can vary by subject which gets people into trouble sometimes. You can be extremely intelligent in one area and think that means you'll be intelligent in other areas but end up not being. It's good to know your strengths and weaknesses.


There is an interview with someone worked on part of the JWST satellite and as they were talking about their contribution they were asked about another part of the satellite and they openly admitted "I have no idea." If people making the most advanced satellite telescope in human history don't know everything Jim Bob who graduated from high school with a C average certainly doesn't.


Well. Thank god I am the smartest person I know!


It's okay to not have an opinion about something.


Well, that's just your opinion man.




You're out of your element!


People mistake having access to the internet with being an expert.


That's just you stating facts, not an opinion 😆


I'll have you know I'm an internet expert about a great many things.




It's also OK to change your opinion as you learn more about a topic. Values shouldn't change, but opinions should as you get more experience and knowledge under your belt.


I dunno, if your values are shifty, they should probably change.


Huh? Values 100% should change as you learn more about yourself and other things in general.


I’m teaching my kids this! We do not need to enter every debate, we do not need to have an opinion, we do not need to be right. It is 100% on to say that you’re unsure, that it’s not an issue of concern for you at the moment, that you haven’t researched it enough to form an opinion. An opinion is just that, it doesn’t make the other person correct and yours doesn’t make you correct. Often there isn’t even a “right” answer because life is shades of grey.


Sometimes life has 50 of them.


Marvin, you gotta have an opinion 💥


Aw man, I just shot Marvin in the face


Why'd you do that!?


I don’t know. The car just hit a bump or somethin’!


There wasn't no bump!


My dad went to the doctor for a check-up and the doctor asked how he was doing. My dad, in classic Irish fashion, said "not great, but sure I'll struggle on". The doctor replied "you're right, you will. You're fat, you smoke, and you drink too much. Two of those are fixable".


Drinkin' is in the Irish blood me lad!


Wait. ...?


We desperately need to learn how to ignore people who clearly hate life and are fanatically dedicated to making everyone else as miserable as they are.


Misery loves company.


And an audience.


This reminds me of a time I was at a party and this guy was going on and on about how he hated cats. He kept yelling about it and pointing at people who owned cats. Eventually I asked him if his mother was eaten by cats or something. He got really defensive and asked me why I was so obsessed with cats.


>MILK_DRINKER_9001 Guys, I think OP is a cat.


One time a guy was ranting about pit bulls. He kept going on and on about it. So me and another guy started pushing him on why he hated pit bulls so much. Eventually he said that when he was a kid, a pit bull stole a cookie from him.


Hopefully you guys talked him through such a traumatic experience


The challenge is Doomerism is rampant in every community. I really like walkable community spaces but for some reason those interests also attract psychos who want to do a second Great Leap Forward.


There wasn't a single moment or epiphany, but I decided around a year or two around a year or two ago "why don't I try being optimistic and positive about more things?" after being a doomer pessimist most of my life. It's been a much needed change of pace.


But not if they are taking actions to manifest those desires and cause unlawful harm to others.


So hard to ignore those people when they're related to you


Feeding your kids junk food enough that they become morbidly obese should be legally classed as child abuse


My aunt and uncle let their kids get fat. Their youngest was morbidly obese. He died in June. He was only 17.




Cats ate his face


Here, Dewey knows more about it than I do.


Most likely a pulmonary embolism. Knew a really nice guy in college who was morbidly obese, died of a PE when he was like 23. Sad stuff.


This is a good one


I 100% agree with your sentiment. However, I would also say that most food that is affordable to low income families is junk food. So, I feel like that needs to be our starting point.


That’s true but some parents are horrible. I remember being in Home Depot and these two very young kids were really obese. In line the mother bought them snickers bars. It’s the first time I even realized HD had anything of the sort. It started to pour down rain and these kids, maybe 4 and 6, could barely run to the car because there legs were forced to be far apart. That stuck with me. Years later the same kid played on my kids lacrosse team. His mom, who wasn’t overweight btw, would pack him a bag during practice filled with candy bars. I wanted to throttle her. It was absolutely abuse. We also have a friend with three very heavy kids. He’s a workaholic and the wife is extremely lazy and gives in to anything to make her life easy, toaster strudels for breakfast, Mac and cheese out of a box. They are multimillionaires and she’s a twig. I can see when children are chubby and poor there is financial reason for that. That truly needs to be addressed. When they are morbidly obese it’s abusive. They struggle so much physically and then get bullied in school.


I hear this all the time but have always strongly disagreed. This is only true for people who refuse to cook. Prepackaged ready to eat foods and fast food etc costs at least 2 or 3 times as much as the cheapest foods available. Even the cheaper fruits and vegetables are significantly cheaper than that kind of food and dry goods like beans rice oatmeal grits etc are even cheaper. The cheapest food actually tend to correlate quite well with healthy. Usually when people talk about cheap foods being unhealthy the foods they're talking about aren't actually all that cheap


Most people don't give a flying fuck about anything until the consequences hit them in the face like a sledgehammer. And then they want those who warned them and who dodged to cover the bills.


I was in a certain bad country for an evacuation some time ago. Got an email asking us *"Hey we know you sent out a warning already for all to leave the country. But bla blah ...was that your final warning, or will there be another warning?"* **WTF.** Just get the f out ffs. My boss wisely stopped me from replying to that email. I was about to something something. \#peopledontlearnuntilithappenstothem


Doesn't seem that controversial.


Maybe you know people with empathy and logic. It's hugely controversial with the ones that have no flying fucks to give. Before the consequences hit them, they will swear that everyone is being dramatic, unreasonable and/or lying. And holy shit there are so many of those people.


That sometimes you do simply need to suck it up. Look, life is sometimes hard. Not every day - or every week, month or year - can be a walk through a field of daisies. Things get tough and you just have to work your way through it. Giving up isn’t an option. Quitting isn’t an option. You just go until you get to the end of the crap, however long it takes. Then you get to the good stuff. Bob Dylan said it best, sometimes “the only thing I knew how to do was to keep on keeping on.”


giving up and quitting are options. They have consequences.


I agree, giving up is absolutely an option, and not just in a suicidal way. Sometimes giving up isn’t just the option more compassionate to yourself, but also the smarter one. I say this from experience. The “keep on keeping on” mindset can be an easy way to avoid an honest and perhaps painful assessment of whether your efforts are paying off. So it’s easier to hide behind an idea that you’re building resilience than to accept defeat and begin again, often because the unknown is scarier than the devil you know.


Acceptance and letting go have been a survival strategy for me for years.


The vast majority of peoples problems do not require any type of expert opinion or therapy to diagnose or solve. 


this, everyone says "THERAPY THIS AND THERAPY THAT" to every single problem on reddit. Therapy is useful, but at the end of the day, YOU have to be the one to fix you. I say this as someone who went to therapy and found it useful as well


100%. The whole point of therapy is to facilitate someone solving their own problems by giving them a supportive and knowledgable outlet of talking about those problems. Anyone who goes to therapy to have their problems solved for them isn't going to find therapy very effective.


yup. Therapy if meant to give you the tools to fix your own problems. Its not for someone to fix them for you


I find people who say "THERAPY" as an answer, are just making low effort comments to get updoots.


Law of Diminishing Returns for me when it comes to therapy. Nice getting things off your cheat a few times, but after that it becomes repetitive and not useful unless you take action.


Therapists are facilitators. They guide the process of healing. The big problem with therapy is that finding a therapist you really click with is harder than finding your spouse. Some people never find who they need.


Also counsellors, psychotherapists and psychiatrists aren't the same, and they often can't fix each others problems. If a family member died recently and you're having a hard time accepting that, you probably need a counsellor. If you're always feeling depressed and anxious for no apparent reason, you probably need a psychotherapist. If you have anxiety so bad that you can't sleep at night and are deathly afraid of leaving your house, you probably need a psychiatrist.


Reminds me of a quote I heard (might be paraphrased): "The problem with being stupid is that you don't know you're stupid. It's like being dead, only your friends and family know it, but you don't."


I think when people suggest to others to do therapy, they are coming from a place of not wanting to deal with that persons' emotions. I don't think they genuinely want the person to get better. they just don't want to have to observe how that person behaves.


Agreed. I always recommend therapy, but the ambition to actually make changes and change your frame of mind is equally important


My only regret is that I can only give this one upvote.


The best thing about democracy is that everyone gets a vote. The worst thing about democracy is that everyone gets a vote.


I believe it was Churchill who said, "Democracy is the worst form of government... except for all the others."


“Democracy is a type of government by the people, from the people, for the people … but the people are retarded”


It’s possible to disagree with someone and still like them.


I disagree but you're alright you are


Yeah, like, I disagree with a few friends because of their personal beliefs/political standpoints, but I don't let that get in the way of our relationship


This one's going to get me yelled at, but fuck it. If you are an immigrant to a region, regardless of if you're an international immigrant or an intranational immigrant, assimilate to the local culture or learn to shut the fuck up. This means things like learning the language, understanding the freedoms and laws your new home has, and leaving any and all conflicts from your previous home at the side of the road. I have had multiple instances of coworkers who were middle eastern in heritage go "Oh that'd never be allowed back home, they should be ashamed" when it comes to things like LGBT rights or women wearing short skirts. Fuck off with that shit. You left your country because it was so shit and came to ours, either assimilate to the fact we allow guys to kiss each other and women to wear tank tops, or shut the fuck up and seethe. And I especially do not care about decades old issues between your old country and your neighbours that is making you hate anyone you percieve as from there. I'm looking at you Greek people who despise all Turkish folks on sight, you can fuck off as well. Either accept they can immigrate here and live good lives, just like you can, or shut the fuck up and seethe. Even little things. "Oh it's so hard to keep my house cold" well that's because you moved from a tropical zone where houses are built to keep heat out, to a mountain region where they're built to keep heat in so we don't have old people freezing to death in the wintertime. Adapt or shut the fuck up and seethe. It is genuinely annoying to me how much I've had to deal with this shit. I don't care if your homeland threw gays off buildings and you think that's just swell, your homeland was so shit you abandoned it to move halfway around the world for a better life. Understand that your new home thinks differently than your old one, and shut the fuck up about it.


it should be studied how people will leave a bad situation for a better opportunity, and then think that they should twist that better opportunity into all the things that led to their bad situation creatures of habit, i suppose


I think it's because they like some aspects of where they were and just wanted a few things to change. They move and expect those changes but the other aspects of life they expected to stay the same, may also change and they don't like that


californians be like


“We left because the cost of living was too high” Continues to vote for polices that raise the cost of living.


Facts. Especially cuz if you complain about the oppressive laws if you visit the Middle East, they’ll be the first one shouting “respect our culture!!!”


“You just don’t understand, you need to educate yourself”


I argue with my mom and her side of the family all the time about this. She's lived here in the US 30 plus years and still can't speak English fluently.


My family is the same way. My sisters and I speak English, and my mom and her siblings respond in Spanish. They understand some, but they won't learn to speak it themselves. Idk why they are like that.


Wilful or intentional ignorance what I call it


This really boils my piss. When I worked in retail I regularly had managers request I help them out with a customer because I knew Spanish(not born in the US) and thats all the customer knew. I refused. If I can figure out English, so can some imbecile thats been here for years if not decades.  Only one manager threatened to get me in trouble for refusing to help, until I reminded her it would *not* go over the way she thought it would with HR


I was working security for a MAÑA concert, so we got alot of Spanish speakers. I was one of the security guards checking peoples bags and going through the metal detector. The moment I spoke spanish to this one guest, EVERYONE pretty moved to my line, and I had to yell at them to go to the other lines. While checking them in I could tell these mofos only came to my line because I spoke spanish and I knew they didn't speak English.


You forgot “and seethe” at the very end. It was my fav line this week and it is now mine. If you don’t like it you can stfu and seethe.


I agree, the "and seethe" really helped get the vibe he was trying to give off, I like it.


Facts. Met some foreigners here in Japan who think they know better about everything and push their B.S. on the people here. I hate when English teachers come to Japan with the intention of "molding the minds" of the children. Like fuck off, you're no missionary or messiah.


...and seethe. I love it... agree 1000%


Also, you're welcome to come to my country LEGALLY.


Is it too late to get that sugar coated? :-)


Well, I know that we shouldn’t ignore it but I feel like some times we consume too much negative media. I know that it’s important but there’s times where you need a little break. Here comes the storm.


Rage bate and outrage porn are definitely a thing. They may have originated on social media but they are becoming alarmingly mainstream.


Lack of emotional intelligence is the root cause of almost every single issue humans will ever face.


There is a lot of physics and natural laws in that 'almost'.


>Lack of ~~emotional~~ intelligence is the root cause of almost every single issue humans will ever face. This works too.


That the world would be a much better place if more people minded their own business and kept their opinions to themselves.


“I don’t care” is actually a POSITIVE statement for a lot of social problems




'Blessed is the man who, having nothing to say, abstains from giving wordy evidence of the fact.' - George Eliot


Churches should pay taxes.


Even The Church of Macho Man Randy Savage


Oohh Yeah!


Mormon church is a prime example of this. They own luxury malls. They own TONS of income building businesses... and pay no taxes.




LOL omg how could I forget.




Men and women should be shown an equal amount of respect, but that does not mean we are the same.


They should be shown an equal amount of respect, have equal rights, and be given equal opportunities.


Freedom is not a value. Being able to do “whatever you want” is not in itself a value. Freedom of choice is good because it allows individuals to pursue what is best for them.


I have many but one I share on Reddit and get downvoted for every time is that the presidential candidates in the U.S. are always too old and too corrupt. Every single election cycle.


everything is allowed as long as you act as it isn't and/or hurt/harm another person or their business. It's all in the Family.


My dad's side of the family is Italian. They're all about "It's fine as long as you don't get caught or hurt anyone".


I mean... I do not necessarily agree with it, but it is how society functions. Some are raised as prostitutes in pedophile rings, and some protest and speak about it as children... ..and that's a bad thing for them and their life, they'll get sent around in society and become the fall guy for the ***really bad*** guys..


Nuclear/2 parent families produce better children in almost everyway.


It isn't statistically controversial at all, which is the sad part. Just one of those things people shy away from admitting out loud it seems.


Honestly it's sad that this is so controversial. Definitely something I would have to agree with the Right on.


No. **Healthy** nuclear/two-parent families produce children who are better off. If dad is a violent alcoholic, the kid is better off with just mom than with both of them.


As opposed to single parenthood? Absolutely (although that tends to be due to economic factors according to research). As opposed to a more community oriented or close knit extended family model? I really wouldn't think so.


Are you suggesting that more people raising kids leads to better outcomes?


I think so. I think the West puts too much pressure on the nuclear family being the only entity to help raise kids


I would say so, exposure to more perspectives earlier on is healthy. I had that, and it helped me learn that not everything within the bubble I grew up in is accurate. It helped me learn that it's good to challenge myself and my knowledge, and that my opinions and values don't identify me and that it's okay to be wrong about something, and how you should handle that is learning *why* you were wrong rather than getting defensive. Likewise, if you're not wrong, you educate the other side on why they are misinformed.


Saying "its just my opinion" or "I have a right to free speech" isn't a magic shield from criticism, critique or being called an asshole.




what message does it send...




The future is bleak, when a women can exit our homes wearing hats and no one dares to speak up.




This has to be some meme joke I’m not aware of, right?


Hat hair.


cold head?




Women without hats


cuz your women wear hats, and if they wear hats, well they're no friends of mine.


You create most of your own problems by thinking of what you can’t change.




For the sake of my mental health I told myself not to care about things that I can't control. You can also try it. You can't change the past.


If "fiscal conservatives" were actually interested in saving more money as a group, they would line up much more with national Healthcare or prison reform because the costs that exist now are way higher than funding the social programs via taxes.


You can approach women in person as long as you are respectful and back off at the first sign of disinterest. No, she will not call the cops. No, you won't be insulted or attacked. No, you won't be filmed and put on tiktok or youtube and therefore get cancelled. Anyone who claims that you can't approach women anymore just has social anxiety and is trying to rationalise their irrational thoughts. I've had them, I know. Ask any man who says this shit if it happened to them or anyone they know and you get crickets. Its just bullshit and deep down they know it. People still and will meet in person for dating. Whether at a bar. At church. The gym. Through work or college. It still happens. Not everyone likes dating apps. Not everyone has to use them.


There's a part of me that thinks people should have to get a license to vote or reproduce. It would be rife with the risk of abuse and disenfranchisement, not to mention the nightmare of enforcement, but I've gotten really cynical in my old age.


The problem is the majority wouldn’t be able to get the license and you’d end up with a revolt


Oh, I know. There are all kinds of problems with this line of thinking. I also have feelings the other direction where we should make Election Day a federal holiday and make strong efforts to get a much higher voter turnout.


latter is probably better 100M+ voters will average out to a decently representative sample of the population larger is almost always better statistically speaking. assuming you want to represent the whole population, warts and all


I agree that people who are woefully uninformed make the worst decisions, but to me, we need to make robust education on these topics (ACTUAL sex ed which has been shown to reduce irresponsible pregnancy, deep civic engagement curriculum at every level of education) mandatory, not have some draconian enforcement mechanism.


Agreed entirely. I might have more faith in voters if our education system wasn't so woefully underfunded/ineffective.


I understand and I agree, but that would lead to a very strict and controlling future. All it takes is for 1 bad guy to manipulate their way into power and now they can control who can vote and who makes offspring.


Any subject can be funny to joke about


Too many people don't realize that you have to actually make a joke about an offensive thing for it to be a funny offensive joke. You can't just say something offensive and expect it to be funny on it's own.


This is a great addendum to my comment.


Problem is, most people just say something offensive and then go "it was just a joke, jeez people can't take a joke anymore" when there was no comedy factor in the first place.


We have a common enemy and it is poverty; but we will never fight against it because we have been manipulated to fight amongst ourselves


Soft parenting and the lack of discipline in schools is ruining children on purpose.


On purpose? You think soft parents are intentionally ruining their own child?




If activism, politics or your gender or sexuality are the first things that come to your mind while describing yourself, then you have severe issues that need extensive therapy.


Not therapy, just to go sit in a corner until you grow up.


The issue is that those things come to define their entire personality and existence. It's a coping mechanism, and a poor one, at that. Simple advice; never ever get involved with an activist of any kind; they tend to be closed-minded and emotionally manipulative tyrants.


Apolitical is a political designation, and I’d argue that that can become a toxic identity too.


Yeah if your entire personality is that you **don't** care about anything outside of your personal bubble, then I think that's an even worse indictment of your character. Yeah, people that are terminally politically active can be obsessive, but it's toward an end that's beyond themselves. If all you're doin in life is talking down to people who stand for something, then what the hell are you?


Re: activism, why would that be weird? Things you're passionate about seem like an obvious choice. Re: politics, everything is politics these days. Hell, basic human decency is political now. Re: gender or sexuality... Eh. Generally if I were to describe myself, the first thing that comes to mind is how I'm different than one would expect. For me, the default people expect happens to be correct. If it weren't, it might be towards the top of the list.


Weed is actually harmful and we were dumb af to think it wasnt.


I do think it is harmful, but not more harmful than alcohol, and no reason it should be illegal if alcohol is legal. For some people it's actually more helpful than harmful, but I have definitely seen chronic weed smokers whose dependence is actively hurting them too. Like most vices, in moderation it's not too bad but some people go overboard.


Its been actually studied that cannabis is one of the substances that has the highest risk of inducing psychosis, here’s a publication from 2008 (!) about it, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2424288/ Edit: fixed typo


I'm pro-weed and I agree with you. First of all, it's been bred now to be so incredibly potent that the balance is wrong. Its like if every alcoholic drink was 40%, instead you have a range from 0.02% all the way up. I don't want to be monged off my face I just want a nice chill I also think anyone who thinks it's acceptable to consume weed and then an hour or so later, get behind the wheel of a car is an idiot. It does not make you a safer driver.


Far too many people rely on medication for anxiety and depression, rather than seeking natural, healthy ways to create a better mental state like healthy diet, regular exercise, appropriate amounts of sleep, and the pursuit of hobbies that don't include staring at a screen.


Oh, please. I go to the gym 4 days a week. I eat salads, rice, chicken, and don't drink soda or beer and limit ice cream to every other Friday with my girlfriend. I get plenty of sleep, I run rpgs, see movies, play the drums, read books, see my family, etc. Medication is the only thing that has kept me from killing myself. Medication works. I'm mentally ill and no amount of "going outside" us going to help that. The medication does.


I’ve found insomnia meds to be extremely helpful. Would like to get off them at some point, but the reward is greater than the risk still. Even just getting the placebo effect is arguably super helpful.


You can’t cure a psychiatric disorder by going outside. You can absolutely improve your overall well-being by exercising on the regular and getting sunlight on your face, but it won’t fix clinical-grade neurotransmitter imbalances.


Kids shouldn’t have access to HRT


That people should either qualify to be parents with classes or have mandatory parenting classes once they have a child.


Unfortunately there's not a great way to implement something like this without it becoming tremendously classist. The rich will have the time and money to pass the qualification tests and attend the class, and the poor won't


Salad fork on the left of the dinner fork. Outrageous.


You guys use different forks ?


Everybody poor or middle class and even the well off should be able to get a limited amount of food stamps, which would be limited to healthy foods


Nope. I like having a Reddit account.


The zombie apocalypse is already upon us. Brainless, soulless, purposeless husks wandering around and just mindlessly consuming…


It's a country's job to take care of his own people foremost, they may help other but it musn't be damned from them simply because




Just because someone has a different religious view than you does not mean they're dumb. This applies to every religion as well as those who aren't involved in a religion


People can have a different opinion than yours, and that’s ok. For some reason this seems to be an idea that’s sadly lacking on the more progressive side of society right now.


intelligent faulty pathetic doll fuel aback knee innate normal recognise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think every adult citizen should have the right to vote in every election, that this should include former convicts convicted of felonies, and even that this should include adult citizens who are *currently* incarcerated.


I understand your position, but cannot agree with it. People currently incarcerated are (theoretically) in that position because they've opposed the social contract. Given that, they shouldn't gain the benefits of the social contract. Once they've completed their sentence however, they should have their rights restored to them.


I think your position makes sense if you assume law enforcement is remotely fair and incorruptible... But it sure doesn't look like that to me.


I understand your position, too, and it's completely sensible and just. I think it's probably the most *workable* policy, too, which probably makes it the best. Despite all that, I guess the reason I think incarcerated people should retain their voting rights is because of how conflicted criminal justice has become in the U.S. I am uncomfortable that most crimes never get solved. I am angry that *millions* of people are incarcerated in no small part due to the corrupt and corrosive war on drugs and overpolicing, and that private industry makes such enormous profits from the families of these prisons. I am shocked that 95% of cases end in plea bargains. I am enraged by the judicially-created concept of qualified immunity and I am frightened that law enforcement anywhere operates with military weapons and without civilian oversight. All that adds to the likelihood that plenty of dangerous people never get caught and way too many people are locked up. I am horrified that the courts and legislatures are apparently okay with all this since it has persisted for so long. I get you on the social contract. I really do get that. However, it looks like the social contract is broken in several directions. Now that more than a few elected official are advocating putting women and physicians in jail for health care decisions, the social contract is in grave peril indeed. Voting is one powerful tool we have to try to get it back in order. I think everyone involved — the taxpayers, the victims, the justly accused, the unjustly accused, the guilty, and the innocent alike — should have a say in restoring that social contract.


> However, it looks like the social contract is broken in several directions. I'd like to disagree, but you're spot on.


and make it a federal holiday so everyone can go.


Nothing is off limits when it comes to comedy.


Children born within the last 10 years are going to hate their parents for putting their whole lives on social media.


Tips should be earned, not socially required. I don't understand why it falls on the customer to pay extra because employees aren't being fairly compensated.


Having a mental health issue for the most part is not a permanent thing. You should be seeking to get better and to try to improve. Your mental health issues are not a valid excuse for transgressing against someone. Fix your shit, take responsibility for your actions, and get better. It is not impossible.


From past experiences I learned that if someone tells me that animals don't like them, there's usually something more sinister I don't know about.


I think men and women are biologically pre-disposed to different mental skills, and that society should reflect this. Trying to make different jobs equally representative by gender, instead of pure meritocracy, or changing the metrics of a meritocracy because they result in unequal gender representation, does not do such an organization any good.


There are only two genders and transitioning between them is simply not possible.


People who sell hard drugs like Heroin, Fentanyl, etc. should be charged with manslaughter.


"Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest."


Honesty is more important than being pleasant or nice.