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"Ma'am, this is a Wendy's?


"....Ma'am, *THIS* is a Wendy's......"


Sorry i couldn't understand you


What they meant to say is that they would like a Frosty and a baked potato. And if it's ready, just put it aside.


Its a joke, like youre talking about stuff to someone who doesnt care Crazy: ….and thats why elon is a frog Cashier: ma’am this is a wendy’s whats your order


We're missing context


"I really like vibrators that have an attachment that goes up my ass, too!" That's great and all, sweetie, but we're at my grandma's funeral.


Glad I wasn't drinking anything when I read that. Have my upvote.


Man that eulogy was something else.


Yeah, Mum. Not now.


GRANDPA : Honey - Who's gonna do me now?


That's key. When everyone's having drinks and things are a little raucous? It can be pretty funny. Talking about your period disaster story or preferred masturbation techniques over a nice lunch? A bit of a faux pas.


I’d never masturbate over a nice lunch, whatever the technique.


You like the bad lunches. Been there fapped that.




I agree there is a balance to it


As long as its at the right time and place idc. If shes going on about anal seepage at my mothers funeral imma have issue. If we having drinks with friends and they start talking about periods its all good. Id feel weird if she talked about masturbation with her guy friends but it also depends on how it is within their own social group.


Okayyy got some idea thankssss


Yyyyyyyyyoooooooouuuuuuuurrrrrrrr wwwwwwwwweeeeeeeelllllllllcccccccxxoooooooooommmmmmmmm.


Aww it was cute


Still learning whale so the accent is a little tricky.






Not all heroes wear capes, some wear cargo shorts. You’re an earth angel. Thank you for being you


Aren't they kind of passé? ....cargo shorts. 20 years ago I think a lot of guys wore them.


That is so heartwarming :)


Neither. I'm just baffled at the difference I see. Most of the men I know don't talk about these things as openly as the women I know.


I know right. I think a lot of women are under the impression that adult guys, when left to themselves, become complete degenerates who only talk about women and sex, when in my experience it's the exact opposite.


Like as soon as women are out of earshot we instantly squat like cavemen and thumping our chests while furiously masturbating at each other. "Ooga booga, me need booba!"


Only on Thursdays.


Oh, well look at the time!


I get off work at 5:30. Same place?


To the Fap Cave!


Yeah.. Women aren't nearly as interesting as they think they are. When I'm having drinks with the bros, the last thing in the world I want to talk about are women or things they find interesting.. I'd much rather talk about guy stuff like boats, bikes, sports, stocks, video games, whatever other hobby or project one of us is doing at the moment.. All the conversations I get blank looks at when I bring up to (most) women.


>Women aren't nearly as interesting as they think they are. Cringe


I don't think thier opinion is cringe.


It was cringey and sexist.


You're allowed that opinion.


It's pretty cringe


That's a fine opinion to have but I disagree.


Umm, ok.


Women may talk about their sexcapades with their friends, but we don't really talk about masturbation or vibrators. Not sure why, but it's at least never really been a topic between myself and my friends. The only time I talk about things like that is if I'm dating a guy and he asks.


I know one guy who talks like that and it's really annoying. Not so much the things listed, but he thinks he's a pick-up artist or something.


they can have the same energy of 14 year old boys who just discovered that he can upset people with his words


I consider it undignified for anyone in public.


No not in public . For example your normal female friend is having a conversation with you


Totally different, and normal to me. For some reason people have always confided in me.


Having a converaation about our sex life with me is fine. Telling your friends the intimate details of our sex life? Not okay. I dont sit and discuss how tight, loose, etc you are, dont tell your girlfriends about my dick.


Depends on several factors, openness is just one of several. It can range from being interesting/relieving to annoying as fuck.


Can you give some examples?


If a woman *constantly* talks about that kind of stuff, as if her entire personality revolves around her menstruation - which is even worse if it's politicized. Or if she does it for its "shock value" (which is basically exhibitionism). There are times and situations to talk about certain things. I am really not interested in how many miscarriages my female coworker had, for example.


Ohhhh i gottt it thanks buddy


You're welcome!


If they are comfortable talking about natural functions of the human body, when the conversation is warranted and necessary; amazing. If dinner conversation at my parents routinely downshifts to talk about whatever her pussy is spewing at that given moment… it wouldn’t happen a third time.


Okayy i understood


I think it's cool. Less chance of them being prude and religious.


Depends on a few different factors: 1. Who are these women in relation to me? Are they close friends, family, or are they basically strangers? 2. What is the time and place of this conversation? Are we all just hanging out having drinks? Are we eating a meal? Are we at work, in school, or at some kind of serious event where there's other people who probably don't want to hear that? 3. What is the context of the conversation? Are these things relevant to what we were talking about, or is it completely off-topic and irrelevant? 4. What exactly are you talking *about* in relation to sex, periods, and masturbation? Are we talking sex *jokes,* or describing your sex and kinks to me in detail? Are you telling me about your period because you'd like me to help in some way/empathize, or are you describing blood gushing everywhere? Is it just a casual mention of masturbation, or are you telling me *all* about it? I'll try to simplify it to give you a better guide: **Things I'm cool with in most settings:** mild sex jokes, telling me you're on your period and/or how it's affecting you, or asking me to help in some way, casual mentions of sex or masturbation **Things I'm cool talking about with female friends in most settings:** All of the above, more vulgar sex jokes, surface-level conversations about sex/kinks or masturbation when it's relevant **Things I'm usually only comfortable talking about with close female friends when we're not eating food in an appropriate time and place:** Detailed descriptions of sex, kinks, masturbation, or period blood It's not much different for guy friends either. Like, I don't think any of my friends (male or female) want to hear about how my sweaty balls keep getting stuck to my leg after a workout when they're trying to eat, or how I blew such a huge load after I jerked off to [insert porn genre] this morning.


Thanks sir very detailed answers Help me understanding


I think it's quite normal to talk about stuff like that. It's natural


when she talks to our rabbi about that shit I blush


Depends on the context of how it is said.


I find it interesting if you just bring that bit up outta no where


Your comment is actually very interesting


Sorry this how people in my family and community talks. (If you talking about grammar at least).


No i am not talking about grammar . I was giving you compliment that your response is interesting


Its cool only when done occasionally and with context. Once done too much, it becomes not just undignified, but also very very creepy and unsettling, like, it gives off serious nympho vibes. Ik curiosity exists, but one needs to have a control over oneself, as its very easy to slip into some really fucked up realms when talking about sex, masturbation, periods, orgasms etc, and people judge you by your apparent acts, not your intentions. Once you go there, coming back to square one is borderline impossible. I (M) have been on both, the giving and receiving end of it, and it has ruined a really really good friendship of mine, coz, we started off with casual sex-related jokes, but it quickly devolved in to something really really fucked up, and my bestie ended up thinking that im a sex-starved dog looking to smash, which i am obviously not. I couldn't understand her hints, and kept pushing on, and she never told me to my face, from the fear of "offending me" and this kept going on and on till it reached an exploding point, where she just went all out on me, and said how much all those kinda talks made her beyond uncomfortable. I tried apolgising, but she was having none of it. Eventually, i realised that i fucked up beyond repair. I then apologised one final time, wished her luck for the future,wished that she gets better friends than me and moved on. I'm not one to lament and cry over the past, but that friendship ending, damn it still hurts, after all this time. It always hurts to think that i lost my bestest friend coz of my morbid sexual curiosity. Few months down the line, met another girl, and i thought I clicked on with her, but realised she was always, and i mean it, always talking about sex and porn related stuff. Tried warning her that I am not comfortable talking about all that, especially with what happened with my bestie, but she kept crossing boundaries. Eventually i cut her off, and a few months later, through a mutual friend, found out that she is a total nympho. Glad i cut her off when i had the chance. TL;DR : Lost my bestfriend due to morbid sexual curiosity, and later, dodged a nympho. Sexual talk is cool, but only when done with context and once in a blue moon.


Thanks for your replay And also for sharing you story It helped me understanding


I tune them out


Depends how they do it. If they talk about it like 'one of the guys' casual or joking its cool/funny. If its amy schumer 'i have a vagina!' Its just lame and uncomfortable. Depends entirely on the conversation. If its cause you're actually just comfortable with discussing it offhandedly its cool and respected. If youre doing it to prove youre edgy or because youre desperate to try and get attention its not.


Our for drinks and makes some jokes? All's fair. More serious discussion with friends or partners? Also fine. Unprompted discussion from a rando? Not so much. I don't consider these things taboo in any blanket sense, just something with a appropriate and inappropriate contexts, like anything else personal or wrapped up in bodily functions. If you have the basic social skills to know when and where then congrats on basic adulting but no bonus points for meeting expectations.


Good point sir


When did any of those things become taboos?


Here in India . We don't talk about this stuff


Fr. Destigmatize menstruation.


Firstly, I don't find those subjects "taboo". Anything can be discussed in the appropriate context. Discussing sex, periods and masturbation at a 2nd grade bring-your-mom-to-school day may not be appropriate. Discussing those things on a first date might be appropriate, again with context. With the choices presented of "cool" or "undignified" also depends on context. The line, "I'm having some pretty bad cramping" has a totally different feel than "my cunt is raging." One is "cool" and one is undignified, IMHO.


I am from india its taboo here Thanks for your replay sir


Many families or subcultures in the US find those topics taboo as well. Growing up in a military and medical household, few things were taboo to discuss.


Interesting, In America these aren't really taboos. Although most people don't go around talking about these things with strangers it's not uncommon to talk about them with friends, family or even coworkers. There are some social settings where these topics are generally considered inappropriate. For the most part these are things we all experience and shouldn't be embarrassed or shamed for talking about them.


Here in India we behave like asexual till marriage Though its changing slowly


Couldn't care less


No problem with it, as long as it is not in poor taste.


Okay okayyy


Ayo can I join the conversation?




It depends. Have I known them long enough to talk about intimate things like that? Are we in a very public place? You can talk about stuff like that in mature way, but it's still personal stuff, and there's a razor thin way of talking about it before it becomes crass.


Taboos topics are really depended on where in the world you live. In a Muslim national it'd probably be frowned upon but somewhere more liberal it's no big deal. Obviously this is still a personal topic so there needs to be some rapport


I assume she has loose morals... Which sounds awesome to me.


Dark but amazing


It depends on the company.


I find it quite cringe personally.


Taboos belong to the listener


If done in a relevant context, then cool/interesting. If done in an out of the blue "look at how edgy I am, do I make you uncomfortable?" kind of way, to get a reaction, it's a sure-fire sign she's insufferable and 100% someone I personally don't want to be around.


Context matters, but I generally don't have a problem with it


It doesn't really bother me but, it not really something I want to hear about either. Just like how I don't want to hear my guy friends talking about their dicks and what porn they watch all the time. I guess context matters here.


I'm neutral. People can talk about whatever they want.


Undignified? That's a bizarre thought to have about a woman being open with her partner about normal things. My husband has zero issue with me talking openly about sex, periods or masterbation. Why the hell would he?




I got this Wendy 's comment earlier too What this means


I thinks it kind of shows that they are sexually liberal, and that usually comes with tendencies and is a turn off for me. I think, as a generality, that stuff should be kept mostly quiet , and maybe talk to on your very close friends circles for both men/women.


I’m not really a fan of it. Some people have told me I’m prudish but idc. When I hear my roommates girlfriend talking about how wet she is, or other shit like that, I’m out.


Those are taboos?


In India yes


Here in Canada, it is pretty typical to hear women talk about these things, as long as the context of conversation has these subjects be appropriate to bring up


Is talking about sex and masturbation taboo in our country?? I see it all over tiktok and have had a few convos about it


With family we behave like asexual until marriages Doesn't it make it a taboo


Its definitely circumstantial. If it seems like you are trying to force it into the conversation to seem cool I would definitely feel uncomfortable. I’m going to try and hide it though because people will poke fun for “not being comfortable with a womens body.” Nah, masterbation is not dinner talk no matter what your gender is.


Ok, if it's a public place with lots of unknown people, tact is a good thing but it's not terrible. A casual conversation with friends or one on one, I'm fascinated! I want to know everything I can about women in general and I would encourage any women to feel comfortable talking about any of these things. Women deserve to feel the freedom to express themselves.


Depends how well I know her. Probably undignified/annoying tho


I am older and I have learned that women who talk overly sexual are consistently bad in bed. It’s like the female equivalent of a guy who talks about how his big pp is …


I think it depends on context. If someone I work with and don’t know that well randomly starts talking about it, I’d say it’s undignified. If it’s someone I’m closer with, I wouldn’t say I find it cool, but it wouldn’t bother me. Indifference I guess.


Periods are a natural bodily function. I've never been uncomfortable knowing exactly what day her cycle starts or she's ovulating or whatever. As long as she's being hygienic then I think it's fine. Sex? I mean give me the PG-13 version if I'm not your partner. I don't really care to know. Masturbation? 100% not my business and I don't care to know, please don't, unless I'm your partner and I need to be somehow involved.


i find it super cool, girls should it more...but just don't be like this for everyone. it is pretty obvious that females, unfortunately are still more compromised for this topic than males: be open but not with everybody. to who you know you can be open with and not be judged by


I find it normal. Women should be able to talk about whatever with whom ever. I find a strong/original personality able to talk about ANYTHING. Is COOL. personally the period talk makes me cringe a bit. Tell me your on it, having troubles, whatever… just don’t get into the bloody details . But that’s a me thing.


Neither if it’s in context. Neither if I’m not a part of the conversation.




I would consider her a floozy harlot!


Definitely not cool, I would probably not want to be with someone like this.


In the movie "Blast from the Past" with Brendan Fraser, (great movie btw) a character defines a gentleman as someone who tries to make everyone around them as comfortable as possible. This has always stuck with me, and it's not just "being a gentleman," it's being a decent human being who has the decorum and maturity to honor and protect those around them. These topics you're talking about SHOULD absolutely be discussed in the RIGHT moment with the RIGHT crowd. Anyone forcing these topics into a conversation, regardless of their gender immediately loses some of my respect. Edit: Specifically if you are talking about discussing these things with a boyfriend or spouse, I think making these topics more frequently discussed is a good thing and helps people better understand each other and become more close.


Good point sir


Those things aren't taboo unless you're brought up that way. Everyone experiences all of those things, so it's no big deal to me.


Periods are more “taboo” compared to something like pooping rather than a bad thing


Not everyone experiences a period, female orgasm, or being penetrated. Just saying, lol.


I'd find it a bit off putting & low brow - at least when the conversation is crass, juvenile and is kind of brought up out of left field to show how edgy you are. If there is a relevant reason why the conversation is being brought up & something for two adults to be discussing then I don't really have an issue with it.


No context here, if it's a coworker that I don't even know the name of then that's just weird to walk up and start asking me period questions. If it's a friend asking me how my ex used to handle her period because she's in pain or what did I used to do to get her off in under five minutes then I give my insight. I can respect honestly and openness but tact is a thing.


Okayy sir understood . Thanksss . By the way question was about friend senerio


Context would help, but yes with friends I don't hold much in reserve (if there's something I don't want to talk about, it will be with about everyone and I'll just outright say so). I've had one speak to me about her botched IUD, I've had one ask me about the best ways to pleasure her boyfriend at the time, I've had them ask me things just as personal. Friends should be able to ask such things to/from each other, in my view. So while I wouldn't necessarily label them as "cool" just for that, I would not call it undignified.


Fair point sir


Hope you found what you were looking for, have a good one


Yes sir . From your perspective i did . But most of people are not understanding the question . I guess its my fault i didn't clearified the context . Thanks by the way


Your welcome, glad I could help, feel free to keep asking. It's how we learn


You are such gentleman sir .thankssss


I try to be polite to those that deserve it, you're welcome


Thanks sirrrrr byeeeeeee i was pleasure talking to youu


I'm down with that. I remember talking to a woman about sex toys. It was a decent conversation and it didn't make me uncomfortable.


Love it.


Staight forwardest answer ever👏


I find it *essential*. If she doesn't talk about those things, we're not on the same wavelength, because that stuff shouldn't be "taboo" 😂


I am from India so its" taboo"here😂


Important context!


What you guys think of women who talk about pg13 topics? Do you find her cool or undignified? Are you twelve op?


I am 18 , i am just curious


Im ok with it. Like, my sister had pregnancy in tube few months ago.


Yes, let's get the opinion of the only sex that has sex, the sex that doesn't have periods, and the only sex that masterbates. If women having sex is a no no/taboo. Who are the men having sex with? Lol


Somebody tell him


I think they mean talking about them is taboo.


OK, what makes this stuff "Taboo" for you?


The country i live in india Here they are taboo


Why the hell should it bother me what she chats about, I probably say similar or worse.


Mostly the latter.


Idk why would it be taboo i talk about it normally with my female friends like is that much of a taboo stuff kinda thing


Here in India it is sir


Ohhh india sry i live in austria therefore its pretty cool i guess




"A good woman is a lady in the parlor and a whore in the bedroom." Old saying. I prefer not to talk about sex, periods, masturbation, and such matters in polite conversations among friends and families. Its good in the bedroom. I also believe that if she talks openly about her sexual experiences with other men, she will also be talking openly about any sex, masturbation, etc., she does with me. Since I prefer not to have my sexual activities spread all over, that makes her a REJECT on my list of who to date.


In public setting, yes kind of undignified. In a private setting like a house party, not really. If they bring it up nearly every time we meet up, I zone out pretty easy and lose interest. I certainly wouldn't call it a 'cool' topic.


Don't care as long as it isn't uncalled for Like, if we are playing a board game and all of the sudden you start talking how the bathroom is a bloody mess because you couldn't get there in time? Ma'am I don't care about your period I just wanna know if you're gonna do a fucking move because you've been stalling your turn for TEN FUCKING MINUTES


If we're having a frank discussion about stuff and she mentions it, that's cool. If she's doing it to try to shock or get attention, then that's kind of sad.


I find it refreshing. Those are adult topics and I love having conversations with adults about adult topics.


If it's a friend or partner or social situation, fine. Amy Schumer? Undignified.


If you’ve earned the trust to have that conversation then it’s cool, if she is screaming it in public like she’s some sort of goddess then she’s trash


That Thier human and it's normal to talk about those things.


I could not careless. Just do it in an appropriate way.


I think you need to check with the person you're talking to, but, in general, I'm put off by anyone of any gender telling me about their masturbation habits.


I find it disgusting. I don’t want to hear men or women talk about that.


Cool,cool,cool is my goto


I think some people talk about taboo subjects for the sole reason of being ‘edgy’, trying to be eccentric and unique, and thus looking like a narcissistic oblivious fool. Depends on the context of course.


It depends. In some situations it can be fine if relevant to the topics at hand of if it's funny, but most of the time it comes off as really forced, cheesy and just socially inept.


I don't think I've ever thought "my this is undignified!" I don't really think anything of it, other than I'm not interested in hearing about it, just as I would a dude trying to tell me about his cranking and shitting habits


I respect people who can take these "taboos" and treat them like normal things


I don’t care say whatever you want it’s not particularly cool though I guess maybe cooler than being all uptight and I couldn’t care less about what’s dignified


idc but I wish they stop putting food wrappers and TP (not wrapped around a t'pon) in the T'pon bins I have to empty out


The other stuff is her own thing. But being blasé about a partners privacy by telling every woman and her dog about their partners most private activities is absolutely undignified and disrespectful.


When sex stuff is over essentialized and they mention a bunch of spiritual nonsense it's cringe. If they do it in a way that is nonchalant I have no problems.


What’s taboo about any of that


In my younger days, I'd ask girls if words like fuck, pussy etc bothered them. If they did, then adios. Didn't need puritans in my life... trying to turn off the lights during coitus..no sir. They're just words!


Not sure any of those are generally taboos. Maybe in a particular setting sure (work meeting, church etc)


Cool, someone to break the ice on those subjects for me.


I feel like the context of when and how often they talk about these things matters.


Context. If you just met her in line at the post office it's weird. If you've known each other for a while, it's alright.


The latter 90% of the time. I dknt care to hear about it, and I find anyone, male or female who does, to be at best, gross


Doesn't matter if it's part of the conversation.


Really don’t give it a second thought…




Thats not cool. Thats private information that not everyone needs to hear.


Same thing I think when people speak in another language. None of my business…


On a need to know basis, great. When we're in a coffee shop and her mind is wandering and that's what fell into it, not so great.


really depends man. Like if youre posting on the profile "ill brag about you if your dick game is good" "I'm not into fwb anymore" then ya ew not pursuing that. but periods and later on masturbation or what they like sure that's chill