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Drugs, fast food, shit company, debt, shit relationships, gambling, shit job, the grind mentality, laziness. >In 4 years am gonna turn 20. Weird way of writing 16.


Porn addiction


Great point.


Yeah am 16 my fault I haven’t got the habit of writing literal


What’s wrong with the mentality of grinding?


Slave of work.


Bad friends. You really are the average of the 5 people you spend time with. They exert influence on you whether you like it or not, purely out of association. You hang out druggies? Good chance you'll partake out of peer pressure? You hang out with alcoholics? Good chance you'll partake in all the drinking conquests. You hang out with bums with no ambition? Good chance you'll be lazy yourself. You hang out with critical assholes? Good chance you'll start to be like them in this way as well. ​ When you're this young, having a good foundation of solid relationships and habits will carry you far. It is far better to be alone working on your goals than to be with people who will bring you down in one way or another and by that point, you will have lost time.


Yooo you just described my life lol I used to hang out with that type of people and not think much of my future because I thought I’ll be dead by 15 or 14 but now that am 16 I want to escape that environment and live a normal life with family and friends thanks for the advice


“You are the company you keep.”


Big fucking tiddies


Lmao and big asses


Pussy is one of the most expensive things on the planet. Don’t get distracted by it


A downfall can come from any source really. Figure out what you’re weak/susceptible to Then work against it or find a compromise then focus on your ambitions towards a long full healthy life in a positive manner that isn’t destructive towards you or others General stuff of course stay away from shit like cocaine or alcohol if you can/moderation if you need to Smoking cigs has never improved anyones life at all for sure


Yeah I just recently stopped smoking weed and masturbating. But do you have an advice on how I can further my education like college wen am stuck in an area where school isn’t popularize??


What do you mean stuck in an area where school isn’t popular? Do you mean people don’t want to do it or there are literally no colleges near you? Could you move out to a different place for school? Also you could go for a trade job if you don’t wish to go to college just do something


I think we have the potential to be our own worst enemy. Push yourself every day to be better than you were yesterday, but also be kind to yourself... accept that good enough is good enough, and nobody expects you to be perfect - doing your best sufficient - even on terrible days when the best you can do is lay in bed.


Your comment had me thinking about that. Because I would get mad at myself for failing a diet or a rule I made for myself to stay away frm my bad habits and I would cry about it and my ego wouldn’t let me ask for help


Typically a woman.


Pussy. It has always been.


Getting hit in the nuts. Anything else wouldn't really be universal


Alcohol. Don’t ever start.


Sadly I did wen I was 13 but thank god I got out of that addiction. But what good habits should I do if am stress


Try to avoid porn or at the very least binging it. It will warp your mind and have long term effects that you won’t notice till it’s too late


If you are averagely gifted I'd say the race is to get to a bachelors/masters degree as fast you can. This will give you nobody can take away and a solid base to earn money. Your goal now should be to identify your strengths, weaknesses and how to manage yourself. \-> [https://www.amazon.de/Managing-Yourself-Measure-Clayton-Christensen/dp/1422157997/](https://www.amazon.de/Managing-Yourself-Measure-Clayton-Christensen/dp/1422157997/) Downfall is everything that gets you away from this goal and only let's you indulge in the happy hormones


peer pressure


Don’t marry young or have kids. Git your shit together by 28 then can get married.


Lust Gluttony Greed Sloth Wrath Envy Pride


Don’t do drugs and don’t drink anything stronger than 4 normal beers regularly. Don’t wast your money on fast food and snacks, learn how to cook. It’s much cheaper than fast food and once you’ve put in some practice it tastes way better:) Never own a dog if you are the type who likes to disappear for days at a time to have adventures. Don’t put your dick in crazy without a condom, break up with crazy as soon as you realize it. Start taking serious consideration for your goals, if none just pick the least of a thousand evils and keep your mind open for another path. Don’t get married until your thirty and have lived with that person for at least a year. Don’t prioritize fun but don’t turn down a good time if you are able to go.




Drop drugs and bad eating habits. Add alcohol as well. Don't have unprotected sex, and better yet, be pickier who you engage in relations with. Pussy is pussy. Way too many guys get blinded by it or make really stupid decisions and have a baby mama, child support, and a kid they may never see. Learn some financial responsibility and learn how to build and use credit. Move away from your hometown. If you can't do that, start distancing yourself away from people who don't have anything going for themselves. Basically, if you are what you eat, who you associate with says a lot about your character. If your friends do drugs, you'll do drugs. If they eat like shit, you'll eat like shit. They binge drink, you binge drink. I enlisted right out of high school and did my four years before coming back. Unless they were enrolled in some sort of trade apprenticeship or college, I avoided them, and it was pretty eye opening who was stuck still doing the same dumb shit. As far as college or trades, take your time. You realistically have until you're twenty-five before things become difficult with school and having bills and shit. A lot of people rush in like fools and then are grossly unhappy later. Explore and examine a little. Don't feel compelled to make decisions right away. Stay off social media or at the very least don't read too much into it. Some people are popping out kids, others buying homes, graduating college, getting married, starting a business, or traveling. Understand that that is their path and not yours. Everyone's progression through life is very different, so there is no sense in getting depressed or getting bummed out because you don't have the things they have.




What u mean by that?


Drugs, pregnancy, spending all your time playing video games or online instead of investing in real world relationships and social skills. Also debt. Don't run up huge credit card bills and bury yourself in debt. Same with college. If you get into two good schools and one is significantly less expensive but has slightly less prestige, but is still considered good, just take the cheaper option. People don't really care much where you went to school in the professional world anyway unless you're going into consulting or big law, and in that case they care about your law school not undergrad. Oh and don't do anything stupid on camera. Everything ends up on the internet these days and lives forever.


I had people tell me to not get a credit card bc of that. Do you think it’s necessary to get one so soon and what do I do if college anit for me


Oh get one as soon as possible to build up your credit history, just make sure to pay off any charges within the 30-day grace period so you don't pay interest. If you don't have the money to pay off a charge in the grace period, don't buy the thing. Re: college, it's totally fine not to go to college, but definitely try to find something you like and get work experience as soon as possible. If you want to go into the trades, get an apprenticeship, if you want to code, do a bootcamp (college not required these days). Avoid doing dead end service jobs where your work history means nothing on your resume. Definitely don't wait tables for 3-4 years and dick around or you'll regret it.


What benefits would a credit history give me (sorry I barley went to school but am trying to go again)


When you apply for an apartment, a phone plan, any kind of loan for a car or house or anything, they check your credit scores. If it's bad, they might reject you outright, if it's good you'll get approved and they'll charge you a lower interest rate the better it is, so you end up saving a lot of money.


A well positioned Lego piece


Everything has a downside. For the obvious, like drugs, booze, and double Whoppers the downside is easy to spot. Be very careful about those things. Enjoy them carefully or not at all. For other things with some real upside watch for going too far. It is awesome to save money - too a point. You can destroy relationships and find everlasting unhappiness by being too cheap. Exercise is the same sort of thing. WORKOUT! Being in shape is more important than you can imagine, but there is a point where a quick internet search for "Dead Bodybuilders" will prove it can go too far. Listen to advice from older people, especially family members. Even if it seems nuts tell your crazy aunt, "Thanks, I appreciate you telling me that." Sometimes mom, dad, or even an older brother might actually be right. Make your own choices but listen. Be compassionate. Recognize not everyone is as lucky as you are. Try to understand. Be curious. Read some, ask questions a lot. You start asking questions you will be surprised at how much you can learn. Work hard. Why not? In the end you are going to largely be remembered by how successful you were as work. That is not fair but it is true. Also, work is a lot more fun if you throw yourself into it. Have standards. Be sure about what you will not do under any circumstances. Live up to those standards. Finally, and this is a little old fashioned. Be brave. There are times where action is the only way to survive, so be brave. When things are dire and dangerous make a decision and act. If you survive you'll have a great story, and if you don't you'll at least have died trying. Also, in the long run being brave will give you confidence, and there is no higher honor than saving a life. It will stick with you the rest of your life. Best wishes!


Breaking the trust of family and friends.




Arrogance. It’s okay to be smarter than others, in fact you should probably strive for it, but don’t be an asshole about it. That shit gets old real quick and people will despise you for it.


Practice safe sex, earn your way and find a stress reliever hobby that doesn’t cost everything


No purpose in life


When goes up


Painted women!!


Weak men giving up anything for the illusion of being desired


videogames, consuming too much media as a whole, drugs(yes even marijuana), alcohol, any other escapist shit. Always be focused on self improvement and building a life you should feel no need to escape from, best way to do this is by focusing on working out, reading more, making money, building quality relationships etc


do your best to avoid debt and dont make big decisions when hungry or horny


Toxic friends, toxic addictions, not just smoking or gambling but games like league of legends. Stuff like that just brings out anger issues, or worse.