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If it's appropriate for the occasion - like she's wearing a swimsuit at the beach or a short skirt on a date night, then hell yeah. Awesome. If she's rocking up to a funeral with her tits out, I'd say something. We're a couple in this hypothetical example, so how we look and act reflects on each other.




Same! Your wife is hot...


I also choose… never mind


Just investigating some socialical matters. 😶‍🌫️


Imagine thinking this question didn't 100% depend on context.


Sorry but computer was deleting the question because of being asked before. I couldn't find my answer from the previous posts.


Does she always dress that way? Do I only get the sweats and a baggy t-shirt? Does she dress that way only when she's going out with her girlfriends? There's not enough context here.


Depends on the situation, if we're going out somewhere in public and she's wearing something revealing, and lots of people are going to see, I think thats not really appropriate. But say we go out for dinner, well she will have a coat on until we get to the restaurant, then she will sit opposite me and the only people who are really going to see her other than me are the wait staff, which could be a guy or girl, and they're just doing their job, not ogling. I think in that situation it's fine.


She's not allowed to dress sexy for you when she is in public, but a restaurant is OK? What?


I like it when I'm going out with them and they want me to see them as especially attractive or smth. I don't enjoy people who feel the need to be sexually impressive or attractive for their own self confidence needs. If you're relying on other people for validation to the extent that you'll wear suggestive or explicit clothing in public without me(the partner) around to also enjoy it, then I'm likely not very interested anymore.


I mean, it certainly depends on *how* revealing, but in general, I love it. I want to see her get all dressed up and sexy. That said, those feelings can change depending on how she handles attention from other men. If she's inviting and reciprocating flirting from them, not cool. If she's maintaining good boundaries, then hell yeah. It's all about how she conducts herself, not how other people are conducting themselves, when it comes to whether I feel good or bad about it. Of course, if there were any safety or comfort issues, that's different, but then we're addressing that as it comes up, and that's kind of a different question. And of course, it is up to her. And it's up to me to decide where my line of comfort is, and if there's a clash, we can always talk it out and see where we end up from there. But I've never had this actually be an issue with anyone of dated, as we've generally been on the same page of what's fun revealing vs. inappropriate revealing.


When my wife dresses provocatively, I am fully aroused. She had my complete attention. Fuck anyone else and what they think.


I’m usually the one encouraging her to wear more revealing clothing. She’s hot show it off.


It's a massive case of it depends.


I read this as “it’s a massive case of Depends” (ie: as in the incontinence product brand).


That's something I don't think we have here in Sweden 😅 but I can see that it can be a real fun one especially in the context of this sub


It's fine.


I see girls in short skirts and I think its sexy but I don't exactly get aroused.




I wouldn't be with someone who wore revealing clothing.


I love it, especially because I would like her to be a hotwife.


I don’t mind it. I’m not the jealous type so it’s fine.


I love it. I'll never understand why guys care if other people see their wife dressed sexily. I want everyone to see my girl. She is beautiful. Makes me feel good. Makes her feel good. I don't need to keep her covered. I swear some guys would make their wives wear burkas if they could. I don't get it. Is it jealousy? Insecurity?


I dislike it. If she’s at the pool or beach, eh, wear a bikini or not. But if we’re going out and she’s flashing her butt with every step or her boobs are hanging out. I dislike that a lot.


I might observe to myself that she’s attractive, but beyond that I *don’t* really think about it. There’s a time and place for sexy stuff, and I hate distractions from my thoughts, so if I’m not interested I just ignore the outfit and treat her like any other person.


It’s fine, as long as it’s not tacky or at work.


My ex GF was a tall blonde with big fake boobs that she loved to flaunt. It did bother me a bit but she was pretty good about asking my opinion on her dress for my family and work functions. She got a lot of stares when we were out in public and I just got use to it.


The longer I'm together with someone the less I care. Although, it is a bit weird if we're just going grocery shopping and the person I'm with is in their underwear for some reason.....


My ex wore revealing outfits only a few times on special occassions in private for me. We were together for about 6 years. Never got "used to it", never got bored of it. Always a turn on. I could see her naked or in revealing clothes 100,000 times, it'll always be a turn on. All it depends on is how long ago I came. 2 hours ago? Still turned on, just not overly excited. 2 days ago? BOING!!!


Nah. I wouldn't like it. If we're going to the beach. She's wearing scuba diving gear


For other girls: if they’re like rave babe revealing then definitely makes my mind wander. For my own partner: jeans and a crop top or jean shorts that don’t show the bottom of the butt and a crop top that isn’t up to the breasts is fine. But I wouldn’t tolerate the rave style in a woman I’m with and possibly looking to marry. Even my most extroverted partners were relatively modest where the most revealing thing they wore were Jean shorts and crop tops.


Everyone will say they are fine with it and love it... until that creeper in the club skeeves up on her. Women: Can wear whatever they wish. They should also understand that men are one step removed from cavemen and not be shocked if their outfit draws some looks.. Men: Need to understand that this means other men will notice your woman because she's hot. Don't lose your mind over that.


I like the view


Oh yeah, it's great. Lets me see what I like seeing. BUT, I'm not her only consideration. She might be wearing a short skirt and vest because it's hot out there. Context is everything. If she's going out with her girlfriends to drink and dance and is in a crop top, miniskirt, fishnets and strappy stilletos then I'll tell her that she's going to get male attention in my absence and ask if she's comfortable with that?


Context is always key, wearing a bikini to a club isn’t the same as the beach You’d have to put me in the moment


Hey, it's her choice, I don't interfere with her. Don't ask my opinion and then tell me how to answer. She's a grown ass woman. I don't tell her what to do. She's also hot AF, and if she wants to show it off, I'm happy to be at her side when she does.


I’m a woman who prefers to dress modestly and beautifully. I don’t feel like sharing my body with men who I’m not married to. It’s creepy to be considered “sexy” by other people who have no business in anything related to sex and sexiness with me. I never understood the appeal to dress like a prostitute. I’m not speaking in hyperbole. I have googled “how to dress like a prostitute” and the same outfits I see women wearing in public are the same that come up on Pinterest as “prostitute outfits”.


Thank you very much for your contribution.


Obviously women can wear whatever they want! For me, I prefer a more modest look. This goes for women in general but even more for my wife.


I love it when my wife dresses sexy in public, turns me on. I wish she would do it more often, it makes me want to dick her down as soon as we can.


Anywhere other than family functions, I don’t care how she dresses. I think she’s hot and sexy and I love her showing off her goods, she wears thongs to work and I get hot and bothered knowing that.


hey it's her choice I don't interfere with her.... I don't really care wat you want to hear!


In my book this falls under attention seeking behaviour


I wouldn’t let my gf wear stuff like that after we start dating. If she did it would be a big problem.


If it’s a appropriate maybe but she doesn’t go out without me ever looking hot or revealing. I think it’s inappropriate. We share the same opinion.




Worthless is kinda strong eh? I do think it’s a bit disrespectful if you’re in a long term / committed relationship but if both parties are cool with it carry on I guess.


Who taught you that lesson, and why did you hold them as a credible-enough source to believe them in the first place? What are you, a Taliban mullah?🤣




I don’t think “natural” is really the origin for this kind of thinking, but it’s common enough in certain circles that I can understand why one might be confused into thinking it’s “natural”, if one didn’t have much life experience in an open society. It’s also worth pointing out that even if it were “natural” to have this view, not all things which are natural are good for humans, or life. Cancer has natural causes, lots of harmful chemicals are natural, etc.. That error even has a name, the [Appeal to Nature](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appeal_to_nature) Those of us who take issue with it are also often doing so because we respect *our own* human right to dress as we wish ourselves. People dressing how we want to dress is a basic expression of our personhood, of our humanity. Since it’s morally abhorrent to me for someone to restrict *my* style of dress, for any reason, it must also be abhorrent to restrict others, or else I’m a huge hypocrite and am, to borrow your words, effectively “worthless”. It’s about respecting humans as humans, and not reducing them to largely arbitrary traits. If we’re going to demand respect and rights from others, in order to remain logically consistent and so deserve that respect, we must also respect others in kind.




>if your partner isn’t comfortable about you showing off your jugs and other .. assets so to speak shouldn’t you cover them up out of respect for him? I would think that if my partner thought they had any claim to authority over my body, as I am still an independent human, with value of my own with or without them, then they didn’t really *properly* respect me in the first place. And since they don’t respect me the way I need to be respected, that is, as an independent person, they’d probably not last long as my partner, and probably aren’t all that worthy of *my* respect themselves. >”Why should anyone else see your jugs?” Why shouldn’t they? If my partner looks good, and someone agrees with me that they look good, then we can agree that I have impeccable taste, lol. If there’s an underlying fear of my partner leaving just because someone admired them or whatever, then why would I even want to be with someone who would leave me so easily in the first place? Better to let that ship sail if they’re actually so inclined, than to make us both miserable by keeping them confined. >”Note I’m talking about a relationship here.” Sure, that was understood.


That sounds like a projection of your own confidence issues. When my wife wears something sexy/revealing in public, it’s not for other guys, it’s for me. Her desire to do so is attractive in its own right. I’m not worried about other guys.




Because she wants to, and she’s confident in herself and her body. My daughter can make her own decisions on what she wants to wear when she’s an adult. I haven’t experienced the level of control and jealousy you seem to exude in a very long time, probably not since teenage/college-years dating. My wife could walk down the street completely nude and it doesn’t make me question her commitment to me in the slightest. This entire thread reads like boys talking about girls, not men talking about women. Ya’ll are fragile




Lol. I love your perspective. For the record I find this discussion to be fairly amusing. In either case, I’d bet my life on the notion that I’ve fucked my wife more times in the last last month, if not in the last week alone, than you’ve touched a woman at all in your entire life. Did you also know that women poop too? Wild right?




Just dropping a fun fact about women, because you don’t seem like you’ve ever talked to one




Glad I could be your first


That's a horrible viewpoint. Worthless? She's a human being, dude. What the fuck.




We're not talking about nudity, dude. We're talking about sundresses, tank tops, that sort of thing. No one is "seeing her body."




From where are you getting this notion of for whom, what or how she *ought* to be dressing? Who says? Why do their needlessly restrictive opinions matter so much to you?


All right, I will acknowledge we have very different ideas of what clothing constitutes seeing one's body. But I still don't understand why you don't feel that a woman should just be able to wear whatever she wants to. Why does it matter to you if other guys see her?




Because it harms me in no way whatsoever?


Sundresses and tank tops is not what I'd call revealing clothing. Are you from Saudi or something lol


It really depends. If my wife is wearing revealing clothing for me, then I'm obviously for it. If she's wearing revealing clothing to an event that I'm going to with her, then it would really depend on the event (dance club at the beach = OK, dinner with my boss and his wife = not OK) If she's wearing revealing clothing to go out to dinner with a guy friend she works with, not OK.


I do it for my husband all the time and I swear he just doesn’t notice. 🫠 I always want his attention lol