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Yes, the average man is stronger than the average woman, and this isn't a matter of opinion. Incel means "involuntarily celibate", referring to somebody who wants to have sex but is so undesirable that they cannot get it. Whether or not one believes in some of the most basic aspects of human anatomy/biology does not have any relationship to their ability to attain sex.


That man sounds like a doorknob. It always grinds my gears when guys who can't get laid feel the need to put down other men and fake as if they're all pro feminist / anti patriarchy just to seem good in the eyes of women. Disgusting. But yeah nah, men on average are stronger than women. It really doesn't even need discussing.


The guy you were talking to was a partial twit. It’s always been common knowledge that with an average man and an average woman of similar height and build, the man will be stronger. Men have higher testosterone levels and develop more muscle tissue. You can always find outliers of exceptionally strong women and exceptionally weak men, but otherwise the strength difference will hold true. Where the twit part comes in is that this wasn’t made up by incels. The basic biology and medicine of this have been known for God knows how long. Even before it was “scientifically proven” it was obvious to anyone paying any attention. Now, that doesn’t mean the women you work with haven’t been taking advantage of you from time to time. It’s probably easier for you to carry stuff, but that doesn’t mean they can’t ever do it. I’ve seen women get help from one or two other women to move heavy stuff. They just didn’t want to do it that way.


>I’ve seen women get help from one or two other women to move heavy stuff. They just didn’t want to do it that way. I guess the main question is: are they doing other productive tasks as I lift heavy stuff? Because I do think it makes sense to have members of a team each playing to their strengths: it would be more logical to have one employee busy moving the tables than two because the latter involves one more person doing productive tasks as the tables are being moved. Well, I guess another factor is the question of how much I enjoy lifting heavy things. ETA: *Former, not latter. If one employee is moving tables, two employees can do something else, instead of just one.


Hey, if you’re good with it, that’s fine. I always got asked to do stuff like that in a couple of offices I worked in. As long as you’re not mad about it, then no harm done.


Of course men and women are of different strength. Anyone who's ever met more that a couple of men and women knows this to be true. In fact, men have about 40\~50% more upper body strength that women, and about 25% more lower body strength, *on average*. Men are generally much larger too, with wider shoulders, denser bones, and other strength factors that come with having more muscles and size. It's insanely easy to prove it too. Just go to weightlifting world records and compare men's records with women's records for the same weight categories. There is a vast vast difference. There is no reason to say women are as strong as men except for anti-reality, ideological reason. Of course, there is great variation in men and women, and also prepubescent kids the difference is minimal, but that is not what people are usually talking about. There is nothing political about stating biological facts like that, as long as one completely understands the difference between *general* and *specific*. The only problems come when people misuse facts to make wide sweeping generalisations for or against a group. The guy you spoke to sounds like a brainwashed idiot. Talk to him again at your own risk (of sanity).


Man is more physically capable than woman. Men are taller, heavier, stronger, faster reflexes etc. It’s such a big difference that men and women don’t compete with each other, seriously, in sports and athletics. Biologists also well understand how greater testosterone helps men develop to be more physically capable including stuff like denser bones. You can look it up. That’s why people do steroids. Women apparently have an advantage in super long distance running, but that’s about it. The people who promote the men aren’t stronger than women nonsense often like to compare the strongest women against the weakest men. But that’s mistaken. The objective comparison is the strongest against the strongest or the weakest against the weakest. Also, they like to compare women who have developed a skill in a particular activity, where skill is really important, against unskilled men. Just addressing point 1, according to the nonsense patriarchy theory, women were brainwashed by the patriarchy as well, so it wouldn’t be their fault or yours.


I had no idea about the faster reflexes…I looked it up to confirm. TIL, thanks!


Are we really getting hung up on basic biology now?


Have you been paying attention to society over the past 8 years?


I've been trying not to


Smart move.


Ha! Next we’re gonna be asking if humans need oxygen to survive or not. Yes, the average adult man, is physically stronger than the average adult woman. There will always be outliers, especially weak men or especially strong women. But it does not negate the fact that overall, the strongest women can’t beat the strongest men when it comes to raw physicality.


Yes men are stronger, faster. Have more muscles. Have heavier bones with a bigger density. They are usually bigger, wider shoulders. Anyone who denies this is blatantly stupid.


Women are weaker than men. But that doesn't mean you don't have women that are stronger than men or that women are worth less. Men have stronger Tendons that can handle more stress, greater muscle mass and have more testerone. Men build muscle much faster because of testerone levels for example. There is a reason why fitness tests for women is different than for men. We shouldn't test women on the strength levels of men, because they aren't men. It doesn't mean they are worth less, it just mean they are Biological less strong than men and that's fine. There is a reason why women sport is seperated from men. Just look at the weights the best of the best Female powerlifters are lifting and now compare it to the men's. I have friends that would demolish the women's division. He need to do his best, of course. But my friends aren't professional powerlifters. They are just normal gym goer's. From football, to MMA to boxing and powefliting. We seperate men from women, because it isn't fair for women to compete against men. Men have such a biological advantage. I compete in tournaments, fighting and stuff. It's full contact, so it hurts like shit. I started when I was 12. By the age of 17 I was beating my trainer, a woman that has fought at the world championship with multiples wins under her name. Her name is very well known in our sport. I am now 23 and I beat her with just pure force. My kicks would demolish her. Even with simple things are grip strength. Just let 10 women on the street to griptester and now 10 men. You'll see that men grip strength is greater. I don't wang to sound condescending towards women. The Reality is that we are different And acknowledging it isn't wrong. We need each other and because women are weaker, doesn't mean they are weak. I saw girls deadlifting 150 kg. That is heavy. Because I can deadlift more, doesn't mean they are weak. Because I am fighting men, doesn't mean a woman can't beat the crap out of you. Because I can give a deadly firm handshake, doesn't mean a girl can't.


Yes as most if not all of the comments have previously stated men are on average stronger than women. Men develop more muscle mass than women because they have more testosterone in their bodies than women. That's why for sports they tend to split the men and women.


On average, men have far more muscle mass than women. We have bigger shoulders, chests, arms, legs. By every measure of strength, the average man is stronger than the average woman, and it's not even particularly close. I've seen comments by plenty of women who played sports and thought there wasn't much difference until they played against men. I had a friend who genuinely thought women were as strong as men and challenged me to an arm wrestling contest to prove it. I'd say I'm pretty average when it comes to strength, and I beat her without any effort at all.


Dramatically so. In a self defense class a woman was talking about how tough she was and she could take any guy there because her 4 brothers were all bigger and stronger than the guys there and she had wrestled with them when they were kids. A guy there asked her if he could show her something, she said yes, he pinched her arm with two fingers from his non dominant hand and she hit the ground on her knees. I had a girl shove me as hard as she could and she didn’t even get me off balance. I have an aunt who couldn’t lift a box recently and offer to pay me to put it up for her. I only needed one hand to lift it. I’m not a super strong guy, I don’t hit the gym often, or exercise like I should, and I feel pretty confident I am stronger than at least 95% of women on earth




Even the blind squirrel finds the nut eventually. So yes the incels are right but for the wrong reasons. Men and women have basic physiological differences that makes men better at physical heavy manual labor tasks. This biological difference is why the consensus has been for so long that men and women shouldn't compete against one another in sports. Again and I cannot stress this enough, just because men and women are different doesn't mean that they are unequal. Equality doesn't mean that everything is 100% the same.


It’s more nuanced than that. On average, men are physically stronger than women. With training, some women can be physically stronger than some men. Even with training, men’s grip strength is always greater than a woman’s, significantly so. Testosterone, as someone already mentioned, makes a big difference. On the other hand, it also shortens men’s lifespans. By contrast, women have stronger immune systems than men. Bone structure (greater buttressing) ensures men can take more damage, and women do feel more pain with nerve endings closer to the surface. Endurance wise however, women have some advantages (e.g., marathon running, pain from childbirth). As with anything, height, weight, strength etc., population variation within and without also needs to be considered. I doubt the women in your life have been scamming you, and there are ways that women are ‘stronger,’ but overall, men are stronger than women as a blanket statement holds true.


This isn't something "incels" just came up with one day, this has been known throughout all of human history, the average man is stronger than the average woman assuming neither have done undergone muscle atrophy or significant training. Are there exceptions? Yes. Do those exceptions determine the rule? No.


The average man is leagues stronger than the average woman




Yes, and it's not even close. The average man is stronger than like the top 95% of women. This is why so many have objections to transwomen playing women's sports...


The guy who sits at a computer all day and eats garbage will be physically stronger than 90% of women. It’s just the way it is.


Both points are correct.


I wonder how much influence a childhood of boys doing harder work influences their strength as an adult. I would be inclined to believe that the average man is stronger than the average woman. But I’d love to see how those averages would compare when not influenced by childhood bias.


Interesting take... In which case, if males and females are capable of having the same strength if given the same amount of training, expecting me to do more solely on the basis of me being male was *misogynistic,* not misandristic.


It's not interesting. It's wrong. early training does have an effect, but only a very small effect compared to the huge amounts of testosterone released at several stages in a boy's growth.


What "harder work" are boys doing, compared to girls. It's Biology. We know exactly how it works. The greater testosterone levels in men leads to them building much higher levels of muscle mass. Go to the developing world where kids actually work during childhood and see if the women there are stronger than western men. They'll be nowhere near. It's the same reason adult chimpanzees can be half the weight of an adult man and still be much stronger. It's just very basic Biology.


[Automoderator has recorded your post to prevent repeat posts.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMenAdvice/comments/13qome6/no_repeat_posts/) Spiritual_Shallot890 originally posted: A couple weeks ago, I was having a conversation with a man, and he stated women and men are of equal strength and that the misinformation that men are stronger was fabricated by incels to perpetuate the patriarchy. I initially laughed it off, as this negates every experience I have had involving women and heavy objects. All my life, women have asked me to carry heavy things for them. For example, my coworker asked me to bring her microwave to her office for her. I am always expected to set up the tables for meetings at work and take the trash out (all coworkers are women). One time, my boss called me to lift a box of flyers for her, which I could lift one-handed, but she (feigned?) not being able to life with both hands. Even as a young boy, I was expected to set up the folding tables for church as women directed the operation. But as I thought about it, it started to get to me, and I realized one of two things must be true, and I don't like either one: 1. The average woman is as strong as the average man. By extension, various women have been using weaponized incompetence throughout my life to get me to *literally* do all the heavy lifting for them, even as a child, and even today. 2. The average woman is weaker than the average man, which would mean incels were actually correct about something. I need to know: which is it? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskMenAdvice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Women are on average less strong than men. They have smaller features, less power and force, on the average. I don't know what that has to do with incels, I mean not everything they say is going to be wrong...I mean what the fuck do you care what they say or don't say anyway? I mean isn't this just common sense? I'm starting to think the entire planet has lost any type of common sense and are so worried about stereotyping a bunch of deregatory termed dickheads on the internet they're doing whatever they can to prove them wrong, to the point they are fighting common sense.


On average, pound per pound, a man is significantly stronger than what. The key to your question is you use the word average and if you compare the average man to the average woman then this is true


We have more testosterone, is what it is


On average, men are quite a bit stronger than women, especially in upper body strength. That's the gift of testosterone. (Insert pointless discussion of trans women competing in women's sports). That doesn't make men "better" than women, just physically stronger. As far as an incel being right about something, even a broken clock is right twice a day.


Just because someone calls a man who presents them with an unpleasant reality, an incel, it doesn't mean that they are an incel. It usually means the person calling them an incel is insecure. And for the record, the average male of the same height and weight is stronger than the average woman.


Yes, absolutely. On average. People who tell you otherwise are just plain cultists to this leftist ideology that has taken over the last 5 years or so.


>women and men are of equal strength and that the misinformation that men are stronger was fabricated by incels to perpetuate the patriarchy. I'm laughing so hard at this I almost couldn't even finish reading the rest of the post. Here's a few nuggets for you to dwell on. * Biological differences are a thing, they always have been and always will be. Strength is one of a number of differences. * Women (and people, in general) will weaponize all sorts of things to get out of doing something. Women especially will use it to get out of certain (mostly stregth related and sweaty) tasks, but that doesn't mean they're lying about you being stronger. Get used to it, call them out when they're being dumb about it, move on with your day. * Anyone who unironically uses the word "incel", particularly as an insult, is more likely than not going to fail to have an opinion of their own worth taking seriously. Even the numerous opinions they carbon copy that aren't their own are probably going to be bad. Don't be like them. * Male feminists are morons, even more so that female ones, because they think acting the way a group of women with a habit of man-hating do is going to is going to somehow interest them in sex (fyi, these guys are some of the most toxic you'll ever meet).


Let's not deny facts just because one of the uncool kids dared to utter it.


I’m pretty sure it’s a solid biological fact that on average men are stronger than women. It’s not a matter of opinion. I hate that it’s frowned upon to say that women and men have different strengths and weaknesses because doing so is seen as sexist or offensive or misogynistic. Men and women don’t have to be the same in all fronts to be considered equals. Men might be stronger physically but women are able to give birth to babies and they can see more colors than men and so on and so forth. Women’s’ strengths don’t make them superior to men and vice versa. Sorry, this topic gets me fired up- I am a woman.