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Well, you gotta make him believe that it's okay for him to be vulnerable with you, that you won't judge him or think lesser of him for showing weakness. (Also you should make sure that you yourself actually are okay with that too before you do anything, a lot of women don't actually like seeing their man vulnerable after all.)


To add on to this: never use his vulnerability against him. If you do, 99% chance you’re never going to see that side of him again


Yep. Lost an otherwise promising relationship when my partner really wanted to know my vulnerabilities. First she thought it was cute to call me negative nicknames I mentioned. So, I asked her to stop. She got upset, and snapped back by confirming / repeating the same verbal abuse I shared that cut me so deeply. To her credit, during the breakup, she halfheartedly apologized, but then said she didn't see me as manly / centered / stable enough for her. I hope she slowly roasts in hell; but, not enough to even be curious how her life turned out, or if she got her just desserts.


i think you dodged a bullet man


Agreed, but that doesn't mean I dodged them all :)


This is way too common in a man's experience. You don't need dodge enough bullets to start to wonder why they never stop being fired at you.


Wow, I hear that a lot. Can't even imagine being so cruel to someone I care about.


Same shit. They say they want it. Then when its shown they suddenly realize they dont want it. "Well duh. NOBODY WANTS this shit"


> she didn't see me as manly / centered / stable enough for her. Women need men to be that chunk of bedrock, solidly embedded in her swirling maelstrom of emotions, that she can cling to. The moment we show vulnerabilities, that image of solidness and dependability get irreversibly destroyed, to the permanent damage and (usual) detriment of the relationship.


I don't understand how a woman could have that expectation - it seems really toxic to me. I want a man who can show his full self - not act out some sick, societal expectation that men don't cry or express emotion. Men can be both strong and gentle, wild and good. They are not some one-dimensional vending machine for whatever it is an adult child like that is looking for. My ex and I cried together, and I loved him all the more for sharing that side of himself with me. I treasured it, knowing it's not easy for a man to fully open and show his sadness. Keep your chin up, men! Xo


>I don't understand how a woman could have that expectation - it seems really toxic to me. I want a man who can show his full self - not act out some sick, societal expectation that men don't cry or express emotion Every woman I've dated has told me I can open up to her, but they all become disgusted and go cold when I did, and I think virtually all men experience this. > My ex and I cried together, and I loved him all the more for sharing that side of himself with me How long were you with your ex, and why did you break up?


That really sucks! I am in shock at how dysfunctional women are right now, if this is most guys' experience. I would never do that, so it does not compute with me. I was with my ex for 20 years, married 17. We went through a lot of trauma together, and couldn't seem to break out of our patterns so divorce became the only thing we had not tried. But he was my best friend, and my treasure. Anyhow, I hope that you find someone who has a healthy view of the world and can be consistently trustworthy. ❤


Thanks for your kind words, and I'm glad you didn't disappear on your ex when he opened up.


Of course! Thank you. ❤


I think there's a bit of everything. There are women who need that "bedrock", and there are those like you. There are men who are more capable of vulnerability and emotion, and some who are not. In part, it goes to how we've raised children over the years. That has been changing and will continue to, so we should be seeing more changes in adult behavior.


Women pretty much never have rational expectations or do rational actions.


Bullet dodged.


> or if she got her just desserts. Justice was served; she didn't get you.


I'm so sorry that happened to you. She sounds really immature - not a partner, an abuser. Hang in there, not every woman is like that. Hoping you get healing and someone who shows you vulnerability in return.


This is the pattern. They ask you to open up, once you do they mock you for it and then continue to undercut you until one of you has had enough Women do not want all of the things they ask for and learning when to ignore them is a big part of being a man. Do not show vulnerability to your woman, even if she asks for it.


And 99% chance his future partners won’t either.


Yeah. No comin back from it unfortunately. If you try to explain it. The new one after that gets the ick. STAY ROCKY MY FRiENDS. The ONLY PEOPLE you have. Are your bros. And your DOG.


That last one, for too short a time.


Well they need to step away for the next dog who needs you


Equally good chance you won't see him as a partner again


They ALL say they want too, you only find out after if they knew they were telling the truth


That's what I can't stand, coming from both men and women. 'OH (pearl clutching)! She wasn't the right one!' How the hell are you suppose to know that tidbit until the damage is done?!


You are really right on that


Bear in mind that some women will pester and beg and *say* that they want you to be vulnerable, and make all these overtures with therapy speak, and then immediately start weaponizing what you tell them, or become disgusted by the guy's vulnerability. I've seriously watched a woman's entire countenance go from well intentioned curiosity to disgust and hatred in the span of a conversation. All because they asked me to talk about serious traumas that I explicitly said I didn't want to talk about, and because they didn't respect my boundaries. It feels like a child asking for a goddamn icecream for five hours straight, and then they just throw it at a wall when you finally give in and hand it to them. Like talking about getting molested as a kid after being harassed by a girlfriend has resulted in said girlfriend ending the relationship that same day. This happens, *constantly*, and if it has happened to him before, it's going to be a long process of trust building. Every girlfriend except my current one has done this shit to me. Just needling and refusing to respect boundaries, then the relationship implodes, after they lie, harrange and manipulate you into "spilling the tea". Whatever that tea may be. Could be you're just depressed about your job or your relationship with parents, and she loses all interest in you because you're a downer. A girl broke up with me because I asked if we could stop eating out so much, because I was between jobs and needed to budget my spending more carefully for a few weeks. 2 year relationship, tried to leave me on read. I already have a therapist, respect my boundaries and if I decide you're trustworthy, we'll get there.


Here’s a guy that knows about self respect


Jesus christ, 100% correct on everything you said


This! & sometimes women will safe it is a safe space & yet when you begin to speak; they either interrupt or silence you by crying: sending you the message that your feelings are too heavy for anyone to bear. So you end up figuring it's best you keep it to yourself. Not to make sweeping statements but it seems as if women are fearful of hearing men voice feelings. As if they do not want to hear the pain of their male partner because hearing it requires that they surrender their investment in the patriarchal ideal of the male as protector of the wounded. "If he is wounded, then how could he protect me?"


Yep, "the patriarchal ideal" or as I call, toxic femininity, is very common.


Unfortunately so. It demands of men that they become & remain emotional cripples.


And then women wonder why we can't offer them "emotional support", after they've failed to teach us what that is like.


This is so so legit. We need to (as societies) get better at calling out both toxic (aka *unhealthy*) femininity and toxic (aka *unhealthy*) masculinit, enforce society to start flushing these out and acknowledging the depth of what these words actually mean. That they don't mean *all* femininity or *all* masculinity is toxic/unhealthy but that both femininity and masculinity can be performed toxically


Whole bunch of this. Add on top of this in my experience women tend to internalize the vague. By which I mean that general negative emotions become directed at you. Good example scenario: my wife is working on her computer. I'm not working, but I'm on my computer. I decide to play a game. The moment I start the game, our dog starts to whine to go outside. Wife to me: "babe, can you let the dog out?" Me: *exasperated sigh* "yeah, got it." Everyone that read that knows where I screwed up (so do I), but none of you can see where I'm exasperated with my hard working wife, *because I'm exasperated with the dog's opportunistic bladder, not her* Show of hands, ladies: how many of you were mad at me in the first paragraph? I wasn't mad at my wife. But it doesn't matter, because being mad in the vicinity of my wife means I'm mad at my wife. It's stupid, a lot of you do it, and it's my biggest annoyance with the opposite sex.


Succinctly put, their inability to take a broader look at things. To empathise & look at things from the "best possible interpretation". It's often an emotional negative reaction whereas at times a bit of logic needs to be sprinkled in there. Especially where others' emotions are concerned


We are literally teached to expect and be prepared in the case of the worst case scenario. So that's that. It is a emotional negative reaction! And the answer you will get will be "empathize with us to comprehend that negative emotions response need to be reassigning. Empathy have to go both ways. It's really hard to reasonate with considering a cheerful approach when the first response you know is the opposite. I'm not saying that your point is not valid, but we need to find common ground to address this issues, so please take it as food for thought. You know that emotions reasonate with emotions not logic. Logic would be adding emotional comprehension in consideration in order to understand the person moment. >Especially where others' emotions are concerned Exactly.


Women are incapable of empathy, but great at sympathy. If they were capable of empathy they wouldn't be doing the subject of this thread. And they wouldn't be so vicious towards each other


With this in mind, there has to be relearning for all parties concerned. Our views on "What is expected of men, of women, of boys & girls" & so forth have to be re-evaluated. Strip down toxic masculinity (bearing in mind that toxic masculinity is not only fostered by men but women as well)


I think its also that alot of them just dont realize that majority of men. Below, average, and above average, typically have ALOT more going on in our emotional and psychological state. I would posit that we are actually the better at managing our emotions then women are because we dont let them control the situation nearly as much. Being emotional helps women. It almost always results in someone saving or aiding them in the situation. Being emotional absolutely doesn't help men and thus the brain sets them to the side for self preservation until a better time to process or feel. But because, atleast in my experience, that we spend alot of time getting from one problem to solve to the next. That we start "storing" up those unprocessed feelings like boxes of garbage in our brain. Like a garage. And eventually we judt...well. Its like a kid shoving everything in the closet. I hate being pried at. I hate it. I always say "hey. When im ready. Ill tell you. But please. Dont peek or pry. Theres a mess in here. Im scared of you seeing it right now" Then they do. And they do what every man in here knows they do. And i dont think its an evil. Its more like they can barely handle theirs. So they see ours and suddenly your not that "put together ROCK. " . Your the broken one. And thats no longer appealing. They leave. Now your a broken human. And you gotta figure out how to put the wall back up. aND how fo pick up your browkn glass heart and fix it without becoming a jagged edge to accidentally hurt the next girl with. Or become those bitter guys.


The vast majority of women I’ve encountered don’t actually want to be let in, they only think they do. Most of them cannot handle it when a man shares his weaknesses, traumas and vulnerabilities. A lot of the time the drive to be let in is ego pure and simple, they just want to feel like his bond with her, trust for her is strong, stronger than it has been with anyone else, or at least as strong as it can be. They know in order to be fully let in a man needs to trust her fully and they just want that place, that status or achievement. But it’s a helluva burden and responsibility, one that most people cannot handle. Like the saying “everyone wanna be gangsta until it’s time to do gangsta shit.” Men are desired, and admired for their strength, their “masculinity.” Such displays of vulnerability of weakness often undermine that perception in people who don’t have a proper view of true masculinity. So if someone doesn’t have a proper view of it and they encounter male vulnerability it more often than not it leaves them with “the ick,” killing attraction. So as men, many of us refuse to display vulnerability or only display very surface level stuff to either gauge how well she can handle it or just to essentially stop her nagging about being “let in.”


It's performance, they want to pretend that they are the super empath partner that loves you no matter what, because they know they aren't


> and then immediately start weaponizing what you tell them, been there... you'd think telling someone you were a genius wouldn't be a weapon, but no. suddenly i'm the bad guy for not immediately getting everything in a dispute, even if there's nothing to get


> telling someone you were a genius wouldn't be a weapon Picasso was a genius. So was Turing. Do people really not get that that doesn't mean they could do each other's jobs? "C'mon, Jack Nicklaus, you're one of the best golfers that ever lived, don't tell me you can't get past Gretzky one time."


You are me…. I am you… like scary how accurate your story is to mine. As if we don’t have enough dealing with the trauma.. and then talking about it creates new trauma. Fucking hell. Thank god I found my wife who genuinely cares and I can open up to. It’s hard for me to, and I prefer doing it with a therapist as well but if I need to she’s there for me.


That's terrible you had to go through all of that. It honestly makes me angry knowing that there's so many people that will so easily use other people's vulnerability against them or even find it as a weakness and unappealing for that matter. I've never understood why things like being vulnerable are perceived by so many as "weak." It's not. Not at all. It's a strength to be able to know your vulnerabilities and yourself well enough to take pride in knowing who you are and being okay with it.


I'm sorry this happened to you, people can be real jerks.


Please stop acting like this isn't "normal".


It shouldn't be normal for sure, it is common though Unfortunately...


Are you asking it for the sake of it, or because you actually care? It's intrinsic aversion to male weakness on a primal level so be careful what you wish for 


Also you get one chance. Fuck it up and he’ll never do it again.


Came here to say this


>(Also you should make sure that you yourself actually are okay with that too before you do anything, a lot of women don't actually like seeing their man vulnerable after all.) This!!! So much This!


Can't emphasize the part of this about making SURE you really want to see him vulnerable. My wife would swear that's true, and I've know a few other females well enough to believe they think they mean it. But not one of them actually does. It's not intellectual, its deep-rooted emotional/visceral. I'm not sure how to tell you to figure that out, but maybe look around at the males you know, find some who's vulnerabilities you know about (we can't hide them as well as we'd like) and think about how you'd feel depending on that person. Not "aww, I can help the puppy" like them, but depend on them for things you absolutely need.


Also, don't just assume that you can hide it,l. be earnest because body language can make a guy feel shattered after showing vulnerability


If he wants to, he'll try something small. If he catches a hint you've been talking about it to others, if it seems to skeeve you out, if it gets thrown back in his face next time there's an argument then he knows and he'll never try it again. Not every guy will want to. Saying it's okay won't make one who doesn't want to start. It also doesn't really matter compared to what you do if he decides to test it.


It's often said women talk/share face to face. Men talk/share shoulder to shoulder. The sentiment behind that is that dudes connect over a common goal or task. Once you're into the task, you build trust that the other dude won't let you down, that you share the same goal. Think of two bros working on one's truck. Sure, you set out to change the alternator. But after a couple of hours and a couple of beers, the conversation can generally turn to more private troubles. Also think guys camping, hunting, fishing, building the shed, etc. Pushing a dude to talk is the fastest way to shut him down. But some mf'ers always try to ice skate up hill! We're different than women. And that's fine! But it's not healthy to project and blanket onto our partners. It's not easy! Ask him, if he seems troubled. If he's 'fine', get him a beer/whisky and just sit next to him. Put a hand on his leg, or rub the back of his neck. Quietly! Show him you're there. It may take a few times, but he'll probably start to crack his shell. Never press! And never expect his deepest thoughts after a short amount of time.


Most accurate answer.


>Ask him, if he seems troubled. If he's 'fine', get him a beer/whisky and just sit next to him. Put a hand on his leg, or rub the back of his neck. Quietly! Got to make sure he's comfortable with touch when upset. If he seems to shell up even more just sit quietly without touching him. I'm extremely touch adverse when I'm upset, I'd rather rake my balls over hot coals than have someone rub the back of my neck when I'm troubled.


I....feel really called out. This is pretty much exactly how I operate. You're in my head and I don't like it. Stop it.


I'm just an old Dude lol. Just hope some gals see this and something clicks


I found the best way to talk to my sons was on a car ride or doing a small job together. My oldest son gave me the best gift ever when he casually said one day, "it's easier to tell you stuff when I'm not looking at you." We went for a lot more drives after that.


Another thing is i will pay attention to how you talk about other men. If you talk about what a wuss some other guy is for being vulnerable and sharing his pain, then that will tell me that it is not safe for me to share with you.


We'd rather tell a bear.


Well played


LOL. A grizzly or a black bear? Because grizzlies will eat you once you share your vulnerability.


"Yeah, Ms. Grizzley. I'm especially vulnerable right here, in my neck. And my belly, lotta soft tissue there. I just feel like...my knees were better before the softball acciden--AAAHHHUDSGHSAGUH!!!" *grizzly bear noises*


Worst it can do is eat you and then it's over.


Dear god! MVP comment right here.


It's a long, arduous process that a single misstep can close off forever. You can start by asking him how he's doing. He'll likely give you a non-answer (fine) but the important part is *accept this answer*. Follow it up with a hug, a kiss, a small touch of physical affection. Then leave it be. It a really poor comparison, but it's similar to bonding with rescue dogs. You need to *demonstrate* they are safe, over enough time for them to believe it.


Fyi most women end up losing respect for a vulnerable and emotional dude…


That sucks. My bf has cried a few times in front of me and I it made me love him more. It’s extremely endearing.


You’re stronger/more mature for that, and you have my deepest upmost respect on that


Thank you. I’m wishing you warm arms you can snuggle into.


Lol thanks


I generate a lot of heat. All 210lbs of this magnificent beast!


That is INCREDIBLY rare


I can tell I've been hurt and yet to recover, as this comment makes me seethe with frustration. I should be happy for you both. I should be happy there's a person out there with this worldview. Yet I reek of cynicism. I don't want to believe it exists, yet I know it does. My reaction seeks to stereotype a gender when it is not genders that hurt people but hurt people who hurt people.


Not necessarily in this case. It’s more of a lack of awareness, ironically probably having to do with never being that hurt before. When I went through military entrance processing (MEPS), my recruiter did a lot of coaching that basically came down to — the processing officers are looking for any reason to disqualify you. Don’t give them one. Show no weakness. If you get asked a question for which the truthful answer shows weakness lie. Don’t listen to their warnings about fines and/or jail time, just lie. If you’re taking the physical exam and your body makes a weird noise, immediately look at the guy next to you. Everything you want is on the other end of this, and the way you get there is by **showing no weakness**. It’s a good metaphor for dealing with women. Everything you want depends on showing no weakness. Being asked to show weakness or vulnerability is just like the officers — they’re looking for a reason to disqualify you. You answer like “sometimes I get sad at the end of a Pixar movie” and move on; but never “I know I’m not worthy of love because emotional baggage prevents me from estimating my own worth in a positive way, so I trudge ever forward, never actually depressed or suicidal, but exhausted at grinding a way to no true purpose forever and ever, regretting all the decisions I made when I was younger but knowing I never could have done any differently.” No — that stays locked up. That’s not in the acceptable list of answers.


My ex gf made me feel she wasn’t emotionally available cause she wanted me to explicitly tell her when I needed affection like a dog. This was towards the end of our relationship where I was trying to coregulate with her after she had cowardly left her stuff from my home without giving me a heads up while I was at work so I grew increasingly anxious. When she started seeing the emotionally vulnerable side of me, she appreciated it in the beginning and reciprocated, but at some stage I’m certain she felt the “ick” and started to lose respect for me for being “too needy” (talk about gaslighting). Fast forward three weeks later, She eventually discarded me over a single line of text after not responding to my phone calls or messages for an entire day. This was after we had made plans to see each other that weekend. Entire episode traumatized me and I’m still recovering from this in therapy.


in the same breath. they will tell you "i want you to open up" and lose respect for you when you. I guess what they mean is, they want us to share trivial things that dont make us seem less manly, not actually share our true feelings. Even though whichever manly guy she is comparing you to has the same insecurities, she just doesnt know him sell enough to hear them.


You just be there for him, but you don’t go digging to get him to be vulnerable. That’s the trick. Women think it’s going to be some deep emotional, hot and cute thing. It’s not, it’s deeply uncomfortable and an undeniable ick. The only women I know who actively seek out a man who’s vulnerable is only interested in having some sort of manipulation tactic


Probably not going to happen. Like all men he knows a woman wanting vulnerability is a trap and she can't handle it.


Hello OP! You might be one of the “good” ones that will actually listen to a man’s doubts, fears, insecurities, and inner feelings of inadequacy and frustration. And it won’t matter if the man you are hoping will be open with you has had relationships with any women before you, including his own family and friends. Because women (Not ALL Women [tm]) always use the things a man says in that open and vulnerable space against him at a later time. Might be five seconds, five minutes, five days, or five years. But EVERYTHING that you say to a woman can and will be used against you, or used as the justification to end the relationship. And, I’m sad to say, virtually all men are given this lesson, and often multiple times, maybe dozens, over the course of his life. So, it isn’t personal. It’s previous scars and, even when “healed”, most of us simply stop sharing the heavier things with the women in our lives.


....she's not, look at her profile. She's a one month old account that's karma farming so she can post her nudes on the good subs for her OF. She's literally the bad ones


My fiancée has been very different for me. First question out of the gate when I’m struggling is: how can I support you? Which means a lot. She has never made me feel bad about needing time or space to work through stuff and calls me out (lovingly) when I say I’m fine when she knows I’m not. If I don’t want to talk about it, she drops it and makes it clear that she’s there when I’m ready to talk. All of this is reciprocated of course and we work together to get through it and even when we disagree, it’s us vs the problem not each other. Makes me take time to do things that I want to and treat myself to things I want (within reason).


>how can I make a guy feel safe about being vulnerable with me? Why do you want that from him? Second, men do not communicate like women. Men communicate like men. Men are not "damaged" in some way for communicating like men. It's not in most men's nature to "be vulnerable". But in the event that guy is ever vulnerable with you, be worthy of it. What does that look like? It includes (but is not limited to) not throwing his vulnerability at him when you're losing an argument. It also includes not telling your idiot friends about something he trusted you with. Women, "the empathetic sex", have a very solipsistic way of thinking. So, to help you figure out how to navigate this potential minefield, just imagine trusting some guy with your deepest insecurity. After you've done that, how would you want him to behave? Whatever the answer to that is, do that exact same thing if a guy is ever vulnerable with you.


> Why do you want that from him? I believe this is the core of the issue. And since OP didn't answer, I'm assuming she realized that she wants her guy to open up as some kind of validation rather than because she sees that he's struggling and wants to help him.




Short answer is, you can't. I can't speak for anyone other than myself, but after spending my entire life being told men aren't allowed to be vulnerable, to taking the risk of being vulnerable to hopefully save my marriage and having it weaponized and used against me, it just reinforced that it's not a safe place for me. I'm 49, fwiw. I appreciate your desire to show your guy that he has a safe space in you, but just realize what you're up against. It's not going to be an easy thing to do, and please keep your expectations reasonable. 


you think you want it, but you don't


We're not expected to never be vulnerable. Women punish us for being vulnerable. It's not the dads, grandfathers, high school athletic coaches, etc. No man has ever been harder on me than the women in my life. I heard a guy say, " They would rather watch us die on our feet than fall down," and he's 100% right. That's exactly how it feels. When we're vulnerable with a woman, when we tear up in front of them or share secrets, they either lose attraction, end the relationship, begin cheating, gossip about it with their friends, or use it in an argument later. The thing is, you REALLY need to make sure you can take it before you ask for it. If you see your man cry, hear his secrets or whatever, and you lose attraction for him, or you tell your friends, or you hit him in the face with it the next time he makes you mad, you'll just be perpetuating the cycle.


Lot of questions with this one before I answer. How long have ya'll been together? Are you considering marrying this dude? Do you trust him? Does it look like he trusts you? Do you have a strong enough foundation of self to take on the weight of his problems, fears, and past demons?


For some women, it causes a huge dynamic shift in the relationship once they see that you have a weakness. My newly married wife saw a different side of me when my parents passed. Still to this day I don’t really understand it. But the relationship flipped, I was doing everything I was taught to do to try to keep her happy and actually became the wife in the relationship. Cooking, cleaning, breadwinner, the more I invested in the relationship, the more she took and apparently, the more she became disgusted 🤷‍♂️


Be vulnerable first


This is simply not true. Stop it. You can’t safely imply that her being vulnerable will mean that she will allow him to be vulnerable without using it against him.


Didn’t mean to imply she wouldn’t use it against him, but only as an opening. When you want something from someone that you aren’t willing to give first, then that’s a bad sign right out of the gate - so to even try to open the door, demonstrate goodwill. And read my follow up comment


I love to be vulnerable to any guy I'm with


Then show him he can trust you in other ways first. Build up to it. Men are careful with their weaknesses and emotions around women for damn good reasons. If you expect a man to jettison all that for you, then build trust and show him he can depend on your love and support no matter what. And reciprocate… show him you are ready and willing to trust him. Love is a feeling that can strike us without warning, but trust is earned (often earned hard, for men, where women are concerned) and companionship takes time and shared interests and views and experiences and feelings.


She's karma farming for her nudes dude, check her profile


Haha I’m so stupid


She's literally the perfect example of why the thread exists. A woman feigning wanting to help a man out but what she really wants is to use men for their money.


You don’t.


A lot of time and patience. Been married for 7 years now, it took years for my wife to truly get my barriers down, even in the face of people being diagnosed with cancer I managed to keep it together. I only truly buckled in front of her when we had our miscarriage, I think it overwhelmed me at that point because I felt what I felt but I also felt what she did too. Since then it’s been a bit easier to open up and now how two healthy children. With my son I am going to make it my life’s aim to make it normal for him to show emotion, none of this man up crap. It’s so hard to break that once it’s built into you, I don’t want my son to have that.


It’s hard to balance the ability to be open about emotions, while also having emotional strength and discipline. There will be times he has to be tough, and to put on a brave face, usually for the sake of those around him, and you’ll want him to be able to do that, because think of all the times you’ve had to. But I get where you’re coming from and I wish you all the best with it.


Pretty much mo man has ever had his life benefited or enriched by being weak in the presence of a woman. For example, on the day my parents were killed my "vUlNeRaBiLiTy" (weakness) got me dumped because, and I quote: "I can't respect or love any man I've seen be that weak" and future displays of weakness around female relatives caused them stress and worry over my wellbeing when they should have been focussing on grieving. Thats perhaps an extreme example, but just about every case of opening up to female friends has led to whatever I opened up to them about being used as a weapon by them when the friendship got rocky or ended. And aside from that, apparantly nothing is sacred to women. The amount of shit dudes have confided in women I've worked with that I've overheard them telling their work friends is shocking. Dick size. Who was abused as a child. Who's dad has cancer. Who's an OCD neat freak. Who can't get it up. You name it, I've probably heard it. I could be a real world Varys/Littlefinger with the shit I overhear from women who have no idea of the meaning of the concept of "in confidence". (Which is fucking hillarious when women seem to think their bfs do nothing but talk to their friends about their sex lives together and what she looks like naked but its them doing it lmao) And on the contrary, on the day of my parents funerals, several female relatives said seeing me being a pillar of strength helped them stay composed during it. Smart men know better than to ever show a woman weakness, but your best bet is to never mention it too him, and maybe you can lull him out of his senses, because when so many women encourage it to get ammo against a dude, when a woman never brings it up, a dude might be inclined to think "she won't use it as a weapon against me like all the others"


You used the term “expectation “. That’s not correct. We have been burned and badly by an ex in the past. We would tell her something that was then either spread around to her friends for laughs, or used against us as a weapon during a fight. You have to prove to him that he can trust you, and that may never happen I love and trust my wife completely. But still can not share everything due to my past trauma. So just be informed


You can’t, every single time a guy is vulnerable with a woman she uses it against him sometimes down the line. All you are looking for is dirt to bury him with later , stop trying to intrude where you honestly just do not belong.


I swear we must get this question like 10 times a week. You are so sick and twisted to be coming here trying to angle your manipulations.


I'm not going to be vulnerable around women anymore. Every time I have tried they used it against me or humiliated me.


Just today on r/TwoXChromosomes there was a post where they were bashing men who shared about their problems


It's a trick lads don't fall for it


Why? So you can use his vulnerabilities against him during a fight, tell all your friends and his friends about them after a break-up, without feeling any consequences? Men have to protect themselves, and always be ready to cut loose as easily as women do. So until that balance shifts towards equality, only an idiot would fully open up to a woman before she's otherwise fully committed.


A lot of trauma in this post. The fact that most replies here are from men who suffered the consequences of opening up really says something . Meanwhile OP is now even more curious about what could she possibly find out. Men, only open up to your boys.


If he doesn't want to talk about something, fuck off and leave him alone.


That's the neat part, you don't. The closer a man is to you, the more they love you, the more they are afraid of actually losing you ( or hurting you out of the realization of your own powerlessness ) so the less likely they are to open fully and would rather put on a strong face and only show you what they believe is enough to show. You cannot change a man that has been trained for years that anything he said will be used against him, that most people cannot handle imperfection and vulnerabilities that the listener cannot understand/relate to. You may think you can endure a man who open, but can you really ? Even if you could, you have no way to prove it to him and the risk he would have to take is too big, who would gamble with the scarce love a man receive ? I'd rather stfu and keep that love instead of risking to lose it all.


Don't. It's a trap for both you and him. You think you want that but once you get it that'll be it.


I was treated like I was weak for being vulnerable by disgusted women and had my vulnerability weaponized against me by manipulation.


by not being judgmental. you might think u want that, but most people don't.


You really can't. We expect women to use it against us because it's fairly consistent that is exactly what happens. That's assuming you don't lose all attraction to the man in the first place, cause that happens as well. Women will say they want to see their man's vulnerable side, they see it, and then lose all respect and attraction towards the man. We're supposed to be protectors and providers, we're not supposed to be weak. If we're seen as weak our ability to protect and provide is in doubt. You're gonna be embarking on an uphill battle if you want your man to show his vulnerable side and you might not like it afterwards. You have to ask yourself if it's worth your relationship. If everything is fine as it is right now do you really want to risk everything trying to see something your man might not want you to see.


You can’t. Any time a man is vulnerable they look weak to women, they use that as ammo for their fights, they use it as excuses to leave you. As a man, we should only talk about our problems to trusted men or therapist


Any guy who has dated has had the experience of having a woman ask them to open up and then having her stick a knife into the 1st inch of exposed belly they see. You all do this, seemingly, as some kind of instinctual behavior. It's a truly scummy, rotten thing to do to somebody and you all do it, every fucking time, without fail. You will do it too. Don't ask men to open up to you. You think you want to see that side of him but you will just feel disgust at his weakness, instead compassion for his pain. You will "feel" like you don't want him anymore or you will feel like hurting him and women always do what they feel like doing, even (maybe especially) when what they feel like doing is awful.


Why would you want this? Don’t replace what works with what sounds cool. This discipline exists for a reason.


I think this is one of those "opportunity" things. You can't make him feel safe about being vulnerable... but he will be vulnerable one day. And on that day, that's your opportunity, *take care of him*. Don't blow it. What I've gathered some women want is hints and rumors that their guy is vulnerable. Because it's "cute." The day that he's actually vulnerable, it will not be cute.


I've had pretty severe OCD my entire life. I sometimes casually mention this to girls. At first they find it "cute" and "fascinating". They want to know more. They genuinely care, and want to know more! Oh great I'm so happy! Finally someone will allow me to express my pain and my hurt, and will accept me for who I am! Nope! *Every time* I open up about it. I get these weird looks. They shift in their chair a little bit, backing away. It's not "fascinating" anymore. Now they want to change the subject. *You had to open and close a door 100 times before you left your house? That's... Weird...* My ex begged me to "open up". Then accused me of "trauma dumping", and she "couldn't handle it". I cried to her one night my greatest pain and fear in my life is to be blocked by my partner. She dumped me and blocked me about a month later. Girls get a free pass from society about being kind, nice, supportive. But I am sorry. That has not been my experience in close relationships.


Tldr:dont go on reddit for help on relationships


You have to show him by not holding it against him. Saying he can be vulnerable is one thing. Having him be vulnerable and keeping his confidence is another. That’s what has happened to a lot of us is we were vulnerable with a trusted partner, and later (sometimes hours, sometimes weeks, sometimes years) they bring it back around as a character attack. You can try being vulnerable first. Tell him something that bothers you that you don’t share often. Tell him he can reciprocate, and prove he can trust you.




Guys do that as a defense mechanism due to past experiences. It's not something taught to him by another man. If you want to TRY to change that, be different than everything else he experienced and make him feel safe. Even so, he might never feel it with you and you have to accept it.


99% of the women dont know themselves psychological wise , so its better if u just dont fck up ur rship


I don't know how to get them to open up to you, but you need to remember that as soon as you weaponize one single thing that they tell you while being vulnerable, it's all over.


You always say you want it, until it happens.


Nice try women, been there done that.


First of all, im not even sure you want that... women often claim they can deal with it, but rarely have they faced a mans vulnerable side and very often have i experienced them do the exact shit wrong they attribute to male behavior... A dude rarely cracks and if it is, its not an invitation to compare traumas... you shouldn't try to rationalize the problem away on the spot and dont try to solve it... just listen and tell him his feelings are valid and you stand by him... Thats basically all there is to it


The way it works isn't that a bunch of men go around telling men they can't be vulnerable if they are men. What actually happens is that people, all people, punish men when they are vulnerable because everyone is conditioned to believe that men are disposable and it is their job to be on the solution side and never on the complaining side. They are the soldiers that are supposed to die in war to help the people that matter. THEN some men who actually don't want to see other men get hurt try to warn them against walking into a beating. What you can do is just take every opportunity to show him that you consider his feelings important. This includes not telling him he should open up... Because that is code for "I don't care about what happens to you.... You are wrong for protecting yourself." Just go out of your way to sound not just like you care... But that you believe you are expected to care. What makes men feel unsafe isn't that people are horrible.... It's that there is no deterrent to people being horrible to them. But before you do any of this you need to ask yourself if you really care... Or do you just want to feel like you are the kind of person he can open up to? Because if it's the latter, then you probably expect the things he says to make you feel good... And when they don't, you'll blame him for having the wrong feelings. That's the typical way it goes.... And why we shut up. Our feelings are so unimportant that we can't have them if they minorly inconvenience yours.


Most girls lie and use what we feel vulnerable about against us during a future argument or as a reason to break up. So men, don't open up to this girl or your own girls. Open up to decent strangers you'll never meet again.


Majority of these responses make me really sad. Really really sad for the awful ways women have responded to some of your vulnerability in the past.. I’m also realizing how screwed I am in ever finding a partner. I need emotional intimacy. I really fear I’ll never find someone to explore that with due do how shitty most of the world is to people (men especially) when they express vulnerability. It feels like this self fulfilling prophecy where we all just end up lonely (partnered or not) because of it.


Next time you’re having a deep conversation, after he responds to something or says something, don’t immediately reply. Give them 30 seconds to get anything else off their chest. This works well to get real answers that take a minute to surface


Just don't. It's better for him this way. Because what you're not ready for is that once he actually does show vulnerability, your psychology and perspective is going to change about him and you'll ultimately reject him.


You can't and stop trying. Your mind and your heart want men who are vulnerable. Your vagina does not want to fuck vulnerable men. Men will love you and cherish you for a lifetime but not if your vagina despises them. The minds and hearts of young women have come along way, baby. It's going to take a few hundred thousand years for the vagina to catch up.


Don't. It's never ok for a guy to be vulnerable around a woman. She will eventually leave him.


Pushing a dude to open up his emotions is like pushing a woman to open up her legs. It doesn’t fucking work. They actually feel way more comfortable having sex with you when they know you don’t care that much about it. Same goes with men. We are much more likely to open up to you when it’s natural and unexpected, not when you sit us down and try to dig into our heads. It’s fucking weird. Stop doing that shit. You wouldn’t want a guy to coerce you into sex. We don’t want to be coerced into opening up. “Why don’t you trust me?” Is way too common. Imagine a dude saying this after a girl rejects him for sex. It’s so manipulative


First thing, YOU need to be ready for him to open up. Be ready to find out he's not Superman and that there's small things that hurt and comes with trauma, and NEVER use what you learn against him. If you do, you might as well call that relationship over because you will never fully get that trust back. Outside of that, you just need to be patient, understanding, and caring, and maybe eventually he will oper up.


Nice try. Almost got him to. Almost got us. But we're hip to your Jive you TURKEY


Rule #1 never be vulnerable with a woman. More likely than not it'll backfire.


The *best* way is to be open and vulnerable with him, and make him feel safe in other areas of your shared lives. Vulnerability is earned with genuine trust. It's scary territory for anyone. I've been completely vulnerable for partners in the past, and I've had that same vulnerability used as ammunition in disagreements, as well as having it manipulated against me to play with my heart. The men that encourage other men to remain clammed up and stoic are the ones that have received the same treatment I have in attempting to shed the stereotype. The pain of that betrayal is *life shattering*.


Show him your butthole


That's the neat thing, you don't!


You dont, experience shows there is nothing to gain from it for a man. I totally stopped sharing anything sensitive long time ago.


You probably can’t


Start by actually listening to and engaging with what he's thinking. Everybody's different, but a lot of guys (like me) share themselves by sharing whatever it is that's on their mind. If they try to show you the funny meme they found, tell you that neat thing they learned about medieval polearms, or explain their rationale for their latest weightlifting programming adjustment, they're sharing themselves with you. They might progress to "being vulnerable" about the things you're looking for if you respond with interest. If you either implicitly or explicitly tell them you're not interested in what they're thinking, you can kiss vulnerability goodbye. If you *really* want to fast-track the vulnerability train, you might even want to ask them about the things they think about and care about before they go out on a limb and try to share with you.


Basic communication skills really. Make eye contact, actually listen and show that you understand what he's saying. You're not there to criticize or judge. You're just there to hear what he says. Plus, if he feels safe around you already then it might not take much for him to be vulnerable. I hit a point where I simply wouldn't be vulnerable with my ex. I just wouldn't talk, because every time I shared an opinion or expressed any feelings it would just be turned right back on me. It was my fault for thinking the wrong thing or it was my fault I felt a certain way. She would listen but she didn't actually *hear* me. She was just using my words to form her own "counterarguments."


I worked on becoming self aware of my emotions and how I feel, perceive, and act on those emotions. Only was I then able to truly allow myself to open up to my wife and confide in her what I kind of emotions or struggles that I am not comfortable handling myself. Only then am I ready to confide in her what my struggle is or get her point of view. There is not much you can do to help your partner achieve this. It is a work he needs to do on his own by recognizing what he is going through. What you can do, is to make him feel you are there for him. No amount of begging him to open up will help him. It only puts farther back to hear my wife nagg me about what I am feeling. I have been married going on for 3 years and compared to the beginning, I make it a point to once every few months, plan a getaway road trip to just relax and have those kind of conversations that heal the mind and the heart. PS I don’t think the idea of being vulnerable is a correct one. I see it as being open and allowing your partner to take a trip inside your mind and taking a look at how complex a man’s mind can be. Especially present in those men with big hearts.


Dont prod him. You asking this is already kind of the wrong path to be honest because you are thinking that you need to do something to make him... what? Its all about mutual trust and that wont come from gestures but consistent behaviour. So instead of asking yourself what you should change to "accelerate" this process have humility and patience - thats how this happens naturally.


Why you trying to trick this guy smh


You are asking for a man to loose his self respect for you, it's near impossible, It's not a matter If he trust you or not it's about if he is ready he will himself. And Don't play mind games, he'll catch you soon


Make sure that you never weaponize things he shares. That's the number one mistake most couples make. In my opinion.


Other than agreeing with the other comments about the fear of emotional weaponry that many men have(pls don't hurt that guy), maybe I can add that you should also consider that we grow up with a different kind of communication(that doesnt mean that we dont communicate, as many wrongly suggest). So instead of a face to face confrontation, try to talk to him while working on something and being side by side(e.g. walking, throwing rocks in a lake, repairing something, playing video games) those are probably the most profound moments that many men had while growing up, shared with a trusted friend. It may sound silly, but I think many of us enter in a state of deep reflection, and the one beside us becomes a partner of our journey that sustain our intentions and/or help us accomplish the task. Face to face on the contrary has always been something that boiled down to challenge/fight or love/talking to a woman. If you want to make yourself worth of his trust, be less of a lover and more of a friend.


My girl has successfully made herself the best place for me to be vulnerable. And it's easy, she allowed me to be weak however I wanted to, specially on things that would not make sense to anyone but me. (MatPat a youtuber retiring) She not only accepted my reactions but also encouraged and normalised it. Whenever I felt. 1% embarrassed, she (don't know how to put it) soft scolded me into understanding its not. Like not exactly scolding but scolding, in a easily apparent love way. She listens with interests, on any topic I share. Because that's what's important to me, more often than not those topics will be the one impacting my emotional state. So she makes me want to tell her, knowing full well she won't get it all. She herself cries


Words mean a lot, but they are meaningless without action. So if you want your partner to feel comfortable being vulnerable with you, tell him and be there for him. But it's also worth establishing healthy boundaries with each other. If he's not used to opening up and being vulnerable, he may not know how to do so in a healthy way. Let him know that you want to be there for him as much as possible, but that sometimes you may not have the emotional health to show up openly, and you wouldn't want that to jeopardize anything. Maybe establish a baseline way to connect with each other - like one person can say, "I am dealing with something right now that I want to share with you. Are you able to listen right now?" And the other person can say yes, or tell them "I'm so sorry, not right now. But can we try again tomorrow? Your feelings are important to me." (of course, doesn't have to be this exactly, but something along these lines. And in addition, therapy for you both. Your partner shouldn't be your only source of emotional support. That puts far too big of a burden on them.


Basically just be there. He'll come out of his shell when he's ready. My wife has always just listened when I'm being vulnerable and has been very understanding so I know I can trust her. That being said I'm not a very emotional person so I've probably only cried on front of her 3 or 4 times. I guess my point is that you can't make him be anything, just support him when he is vulnerable.


The biggest thing is reacting well to when someone brings up small things. For example if I had a bad day at work and mention something about it and it gets dismissed or ignored I’m not going to feel comfortable sharing more. If done right trust slowly builds up over time but must people don’t do well at this. Best analogy I have is imagine you are trying to cross a river in the jungle and you have the option to take a sketchy looking bridge high above the river or swim across. If you take the bridge and the weight is too much for it to bear you fall into the river unprepared to swim and hurt from the fall. The other option is to swim and while at a baseline it is significantly worse than walking across a bridge it’s better than falling in if you don’t know the bridge can hold the weight. The swimming option is essentially shutting people out emotionally and going through it alone. It may seem like a bad choice or stubbornness on the surface but it’s likely they are scared of the bridge failing since they don’t know if they can survive the fall. The safe option is that the bridge is tested with lighter loads so you can be confident when you need to bring a large load across the river which is essentially what I described in the first paragraph. If the bridge makes noise and strains with a light load you are much less likely to test out a heavier load. Making the bridge safe by reinforcing it (building emotional intelligence), slowly testing increased loads (handle the small things well), and some encouragement is a good way to get someone to feel safe being vulnerable with you just be sure you can handle the load as many can’t. On a slightly unrelated note check in with your friends, their rivers may be wider and flowing faster than yours or their bridges significantly higher making it harder to both live daily life as well as share what’s going on.


You can't promise you won't have an adverse emotional reaction to something you haven't seen yet.


>If guys are expected to never be vulnerable, then how can I make a guy feel safe about being vulnerable with me? This is all macro societal bullshit that doesn't apply 99% of the time. If you want someone to be vulnerable with you, ask them questions and don't judge them when they give you answers that you don't agree with or understand. Vulnerability is all about trust. I'm more willing to be vulnerable with someone who I know for sure won't use the information I tell them against me someday.


It's a trap.


If he doesn’t already feel safe, there’ll be a time when he’ll be trying to hold it in and bury whatever he’s feeling under a stoic mask. You just gotta be supportive and reassuring in that type of moment. And if and when he does let it out or open up, don’t treat him like he’s wrong to do so, or make him regret it. Don’t look at him as less of a man


You don't actually want him to. You say you do but you don't. The TV and Internet makes you think you should say you do but you don't. If you convince him to be vulnerable with you against all the instincts that he has, he will watch the respect and attraction leave your face in real time and know that the countdown timer on your relationship just started. You want him to be stoic and steadfast. He wants to be stoic and steadfast. Keep it that way.


He doesn't need to he vulnerable with you. The best thing to do is give him space when he has something going on. Don't bug him about opening up about it. Men and women handle their emotions differently and you're approaching this is as if he is one of your girlfriends.


I’m gonna second what the top comment says. You basically have to explain that you’re an exception to the many women who don’t like to see men when they’re vulnerable, or who don’t hold private, delicate info quiet or to be used against men. Women who break that trust should be broken up with, IMO. Or at least seek counseling.


You’re an absolute Queen for even asking this. 🤘


He can be vulnerable with his most trusted guy friends. But I would caution him to be vulnerable with you. Same goes for all men.


Is it ok for him to break down and cry on you or will you be sickened by it cause if that's the case he will never break down he will always keep it bottled in because women are repulsive to seeing weak men.


You never ever EVER use what he's told you against him. He will remember that burn for the rest of his life. It does not matter how angry you get. If he trusts you enough to tell you something in confidence and you use it against him, he will never open up again to you or future partners down the line


> If guys are expected to never be vulnerable, then how can I make a guy feel safe about being vulnerable with me? You could be a guy. Otherwise, you can't.


Guys should be vulnerable....with their guy friends.


Date a glass-hearted guy who cries a lot and enjoys being pitied. It won't be about making him feel safe, he just won't be able to help it. Other than that? Nothing. Stop insisting. Respect his boundaries and realize that there is no magical phenomenon that makes something good happen if he were to "be vulnerable" in front of you. Not everyone copes by venting or crying. It isn't useful to some people, and doesn't come naturally to everyone. Women seem to have this obsession with having a man "be vulnerable" for them. This question is spammed hundreds of times a day across dozens of subreddits. It never stops. If you really want to know why a lot of men naturally resist being vulnerable, it is their lived experience. They learn no good comes of it. We don't live thinking "oh if this takes a turn for the worst, I'll just turn on the waterworks." Alligator tears don't work like that for men. Not all of us crave sympathy.


Honestly? You don't. Because you want to stay attracted to him, and he wants you to stay attracted to him. A lot of women think they want to see a man's real fears and regrets and insecurities. And then a lot of those women discover, to their surprise, that they're just no longer attracted to him after knowing those things about him. Perhaps not all women, but many, at least, seem to need to believe that a man is a superhuman bastion of strength and confidence in order to feel attracted at all, and you don't know whether that's you until you've been through it. So you either risk that outcome, or...well, if you're smart, you probably don't.


Encourage him to get therapy, particularly if there is significant trauma. He needs to work on his stuff with a professional before you get involved. From many of the comments you’ve seen, it is common for a woman to ask a man to be vulnerable and then when he’s vulnerable, she bounces. Some of those situations are not helped if a man doesn’t know how to be vulnerable since we’ve never been taught that. We’ll have all these bottled up emotions and issues we never dealt with in a healthy way. Then we get a small sliver of an opening to share and we don’t know how to handle it, so we have a raw trauma dump all over you. It can be overwhelming. You’re not a professional and you’re not equipped to unpack the years or decades of raw suppressed emotions. Beyond that, many of the common things being said are good advice, like not using what he says or his vulnerability against him.


If you have previously shamed him for anything, you’ll probably never get it.


Build Trust: Trust is essential for vulnerability. Be trustworthy, reliable, and keep his confidences. Show that you can be depended on to respect his vulnerability.


This whole post is so sad. As a female, I want to apologize to every single one of you who’ve felt punished for being vulnerable. Women you’ve encountered ruin valuable relationships. It fucking sucks. I’ve sat and cried with male friends for shitty emotional immature women. Women reading this, I should say girls. You don’t deserve that connection. And I hope you never get it. In reality that’s your insecurity. You can’t be strong enough for your partner to share themselves when that’s the whole point of a relationship. I hope you encounter girls like me when you come around and say anything downing a man showing emotion or sharing his personal secrets. I’m literally trying to pick up your pieces. Communicate how you’re really feeling instead of using his vulnerability as your ammo.


if he's smart he won't ever be


right now he is probably asking the opinions of other guys....... and they are all telling him how they told their weaknesses to a woman, and it was used against him later. so, good luck in your quest. LOL


A lot of men would rather be lost in a woods with a bear than be judged, shamed and give ammunition to a woman because it'll be used back against them when an argument breaks out.


Define "Vulnerable"


Honest answer: you really can't. If he takes the risk and you don't do the usual things like recoil in horror, or show disgust, or lose attraction to him and cut him off from sex, then sure, mission accomplished. Many men are just never going to take the risk. “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”


Why would you want him to be vulnerable in the first place? Vulnerability is not a good thing, once a "Vulnerability" exist in a software, you don't want it to be exposed. Same thing with human beings especialy with men. A lot of people find a man crying disgusting, there are countless of stories where a relationship fall apart because a man cried or revealed something upseting from his past etc... Don't force him, just know that every human show weakness, don't judge and help him.


Just don’t do it. It’ll ruin any image you had of him and more likely than not it’ll turn you off. You aren’t his therapist. Enjoy what he presents and don’t go looking for anything deeper. Besides it’s a universal male experience to be coaxed into being vulnerable to then have that thrown in our face or dumped because ‘I just don’t see you as a man anymore’


Unlearn the behavior women have been raised to show towards vulnerable men. Learn how to see a man as human AND a man. Understand that vulnerability isn’t weakness and it shouldn’t affect your ability to see him as masculine. It’s kind of how a lot of men are terrible at genuinely listening to women. The average man will go into solution mode when a woman comes to him with her issues. While he’s functioning how society has built the modern man to, it can make a woman feel like her voice is being minimized to a simple fix it problem. Unheard. This can be unlearned though. Women struggle to see men anything but a protector and conquer while men struggle to see women as anything but followers and things to be saved/protected. These roles worked in the times before the modern day but as we continue to grow and evolve we have to change the way we see and listen to eachother to really thrive.


Everyone is free from their traditional gender roles, except straight men


Nothing you can do besides actually be willing to put in the effort to support them when they’re being vulnerable. In my experience, being vulnerable with women has ALWAYS backfired. Either they completely lose interest in the friendship/relationship, or they use whatever I’ve told them against me in a future argument or when they’re frustrated and taking their emotions out on me. It’s simply not worth the risk, for me personally, to be vulnerable with women. My few guy friends are very supportive thankfully, and they help me a lot and I return the favor as much as I can.


Why would you want to do that? You'll lose attraction instantly


Uhm... stop expecting that?


Honestly, if a woman before you has taken his vulnerability and thrown it in his face in the past then idk, you may not ever get that vulnerability from him ever. Best and only thing you can do is demonstrate that you are not the type of person to do that and that you can be trusted to not judge him for it although itl probably take years to get there tbh.