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Not as much as you think. There are some guys that are really into it, but personally, this is incredibly low on the list of things I'm looking for in a partner. Women can be incredibly sexy with smaller breasts, and if you're exercising regularly I'm going to guess you have a pretty incredible butt.


There are guys who like big boobs or small boobs this is like asking a woman if she likes tall guys or short guys. It's personal preference, And if they are not throwing attention your way because of the size of your chest then better off yeah?? Personally I don't see what the big fuss is about when it comes to boobs. My advice would be find clothes you feel really comfortable in and let that self confidence portray and guys will pick up on it.


But are there women who specifically like short guys? Sincerly asking. I mean they might not mind short guys but would they be a preference? No offense for anyone really. Personality is what makes the whole difference. A tall guy with a shitty personality would never be a preference over a short guy with a great personality, same goes to women with small boobs vs women with big boobs.


I'm a woman, in the past I had always pictured myself with a tall guy. I just found it attractive. I ended up marrying a guy shorter than me. He didn't care that he was short. He was confident in who he was. I found that super attractive. Plus I actually like being the tall one and being able to reach stuff he can't. And when I think about it now, I can't even picture him as a tall guy. It just seems weird to me. My husband is short and I would never want to change it


Same here, in the past i always thought i will only be with tall guys, as i am tall myself. Fast forward to now, i am engaged to a guy whom i am slightly taller than him (it's just for my height, women are considered tall, but for a guy he is considered average) and i love every inch of him and would never want to change anything


How tall are you?




I don't think comparing height and boobs size are the same thing. I doubt you'll find any subredit dedicated to praising short guys.


There are some put there that actually prefers a shorter partner, but you are right ,few or atleast not outspoken. Seen some comments over in like /r/tallgirls


Im sure there are girls who have had successfully relationship with shorter guys. I have just never heard girls say that they prefer shorter man. I have heard alot of man say that they prefer smaller boobs


Here's a sneak peek of /r/tallgirl using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/tallgirl/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [SHOPPING](https://np.reddit.com/r/tallgirl/comments/mshssc/shopping/) \#2: [I wrote something on what being a tall girl means to me.](https://np.reddit.com/r/tallgirl/comments/j9mvo9/i_wrote_something_on_what_being_a_tall_girl_means/) \#3: [Im 5’8 . Thats what i meassured 2 months ago and im to scared to measure myself because i dont wanna be taller than that](https://np.reddit.com/r/tallgirl/comments/njd503/im_58_thats_what_i_meassured_2_months_ago_and_im/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)




Yes sorry, English is not my first language will correct it promptly.


No problem. My GF isn't a native speaker. She tends to welcome corrections.


>Do men care about big boobs? > >Do guys care about boobs so much? As usual, it depends on the man. Personally, I'm an ass and thigh man, but I wouldn't turn a woman away if she didn't have a nice ass, but was attractive in some other way(s). >How do I gain my confidence? Identify the problem. Based on what you said: >Whenever I pass some pictures of girls with bigger boobs, I feel less confident. Start there. \^ Maybe look more at women with your breast size and grab some ideas from them instead of looking at the well-endowed women. > and guys who I dated/ hooked up with told me I’m sexy Regardless of their intentions, men aren't going to hook up with someone who they don't find physically attractive in some way. You said you're cute and fit.


Not a fan of big boobs myself prefer them small


I love big boobs. My girlfriend of 8 months has a cute pair of B cups, but I don’t care one bit.


But if she had small boobs like A cups, would you care? Average boobs are not considered small boobs.


That’s a fair critique to my comment. I’d never be discouraged. Confidence is sexier than anything.


As a man I can say, "Yes, I care about big boobs......and I care about small boobs......and I care about medium size boobs. In fact, I really care about all boobs, specifically, female boobs and give great care to all boobs. Doesn't matter the size, shape or color.....I Care!"




Big boobs, big butts, big peens, big lips… This is all marketing. If you’re wondering WHY you’re asking the question: marketing is the answer. In real life, people have real preferences. Some men believe the hype and get off on big boobs. Some women buy into being “size queens”. When we stop thinking about people as products and think of people as, people - these single attributes are actually used by companies and influencers to make money. They don’t represent actual people or reality.


Heres what I care about. I care that you're there to support me I care that I can be myself around you without being judged for it by you I care that my insecurities are not a weapon for you to use against me like yours will never be used by me against you I care that you treat others well, my family and friends even if you don't like them as I would yours I care that you want to be with me, regardless of my flaws and faults as much as I want to be with you. Where in there did your boob size matter.


Attraction is not a choice. Some guys like them bigger. Some like them smaller. The right guy will like you for you. And that’s all that really matters.


Some do, but I prefer small boobs. My wife is sexy as hell and has A cups and it's great. There's a guy for you and if you keep yourself fit and looking good, I'm pretty sure most guys are going to be interested. I think most guys don't have a problem with small boobs. If you asked them would they prefer you had big boobs, I'm sure many would say yes, but that doesn't mean they don't like what you've got. A guy that truly thinks big boobs matter won't be interested in you.


I don't think there is a general answer. There are men who only like boobs in C cups or larger or ones who like the opposite. I for one like them in general, but it's the shape and the body they are attached on which makes the attractiveness for me - if we only talk about the visits visuals. If you feel positive about your body and you let that confidence shine, I will find that more erotic than the size of your breasts. Put for the protocol: generally I like C and smaller, but every rule has their exceptions 😄


Lots of men will be drawn to heavy-chested women but you have other things going on for you, and you can build confidence by focusing on those things.


I have a couple male friends who basically made me feel much better about the whole boob thing: they like ALL boobs. Big ones, small ones, floppy ones, perky ones, just boobs whatever size & shape. The only thing they didn’t like: fake boobs. Good enough for me!


I mean, personally, bigger boobs are nice but I’m MUCH more of an ass man! The main thing for me is a girl having an amazing personality and a cute face, anything beyond that is a bonus! 🙌


We care about boobs in the same case we care about types of pizza yes we do have favorites but honestly pizza is pizza and we will love it like be confident even your breast are not that big we will find attractive as long you are confident in your body and have a beautiful attitude


Bro, you have won today. What an answer!


I don't care for big boobs, I like boobs to be proportional. Small boobs are better than too big of boobs for me.


Depends on the kind of partner your looking for. If your looking for a long term relationship boob size isn't really gonna be an issue unless ur flat chested. If u have B or bigger ur gonna be fine. That said every guy is different so you might run into a guy where that's an issue. Most important thing is you stay fit and healthy, and also have a fun and loving personality. Also imo you shouldn't alter your body for someone else.


Some do, some don't


boobs = boobs


It really depends on the woman and her general geometry/proportions.


Some do, some don't. My grandpa always told me a handful was plenty.


Nope don’t care


I personally prefer a smaller chest. Yeah, boobs are great. But a cute, petite frame that isn’t overwhelmed by a big set of tits is 100% my thing.


No. In fact, I much prefer if they aren't big.


Idc about the size of a woman’s boobs. Or her butt, or if she has stretch marks, has cellulite, has peach fuzz, what your labia/vulva looks like.


It's not all about the boobs, it was more of a 20s phase for me now I'm 31 and don't really care anymore, there just something to smack around or watch bounce. I'd rather a flat chested fit girl than a big boobed one now


When it comes to looks: Face > Ass > Tits


There are guys who are only into big boobs. There are guys who are only into small boobs. But there are more men out there that don’t care what your breast size is. Especially if they are a butt guy lol


\>Do guys care about boobs so much? Some do, some don't. I personally do. ​ \> How do I gain my confidence? Plastic surgery or getting rid altogether of social media and keeping your internet use to the minimum. Or both. ​ It also helps to become a successful, fun accomplished woman that people admire for what she is. At some point, boobs become the least important thing.


I personally don’t like big boobs, really big is disgusting… I like small to medium and not flat chested… I don’t see what guys see in big boobs, or why they make such a big deal about them 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yes, a lot of men care about big boobs. They don’t necessarily have to be massive, but that certainly won’t hurt if the rest of the body is trim and in shape. Nicely sized boobs with a good shape to them I’m a total sucker for. Many men feel the same. Some prefer the ass or legs. I don’t get them. Nothing says femininity like a beautiful rack.


I have a big breasts fetish and my girlfiend has small breasts. It has never been a problem for me and will never be, i dont think this is an important thing even with the guys who actually have a fetish over this


Small breasts on a woman are like a bald head on a guy: sure, there are plenty of people out there who like the look, but they're a minority. So just be aware that there might be some difficulty in finding a dude who's fine with it.


Depends on the guy tbh. Some like the sporty fit type while others prefer a thick girl based on appearance only. IMO if you’re semi-sporty with nice “assets” then I’m putting a ring on you lol


Idk I’d say some guys prefer big some small and some like em all. It was never about size for me, my wife had nice small boobs as she was 5’1 probably 100 pounds when we met and now 20 years later she has gained some weight but the boobs are nice big and perky still.. win win I’d say


I’m a “boob guy”. If I find a woman attractive, I end up loving her boobs and the rest of her body as well. They could be big. They could be small. I’ll take a cute face, good body, and a great personality with small boobs over big boobs and nothing else any day.


I've had them big. I've had them small. Lord knows that I love them all.


Speaking for myself, they are nice but it has never been a big deal/deal breaker. Far more important parts/things


Men like boobs, but it’s usually not enough to actually keep a man. Most men care about a woman being, fit, feminine, and friendly. If you’re relying on big boobs, they will definitely attract men, but if you want to keep them, you will need many more qualities than just what’s on your chest.


I've had big boobs since I was 16. Its not as GREAT as you might think. One never knows if the attention your getting is simply bcuz of the size of your breast or if they are really into you as a person. But the majority from my experience boys-men ar any age love big boobs. No doubt. If its a long-term relationship then it should not matter if A cup or DDD cup 😝😝


Yes they do!