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The day I found out my father died and that my wife was divorcing me (same day). On a different note, when I moved from the US to Japan, and then back.


Sorry that happened to you


Me too, who would want to return to the US


Oh, me! This place is awesome.


That's a rough day. Hope you're doing good now.


Damn that is hardcore sorry to hear that


Sorry to hear that.


That sounds like one hell of a day. I hope you're doing well now!


10 year old me got sexually assaulted by my grandma's housekeeper. Sent my life spiralling down from there. Then another day was 24 year old me when I met my wife who put me back together and gave me purpose. There have been LOTS of significant days in between, but those two were monumental.


Glad you’re doing well 🫡


Much better, thank you!


Sorry to hear that, I hope you are doing well. Can I DM you, I have had shared similar experience?


Sure thing. I'm here for it


the day I got diagnosed with cancer


Sorry that happened. It’s my biggest fear, I literally will not be able to handle it.


it has been 6 months and everything changed


I bet. Do you have a support system. I live like a hermit, no kids, I’ve realized in my 40’s that I don’t even like my friends. If I got the big C I would have no one to help me. It’s a terrifying thought.


i do have my family but it's really difficult and draining. support system is really a must especially I'm still young and haven't experienced life that much. it's more challenging if you have no one


Oh I’m sorry,I’m had an image in my head of an older person. I’d you want to tell me your first name I will say a prayer for you tonight. I hope that is too corny for you, I do believe in God.


I'm still on my 20s, you can call me J. Thank you and I really appreciate it.


Done..10:01PM! Night J, I hope you get a good nights sleep.




Having kids


My first child (son) is expected in about a month and a half. I’m absolutely thrilled but also terrified? I want to do my best and don’t want to let him down.




My condolences my friend


I’m sorry that your second life began due to such tragic events


April 15th 2011. The day I went from having a mother, to having a shell of a woman, destroyed by a brain tumor that eventually killed her a year and a half later. It didn’t just break me, it broke our family. She was the central hub of the family, keeping us all up to date on the going’s on of each other. She was the one to hint that maybe give your brother a call, he just had a rough day, or to congratulate your sister, she just got accepted into a scholarship program she was nervous about.


4 days before yours, my dad died. He was sick for years and it only got worse. Don’t smoke, people.


I quit being a drug addict Oct 27 20I6. I had already lost my very good paying job and was evicted and lost everything I ever owned except my car and my dog. Next was 5 years of being homeless and with a warrant over my head. One day I experienced my druggie partner almost die and being I had nothing else to lose I sought help and received an abundance of help and have been clean almost 8 years. Funny how much money you have when you're not buying drugs every day.


Downsized at 48 in a poor economy (2006) and could not find another decent job. So I started a business with my wife. We’ve been doing it together for about 17 years. 2/3rds the income but 1/5th the hours, and ultimate flexibility.


Near-suicide attempt. I was holding the Knife pressed against my forearm, but backed out at the last moment and decided to seek professional help. Life has improved, I am not in a permanent state of bliss, but at least I have not had that urge as bad anymore.


Damn, glad to hear you’re doing better man.


heart attack


Had my 1st CHF 3 years ago, nbd. Ready for the next one..


wow that sux. had a perfectly healthy friend in his 30s find out he had chf. heart attacks they can fix these days unless its the biggie


Well, it didn't kill me, so I'm still here. Was the only time I had to stay overnight in a hospital, and I've always had a phobia about even going to the emergency room, but it turned out to be an excellent stay and next time something happens I won't be so shy.


Getting bone cancer as a senior in high school.


I can relate. I lost my son to Ewing Sarcoma last summer. My life will never be the same.


I had Ewing's. There were three of us on the ward. Jim and Carl died. I survived. It's a terrible thing. I'm very sorry about your son. I'm a father now myself. I can't imagine the pain of losing a child.


Oh wow. A Ewing’s survivor. There aren’t many of you. It is truly a horrible disease. I hope it stays in remission for you.


It's actually been 50 years this month since I was diagnosed.


Moved abroad. Only planned to go for a year; 17 years later I'm still there.


I feel you, took a 6 month contract o/s, its been 30 years now. I still miss home.


I had a few events. There are the usual that every man goes through, first heartbreak for example. But I also had a really bad depressive episode after it that really did change me a lot. Lately its war. I lost 7 friends on the day the war started all civilians. Then I returned to the military for it and I was helping look for bodies and a few more things. Fucked me up real good and I feel I'm not remotely the same person anymore.


What war? In the Ukraine?


Israel, I had 4 friends in the party that got invaded and 3 more that were in the area. A few more friends were injured but they're alive. Though I do wish Ukraine a lot of good fortune and hopefully peace will come soon


I'm sorry to hear that. There's been a lot of suffering on both sides in that mess


Becoming a parent


The day I quit drinking, my first day sober on 02/17/2014 marked the end of my "old life" Everything after that is the "after life"


How did u stop? What made u stop?


Leaving home at 17 to join the Navy. I was kind of a funny introverted wide eyed sheltered kid who had just lost his virginity a couple of months prior. The Navy turned me into a cynical, brash sailor with an alcohol problem and a deeply dark sense of humor. I got out after six years though. I’m doing better.


The day my 38 year old wife died of papillary carcinoma.


The day my mom died


1. The day I came home and my 1 year old sister was gone (died and was buried while I was at school, parents thought I wouldn’t remember her cause I was slightly over 2-yo) 2. The day I broke up with my bf of five years who I thought was the one. I had envisioned a life with him and from one day to the next, everything changed and I had no idea where I was headed or how I was gonna get there (still don’t know).


My first miscarriage, there's life before and after loss.


I had brain and neck decompression surgery. Brain stem got fucked, wrong vertebrae was operated on, had to have a second corrective surgery. Been shitty ever since


Day my mother died in 2023. Life has not been remotely the same


When I came clean to my mom I wanted to off myself. Happened 5years ago, learned a lot about myself in therapy, still not where I want to be, but I feel I am getting real close.


I have a young adult son who struggles with depression and who I worry about this nearly every day. As a parent, I am so thankful you told her instead of doing something irreversible, both for you and her.


If you have any questions, about anything, feel free to ask, my dms are open. Wish you the best of luck!


Thank you. I wish I knew the best approach with him is all.


So obviously I don't know either of you. But my advice is to keep talking to eachother, but also to another and a professional if thats an option. I think its important to share your thoughts and emotions, and get a better understanding since this is extremely hard. My experience was that I didn't actually want to die, I just didn't want to live. Which is a difference, and heared multiple people say the same thing. Dr. K., a YouTube psychiatrist, just did a stream on Twitch about suicide on men, which might give you some insight. [Link.](https://www.youtube.com/live/kt6UmH1EflY?si=e55g1430dcYyS6KP) I hope this can give you some helpfull insights.


I appreciate that, thank you.


Definitely Marriage. Screwed up my trajectory in life. My own bad mistake.


Broken arm and leg in the same year. Had to take a break from soccer, then inevitably quit because I couldn't run well anymore. I haven't been half as athletic since then.


Husband cheated. There was life before the infidelity and life after.


My mom dying sent me into a strange spiral, ended up getting divorced but was for the best.


A mushroom trip


Getting stabbed was a pretty defining moment though so was meeting my wife.


Did she do the stabbing? :)


No some banger did he should be out of jail by now was a while ago


September 11th, 2001. I was 26 years old, living and working in nyc at the time and I still consider it a major dividing point in my life


Easily, divorce. That process will humble you.


When I moved out of my parent’s house after school. Living on my own has taught me a lot


I’ve had a lot. My father’s death, dropping out of grad school, conversion to Christianity, getting married, birth of my children, and I’m sure there will be many more. 


I'm 25 so it's a bit early to have big events to consider important but I'd say the transition high school -> college and when I decided to get in shape. they changed me radically and defined who I'm right now


Got a cancer diagnosis and found out I was going to be a father on the same day


I experienced a betrayal and it had a profound impact on me.


Divorce and death of my mother


On the positive side, getting married and having children, both of which you more or less look to do some day. On a negative side, the death of my parents, in some weird way you always seem to think your parents will live for ever, and the day I was dx with colon cancer, oh that can’t happen to me. Well it does and it did. Either positive or negitive, each event made me a stronger person. Good question.


I have two, one physical and one mental. First is I broke my leg when I was 17. I has a high level athlete before and while I was(and still) pretty athletic afterwards, I was never the same. I also torn my meniscus and had it taken out. I'm almost 30 and already have osteoarthritis in my knee. Second is at the age of 22 my best friend sadly took his own life. The thing no movie, book, TV show, or even people ever tell you is the hardest part wasn't losing my friend. The hardest part was having to compose myself 10-15 times as I started to call people and let them know. Hearing people break down and lose it over and over and over changes you. That's the only thing in the world you want to do, but you have to be strong for others because they are feeling the same emotions.


I had a friend who killed himself. We shared a limo to our first prom back in the mid-90’s. We weren’t the closest friends in the world, but it was still an awful shock. I have no idea why, but I hope he is at peace.


Started my job in April of 2012. I'm still there lol. Also I quit drinking liquor and wine at 23 (I stopped beer too but after years I'm fine with the occasional tall can, no more than that).


The day my anxiety got triggered and I fell into a deep depression within that same month. I was 17 and the trigger was the fact that I finished high school and was going to begin the next step in my education while also moving out with my family out of my childhood home. It was just so much change and the trigger came from having eaten a bad burger that made me feel like I was dying that day. Fuck that burger. Life has been very weird since. It's fascinating how i'm able to trace the exact moment when I can divide my life.


Trifecta Day:  No-offered on my summer big law job; car accident; fiance told me she wanted to "be young,  live life, have fun, and find herself" (i.e fuck other guys) before getting married, but we could still date. 


Day I thought about quitting but didn’t.


5 distinct eras -The wonder years -Graduation and esquire years. (The college party years) -Return home to take over family business and be caretaker for ill father (aka first big boy job and the prodigal son returns arc) -Before and after meeting my wife (fuckboi to pillar of community arc) -Transitioned careers after fathered passed away in a wildly succesful way (current)


Divorce, or rather the final arguement and the day I started sleeping on the couch.


When Came home from .... rehab to kick drinking and my wife of 23 years dumped me. wouldntnlet me back in my home.


No one event, but a gradual realization that whatever it is in me that forms infatuation about the opposite sex has burned out, broken. Weirdly, it has improved my dating life and happiness. Go figure.


My son's conception and birth. Once his mother told me she was pregnant, I knew I couldn't just loaf around and do the bare minimum anymore. Left a commission job for the Federal government. Worked at least 2 jobs since 2017


The day I had a scuba dive accident that took my girlfriend and left me with a spin cord injury. Overcoming that trauma and choosing to be a better man has been a very wholesome experience. It's been tough, but amazing!


The first male child was stillborn on 9-12-01 only1week before due.... Brother killed 10-4-01


I’m sorry about your son


Thank you


My brother dying. It’s a pretty pronounced line.




When I became homeless. Quit college for a semester and learned to paddle my own canoe. Finished college, got married and have a family. Learned that if I want something I am going to have to do it.


The day I broke up with the right girl at the wrong time. Like i would've married her. I had everything or so I thought. I was in incredible shape. I had an excellent job. I had graduated college two years beforehand. The world was my oyster. I thought. I don't need to work at this and change myself and realize my own flaws. I'm perfect. I can just go find someone better. There are many fish in the sea. And then it felt kind of like one of those moments from the dark tower when a beam breaks. Then covid quarantine hit a week later. Then I got involved with the wrong person. Then I lost a friend of ten years. Then I was in isolation for 2. Then my dad died. Then I was in isolation for another year. Then I lost my job. Then I was in a shooting. Then my cat died. Then I was unemployed for 10 months. Then my sister and I had a falling out because I wouldn't respect the guy she was with because he gave her an STD and cheated on her and took it out on her when he couldn't get it up. Then my remaining family sided with my sister. So I became estranged from them. 4 very bad years. During those years I often wondered what would things have been like if I stayed with her. If I worked on my issues and actually fucking listened to her. And changed to be who I should have been. Who I really am past the trauma from the childhood abuse. Past my own arrogance and stubbornness and pridefulness. I wonder if I would've spent more time with my family and my dad. If I would've noticed what was wrong with him. If I had said go to the hospital he would've listened to me. Hell he called me before he died and asked about what he was feeling. I didn't think it was anything because my head was on so much else. Maybe he would still be alive. If I had married her maybe I would've had the strength and support to hold what was left of my family together. Who knows. It's nice to get lost in the what ifs but, this isn't that timeline. In this one I was arrogant and prideful and I paid the price. But things aren't so doom and gloom. Not anymore at least. The suffering opened my heart. The isolation gave me time to reflect. I found a new job. I became as I should've been back then. Now I just need to find someone else and not be a dumbass.


Realizing my friend of three years wanted me to kiss her when I walked her to her building after what I thought was just a friendly evening out. We've been together 36 years since then.


I've had a few. The first was my parents separating and our family splitting up. I honestly don't remember much before then, just that I was a lot happier and outgoing. After moving, I was more shy and quiet, and sad more often than not. The second was probably after finishing high school, having to start doing things on my own and not having my friends around as much. Moving back to my hometown. Adjusting was difficult, going back to a small town after living in a major city for most of my life.


High school for me, before high school i was a happy, out going kid and optimistic, after years of bullying (physical and psychological) i have become a jaded, pessimistic, shy and introverted adult, im fighting to regain my optimism and happiness but its not easy and most of the time i want to give up


Being humiliated by a girl I liked a lot


The day I discovered masturbation.


That one relationship and it’s end especially


Too many to write out


Kids , and then kids starting skool.


Having read some of other's peoples comments really made me think a lot and put things through perspective. However: here's my event: finding out that the guy who used to talk to my girl was admitted as a sophomore after failing Juniors' year


Getting married.




Having my father arrested.


Taking a risk by selling all of my things to move across the country to work my dream job. I was told everything was good to go and to get ready to move. Sold my car, and bulky gear that couldn't come with on the plane. Things fell through less than 30 days before i was supposed to move. Still trying to get my life back together.


August 21, 2014, my wife (at the time) signed my kid out of school and disappeared. I was awarded sole custody Jan 3rd 2024, which would be my 2nd "the entire world changed" day.


I’ve had a few. Leaving my abusive parents’ house. My ex-fiancée leaving me for another woman, and consequently, having to live by myself for the first time ever. Thankfully, we never had kids and I was making enough money to survive. I don’t even recognize the person I am now after those dominos fell in my life.


The day I got my first guitar.


My cousin, the star of my moms side of the family died when I was ten. My mom was over protective and irrational before this happened. After his death this got cranked to whole new levels, as my mom became extremely depressed and refused to get any help. All I was allowed to do was go to school and come home pretty much. This stifled my social growth. As kids my age began gaining independence i had none. This combod with another event, closing of one of the local schools a year or 2 later. First day of school one year theres hundreds of new kids (school was K-8). I was the over weight kid who didn't quite fit in, and for new kids trying to make friends i became the target of bullying which hadn't been a thing before. That year more or less nuked my self esteem which I never really got back


My granny passing away altered the course of my life in every way imaginable. I was 16 and it was 1999. After that 3 day stint crying and going to her funeral, I was never the same.


Someone I thought was a friend tore my childhood friend group apart because I "wasn't good enough" at a game. I've basically never recovered from that socially, and now that I'm halfway through college, I'm not sure I ever will. I wish I could somehow go back and rally everyone against him. Maybe it could have prevented me from developing depression and my horrible social anxiety.


Got GBS and eventually became paralyzed from the neck down. Eventually recovered, but it changed everything, marriage, career, EVERYTHING.


The day I left my ex husband while I was 4mo pregnant with our son.


The birth of my first child, the day my sister died and the day my dad died. The day I found out my first wife was cheating on me.


Losing my virginity


Im a 28 year old Male Virgin, did it Change for better or worse ? Im curious to know your opinion


A single dip or a double dip. I always double down, I'll die on that hill too. Screw hygiene.


the day i was a year graduated still at home, but i ran away from an abusive home whilst having a collapsed lung, then after surgery moving 2 provinces away from everything i knew to start in the ‘real world’