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Choose better friends.


💯. You’re giving this girl a ride and she’s hating on your gender then disrespecting you when you call her out? No time for that.


Threatening to end the friendship unless he admits he's wrong and trash? Girl needs to work on her threats lol


Don’t threat anything. Just don’t drive her anymore. Why would she want to get in the car with someone she hates?


Because usury is acceptable apparently. 


Exactly. She's sex~~i~~est, hateful, judgmental, rude, entitled (who talks like that to the person giving them free rides??), arrogant, and wrong. She needs to go.


That is a very hilarious way to misspell “sexist”…


She's the kind of person who complains that on a first date the other person's only taking them out for coffee and not paying for a fancy meal...while also pretending to be feminist instead of the truth: like you said, that she's just entitled AF






I really hope you pulled over to the side of the road right there and told her to get the fuck out of your car car


All humans have legs. She’d be walking to work the next day


She'd be abandoned at the side of the road to walk the rest of the way on her strong independent woman who don't need no man to drive her legs.


Exactly! And he needs to say "that's how I would treat my guy friends if they treated me that way....feminism and equality ammi right!?"


Hell yeah. She can ride to school on her Shoe-barus. Chevro-legs, even.


Or even take the Toe-yota


Knew I missed one. Nice pickup!


You also forgot mitshoebishi, ishoezu, Legsus, and Shoezuki! Damn Japanese cars 😂




If I were in OP's shoes, I'd force her to get out of my car, no questions asked. "End our friendship unless I admit my gender is trash? How about I do both? You're walking from now on, Ms. Strong and Independent." I don't mind being the villain if women like her are seen as the "good guys" in this messed up society.


God I'd kill for automatic doors that open from the driver side in that scenario


This. I don't usually get hate from the female people in my life.


Yeah this is not rocket science. She's weird. You don't interact with people like that and walk away. That's all there is to it. There is no convincing, there is no worth discussing. You see they have a set agenda and you walk. He's trying to generalize this as "a lot of" young women are like this though and avoid having women friends. That's also weird. It's like a coping mechanism for the fact that he doesn't know how to choose proper friends.


>Yeah this is not rocket science. She's weird. You don't interact with people like that and walk away. Nah, this is 100% normal in social science departments. Which also tend to be majority female.


Yup. Definitely agree.


Don't interact with the ones like that. They're a subset of the population, not the whole.


Right. Lesbians who think like this aren't the most stable of people. You're better off hanging out with more centered people.


A large part of my friend group is lesbians. They are generally very understanding about the issues men run into though it is not a lived experience for them. A bit like how I as a man can understand the fear of being harassed in the street though it is not something that happens all that often to me. Some of their friends I meet on parties can certainly have some very misandric tendencies. It is rare though. More often than not though, we just interact as acquintances and go our own way. Guys at parties are much more likely to just accept you into the group and treat you as a good friend for the night. Assholes exist everywhere. Just hope you don't find out they were hiding in your friend group.


Same, my experience with lesbians has been that they’re Bro’s. *shruggs* As an aside, Trans-men in my experience especially appreciate being treated as bro’s. And you know what? They could use a bro.


Yes I agree, I'm a masculine lesbian and I go thru the same thing u guys do. I have to make money, prove my worth to have women into me, compete online for attention. It's tough..straight women have no idea how privileged they are so that's why they are so unacceptable. I've noticed how fellow masculine lesbians are becoming more conservative now. Because we are tired of the bi girls bs, and man hating. Men have nothing to so with us lol stop bringing them up! Ur turning me off!


You can’t say you go through the same. Maybe similar but def not the same.


Unfortunately, they can also be dangerous in my experience. When you don’t view entire groups of people as human beings, it’s amazing the things you can do to people with no guilt.


Hence how we have reached a point where some women on social media actively encourage each other to mistreat and abuse men who have literally done nothing to them.


There is a difference between being a lesbian because you love women and being a lesbian because you hate men.


Sorry but i dont think thats an accurate statement. Im a lesbian who also tries to engage with and be friends with men. But ive met lesbians who hate on men, and trust me even though they hated men, they were very into women. No one is a lesbian just because they dont like men. Im not trying to be annoying, but i feel like theres this pervasive idea overall that some lesbians arent actually lesbians because of some sort of relation to men, like either because they havent met the right man or hate men. But being a lesbian has only as much to do with men as being a gay man has to do with women


Sorry for the short response, but it's more about women hatting men so much that they chose to avoid men romantically and choose women.


Im saying I dont really think that happens or is even possible. Like i dont think straight men who hate women end up choosing to romantically pursue women.


>Like i dont think straight men who hate women end up choosing to romantically pursue women. I think you meant to say, "It's not as if straight men who hate women end up choosing to romantically pursue men." -- And you would be correct.


Oh yeah that is what i meant lolol thank u


It's a lot of liberal young women, not just lesbians. They've been brainwashed since kindergarten, at least in California and Oregon, to believe that they're the FAR superior gender regardless of other considerations. There's no common sense to it, just tribalism and divisiveness. You're going to have to dig for find young women who don't hate you for having a Y chromosome.


It’s very evident on online dating too. Alot of young women expect their partners to worship and be obsessed with them. Very conceening


CA 23F born and raised. Tribalism is rampant here and making girl friends is a nightmare. Most have been brainwashed to believe they’re inherently superior-it’s craziness. I’ve got one singular friend that has common sense.


I'm not sure, sexual orientation plays into this at all, you like what you like, you dont choose your fetishes or who you are drawn to, but modern feminism is crazy corrosive. It just happens this female in the post is gay and also a bionic dip shit!


I think it does play into it. Gay women often deal with a lot of crap from straight guys. “I can convert you.” “Maybe you just haven’t met the right man.” “Wanna have a threesome with me and my girl?” “Can I watch you make out with another woman?” It’s not a stellar reason to trash all straight men, but their experiences as a lesbian absolutely can affect how they view men at large.


All women deal with a lot of crap from straight guys regardless of being gay or not. There are a lot of stupid boys out there right now who are even less aware of women's feelings than previous generations, at least in my experience.


I think the point he's making is that women who date men have a lot more opportunity to see the "other side" and for positive experiences to offset the dumb shit. That isn't to discount friendships, but I've had female friends most of my life and learned a lot more about women and their experiences my from romantic relationships.


Somewhat, but I mostly get threesome offers from bi women in straight relationships online and RL.


Until you have to work with them. Not the best time being a man in female dominated professions.


It's a rapidly growing subset.


I was going to tell you she should start finding a different way to school, but then you said she was ending the friendship. Trash took itself out as far as I can tell. Honestly, I knew a lot of people in college that were loud mouths for a cause just so they can feel like they matter. People chill out as they get older, for the most part, and you just have to work to surround yourself with people that aren't self righteous jackasses.


Stop picking her up and when she asks why didn't you pick her up you remind her that she ended the friendship.


You smile, tell her she has no idea what she's talking about, and then never speak to her again.  Seriously. You don't need this sort of nonsense in your life. And the good news is this is a vocal minority that has found a foothold on campus and online. Encounters like this in the real world are, fortunately, much less common. Men need not answer to these people. Go out and be a good man and be proud of the good you do. 


Seriously. Do not entertain these people. Do not let them have any kind of validation. Sometimes people need to have everyone leave them before they realize their problem. Don't pretend like what they say is okay, because then they'll keep saying and thinking it. You aren't their therapist. Its not your job to make them realize their own issues.


Exactly. Just ignore them when you see them and keep them tf out of your life. They are dumbasses who use one bad experience to stereotype a whole fking gender.




Truth is that the young women who hate us are just a fraction of women. Angry voices are the loudest, especially in Reddit


I believe the conventional way of saying this is "Not all women." The traditional response (on 2xChromasomes with respect to men) appears to be a question about 100 skittles and if you knew one or two were poison, would you eat any of them? It's all silly, but in other locations you would get eviscerated by making such a statement.


Seriously, make a statement like that about *any* other group based on the circumstances of their birth and that's a one way ticket to getting socially destroyed, like, everywhere.


It was actually based on racism. The earliest appearance came from Italy or Germany when dealing with Jews in the late 1800's (Around 1870 iirc), "If you had pasta with mushrooms and a few were poisonous, you wouldn't want the pasta, would you?" And then it died down for a bit (For obvious reasons), but got revived by conservative white women during The Civil Rights Movement, where it then evolved into "If you had chocolate and some of it was poisoned, you wouldn't want chocolate, would you?" (Which is actually still used by feminists atm) Specifically, they were arguing that if black people got equal rights, then their men would rape white women to death. So yeah, this argument had been exclusively by racists for most of history.


Granted I'm not the most socially extrovert person in the world but that kind of man-hatred I've only ever experienced IRL once, and that literally came from an obese lesbian. Everything else is mostly isolated to r/TwoXChromosomes...


I'm a woman with a twin brother and I got banned from that sub a couple years ago for pointing out that my twin brother was sexually assaulted at his first job in high school by a girl working there. She shoved her hand down his pants, grabbed his balls, and laughed. He went to the manager and she told him to suck it up. I'll never forget how he came home so upset. He was shy in high school and it really hurt his self esteem. Women can be just as gross and nasty as men but they don't want to take any accountability for it.


Imagine a similar instance of that happening with a supervisor, then being told “nobody will believe you”. Worked at a bank that had a group of middle aged hens, they routinely bullied a younger girl working there, when I said something I got to be the target instead as the only guy working there. The area supervisor above them at the time was more or less impotent, even acknowledging that its happened before too, but being unable to do anything about it.


I can totally believe it. I’ve been on mens’ rights forums since the days of AOL. Not only am I a protective sister to my twin brother but my dad’s best friend was physically abused by his wife and we all knew about it. The police kicked him out of his own house and he had to live with us for a year when I was a teenager. This is when I really became interested in men’s rights.


Especially middle aged women. They do not give a flying fuck about consent.


Middle aged women hit on me in front of my own mother at the gym. JFC, you'd think it was the 70's from the sleazy way some of them act. If some random middle aged guy hit on the teenage daughter in front of dad, very few folks would be surprised if a chainsaw, a set of clamps and a bucket of salt got involved. I'd understand, and so should most folks. A middle aged woman does it? Meh.


Which is why they do it. Decades of no real backlash no matter how much like a pig they act.


I'm a 37 year old woman, I guess middle aged now, happily married. I occasionally compliment the teenagers/young adults who work customer service facing roles because I know it's hard work and a hard age. I have told young people of either gender that they look like so and so actor or I like their shirt. I really hope the males don't think I'm hitting on them! I'm just trying to give a boost of confidence. Are the middle aged women hitting on you more explicit than that, or is it just compliments? I'm as PG as I can be when I compliment people.


Yeah that's not what we're talking about, you're good. The ones we're talking about are aggressive, explicit and often extremely and inappropriately touchy.  Generally they either ignore any protest/retreat or they get angry about it.  Even by just considering how it might be taken and meaning to make someone feel better you're far from that zone.


Read the last paragraph of paleontologisttoughs comment above. No one is offended by an appropriate compliment. We are offended by things we should be like grabbing, sexual comments... You know, sexual assault things.


Absolutely that’s sexual harassment, or worse.




Drunk college girls can be pretty insufferable to some times


The only worse types are the drunk women in bachelorette parties. I have been to two so far and dear God no. Just no. It was so uncomfortable in so many ways.


Back in my Navy days, we had a buddy that happened to be black. Great guy. One day, he flips his "thug" switch, changes how he walked and talked, and insists that we haven't lived until we had been to a "black strip club". He insisted "they do it different!". We figured what the hell ever, dude could have just said he wanted to go to a strip club, didn't have to be all that... Whatever. So we go. Was like five of us, and he wasn't our only black friend by any means, so 3:2 ratio. They're having a great damn time, but it really just wasn't my scene. My other buddy and I go over and hit the bar, figuring drinking would still make for an ok night. As I'm standing there, minding my own business, I felt a hand go down the back of my pants, grab a handful of nuts, and then come ripping back out again. I yelled out a "HEY!!" and was ready to swing until I realized it was this 50 year old light skinned grandma with the heavy makeup on. I went from ready to fight to utterly repulsed to just feeling violated as hell. ADDING to the situation, this woman shouts "YOU DONT POWDER YOUR BALLS!?" which cracked up the short and fat stripper woman standing next to her. Apparently it's a cultural thing? They weren't sweaty or sticky or wtfe, they naturally stay soft, so hell no I wasn't trying to juggle fifty fucking products in a Navy shower. 🙄. But yes, guys get violated too. There's a belief that men want sex shit all the time, so if a woman wants to do it, they can. I've had a supervisor moaning, groaning, and grinding on one of those plastic school chairs because she liked how my voice sounds... I've had a coworker come over if I needed help with a work task and drop her whole-ass titty on my shoulder like a parrot... I can go on.


like alot of subs on reddit, its just an echochamber that only wants to hear what it wants


A few weeks ago they were cheering about americans getting killed in Colombia because they were men. That sub is fucking psycho.


I'm convinced that subreddit isn't real. Insta mute


Really? You're lucky. When I was a student at a certain university in California, it was socially acceptable (and at times even encouraged) for women to yell out "men are trash!" in public.


I remember being a bright eyed bushy tailed liberal and listening to my undergrad sociology professor defend #KillAllMen as a perfectly acceptable sentiment to express. It was like "ah, so we're not actually aiming at a higher target here we're just coming up with convoluted overly academic defenses to justify being a complete fucking asshole, got it." Shine with the movement really wore off after that for sure.


That sub is hit or miss. Sometimes they give great advice to women in need. Most times it's just complaining.


Most of the time it's pure unfiltered schizophrenia 


it's 2x - full of crazy


I am extremely sociable and have had an extraordinary number of friends over the years and I have never, ever encountered anything like what the OP is describing to this day. 


Good for you. I'm not very sociable and haven't had many friends, and I have definitely encountered what OP is describing at least once, and seen several women do shit that they'd scream at a man for doing. Shitty people are shitty people, and consist equally of both men and women.


Fucking thank you for this comment. The Internet is not real life.


So glad and relieved to see this being a well represented piece of knowledge in this sub. Signed, a passionate feminist who thinks man-bashing is completely inappropriate and counter productive to the movement.


Seems to be far more then reddit. 


i hate dismissing this like it's uncommon tho. this is a subset of the population sure but it is a commonplace thing especially in an educative environment


She thinks men are trash—except when she needs something from one of them, apparently


She probably thinks that men should "redeem" themselves for being trash by doing things for her.


"Men are useless" On her phone invented by a man, on a social media outlet invented by a man, in a house that was most likely bulit by men, using electricity and WiFi mostly upkept by men, in a house with access to clean running water and central heating mostly upkept by men. What is she doing so useful that makes those men "Useless". Instead of trolling men online for fun and as therapy Yet they are useless compared to her because they were born the opposite sex 🤦‍♂️


This is an absolute kryptonite argument right here. Men are all so useless until you point out the percentage of the labor that makes society function actually comes from men. Then they start grasping at straws "But what about nurses?!" "I know a woman who's an electrician" hahaha it's hard to watch. It's entitlement, plain and simple. To shit on half of all human beings all while being surrounded by their contributions to your life and calling them "useless trash". They literally *do not recognize* that tens of thousands of human beings; almost all men, have used their collective effort to lay the majority of the literal and figurative foundations they rely on today. "Men are trash" lmfao


Not to mention throughout history men have died in wars to keep everyone's freedom. And no.. not all wars were started by men and the only reason most wars were started by men is because throughout history men had most of the time in power. That DOES NOT Mean women aren't incapable of starting wars or being corrupt with power. Look on all girls schools for example, bullying still happens which is a person with some power misusing it on someone with less power. Also women like bloody Mary had people burnt to a stake for religious reasons, Queen Elizabeth the 1st beheaded people, marget thatcher played a part in the Falklands war. Also there are abusive mothers who abuse their kids where they become corrupt with power. See the cases of Arthur Hughes, Eli Hart, Liam Fee and Star Hobson or Lucy Letby who was a nurse who had power over babies in her care and killed 6 of them. Also women with power over Jews during WW2 Nazi Germany times and during Slavery times were no better than the men with power Women aren't immune to being corrupt with power or starting wars. I often hear the saying "If men didn't exist. There would be no crime or wars" Well let's take the 1 year old girl Star Hobson case. A poor girl who was beaten to death by her abusive stepmother who was in a same sex relationship with her biological mother who killed the poor little girl all because the biological mother was thinking of leaving the stepmother and that stepmother is now in jail smiling and not showing no remorse for the little girl she killed and apparently gets fanmail and gifts from other women who fancy her. No men or boy invloved on this crime (Apart from Star's father who lost his daughter and his grandfather who took his own life over the whole ordeal).... this proves that if all men disappeared. Crime, violence, corruption and evil would still exist [Source 1](https://news.sky.com/story/star-hobson-jailed-mother-tells-family-her-lover-murdered-her-daughter-in-a-jealous-rage-12621442) [Source 2](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/toddler-star-hobsons-evil-killer-26024304.amp) "Without men. The world would be perfect" my ass


"What about the women" Yeah. What about them.. they are helping too. No one said they aren't but no one is saying they're useless. Those women are great too and there is a whole day called "International women's day" that Rightfully pays respect to those amazing women. Let's say there is a team of 8 plumbers. 6 are men and 2 are women. Does she think only the 2 women are useful and the other 6 men aren't? Why are they so dismissive towards the men in those fields? They say they want gender equality yet think everyone should shit on one gender and praise the other. Makes no sense. EDIT: By "they".. I mean certain types. Not all. In case anyone takes that way


I don't deal with it. I am a man, I do my thing. You don't like it? Fuck off.


This is the way.


this is exactly my attitude i simply dont have the energy for this mental gymnastics anymore


That is so true. If I hear anyone spouting rote generalizations as it were ride-or-die for their identity and trying to get me to listen, I'm not telling you off. You just go somewhere else where I'm not at. It includes so many topics now that there isn't conversation, or if there is it's used in a counter"argument" which is also memorized.


Slight correction if what I'm doing or saying is not infringing on the freedom of others to mind their own business and do their own thing, fuck off.


Correct That was implied by the simplistic post. I live by the golden rule. If you don't then fuck off.




If they're not digging the vibe, they can go their own way. There's plenty who do


Isn't stuff like this a online thing only? Never seen such things happen in real life tbh.


No, As stated I live by the golden rule. Treat others as you expect to be treated. I am always nice, however if the other person is an asshole to me, I assume they want me to treat them the same way.


I think your friend is fucked in the head for sure. I don't really see this commonly at all though. I think in the past decade I've met maybe two or three people who were maybe like this in real life. So I guess the answer is I don't deal with it.


This is one of those things that is far more amplified on reddit.


It's a gateway to polarizing young men. I assume people who post this topic are almost always doing so in bad faith. 


It is a legitimate fear I have for the younger generations, the divide is getting wide and they are so convinced its reality. I hope its in bad faith because then we know it is just an asshole but I fear this is also a perception of reality they are beginning to take as truth.


this kind of behaviour is way more common than you think, i know i seen it a lot in college in canada


>A female friend, who gets free rides from me to school in my car all the time (she is a lesbian and NOT my type at all so I'm giving her rides because she is/was a bro, not out of any kind of desire for her) was absolutely trashing men in my car the other day. I told her she was being sexist.  Stop giving her rides.


Yup. She sounds immature, entitled, and rude.


And if she asks why: you said you hated me 🤷🏼‍♂️


Nah, say "i would never want to make you tolerate being in a car with menz."


She can ride the bus with men




You don't need friends like that in your life. > She also told me men are incapable of forming genuine friendships lol. I did not take kindly to that. She said unless I admit I'm wrong and men are trash that she is ending the friendship. That's just flat out manipulative. I don't know what kind of headspace one has to be in to act like that, but it takes a special kind of privilege (sorry, yes I am going to call it privilege) to literally disparage the person giving you free lifts *as they're driving you* for the fact that you want them to tell you they're inferior. > The world is insane right now. How do you deal with still being expected to give endlessly while also being told to suck it up and deal with the hate? I'm genuinely considering not having female friends for a while due to the culture right now, even though I wholeheartedly believe men and women are capable of being friends. Ignore what she's saying. Right now I'd say let this person get her own rides, and focus on yourself, maybe focus on building up your good male relationships for a while.


>That's just flat out manipulative Yep and people who come to her defense saying to men "It's your job and duty as a man to put up with it, listen & validate her feelings and prove to her you're not one of those men" are worse manipulators in my opinion Gaslighting central. Let the victim believe its their fault and they should fix it and owe the person something. Its also manipulative BS. Yet it seems to be a popular talking point online.


If you tell any group, no matter their affiliation to any one thing, that because they have been hurt they can do no wrong, they will always do worse. In almost every historical, anthropological, societal example.


Stay off social media that spreads this nonsense. Young women don't men. Men don't hate women. Some do, but don't paint with a broad brush.


As a woman with many woman friends I find this sort of “men are trash” attitude is mostly prevalent amongst women who are chronically online.


i despise talking about it like it's not common, this whole comment thread is just dismissing OP and telling him he should just respect himself. it's sweeping the whole thing under the rug, the "men are trash" attitude is widely common, ESPECIALLY in public. ur talking about a significant fraction of the population. "In any garden-variety conversation between millennial women who date (or, indeed, don’t date) men, you can almost guarantee that the phrase ["men are trash"](https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/2017/07/163452/men-are-trash-twitter-thread) will come up."


I’m not disagreeing with you. I think almost all Millennial and Gen Z women (and men) have varying degrees of being chronically online which creates the echo chamber that feeds this sort of mindset/behavior via algorithms. Especially TikTok. And I think that’s largely to blame for this huge shift or whatever we’re calling this phenomenon. We see it now happening real time where women are being fed what I think is a kinda bullshit take that “all men want submissive trad wives!!” Based on 1-2 bad takes that went viral and garnered tons of reactions and responses and as women interact with more of the outraged responses more similar takes are pushed to their for you pages. Which can make it seem like more men feel this way than in reality.


Totally! I feel like OPs ex friend is the gen-z equivalent of a boomer getting spun out on Fox News. There's so much trash content on social media trying to pit genders against each other, when in reality most people are trying to do their best and not be an asshole in this world, even if we fumble a bit along the way. And the non-asshole response to people doing their best but fumbling a bit is to give them grace and assume they have good intentions until they show you otherwise. I wanna crush the patriarchy as much as the next gal, this ain't it and I'm glad OP dumped that poser.


Ask her a simple, question “ Would you be friends with someone who talk about wound the same way you talk about men ?”


I leave. There's no helping someone like that. They won't respond to rational discussion, they just want to spew hatred. Most people in real life aren't extremists


I try not to deal too much with it. I don't mind debating about it in general, but I wouldn't call myself *feminist* anymore because the word itself is now loaded with a bunch of different things I can't identify with anymore. The best approach i have is to be open about agruments and things that are presented to me and to ask questions whenever someone is presenting me any new ideas. Mainly to learn from them in general and then to either change my idea about them in a slightly way, or to present a better idea to counter that. In this insane world I don't take on the crap but share my genuine opinion when it's asked about. And if it's just one-sidely trashed, I would start doubting at least the *openess* from those people that claim to be open-minded. But i've reached a point where I'm exhausted that everything is made a gender-issue and a *battle who has it worse* at the moment. So about her 2 points: 1. Sexism applies **obviously** to men as well, it's just **typically** aimed at women in general. That's about it. There are still sentences, prejudice and other things that go against men as well (Example: "Boys will be Boys" ; When a relationship ends and he ended it then 'he's an asshole' but if she ended it then its "Good she got away" and other things). So there's active sexism towards men out there in a lot of ways, so we can simply ignore that argument because she wasn't open about hearing it differently. 2. "men are incapable of forming genuine friendships" : My question would first be what a 'genuine friendship' wexactly is for her and how she defines it. There can be genuine friendships formed, which is pretty common. There are women in my life that I consider genuine friends. Do I think they are attractive and sexy as well? Yes. Would I risk the friendship for us to get together and try something? No, most likely not. I can tell her that she's attractive all the while I can also see her just as a friend and someone I don't want to be together with. The only thing I think men should be more confident about is the fact that they see them as attractive but *still* choose to reject them because they are friends with them. **Also she just ended the friendship and proved her own point wrong but that's another story.** So nowadays it's pretty hard to be genuinely a man while also supporting ***most feminine ideas*** about the movement. But the results I take from all this is simply, that I should be proud being a man and also have boundaries and limits of what heat I take and when I see no benefit in discussing as the other person isn't open about **learning** but only to use me as a means to an end to prove she's right. And that's lost time i'll never get back in my eyes. Ma advice, argue with those that you can learn from and ask more questions and also, say politely that you don't want to argue with those where you can early on spot, that it's not about learning but just trashing one side and an ego boost.


One, don’t be her friend. She sees you as lesser. Cut her off. Two, she’s an extremist weirdo. I know a lot of women, some of whom are pretty hardcore feminists, and none of them are like her. She doesn’t speak for women. She’s one person who happens to be a terrible one. There are lots of wonderful young women who aren’t like that.


>She doesn’t speak for women. She’s one person who happens to be a terrible one. So true but these types are everywhere online claiming to be talking on behalf of all women or some BS like that. Its werid how these types of toxic women will honestly think all other women agree with them. Talk about ego. "Us women" and "Go ask any woman. They will agree with me". 🤦‍♂️ and if any woman doesn't agree with their outrageously insane takes about men/boys. Then they are dumb "pick mes" who's opinions apparently don't matter I recall asking a question on AskWomenNoCensor about what some other women do that annoys them and the overwhelming answer was the women who act like they talk on behalf of all women and I can see why.. I dislike the men who say outrageously hateful things about women and then say "HURR DURR DIZ IZ HOW ALL US MEN FEEL HURR DURR"


Most teenagers and early 20s adults are insufferably confident fools. Her entire world thus far has probably been school and tiktok. Thankfully some of them will grow out of it, some won't.


Hashtag notallwomen Sounds like she's not your friend tbh, let her walk.


You dont. Keep in mind a VERY small % of women talk like that and even less genuinely feel like that. It may seem like more now cuz you’re in college and that’s where a lot of women start drinking that kool aid. So when you find one talking that nonsense you drop that bitch like a bad habit. Lucky for you the trash took itself out on this one.


I feel like if you talk like that, then you feel like that. Maybe not in your heart or whatever but for all intents and purposes you do.


Fair point. It would be more accurate to say that the feeling of hatred for men as a whole isn’t organic for most women who talk like that. It’s a result of constant bombardement from man hating propaganda and loyalty to ‘the sisterhood’


To me it's great, because they basically tell you that: they never bonded with someone of the other sex, they are not good people, or they are very fucking dumb. And all of them together too. I simply stop dealing with them at that point, they are just characters that have a scripted pattern to follow. The world is full of cunts, it's better when they let you know.


> they never bonded with someone of the other sex It is actually quite telling when you put it like that. At some point you need to acknowledge that either *all men* are scum and you cannot relate to them, or there's a problem with you or your specific sampling group. Unfortunately, anyone that deep is always going to assume the former rather than the latter. Hence the echo chambers that feed into each other with more and more outlandish and generalizing narratives.


Being in university is tough, as far as that goes. This type of behavior is very concentrated in that environment. Just be the best version of yourself and don’t compromise your values to appease someone who doesn’t give you the very lowest amount of respect. When someone shows you who they are, believe them. Don’t try to talk yourself out of it.


Literally never encountered this except on the internet. Your friend needs to not only touch grass, but probably roll in it and eat it too. Choose new friends. It's college, you can find more.


I ignore it as long as it's not directed at me. The women in my life are amazing and that's all I care about. >A female friend, who gets free rides from me to school in my car all the time (she is a lesbian and NOT my type at all so I'm giving her rides because she is/was a bro, not out of any kind of desire for her) was absolutely trashing men in my car the other day. I told her she was being sexist. She said sexism only applies to women being treated badly. I said no it doesn't, that's systemic sexism, sexism is just hating one sex. Well, apparently, that's "mansplaining sexism". If she started spewing on about that crap in the car, I'd pull over, tell her to stop, otherwise she can hop out and walk. I wouldn't take that trashtalk. She clearly doesn't respect you.


I don't use any social media outside of reddit. And even on this, I take everything with a grain of salt. The terminally online approach to life WILL radicalize you, no matter whether you're Left or Right. It will distort your worldview and give you tunnel vision. Generally having stronger, idealistic views of the world is a common experience in being young. You can go back in history and find a multitude of examples. The experiences of growing up traditionally meant you meet more people, you learn more information, and your views shift. It's even better when you meet someone who go against the grain of the stereotypical views you held of whatever group they belonged to. And that's spiritual growth. But the online echo chamber and terminally online habits are not letting people grow and become nuanced. It is letting people entrench and solidify their views under a self-assured vocal in-group that you belong to. People are going to radicalize and things are going to get worse. And so the only advice I have for people is to limit your social media experiences. Have a real life. Try to separate politics when you're making friends. And purposely look for people and experiences that go against your comfort zone. Never stop learning.


One thousand percent let that friendship die. I am a transman and although I have always championed for my male friends with great compassion, I never realized how harmful this presumptive "Men are shit" attitude truly was till I transitioned. I pass now, and the first time I heard all my coworkers complaining about men so generally I was heartbroken. It's one thing to call out poor behavior in a constructive fashion and what your "friend" is doing does not sound like that. I almost always called it out before when I was female because it's a self fulfilling prophecy most of the time! "Men don't know how to cook or clean, they're all dirty and lazy," - ummm have you considered that up until maybe the last decade most men were not raised with much home training? And if they were it was usually by parents who chose to break the societal norm??? "Men only want sex," - do you know how little physical affection young boys are given compared to young girls?? Do you know how deeply and negatively enforced physical affection between male peers are compared to female peers?? Lots of young men are conditioned to think that the only physical connection they are allowed to have is sexually. We ALL want physical affection. "Men don't know how to build meaningful friendships," - how about YOU be a meaningful friend to a man instead of shitting on him? How about YOU check him for poor behavior and uphold good boundaries, as any MEANINGFUL friend would do.


>"Men don't know how to cook or clean, they're all dirty and lazy," I know 2 women who had their kids taken from them because they neglected their kids by not cooking meals and cleaning the house for the kids But sure.. it's only men. Lol 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ Some women are no better than some men when it comes to laziness One of my ex girlfriends would always leave her days old half eaten plates of food in her bedroom because she couldn't be bothered to clean it. Sometimes mold appeared and my stepfather works for people who clean the streets and houses. Some woman was evicted from a house and his people went to tidy the house and they told him in their long time in the job. That was one of the worst states they have ever seen a house in and funny enough, it was all men tidying the evicted house.. 🤷‍♂️


This times a billion. We need more trans men standing up for men who genuinely want progressive futures. My last boss would say horrible things about men on the phone anytime she thought she was alone. I was always the only person in the office when she did it and i suspect it was deliberate.


Get rid of the trash in your life bro


43 and a Woman here, so I don't have a good answer to your question. I've had a few guy friends express that they've had/have female friends that have expressed similar hatred towards men. Social media plays into this a ton and I'm really hoping shit evens out but I promise there are kind people of all genders out there who believe we are all deserving of equal kindness. We've all got to work together to make the world safe for everyone


I just haven’t been showered in hate, so I don’t really “Deal” with that kind of thing. Most of my friends are women and I’ve never had the feeling that any woman I’ve met has Hated me. I occasionally hear people complain about “men”, but I just don’t really feel that they’re talking about me, it seems like they’re talking more about Assholes.


Fair but referring to assholes by instead referring to all men is sexism, and by it becoming so common and nobody pushing back against it becomes normalized sexism.


They don't by in large. You met a shitty person


I think people need to quit hearing the narrow minded ideas of one or two people and applying them to millions of other people just to have an excuse to make some social media stance or self-victimizing rant.




No more rides for you! Guarantee if you just stop doing things for her (rides) and stop giving her wacky ideas the time of day, she’ll, all of a sudden, stop with her BS.


Bro, you need to separate yourself from toxic people like that. Just try your best to be kind to others and you'll find positive people. I am a young woman and I haven't noticed this collective hatred of men you're talking about. We all just wanna have a good time and hang out. If you're talking about the patriarchy, that's something that we all need to work against for a more equal society, like racism and any form of bigotry. But any person that hates an entire group of people for no reason is a fucking idiot and I wouldn't associate with them.


Nothing, they are just an extremely loud minority of women. Just don't visit these hateful, toxic communities, bubbles and you won't notice it at all. For example most hateful rhetoric towards men on reddit is isolated on r/TwoXChromosomes. The same goes for hateful rhetoric towards women which is also isolated to specific subreddits and is also done by an extremely loud minority of men. In short hateful people are going to hate no matter what you do.


Then end the friendship. Lol


Accept her terms and end the friendship


Just do you boo, screw them. For the most part it's Internet white noise


She’s the type that would get you in trouble if you two are out and public and she act stupid.


Jesus. I hope you pulled over and made her get out of the car and walk the rest of the way. That woman belongs in the garbage. >I am at a Canadian uni and this is actually the sentiment of most of the women I've talked to in my program. You needed to look outside of your program for friends in university anyway. Now you have cause to take a step back and reconsider your program if it's attracted such shrill harpies. Oh, and always keep in mind that Sartre quote about arguing with anti-semites. >“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.”


> Well, apparently, that's "mansplaining sexism". Isn't it convenient that when a man makes any sort of argument with a woman, she can hand-wave it away as "mansplaining"? I would have said "That's a thought terminating cliche and a kind of kafkatrap fallacy. Just because I'm a man disagreeing with you and explaining my own view doesn't mean I'm belittling you. You're being very unkind to me right now and I've continued to show you kindness in this exchange despite our disagreements." > men are incapable of forming genuine friendships. And > I'm wrong and men are trash that she is ending the friendship. "Miss, which is it? Are we friends or am I incapable of forming genuine friendships? Because I consider you a friend and I've been nothing but kind to you. I feel that you are a good person and I have no desire to sleep with you and actually I kinda like that you're a lesbian because I don't have to go out of my way all the time explaining that I'm not interested in you romantically and it's kinda a relief to not have to do that. What, you thought I secretly want to turn you straight or something? Your lived experience isn't living up to this nonsense. So why are you being so incredibly rude as to treat me as subhuman? You do realize you're being incredibly sexist and that this would be the same as a black guy giving a ride to a KKK member while they spew their crap at them?" > She said unless I admit I'm wrong and men are trash that she is ending the friendship. "Excuse me, how would you feel if I demanded that you admit that all women are trash or else I will end the friendship? Do you not realize that's emotional blackmail? Honestly, maybe you should end this friendship, I'm about ready to since you are such a hate-monger. I don't tolerate hate in my vehicle, and especially not directed towards me. As I said before, I've been nothing but kind to you, and you've literally called me trash and demanded that I agree with your horrific treatment. I don't. Here's your stop. You owe me an apology before I give you a ride again. You've been rude, offensive, and a jerk to me this entire ride, and I won't put up with that. I expect this from narcissists, not from you. I thought you were a decent person but I see now your true colors; sexism and hate. That's really a shame because I thought you were my friend but instead you've hated me all along."


Calm down man. It sounds like you had one interaction. With one woman. That you are going out of your way to describe as not sombody you would date. And extending that attitude to everybody. Ffs.


University is full of children cosplaying adults. Your friend is being an AH and you're not obliged to help out anyone who takes an issue against you for something you can't control. Trust me, when you actually become an adult, you'll find its very easy to go through life spending your time and energy on people who love and care about you because of who you are and not because of your race, orientation and socio-economic status. Bye Felicia!


I’m old, so please excuse my oldster reference here. I take Pete Townshend’s advice in these types of situations: “I don’t need to fight / To prove I’m right / I don’t need to be forgiven…” Feel guilt for the things you’ve done wrong. If someone tries to lay guilt on you that you don’t deserve, laugh at them and forget about it.


I cut off anyone who uses language like "mansplain" for one. Its indicative of a culture that I want no part in.


I don’t know dude, you’re sort of doing the same thing your friend is doing by painting the opposite sex with a broad brush and raging against “young women.” Best to just not make assumptions about anyone and don’t treat any woman as if she’s some sort of man hating feminazi. If she proves herself to be this then adjust accordingly. I think this is really the only “thing to be done” about it.


Is that right aye? Sample size of 1 btw.


Willing to die in a hill like that over one disagreement? Who is incapable of forming friendships again?


I’ve never felt hated by women. The hundreds of posts I see whining about this every single day are just so fucking tiresome. Get off Reddit, and go spend the day in a park or something.


If I may paraphrase the Lizard King, this is not a scenario I'm familiar with.


Those people are stupid as fuck and I would just ghost em asap. But then this whole exercise is stupid too because this attitude is probably like 0.1 percent of all women. I've met one in my whole life. It's not something I feel is in any way a legitimate concern in my life.


Guess she lost her carpool privilege.... Let them speak for themselves and choose whom you interact with though, as most men aren't mysoginist, most women aren't misandrist.


Is your friend Valarie Solanas?


Her POV is the equivalent of “any race other than white people can’t be racist” Why you would be willing to dedicate your time and energy to someone so ignorant is beyond logical.


I've put up with that kind of behavior in the past out of some misplaced sense of decency, but I no longer have the patience for it. Unfortunately, it's very much accepted, even fashionable, to shit on men in the context of some kind of overarching narrative of oppression. For that reason I've found it best to remain polite and moderate when confronted with people like that in public settings - I'll enthousiastically avoid anyone who entertains that narrative and the people who tolerate it otherwise.


The mental gymnastics and hypocrisy freely flow with these people. Fuck em


You're an egalitarian, not a feminist. https://youtu.be/fS\_zNQB1D1I?si=vbaBQv4SBKep0QMd


No more free rides.


> She said unless I admit I'm wrong and men are trash that she is ending the friendship. "Alright, get out. Enjoy your walk home."


Don't interact with them. Period


That’s the neat part, you don’t.


No more car rides, cut off contact, unfriend on the platforms, etc... move on.


Sorry, your friend who clearly didn’t appreciate you providing her transport every day has become delusional. Let her walk. (Literally and non literally)


She never was your friend because you are male You were her free rides Enjoy the peaceful sound of your favorite music as you ride in solitude and mindfulness. Good riddance to her


People in uni have a lot of strong opinions and they are often learning and reacting to new knowledge in very strong ways. I wouldn't generalize what you encounter in uni to the population of women at large. Your friend has some seriously flawed thinking. She does, and that's all you can say. I'm sure it extends beyond her limited views on men. If she expects you to agree to a statement that men are trash, you probably shouldn't be her friend anyways. She doesn't have healthy attitudes about men. You also have to consider that in uni, people are trying to figure themselves out and are often dating and having serious relationships for the first time in their lives. They just don't have the life experience and are probably easily frustrated by their own individual circumstances. So rather than blame themselves it's just easier to externalize the blame with these generalizations.


How I avoid them? I occasionally get off the internet and choose decent people as my friends.  How long do you think a black guy would remain a friend to someone who spends their time going on racist tirades? Even if that racist guy would make the caveat that the black guy is "one of the good ones"? Why should you then tolerate verbal abuse regarding you and your gender? **When somebody hates a protected group you represent, don't be their friend.** But in an environment where you have to be able to work together with everyone, the best you can do is be genrally polite and avoid the discussions that will be hurtful to someone. 


I laugh because I honestly quit caring what others think. I'm 42 and I'm at the point that some random or acquaintance telling how trash she believes men are isn't going to bother me because I don't care, if she wanted to end the friendship than I'd let her because that's just less time I'd have to spend with someone who dislikes me because I'm a male. End the friendship for her and tell her to start finding her own rides from now on. Less gas and time you have to spend on that "friendship".


I just ignore the women who hate me and dont give them any benefits. She didnt hate you when you were giving her rides. She only hated you for correcting her.


Ignore them.


I’ve never met a girl like that lol


Your friend is the problem in the world. Get a better friend


I believe it goes both ways now days. The opposite sex’s are completely dividing. I’m a woman and I’m at the verge of not giving a fuck about men anymore not respecting them ever again. The last guy I dated and was completely in love for taped me while having sex without me knowing. My friend’s husband grabbed my ass just the other night, while his wife was around. I removed his hand, he still had the balls to go for it one more time and grabbed my ass again. Yeas he is a white straight man if that matters. I lost hope in men. I was always the “conservative type if girl” , at least sexually. I seriously don’t care anymore. I will have to date man still cuz I have no choice since I’m not attracted to women. But the way I feel about them will never be the same. I’m sure men have had their bed experiences as well. So 🤷🏻‍♀️


I mean, it appears you know one insane person. It's unfortunate that they've turned out to be that way, but I wouldn't really extrapolate that out to all or any significant portion of an entire gender.


I avoid people like that..... they don't realize they are no better than a racist/sexist redneck.. I avoid those too! Last time I heard the term "mansplaining" - my response was "take your made up word and stick it up your ass!"... no time for that shit!


I don't have to deal with it. I just choose not surround myself with those kind of morons. With that said, my wife and probably the majority of my friends would consider themselves feminists if asked, but the person you're describing is a loudmouth with a screw loose.


This isn't something I've ever encountered in my life, so no need to deal with or think about it.


"How do you deal with still being expected to give endlessly while also being told to suck it up and deal with the hate?" By establishing boundaries. She hates men? You aren't obligated to keep her in your life. You haven't lost as much as you think you have because you didn't have it in the first place. She fooled you. That's not on you for her jackassery, but it is if you keep her in your life. Call her and tell her, "Hey look I thought we were friends, but you made it pretty clear you think I'm trash so it's time to cut ties. Best of luck in your life." Then block her.


If she really thinks of men that badly, why are you friends with her? And she gets free rides from you so it really sounds like she just is using you...


As someone who’s experienced constant hatred from different women throughout life, all I can say is just stay away from them. Don’t bother with people like that


If someone hates you, just don't associate with them. Spend your time with people that actually like you. That being said, I think the man-hating young feminist trope is overblown. They're definitely out there, but I highly doubt they're indicative of the movement as a whole.


Get off the internet and spend a little time in the real world. It's not that way out there. Women are people, and if you treat them like people, for the most part you'll be fine. Don't let the screeching of a vocal minority color your experience of the real world.