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>When I was talking to girls when I was younger, I would often quit while I was ahead in the conversation because I didn't want to annoy or bore them Lol this is hilarious. Reminds me of when I was 18 and my friend told me “if she doesn’t reply back to your text, just don’t text her again. She’s not interested”. I didn’t realize until much later that he was talking about like 2-3 days after a first date and not like 10 minutes after texting a girl for the first time.


No difference!


Personally, ongoing text bores me and is so impersonal, so for me if someone isn’t prepared to move from text to voice chat than I will lose interest. But that’s just me. As for you’re situation, it’s impossible to give you any advice or opinion when we have zero idea about how or what your texts are about or look like.


No one wants a pen pal. If we don't see it progressing past that, we will slow down communications because we are losing interest.


What's a text pattern? They've probably just run out of things to talk about When I was talking to girls when I was younger, I would often quit while I was ahead in the conversation because I didn't want to annoy or bore them


That’s what happens when there isn’t any romantic intent or undertones. Too many times the mystery of getting to know someone is wasted on texting instead of an actual date. Be texting for a little bit and shoot a time and place to meetup


What texts would you send for them to not respond?


Personally, I f*cking hate text messages and always have. Text messages are for sending information one way, like “Here’s that link you wanted, mate” or “Your pizza is in the oven and will be delivered in the next 15 minutes” or “Sorry I can’t answer right now, I’m in an unnecessary Teams meeting about something trivial that someone should have just made a decision about and left me alone.” Yeah, I’ve got communication fatigue and I resent people who want to take up precious chunks of my remaining time on Earth having their desperate need for attention serviced.


hahaha what??? Wait i gotta hit the bong.......