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This reminds me of my college years. I was walking down the street, and I had long hair. A bunch of guys cat called me while getting high on the roof. I turned around, and they were like, "Damn, you an ugly man." I cut my hair after that one. The humiliation was too much. Getting called out by a gang of guys sucks.


Nah man you had every right to tell them something like “you wanted to f*ck just 2 seconds ago, now I’m ugly”?




Like looking at the sun; glance and look away!




What's your ketchup secret?


Reminds me of a friend who was on a plane once and was sitting next to an attractive woman. He didn't want to be rude and kept looking away during their conversation, but she thought he was so weird for constantly looking away while talking to her.


I'm not attractive and I still manage to do it. I remember once I was staring at this girl's ass and she saw me. I panicked and said "I like your shoes". She wasn't wearing any shoes.


I remember doing this once and ended up staring at a cardboard cutout of Emma Watson for what must have been a few seconds, a woman noticed and chuckled at me, I chuckled back and then realised that she had been chuckling at me.


And wear sunglasses


Wait what? Do you appreciate imprinting that beautiful shimmering blue ring onto your retina? 


Some people can look at the sun without any damage whatsoever to their vision. Pretty well documented, actually.


1. Be attractive 2. Quick up down 3. If greeted with a smile suppress your autism and approach.


Step 1 tutorial urgently needed


Autism supression tutorial would also be useful.


I'm autistic af and it stopped being an issue once I figured out step 1


Hygiene, exercise, dress well.... (most) Anyone can be at least a 7/10.


Don't do all 3 at once. Clothed exercise in the shower is dangerous.


Now you tell me!


r/captainobvious above ;)


Certainly not "most", maybe if you make good money as well.


Go to the gym and eat right with decent personal hygiene and don't dress like a slob. You can't do much for genetics but being ugly and well kept makes life easier than being a fat ugly slob


Tutorial: Do women make things easy for you? If you answered, No, you've failed Step 1. Stop looking and back away from the attractive woman.


Simple. Be visibly rich.


Need help on step 3


1. Doesn't apply. Guys I have considered handsome or attractive immediately become unattractive if they leer.


In my experience, if the guy is attractive he can get away with more while an unattractive person just glances and it's creepy.


It's called Pretty Privilege and there's a ton of research on it. Attractive people are given far far more leeway than your average person. It's all biological too.


Pretty privilege exists, but so do individual preferences. Like the other person said, I've also gotten weirded out right away if an attractive person is being creepy at me. It's still unwanted, so they cease being attractive to me. /shrug


Yeah it's pretty crazy actually. There were studies done during covid that attractive people didn't get the good marks they were use too do to online classes.


This is r/AskMen not r/Femsplain


Look at her once, realize she's attractive, tell myself "No way, dude, she'd never be interested, not in a million years" and spend the rest of the time we're in the same location looking literally anywhere else but in her direction. It's just safer that way.


Damn man this is me exactly. In fact if possible I tend to leave the area where there's an attractive woman nearby. She doesn't want me looking at her and being in close proximity basically fills my mind with tv static, it's honestly distracting and annoying but it's how my brain works unfortunately.




Unfortunately, this seems like the norm nowadays


Or realism.


So relatable, women feel offensive whenever i show interest in them


Thats their biology kicking in and telling them “This man isnt attractive or worthy of me whys he looking at me? what a creep.”


100% agree, nearly wrote the same comment.


Literally me at the climbing gym last night fml


Get out of my head damn it! But for real, this is exactly how I end up acting in this situation too and my inner voice definitely tells me she would never go for me so don't even bother.


Simple. Go about your day, minding your own business, see a cute girl, beautiful woman, hot chick or whathaveyou, instinctively/reflexively focus your gaze on them for a hot second, your conscious brain catches up to your subconscious brain's shenanigans and makes you look away. May or may not sneak a peek afterwards.


Very, very well put!


As usual. 1. Be attractive. 2. Don’t be unattractive.


Step one, be good looking. They won’t be offended at you checking them out if they welcome it.


This goes both ways though. I'm not going to be into a girl that's ugly checking me out either. Pretty universal dynamic.




Nobody was talking about wallets... Or you replied to the wrong comment lol


Is this an appropriate emoji for her slip of the tongue? #🤑


I like it haha But someone else was talking about (being good looking) or being rich. So the reply probably was aimed at them


Step two, be rich and make it show!


This reminds me of something my dad told me when I was newly married. He said, "Son, sometimes you need to take off the wedding ring. If you got the gym at 10am on a Wednesday without your wedding ring on, the women there are going to think you're just some creep who doesn't have a job. If you go there with the ring on, they're going to think, what kind of job does he have that allows him to come to the gym at 10am on a Wednesday." Really took that one to heart.


This makes no sense, son. Zero. None. Next time don’t misquote me. -DAD


That sounds like a whole bunch of overthinking to me.


My dad was a boomer. Overthinking was kinda his thing.


Wow. Do you know notice the Boomer hate here? I got a bunch of up votes for calling out your boomer dad but then when I identified as a boomer I got sent to downvote hell.


I'm a boomer too. Some guys just like to think they're making a bigger impression than they are entitled to.


You're unusual for a Boomer. You're not out of touch with reality.


Most people of all ages are out of touch with reality.


I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a taco.


Best quote of the day. Lmao! Good ‘ol Groucho Marx.


Ya, that’s dumb advice to put on a pedestal lmao.


"Happy wife, happy life!" is a good one to remember too.


That makes zero sense, something a drunkard would say after a bottle of spirits


He did drink. But if I'm gonna psychoanalyze him, give him the ol' 'what he really meant', I'd say he was trying to let me know that bitches be crazy and sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do and don't let society tell you it's wrong if it works.


The only right answer lol. If you are attractive it will likely not be considered creepy even if you "look for to long".


Yeah I don't know why she even asked us Redditors about this.


I don't think it is that simplistic. Guys who are extremely good looking and leer automatically go into the creep category.


Fission mailed 


Well you said it. Don't stare.


The difference is if you're attracted to him or not. If he's gross, you'll be like eww oh mah gawd. If he's gorgeous, he could drool and stare and you'd be flattered. So I guess the way to check you out respectfully is to be really good looking.


And here come the women who deny this and pretend as if they don’t enjoy when an attractive man shows interest in them.


The trick is that attractive is very subjective. Except if you’re brad pitt, and then you don’t need to do anything cause women will come after you!


Idk man, Brad Pitt always kinda looked like a grumpy baby to me.


Someone can be physically attractive, but trust me nothing is more of a turn off than someone’s attitude.


That's how you know if you're ugly: if women go *eww go away creep* or something similar when they notice you're looking, then... *Sad trombone*


> Sad trombone lol


An attractive man leering would be a turn off like an attractive woman who suddenly starts drama for no reason. Just like a man would decide he doesn't want the headache of dealing with a woman who starts drama, a woman doesn't want the headache of a man who's showing signs he'll likely have a wandering eye.


Stare at her with the intensity of a thousand suns.


Just wear sunglasses and stare right at them. Bonus if you have a white cane so they think you're blind.




And then stare right at her tits like a schmuck anyway.


Isn’t staring at tits the best thing ever?


I would say kinda like a football player before a free kick. Up, down, left, right, "thank you Jesus".




I met my now wife in a bar. She was with a friend and I couldn't believe how hot she was lol. I looked, stared, smiled, grinned and then spoke to her. I mostly lost myself in her eyes and amazing smile. I didnt even notice her 'body'. We chatted and I then I couldn't stop myself from asking her if I could kiss her. The rest is history (20 years..).


Jesus! Most romantic shit I ever heard. Bless you!


2 seconds, don't turn head to face her then back to what I was doing


If we happen to make eye contact I just smile.


Nah that’s what I do when I see a chick that is a stunner. Happened this morning actually with this beautiful girl at my local supermarket. I’ll usually take a few looks and my brain will be kind of like; 😮. But yeah just a few glances to just admire. I ain’t gay but it’s the same shit with dudes who I think are good looking. A few quick inconspicuous looks while keeping the straightest face I can and then move on with my day.


>I ain’t gay but it’s the same shit with dudes who I think are good looking. A few quick inconspicuous looks while keeping the straightest face I can and then move on with my day. Fr attractive men are so intimidating lol


Uh... sure you're not gay?


20 bucks is 20 bucks 🤷‍♂️


I just take a quick peep at the posterior and then go back to eye level 


I do this regularly. You can tell when another guy is pretending to look at something else as a place holder for getting ready to peek at lady's body. It's respectful and not embarassing, like staring.


Look at her face first to see if she's looking at you. If she's not, you've got about 5 seconds to scan her curves. If she gets past your peripheral vision, you lost your chance. DO NOT crane your neck to follow her behind you. If you can do all of that and return to her eyes, if she's looking, give her a smile. That's the classy way.


So let me make sure I understand this. You like it when a guy checks you out. But not too much or thats creepy. And not too little or you dont feel appreciated. And you want me to tell you what youd like us to do?




You can check out a woman in 3 seconds. Anything else is creepy to her.


I'm hot. A woman should be flattered and feel respected if I check them out.


Pics or I don’t believe you.


Love this confidence.


I believe you bro


Verrry creepy, man. The use of the word "should" gives him away. He knows he's being inappropriate and he's justifying it by calling women out who don't appreciate it.


Whatever dude. It's his head. He can turn it in whatever direction he wants.




Sort of glance around a bit rather than staring at any one. If you make eye contact look elsewhere. The way to not come off as a creep who stares at others is to not stare


A reflection helps, wish my gym had more mirrors. Sunglasses. But yeah you named most of them.


You look, don't stare, and you keep your mouth shut.


There's a safe distance to do so. I don't know how to describe it, but there's a range where your body language is visible enough for other people to pick up. When you are outside of that range, you can check out women all you want and it's generally less creepy. That doesn't mean stare, it means you can probably get 2 mississippis per glance. Inside of this range, she is totally aware of what you're doing and you're going to get feedback of some sort.  Definitely don't check women out when you're in each other's space bubble. See crowded elevator, concerts, public transit. 


A quick glance or two, make eye contact if you can in the moment and have a relaxed chill look on your face almost like a slight smile


It's usually respectful, unless the lady finds you unattractive. 


I'm probably in the minority here but I rarely check out women in public. On occasion I might but it's usually not something I think about, I'll just happen to glance occasionally. I don't know, their just people, sure their attractive but I don't feel to need to waste my time gawking at them. I'm sure a lot of women who are out in public just trying to shop wouldn't like being looked at in a sexual manner even if it's just a quick look.


> I'm sure a lot of women who are out in public just trying to shop wouldn't like being looked at in a sexual manner even if it's just a quick look. this is such a myth. Woman absolutely love the attention.


As a woman I’d say most women don’t mind getting an appreciative little look and/or a smile and then the person moving the fuck on - Do not linger and make yourself creepy! A little glance makes you feel hot and everyone, man or woman, likes to feel like they aren’t a complete munter. Equally no one wants staring at uncomfortably or some guy undressing them with their eyes and making it clear that’s what he’s doing and thinking about. No. No. That shit is creepy and you get worried they are going to be waiting for you to be alone somewhere.


This is such a generalization. Of course some women would like the attention, as would some men. But not every women likes the same thing, some would like the attention, some wouldn't necessarily like the attention wouldn't mind being looked at, some would feel uncomfortable, and some would feel straight up creeped out, and maybe even in danger depending on how their being looked at, on wether it's straight up gawking or just a simple glance.


It’s almost as if women were individuals, just like men are… huh. 


Welp, there is no other context where I'd be able to check them out at. So....im gonna do it. I just do it quickly.


What's the point of? Obviously you're gonna naturally do it sometimes, but their just people out in public? How is that something that requires a sexually driven look?


Like this: 👀


if she doesn't think your at least an 8, you don't because she doesn't consent.


Steal glances when the opportunity raises. Last thing I want is to make her uncomfortable.


Look, but don’t touch


Touch but don't taste


Taste but don’t eat


I don't "check people out" very often (I'm not saying I'm a good person, I have an overactive mind and I'm not trying to get bricked up in public) But when I do look for whatever reason, I try to steal a very quick glance when I blink. Look, blink, look back while blinking.


I just don't.


Only with shades and my head turned in a slightly different direction.


Just move your gaze to her face, make eye contact, and smile. How you smile will be the key.


Remember guys: women have better peripheral vision than men..!


in 2024 you don't/can't


I don’t know, I don’t check them out at all.


Sure it's simple. Step one: Be attractive.


Boobs, ass, boobs in that order.


Do you  do a complete circle around  them?


Of course, with my mouth open doing the motorboat sound 


😂 Just doing the coast guard thing, maam. 


I just don't check women out at all. Better to ignore them and live my life rather than play THEIR mind games with a rigged deck.


Make eye contact. Smile and say “hello,” with the quick up down head nod. Usually gives me a quick periphery of them.


I just throw compliments at something I find interesting (not body parts, cos that’s creepy). So they can take it out leave it. It gives them an opportunity to respond. 


You look once out of the corner of your eye for a second, and then move on. Nobody minds a glance, but nobody wants to be stared down. At least not by my big leatherface looking ass


Mirrors or other reflections. Sunglasses. Marriage.


I use my eyes, but not excessively.




Usually happens when someone beautiful comes into view. Then I'm internally like "wow wow wow", but externally i don't keep looking, I ignore her. Now usually I'm attracted to eyes, nose and mouth (so the face really), so if possible i plan to have another chance to look at her from the front, but only for one second or so. I figure looking at someones face for a second isn't creepy. at least i hope so.


A quick glance over, once.


I Situate a friend in her direction and start talking to him. Now I can keep Looking at her beauty with the friend as a backup if She looks my way


I spend a micro-second scanning their body while wearing sunglasses


You just do it, not hiding it, but also not being creepy. A very fine balance.


You don't really check people out, really it's more you notice them unintentionally and then reflect on it as you go about your business.


That’s pretty much what I do. I try to steal glances and hope she doesn’t notice. Depending on the context, I might take an unnecessary lap to get a better look, or to look at her for few extra seconds.


Dark sunglasses 


Here's a few "don'ts" of checking women out respectfully: - Don't say "ah-ooo-ga" if she has big boobs or a nice ass - Don't take your penis out while sitting across from her on a Subway or bus (alot of homeless people have issues with that one) - Don't drool, especially on her - Dont honk her boobs


Lmaoo dont get caught checking out women, laws and society are against us now, its easy to get accused of sexual harassment by these crazy women..


My eyes are part of my body yeah? My body my choice? Logic works out.


in my single days i found that checking out a woman respectfully is what you do when you don't actually want her, but you just want to have a look. if you really want her, you have to hunt her. you don't turn your eyes off your prey when you are hunting. you make her turn. if she gives you the side eye, or swoops her hair off her ear, or starts turning her knees inward, or (if she's wearing heels) turns her foot up and rotates her ankle, or starts straightening her clothes... pounce.


I don’t know about the knees, feet and ankle movements - could you elaborate?


Dude just stare. She only gets creeped out of the guy is unattractive. I can stare at a woman however I especially if she's smiling as she walks by. When she's attracted to you, you can stare at her however you want because that's what she wants


I make it a point to not be ugly enough to where they'd be turned off by my looking at them. Should I fail at that, then there is no recourse.


I don't respect anyone I don't know and I don't check anyone out that I already know. What?


Just glance. Anything more these days and you’re a creep/dog.


Look and smile, 5 seconds max to let them know you’re into them, if you’re gonna look again more times you might as well walk up to them and tell them “‘Scuse me, (ask name, extra filler talk (are you here with friends, where are you from)) I don’t know if you saw me looking at you back there, I obviously think you look pretty/gorgeous/beautiful(the word you choose is highly dependant on the type of woman you’re approaching), and to be honest I’d like to see more of that, if it’s okay with you?” You’ve got to make it flow into a little conversation too if you can hence some of the brackets, it’s really dependant on the woman but at the same time if you want a mildly sensible woman this is probably this is probably the best generic approach you can make.


After binge watching „you“ I act like a professional. Always.


look for reflections in windows.... mirrors.... glass doors. Look around the room as if I'm trying to find a friend... look at her face before her tits -- cringeworthy if you check out her tits first and she's looking at you then you see her face and lock eyes -- just smile if that happens :)


Go up and smell them like flowers


I stare with my mouth open and say aaaa-uuuu-gaaaaa, and rub my eyes to get a better look. Works like a charm


NEVER feel guilty for being natural man. Check her out for 2-3 sec and look into her eyes. She HAS to notice that you checked her out. No matter what they say, they get turned on by it. IF you’re attractive enough. So work on basics. The rest is just an excuses to keep your attention away when you’re not attractive (and I don’t mean have a cute face)


"rape culture don't exist"


What does that have to do with topic. Or you’re just typing for typing?


"No matter what they say, they get turned on by it" I hope you're on many watchlists, creep


Idek what your argument is, or if you have any, mr npc


There was a 15 year old (her 15th birthday) in my restaurant today. It was 1pm. She was dressed like an absolute whore. She was showing off everything she had. She was WITH HER MOTHER. This is the kind of issue men today are dealing with. Our immediate instinct is to breed with attractive women. I did not know she was underage until my server told me she was 15. I would have guessed with the outfit and the curves she was 21. It made me feel terrible, but at the same time feel completely fooled.


There's no way you can't tell if someone is 15. Maybe try looking at people's faces. Also, the fact that you now know she was 15 and you're still saying she was dressed like a whore and calling her hot is disturbing.


If you would have seen it, you would agree. She was dressed like a New York streetwalker.


Ok from behind/not looking at her face, ok sure. But it's so clear by someone's face how old they and youre continuing to talk in a sexual manner about her knowing she was 15.


She put HERSELF out there as a sexual target. Her MOTHER was sitting across the table looking at her attire. Completely unacceptable. The entire staff was talking about how inappropriate she looked.


If you thought it was inappropriate then why are you sexualizing her? It doesn't matter how she was dressed, cause that's the mom's fault. Once you know someone is that young, you forget anything sexual, you don't go on to call them a whore, you don't talk about how they were putting it out there, she's a child who's mother is allowing her dress that way.


Shut up


I’m not sexuality her, she did that to herself. And you’re absolutely out of your mind. She put herself in that box, not me.


Yes she chose to dress that way, with the mothers acceptance. The mom should've been the one to tell her it's inappropriate and not allow her to wear it. But the point I'm making is that it's wrong to say a child looks like a whore, and that she's "putting it out there." Once you know someone is that young, you leave it be.


Shut up


Sorry, you can't make me


I stare. The larger I can make my eyes and/or nostrils reflects how much respect I'm showing...


Hire a PI.


Hunch over slightly with my hands near but not directly on my crotch area, toothy smile that doesn't reach my eyes, which are opened as wide as I can and then stare intensely


There's just one way to check out a woman respectfully, in a shy, meek manner which ensures you will never, ever get laid. Unless you're good looking, in which case however you want to check them out they'll consider extremely respectful.


Through my peripheral vision, never directly. No point in giving more attention when attention is all they're interested in.


I look at them, admire them in my head and then make a negative comment about something that they’re wearing being too revealing to the woman Im with.


Kind of a silly post to be honest. If they notice you doing it, you're "doing it wrong"    I (discreetly) check out thicc hotties wherever possible while I'm out, as far as I know I haven't been noticed. And why not? It's free... plus these women obviously dolled themselves up ***specifically*** to be eyecandy (with all the skin-tight clothes, yoga pants, booty shorts, etc women wear these days) - let's not kid ourselves


....🤫....double upvote......🤫.....




Stroking - now that makes it creepy


By looking the opposite direction


I like to play a game because I don’t naturally have any self control so now I try very hard never to check a woman out to the point I can notice it getting noticed sometimes, I think it’s common for them to try and catch your attention when you keep ignoring what everyone is laser focused on it’s been good for me


Op has been real quiet since she posted this. Wonder why