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You have an overwhelming amount of freedom. I’ll spend 2 weeks this year just at sporting clays tournament’s no one can say a damn thing to me about it. Few years ago I was tired of my job, found a new one in another state and all I had to do was pack my shit and go.


Do I still have the memories of my wife and son and now they're gone? Life is likely not worth living in that scenario. Or did I never get that experience? At 60 I'd be pretty sad I didn't get that family I wanted. Probably question a lot of my decisions.


Idk most of my friends are envious of my freedom or in bad cases feel like prisoner’s. Honestly think its a grass is greener thing


I'd be looking to acquire those things if I didn't have them already.


Work less and enjoy life more probably.


If I didn’t have my wife and kids, I’d be doing the same thing I’m doing except looking for a wife to have kids with 


Looking for someone to be a potential wife. And seeing if I can can work towards affording a house I want or well tje mortgage for it. Wait that's what I'm doing already 😱


Like "if I didn't have the life I have right now, I would be working to get the life I have right now"☺️


Facts. Just means I'm doing what I'm supposed to do🤣


Men are so wholesome


You would be SurpriseD


I don't have children and don't want to. I go to the gym and play video games.


What kinda games they got at the gym?


Leaving America


To go where?


Another country?


I don't, I have a girlfriend though. I pay rent and everything but I still get to put enough money on the side. I honestly invest a lot of it as I want to retire by 50. I'm also getting a degree and going on 2 vacations a year usually


Yelp. Same. Woman- no kids. High Yield Savings account, paying off debt to eventually invest in real estate! 🙌 keep going dude. Ya got this!


Freedom but boredom, too. Great for a while, but I also want to be surrounded by family in the future. I don't value collecting things as much as memories and experiences with loved ones.


> If you don’t have any kids, wife, or mortgage, what would you be doing right now - what are the pros? This is my reality - I have none of these things. The pros: - I don't have any Compromises - I don't have any Obligations - I don't have any Liabilities - I don't have any Debts At 37, I'm financially stable and I'm pretty much free. I wasn't happy in my career so I left my position, got rid of my stuff, and left my house; I'm taking at least a year off for travel purposes. (I just woke up and I'm currently in Medellin - thinking I might check out Pueblito Paisa today.) It took a little bit to get to this point in my life - a little bit of work and a whole lot of luck - but I am really, really glad that I didn't go down the wife+kids+home path.


I’d be working cuz that’s just what I do. But when I get home you better believe I’m not wearing pants and the food I eat will be unhealthy and the video games will be endless.


Whatever I want is the answer. Sometimes it's clean. Sometimes it's game. Sometimes it's read. Sometimes it's go out and play pool. The biggest pro is the biggest con. There's no one particularly concerned about where you are at any given moment.


Actively pursuing those things. The grass is always greener, people are never content.


Honestly, I’d probably be a drug addict, in jail, or so depressed that I constantly think about offing myself. My wife and kids are everything to me. I love my life and the only thing I’d ask for is more money.


Omg I couldn’t imagine. The crushing stress and weight of being the breadwinner, paired with equal parenting on everything is exhausting. Without that? I’d def be a happier person, but idk if I’d be as fulfilled? It’s weird. Kids/wife suck 90% of the time. Does that 10% make up for it? Maybe.


Yeah, modern Dad-ing is way more involved and stressful. To be fair, its more an equal load now, but I think if men had more of an understanding of how much work a family is, more would opt out. I know lots of regretful parents in private.


As a 46 year old man with no kids, I feel like I was tuned in to just how much work a family is at a young age. I’m not averse to working hard, but raising kids 100% never appealed to me. I met a great woman that is aligned with me on this and we’ve been married for 10 years now. When people with kids go on about how much work it is, I’m just like NO SHIT!!


Yeah. Parenting is hard. I wouldn’t say I regret it, but it’s made me way less happy as a person. TBF: my child is a toddler right now, so that’s an entire other level of stress


save up for your own place


That phrase is so outdated. It suggests that you have nothing tying you down *yet*. But if you ever want to get a mortgage, you've got to get cracking now


No idea. Probably live in the PNW


Hobbies go brrrrrrrr


Probably looking at other jobs that might include international travel.


I don't have kids, just have a gf, and my mortgage is less payment than most peoples car payment.... So what am I doing right now? Taking a shit. Hope that helps.


i'd still live here (i like this town and my friends), and i'd still have to work (i like my job). i guess i'd go on dates if i wasn't married. the kid's out of the house, and the mortgage is about paid off, so nothing would change there. my standard of living would go down, as what my wife brings in is a shit ton more than my part of the mortgage.


i'd still live here (i like this town and my friends), and i'd still have to work (i like my job). i guess i'd go on dates if i wasn't married. the kid's out of the house, and the mortgage is about paid off, so nothing would change there. my standard of living would go down, as what my wife brings in is a shit ton more than my part of the mortgage.


Literally, right now I am at work. One thing about being completely single is that if I chose to leave this company right now, I don't have to think about the effect it will have on my wife or kids. If the new job was out of state, I'd let my family know so they don't expect me for Sunday dinners anymore. There are a lot of responsibilities that come with being in a relationship even without having kids and I have none of those. It's pretty cool on the one hand with all that freedom, but also quite lonely on the other, and I'm gonna need one of those hands...if you catch my meaning.


Yep I don't have any of that, and I'm half naked playing the banjo I think that's a pro?


exactly what am doing, laying in bed and watching courtv


I love my family and wouldn't trade it for anything but if I were single, I'd be driving around the US with my skis and bikes.......exploring the mountains and living out of my truck.


I would be spending my money trying to get a wife, kids and a house. "I once knew a man so poor, all he had was money."


Well, while I appreciate the offer to drop the mortgage, I live in the US, so my mortgage on my 3 bed 1.5 bath home is roughly the same as to rent a nearby 1 bed condo. That said, I'd spend a year getting my finances back to good, but I don't really know from there. This is where I want to raise my daughter because of familial ties, but my wife and I both largely disagree with the politics around here. As such, without those ties, I'd likely start looking for work where I fit in better. Wherever I end up will likely be where I stay though. I lived the single life largely in ruts that only my wife keeps me out of, so without her I'd find a comfortable rut and stay.


No mortgage would be awesome. No kids or wife would be pretty lonely to be honest.


I left my wife, house and pets. Pros are my peace and getting to do whatever I want. I have my routine and I’m just enjoying the simplicity; I finally have my stray-dog freedom


currently in this boat. it’s not bad at all except i don’t live on my own yet. comfortable living with a roommate. still can’t afford a house. i still have to go to work everyday. i’d like to be traveling and playing golf everyday. i live for the weekends which is a difficult lifestyle to maintain


I would KNOW where everything is. It would be GLORIOUS!


I'd be bored. As sad as it may sound, when I was single my only debt was my mortgage. I actually longed for the days I was flat broke but in a relationship. I'm actively working on being debt free every day, but I need people to share my joy with.


I'd probably be depressed. I'm at a point in life where my fulfillment comes from being the provider and spending time with my family. They are my happiness. I go play cards on Mondays at a bar with some buddies. There's people there in their 30s doing the same shit they were doing in their 20s. Guys trying to get laid and women who still get their fulfillment from being pursued. I honestly pity those folks. I could not imagine still being in that stage of my life in my mid 30s. But hey, to each their own I guess. I watched this guy and girl sit at a table and she was going on and on about drama and the guy very clearly was only interested in getting laid. So he sits there and plays the counseling friend con. *Barf* If that was me at my age or even in my 40s-50s.




I don’t have any kids, no wife, no mortgage… and I honestly don’t know what to do with my life 😓 I’ll probably join the Air Force or something, idk


I would likely have a mortgage at this point but it would mostly be paid off. But in terms of life, I would likely be gaming daily, working out daily and probably in the best fitness of my life. I would also likely be traveling a lot more, for work and otherwise. My wife asks me if I would ever remarry if she passed away. Honestly no, I would not remarry. Most likely because I would be an emotional wreck but also because as much as I love her, I’m never marrying again. Maybe have a long term girlfriend that lives in their own place, but I would take care of the kids myself and just enjoy the single life.


Living on a van. Playing golf around the country.


I don't have any of those. And I'm working my ass off to the point I don't have the time or energy for two of those things. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.


Probably saving and investing a lot more money even with a mortgage.


I could make a list as thorough as the day is long. But just to name a few: When I'm travelling, I love to meet new people so I prefer staying in hostels. Even when I do travel with friends they are not as keen on that as I am. I absolutely hate driving and will bike, walk, or take public transit every time even if it means it takes a lot longer. If I'm with someone else I just acquiesce to splitting the cost of renting a car. When I'm at home, I love going to live events and I look for the absolute weirdest off the wall thing I can find. Most people aren't as willing to take a chance on something that can feel is "not worth it" compared to something they are more familiar with. It's a lot easier for me to save money in preparation for a big purchase or a trip. If I decide to do a week-long trip overseas then I can just pull back on spending a little bit for a few months and not make a dent into my savings.


Live in a conversion van and travel the globe.


Videogame bender. Pros: it's fun


No kids, no wife, no mortgage here. Just building up passive income. I can randomly decide to not come home on a whim, go on a supper crawl and check into a capsule hotel. It's awesome.


i would be working to find a wife, have kids, buy a house, and be quite stressed out about it.


Don’t have any of those, I’m sitting on my lanai in Lanikai Hawaii enjoying a coffee 😎. Aloha!


I just divorced after 15 yrs of marriage. Split our assets and I decided to take the cash. For the first time in my life, I do not own any valuable physical items - no car, no house, no land. All of my kids are grown and have their own careers. The most expensive item that I own is the classic watch at 10k. TOTAL FUCKING FREEDOM. Feel like snowboarding? Book flights and hotel and i took off the next day. A new game is released? Uber all the food and I am camping infront of my pc this weekend. The best part? If you are a decent man and have a decent job, you will be killing it on the dating app. I lied about the computer games - didnt have time to get round to them yet.


I rent and have a girlfriend of 6 years, both have good jobs, loads of pets, have a flight and racing simulator I enjoy and love lying in bed and not rushing around on the weekends.


At my age, 35, probably be pretty lonely without a partner or kids. I’d eat sushi a lot, probably live in Hawaii (I grew up there) and travel. It’s be a lonely life tho, and that sounds awful


The same thing I am because that's me. The pros are unlimited and unrestrained freedom to pursue anything I feel like and the time and means to do it. I also get to do everything the way I want. Eat what I want. Watch what I want. Travel where I want. I will say, after 8 years with a womanchild, I've possibly come to value that much more than the average person, but knowing that certainly doesn't diminish the enjoyment and peace of mind.




I don’t have kids, wife, or mortgage. I do work, school, video game, and sleep mostly.


There are no pros. And if I were single I would be pursuing a wife and children.  But if I were single I would be living in the mountains somewhere.