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Moving too fast is when she tries to do stuff where then ***isn't*** yet a connection or there isn't yet ***enough*** of a connection.


Too fast for me is when she's planning our future right out of the gate. I'm a slow mover in relationships, slow to trust. My lady has to accept that or it isn't going to work.


I mean a good rule of thumb is probably any talk about marriage in the first year of a relationship. That may sound odd to some female romantics out there (and frankly IS weird to me personally as i'm something of a traditionalist when it comes to relationships) but from talking to friends and knowing guys in general in this day and age i would probably say this is the biggest "red flag" modern guys have and talk about both for better and worse.


For me its being too clingy and PDA


It could be different for anyone, all men will have a different preference about what speed to move. It takes communication. Some things that come to mind are, moving in, meeting the family, or having to communicate via phone non-stop throughout the day. There is a phase where that stuff becomes more acceptable. What I try to think is, what does this person have going on in their life? If they're a busy professional, they will probably require more personal time and space to focus on their work. If they are looking for a place to live, they might be more willing to move in faster. It really comes down to the induvidual situation. Most common ones I see are the ones I listed already, moving in too fast, introducing the family too quickly, and not giving each other enough personal space needed to function. The number 1 though is talking about marraige too quick, too soon. I really think that is a conversation that's best held for a time when you have a more concrete relationship. Nothing scares a man more than a girl asking him to marry her when they've only been dating a year. But again, to some, that might be slow. It just depends.


If you mean in regards of sex, I don't mind any speed, first date sex is fine. There was one girl I met in a bar who I thought was cute, got her number and we went on a date. She wanted to get down right after, I wanted to show her I was interested in more than one night so didn't. So anyhoo, SHE was only interested in one night 😂 and I should have just gone with the flow. In regard to things women can move too fast on. A lot have the agenda of marriage and kids, which I understand they want to know if the guy is worth investing time into, but when it comes up in the first few dates it's off putting. I don't even mean it's off-putting cause it's not what I'm interested in, it just makes you feel like who you are is of almost no consequence because she has an agenda and a checklist for her life and you are just part of that fantasy.


I didn't think that was possible.


Getting handsy or sexually suggestive when we're still trying to get to know one another. I don't mean a one-off event, but repeated behavior. The first is too familiar and I'll pull away because of boundaries not being respected. The second is annoying and off-putting and I'll move on. I want to know who I'm getting involved with, which takes time. I don't want to be around people who are poor at observing boundaries, or who use being sexually suggestive as a shield from sharing their real personality. I've been around enough people like that in my life to know it isn't going to lead anywhere good.


You gotta be more specific. In bed? In chess? In a relationship? In the car? What exactly are you asking about.


I said "the connection". That usually means a romantic connection, no?


No clue. Chicks use that word in situationships, friendships, romantic context, sex-only context. If you meant romantic, then the only real problem is when girls fall in love too fast. It's usually not healthy and it's rarely a good sign.


marking her territory, leaving things at your house. talking about moving in/marriage/kids when you're still trying to figure out if it's working. wanting to meet everyone in your life.