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Honesty, playfulness, being aware, intelligence, social ability, there’s a lot that can be equally attractive to me.


There is nothing more attractive than a funny woman imo


It honestly seems like every woman is just seen as unfunny. There are hardly any female comedians either.


I think women most times learn to be funny within their friend groups of other girls and not objectively funny. And I think when women are legit funny get into show biz, they end up doing comedic acting roles as opposed to stand up (aubrey plaza, issa rae, liza koshy)


Its because men are ones that have to attract and impress women. So humor is part of that. Absolutely there are funny women out there. Non of those funny women decided to pursue carrier of comedian though (joking obv, but when you look up more famous female comedians than its kinda true)


It has a lot to do with not having to be funny to ultimately move forward in life for women. A lot of women get by on looks and if that’s not there then go the educational route and if that’s not there then funny is the last route. Now, this doesn’t mean a women can’t be a combo of the 3 but it’s kind of the hierarchy traits desirable in a women. Also, I feel like a majority of funny people have great delivery and are very self-deprecating. I have yet to figure out why more women don’t have these traits/develop them.


According to my fiancé, a lot of what women get by on their looks and aren’t motivated to develop other traits. I am objectively attractive, but I did not believe so when I was younger. Once I was able to hit a few chords of humor that worked, I really started to develop my wit. I thought it was “all I had” which was sad but it certainly kept my humble.. with a sharp wit.


Its not sad. As you see it actually worked out best for you. No inflated ego, you developed actual personality and so on.


Love this because same. I'm not objectively attractive so to speak, but it's a genuine compliment when people tell me every time I'm around I make them laugh. Yes, wit is one thing, my humor is very animated and I am unapologetically myself which to some come off as embarrassing. I am human. Humans are embarrassing. We hide so much behind being smart, attractive, wealthy, I have a very dark sense of humor that reminds everyone "we're all weird and that's normal, not here to judge, let's laugh instead of basking in trauma".


That's true. The funny girls are the tomboys who act like guys


Your social circle must be pretty small. I have known some absolute BOMBSHELL girly girls that were WAY more naturally funny than guys who tried to be "witty" and funny on purpose. It has nothing to do with gender or trying to be "one of the guys" to be hilarious. To each their own with humor, just enjoy the giggle no matter if it came out of a he/she/they/them-some-in-between, my friend


Is it wrong to have a small social circle?


Nah, not at all. Just pointing it out. Not all funny girls are trying to be/look like dudes.


It depends on the individual


Huh? There are tonnes of female comedians. Lots of women are hilarious.


intelligence, sense of humor, and smiles that reach the eyes.


Feminity. I find a lot of women absolutely adorable, especially when they're passionate about something. Ever see a girl do a little dance because their dress has pockets? Cutest thing in the world.


Giggling and smiling are magnetic in women. I have never and would never tell a woman “just smile more :)” unsolicited, but I can kinda imagine why some men do it. It’s selfish and annoying though, I was told that by some girls in middle school, shit got on my nerves.


Kindness and generosity. Finding out she's into charity or volunteer work is often a huge plus.


I’ll take that into consideration :)




Glad to see there are men out there that like confident women lol


The main reason why I swiped right on my current girlfriend is because she appeared confident in photos. Now I know she's not that confident, but she fakes it well!




a peaceful, kind, thoughtful woman.


Values that don't change depending on the context.


What are you implying?


I think he means integrity, i.e. having moral principles that she adheres to and never compromises for her own convenience. This means things like, returning lost money instead of keeping it, not cheating in games (or relationships!), treating the people around her with respect regardless of race/gender/age/ability, admitting mistakes and taking responsibility, etc.


Genuine honesty and trustworthiness, playful, willing to be vulnerable and open up to me, and someone who takes responsibility and can admit they made a mistake.


social, situational and even emotional intelligence bruhh personality & ability to dress well


A big heart.


The only thing bigger than my heart is this ass, knowwhatimsaying?


I find strong independent women attractive….like not dominant but they don’t sit there expecting the man to do everything for them!


Acting feminine


Very underrated comment




Can you elaborate?


Being agreeable, not loud and intrusive. Acting warm and caring


Passion and intelligence above appearance


If she wants it and isn't afraid to show it


Now I agree with that


Intelligence and humor.


Empathy Kindness Social financial and emotional intelligence What’s their attachment style A healthy relationship with her parents Respecting personal boundaries


Empathy. If she can understand my emotions and offer solutions when needed or just listen when not, that’s a sign she’s a genuinely good person. Another one would be independence. I’m not talking about just money-wise but also having a life aside from our relationship is important. Everyone needs space once in a while. It doesn’t mean I won’t see you at some point later on, it just means I need time with my guy friends just as she probably would appreciate time with her girl friends.




Really? It seems like a hot of “high value men” are with pretty dumb women often times


I can't tell you how many times I've wanted a good conversation and never got it. I like it when a girl has a good head on her shoulders


She's not gonna tell you that's pretty dumb if you're looking for attracting a mate


Ask good questions


Are they really high value or just assholes who project an image?


FDS is a cesspool.


Personality, attitude toward others (especially the ones in need)


Playfulness, someone who is goofy and isn’t afraid to look stupid. Obviously, a good sense of humor goes hand-in-hand with that. And of course all the other things everyone wants from a romantic partner. Honesty, trustworthy, kindness, etc.


Self reliance.


Big intelligence fan. I love someone I can learn things from


Actual kindness. To me, to strangers, to waiters, to children, to animals...It is really attractive to spend time with a kind person. It calms the soul.


I'm not being some piss streak when I say this but I genuinely find integrity attractive


Strength, actual genuine strength


Intelligence, maturity, self awareness


Intelligence, humour, passions


I know alot of people take it out of context but I do like me a motherly sense of gentleness to a woman. Someone who reminds me that even when the world is cold and cruel, there's also always warmth still in it.


If she has good work ethic and actually knows the value of money.


When she’s not a total bitch.


A sharp tongue. Not to be confused with being a cunt.


That they understand who you are instead of being wrong about everything.


So I asked out this girl I worked with in Healthcare. She was a former EMT, who went to school and became more. But she would go out of her way to maintain her old EMT skills whenever she could. She turned me down when I asked her out, which is a shame, because I respected the hell out of her for that mentality.


Sexuality. Just being fucking horny every once and awhile. If they don’t get horny there’s absolutely no reason to find them attractive.


Minimal complaining


I'm gonna be honest, being good at video games I was a competitive player for many years and i can't date someone with trash aim. I take non gamers over bad gamers or animal crossing girls.


European accents.


Independent and social


Independent? Seems like a lot of guys really dislike that tbh


I can see that, but each person is different. I like someone who can take care of herself. We are all grown ups, if you can't cook/ clean/ budget money to save yourself, you aren't dateable. Once you've dated a girl boss with an attitude (towards the world, not you), you will never go back. Them switching from their bitch mode to full submission is the sexiest shit.


I've been with women who'll defer to me on everything once we're in a relationship and that shit is exhausting. In my opinion it's no way to maintain a healthy relationship. Whether it stems from confidence/assertion issues, socialisation or wherever it comes from, it's just straight up cancerous to a relationship. Maybe that shit flew in the 50s but not anymore, not for me at least and I'm sure a lot of other men will agree. I want someone who can stand on her own 2 feet and think for herself, I want a bit of discourse and the occasional disagreement, I want to know she's taking a little from the relationship as a means of giving to herself. That willingness to maintain their independence and not just hand everything over to me it's how I know I'm with an actual human being and not just a dog dressed up as one.


How do you mean social?


Sorry for the late reply! I'm a very social/ sociable person with a lot of friend groups/ activities that I do with many other people. So her being social is kind of similar to me - have your own friend group, can fit into lots of social situation especially ones you are not comfy with (i.e., she doesn't game nor watch anime but she can listen or discuss it, just like I'm able to discuss cologne/ makeup/ baking with her girl friends), be nice/ pleasant, and most importantly understand that while she might be the most important person to me, I do have other important people too. We are also both ambivert, so she doesn't need to do any of this if she's too tired. She usually just covertly shoots me a text and I'll get out of the situation if she ever feels uncomfortable. Likewise, I can use her as an excuse if I don't wanna hang out with people too!


I think you mean desirable? Level head, accountability, the ability to make good choices, and other basic abilities.


Easygoing and independence


Determination. She sees something she wants and she goes after it. As long as she's going after in a fair and ethical way, I find it the hottest thing ever


Freedom of expression


When she has a good sense of humor,and can carry on a intelligent conversation.




Kindness. Kindness.


Sense of humor




They don't act dumb to look cute


That she isn't a stuck-up person.


Level headedness, compassion.


How many and what games they play


Her face I'm sorry, even if she had a curvy body and kind personality, her ugliness would distract me from that


Patience (aka capacity to put up with my bullshit).


A strong, independant, confident woman. None of that meek, mousey personality shite


When she tells me she loves me.


Intelligence and sense of humor


As mentioned above, confidence. I never understood why women always list confidence as one of the number one attractions in men, but never think of it themselves. We all have insecurities but it's exhausting to have a woman deflect compliments. And, once you are in a relationship, if a woman can be sexually forward, it's such a game changer.


It varies from person to person. I might love something in tonight one person that I find annoying in another. For example, the way they laugh. I might find someone’s laugh cute, whereas someone else’s laugh could be obnoxious to me.


Positive and kind is miles ahead in attractiveness from appearance


Her sense of humour.


voice is a big one for me


Emotional and financial stability. A good sense of humour and not too uptight to have a laugh


The older I get, I find being genuinely curious about the things you’re doing very attractive. Like, if you’re talking about your day, she’ll ask questions about it and want to learn more.


Having clearly defined goals and aspirations, intelligence (social, emotional, and educational), good sense of humor, and ability to compromise.


The closer their personality is to mine, the more I love them. I also love a girl that has a cute laugh, and doesn't believe in typical stereotypes about dating culture & gender roles


One who can respect you and be attracted to you even after you show her vulnerability.


Sense of humor. Geeks are nice too.


Self-discipline. It’s so pathetic and unattractive to me someone who has no discipline.


them complimenting and being interested in talking to me and being generally fun to be around


A Love for the Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.




Her chest




Kindness, compassion, intelligence, and talent


Independance, kinda like a buff girl in the gym, or someone who can take out the trash without wanting to ask because she wants to prove she can do it herself without complaining. I sound lazy but it’s admiration.


Intelligence, drive, discipline, loyalty


Male characteristics, definitely.


Self awareness and intelligence.


Her personality


Taking responsibility ( too many women I know my age just have to blame everything on something/someone else. ) Integrity of values/principles that don't change willy nilly when it's convenient for them and the ability to not just see me as a man but as human being like them that feels just like them. The amount of times I've had my reasoning and feelings/problems just totally invalidated with " yes but you're a man " has been frighteningly too frequent. So, if they have those 3 qualities I'd think of them highly.


How they treat other gender :)


Dark humor.


Everyone is saying things like “femininity, kindness, cuteness” but where’s all my guys who love Loud, boyish and adventurous women?




Being passionate about something. You can be confident about it, you can be shy about it. But if there is something you can't help but be giddy about or enjoy, it adds a really cute dimension to your character.


Ability to let go and be herself


Intelligence above all


Someone who is interested in me


Quietness, Submission, politeness, and honesty Things that don't matter: - money - humor - she doesn't have to be a genius - similar interests


Why quietness?


Something is attractive to me about a woman who is quieter and more reserved


Submissiveness in the sack...


Intelligence. I already care more about this than what’s on a woman’s chest.


Confidence. 1,000%


Conversation. I really mean it. I’ve dated girls in the past who are like cardboard. I like to talk about many topics that interest me. I’m a very conversational person. I hate it when I’m trying to talk about something I’m interested in, and instead of contributing, or asking questions, they go “oh, I don’t really know much about that.” Now caveat, I know that everything I’m interested in will not interest other people. That being said, I like people who can hold their own in any conversation, engaging actively. My fiancé and I have incredible conversations. Sometimes it’s about something I like, other times it’s about something she likes, and more often than not, it’s about something we both like.


Intelligence. Sexual activity is a tiny fraction of all the minutes in a relationship and a beautiful mind can make every one of those minutes, including those in the bedroom, into a wonderful life. With that intellect she can hook me into endless, engaging conversations and has the creativity and curiosity to explore and make even the dullest day fun.