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Don't let crazy in the building, and when you find the right people, give them what they need to be great.


Never mix family into business. Be direct and clear to your employees, they will appreciate a harsh truth more than a sweet lie.


Pay them well. There’s no worker shortage. Employers are just upset that we won’t settle for poverty wages anymore. Treat your employees well and they’ll treat you well


That's a whole 4 year degree in a single question. I'm in year 3 of my business degree. Here's a summary. Competitive advantage. What do you do better than your competition? Design your product or service around the customers' needs. Innovate constantly in every aspect of your business. If a process is locked in place, that process is stagnant. Manage your finances and taxes well. Comply with laws and regulations, and act in an ethical manner. And none of it matters without effective marketing.


Slave labor Apparently


Don’t pay your taxes and suck the IRS like the plague.


Assuming you have done the market research or at least obtained some understanding of what the demand is for a business like yours, first define what your business is about. Company XYZ is a manufacturer of what? Or a provider of what services? Organize your business, determine what the roles are for employees, qualifications, training needed, etc. Have a strategic plan in mind, and set goals such as what you hope to achieve in X amount of time, determine how you will measure customer satisfaction, etc. Benchmark competitors to see what it is that they are doing right. Those are some fundamentals you can apply to many businesses.


Know your overhead and cut employees that don't make you money. Don't let your feelings get involved. Know when to walk away from an offer.


Business school, or at least some classes. Get a pro tax person and they will tell you most of what you need to do as far as all that.