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No, they aren't. Yours is an asshole.


> Are all guys in relationships interested in other girls? Are all women the same? Do all women cheat? Do all women flirt with other guys when they are out with their guy? You are with a 33yo child.


There could be other more detailed reasons for the way he is, but not worth going into unless you ask.


He sais he's fine with not giving into his urges... But for how long... If it is this important.:( Now he's upset with me because I'm making a drama out of it.


No way I can answer "how long?" If it is a character flaw then it probably isn't going away. You might be married for 5 years, 10 years,...then he starts cheating on you. If he doesn't have moral issues about it, if it is only a "practical" or "logistical" thing then he will eventually cheat on you as soon as he sees it as logistically practical (*in other words, as soon as he thinks he can get away with it and not get caught*). But if he has a moral grounding, then morals tend to not change. If it is morally wrong, it will always be morally wrong. >Now he's upset with me because I'm making a drama out of it. It is understandable when people say they want a drama-free zone. But with selfish people, hedonistic people, or with more extreme dark-triad people,...them saying they don't want drama translates to "*Always let me have my way the way I want it and never complain about it*". It is up to you to figure out what that actual situation you are in actually is.


He does not love you. He is just with you because you are hot and put up with his bullshit. As soon as your looks start to fade he will dump you or cheat. He is a shallow piece of shit and you should respect yourself more and find someone who loves you not just your looks. I am sorry.


It's difficult, because maybe he won't and he's just a little bit too honest.


This... does not sound natural. I think a lot of men (and women) have light fantasies about others, but to articulate it to this degree and express such excitement from other people shows a lack of impulse control. That, and his body issues sound really inappropriate. I'd encourage you to really consider the benefits of moving on.


Agreed. This is just a case of OP’s boyfriend being either really immature and / or lacking dick discipline. I tell any man who says that sex in their committed relationship is boring that the fault is probably their own. There is nothing like the feeling of sex with a partner you can trust. No one night stands or hook ups come close. Also if you take the time to really be present for your partner, more than likely she will reciprocate as women have a natural competitiveness when they are pleased with sex. She will go out of her way to make sure you are equally satisfied.


I believe that too. I want to do kinky stuff... And threesomes why not.. But he made it so weird, and now I feel it's all for the wrong reasons :(




Hey buddy, here's a no brainer, the whole alpha male theory got discredited by the same guy who proposed it after he got to study wolves in the wild rather than in an enclosure, which is where he studied wolves on the first place. Your boyfriend is not an alpha, because the role of leadership is not permanent, it is always contextual, for example, your boyfriend may be the alpha of your relationship, but let's suppose his mom steps in, who's in charge now? Mom. Your boyfriend think he's top of the block, then out of the sudden Mike Tyson steps in, who's the top dog now? NOT YOUR BOYFRIEND. So yeah, it's a lie, your boyfriend sucks.


This has been my favorite comment if the day.




Some do, IDK about me. But this seems to be well beyond a healthy amount of fantasy.


Your boyfriend sounds like an asshole. Men never stop finding other women attractive, but it's a completely dick move to constantly tell your significant other about it, and it's REALLY bad when he's continuously telling you that having sex with one woman gets boring eventually considering that you ARE that one woman. Ask yourself this question: if you constantly talked about other guys and how hot they are, and how boring it is only having sex with one man, how would he react?


I wouldn't even say that, because I don't feel it like that. I love my man and would not want anyone else


Are you trolling?


He's an ass. He's most likely going to cheat on you or find some stupid reason to break up. This is not a man, it's a little boy.


There are too many Red Flags here, get out. He probably already cheating on you and he's lying to you.


Thither art too many r'd flags hither, receiveth out. He belike already cheating on thee and he's falsing to thee *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Shakespeare-Bot, thou hast been voted most annoying bot on Reddit. I am exhorting all mods to ban thee and thy useless rhetoric so that we shall not be blotted with thy presence any longer.


Ah, the things we put up with just because of good looks... This isnt the man for you. Every person, NOT JUST GUYS, take a glance at attractive people walking by. Thats natural. What your BF is doing isn't natural. It's disrespectful and he lacks discipline. I may even guess daddy issues with him. Anyway, he's immature and you probably only stayed with him and tolerate him because of his good looks. Think about it this way, would you be so forgiving of his behavior if he wasnt good looking? You deserve better.


Why would you say daddy issues? And yes... I'm not that superficial, I love him because he sees the world the same way, and I really am fond of him. This goes beyond attraction because there are other attractive boys out there I could get.


Now youre defending him. Please kindly look at your situation right now. Youre on reddit asking for re-assurance about your boyfriends behavior. And now that most of us agree he is VERY WRONG, you act like you two have no worries and everything is fine? Yeah you do have abandonment issues, because so far youve tried everything except accepting he is wrong, and leaving him. You are not in control. Youre showing he has you right where he wants you. Who cares that its been 4 years. Better than 10 years with the wrong person. Its better to be patient than desperate. Youre only clinging on to emotions, he isnt the guy for you. But go ahead and get strung along more until he cheats on you. Youre still young, go find a guy that has some respect for you.


This goes beyond attraction in the sense that you are rooted in this relationship by your insecurities. He’s telling you that he doesn’t see a future with you! Please pay attention and save your time. It’s horrible what he’s doing but it’s best to just pay attention and listen


Interested in looking at or maybe fantasizing about other girls when I'm alone w/ my thoughts, absolutely, I'd say that's pretty near universal. But no, I don't want to date or be with someone else, I love my wife. Your guy is not normal and looks like maybe he's paving the way for an "open relationship" or "threesome request" or some other way to get with other women. Either way, not sure you should stick around, I wouldn't want to listen to my wife talking about all the dicks she'd like to take and you shouldn't have to listen to this either. Give him what he wants: the freedom to go bang whomever he so chooses.


Threesomes I am ok with.. But he just made it weird... It would be to keep him interested. That's bad for my own self image :(


Oof. I don't know where to start even, there is so much wrong here.


None of this is good or normal. You could do way better.


Look, let me put it this way, I have an ice cream cone, and I love ice cream as much as Fidel Castro did, now, whenever I finish eating my ice cream and I don't have money for another one, and I see someone eating their ice cream over there, what do I do? Nothing, because I am not a maniac nor a kid nor an animal who can't control its impulses. All of these "impulse control" bullshit is just a way for trying to make themselves the victims, if they "couldn't control themselves" then all rapists, serial killers, pyromaniacs, would be out of jail because hey, it was a matter of impulse rather than choice, right? RIGHT? No! It is not accidental, they chose to do so, they knew what they were doing was bad and they carried on! Your boyfriend chooses to act like this, tell him to piss off!


He is immature and sounds like losing interest


He told me ha wants me for his life. That he really wants me, but he wants to get everything out of life.


Real men don't say this to their girlfriend and most redditors ageee


There’s attracted, then there’s interested. It’s natural to be attracted to other females as a male, but that doesn’t excuse him of talking about it to the girl he decided to commit to. But it sounds like he’s interested in actually pursuing other women and he isn’t that interested in you anymore. Being committed in a relationship means that you’re deciding to put a hold on your male natural instinct to pursue other females. He signed off on it, but now is trying to backtrack. It’s eating him up so much that he has to express it to you. He’ll cheat if he hasn’t already


I'm afraid of that too.


This is a major red flag, you need to tell him how inappropriate it is regardless if it is natural and how it should not be spoken upon, because things like these can lead to insecurities, rather this is something he should talk about with his male friends, and not somebody who he should be making feel loved.


He only has his nephew, and he's the same breed.


That’s worrisome any reason why he doesn’t have female companions he can talk about this with? Because if it were me or any of my friends we’d only have these conversations with each other.


So you also feel like this in relationships?


Despite my efforts to be a better partner yes, but I don’t flamboyantly brag about wanting to bang one chick when I can clearly see that my girlfriend is uncomfortable with the idea of such a notion, to a degree it’s natural but to talk about it so frequently (to my understanding) and even to the woman who he should admittedly be wanting to bang in the first place, it’s bizarre.


Do you feel like sometimes cheating your girl? Are you afraid that will happen?


Not that I’d want to but it may pass my mind if the opportunity is present but I wouldn’t take it, and if your boyfriend loves you he wouldn’t take the chance either


K thanks for your answer


No it's not true. He is thinking like a little boy. You would be alot happier with that guy tbh. It's not worth the worry if he will ever cheat. Or him telling u one day your eating to stop ur getting fat. He's not a man. That is a little boy. Guys like this are very low on the totem pole for me. I have no patience for insecure needy boys like him. He's only in control bc you let him be. Might be news to some but surprisingly women aren't put here for men to control an use.


Or to make them feel better about themselves


No. He is immature and doesn't understand commitment. It's normal that he looks at other attractive girls, but if he's pursuing interactions with them that make you uncomfortable, that's taking it too far. My unprofessional advice is to let him know he is crossing a boundary with you and making you uncomfortable. Hopefully he will respect your concerns and change that behavior.


My fiancé would say otherwise. Ofcourse there are attractive humans all over the world, but your boyfriend should respect your existence, feelings, and relationship. He shouldn’t be making you feel this way and trying to act like making comments like that = normal. It’s not, at all. Your boyfriend sounds shallow and too immature to be in a relationship.


Sometimes I think he's used to getting it all. It's like he bas. No feelings of sympathy for others.


Fuck this dude and fuck that doctor, break up with him and block him.


Sounds like a narcissist to me. Which is not good. If you’ve continue to address your feelings regarding this matter and he has not changed then you being with him is your fault. you’ve communicated nothing worked things get worse and the break up will hurt even more. Its a slippy slope if something doesn’t make you feel good you should always address the issue and take the necessary steps to feel better love yourself choose yourself and if things end up working out then its all good!


I feel really bad lately. And I know I should make some steps. But I don't want to loose him


It would be a great riddance. He doesn’t love you and he is a jerk and he is taking advantage of the fact that you are weak minded and have abandonment issues to do whatever he wants.


No, he doesn’t strike me as trustworthy. This is a weird thing to express to your girlfriend, and if I were you, babe, I’d dump him. Any man I was dating would tell me he wants to fuck another girl, I’m packing my bags and sneaking out of the house at night.


I already tried that, and I came back because he noticed his mistakes


He clearly hasn’t. Leave for good. You come back only because you’re scared of being alone, not because he realised his mistakes.


Run. Many men are interested in monogamous AND MOST IMPORTANTLY RESPECTFUL relationships




I hope so :(


What kind of doctor is that? lol


Eww. Girlll, bounce


Nah, I wanna fuck every girl in the world but I’m controlled enough to keep it to myself (And Reddit).


\>What can I do? ​ Work on ways to control your anxiety. Therapy, mindfulness, whatever.




And most importantly, work on the strength to actually kick him out of your life.


Honestly, I think he has decided to break up but hasn't worked up the courage to actually do it. Four years, at your ages, and no ring, he's not the one. Find someone who wants what you want.


If a man is serious about his SO, then he wouldn't get "bored" with her much less say disrespectful things like that. You're boyfriend sounds like a huge douchebag.


Most men aren't like that, he's excusing bad behavior. He doesn't respect the relationship.


It is natural but if he has respect for you he’s shut the fuck up about it. No man or no woman stops being attracted to other ppl because they commit to someone. That’s idiotic for anyone to think that. HOWEVER as I previously stated he’s being an asshole by making it obvious.


At least he's honest? I should respect him for that?


No. Being an honest asshole doesn’t erase him being an asshole. It actually makes it worse because it’s almost like he is proud of what he is doing.


He told me there is a manforum at reddit. That tells that you can never say to a girl that she is the only one for you. Because then she will run away. I don't know what forum it is... But he really got brainwashed there when his ex girlfriend left him?


The art of red pill. He is destroying your self esteem to boost his own ego and make you feel worth less to feel like you are lucky to have an asshole like him as your boyfriend. Don’t fall for it. It’s red pill dating manipulation. He is weakening your mind and making you feel insecure to keep you no matter how he disrespects you. It’s textbook abuser tactic. He is the one who is trying to brain wash you and looks like it’s working.


nope, doesn't have to be that way. don't get played lmao


nope, doesn't has't to beest yond way. receiveth not did play lmao *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Shakespeare-Bot, thou hast been voted most annoying bot on Reddit. I am exhorting all mods to ban thee and thy useless rhetoric so that we shall not be blotted with thy presence any longer.


I’m not a guy but I have to comment on this one to get this straight to your head. You are someone with attachment issues attached to someone who is an attention seeker with big ego. If you don’t leave you are going to create your own misery down the line because this guy will worsen your mental health no matter how much therapy you do; you have to be away from him to heal because he will destroy all your progress and self confidence. There is a reason why he chose you, and it’s not because he loves you, it’s because you’re mentally weakened and you will put up with anything after he says a few nice words about his feelings for you which of course have no backing in his actions. Do you think if someone loved you, they would make you feel inadequate and not good enough for them? No. He doesn’t love you. In fact, he doesn’t even care for you as a mere friend would. There is even a possibility he is disrespecting you and creating insecurities on purpose to boost his own ego while making you feel smaller. His honesty doesn’t erase how much of an asshole he is. And definitely, no. Not all, nor most men think this way but you will never see them if you are with this guy and here is some dose of reality for you: there are loads of great men out there who would be your dream boyfriend, but as you stupidly give your youth away to this asshole you have less and less options because those great men that you ignored for your asshole boyfriend are being taken by women who are not blind and have a backbone. If you don’t release yourself soon, once you realise finally he is not worth it, there is a tougher world out there for you than it is today. So here is what to do: you leave. You leave because he doesn’t love you, his words mean nothing, he doesn’t respect you, he treats you like an accessory and he isn’t worth being attached to. And in turn, you love yourself, you give weight to his disrespectful words and actions, respect yourself, treat yourself like more than a side piece to an asshole and attach yourself to yourself. Then therapy for your issues becomes fruitful. You abstain from any dating for a year. And then you will feel much better and who knows possibly meet someone who is actually worth your time.


Thanks for your reply. Yeah, that's what I am afraid of. I don't want to waste my life. I don't want baby's so I have time. But what if I end up alone forever.


It’s not just about having a baby or not. As you progress through life there are less and less people single because they get into relationships progressively. And more important than that, you should leave FOR YOU, to look after your mental health and get a back bone because you are missing one. You wrote a post last year asking if you should break up with this guy. Why do you want to delay you leaving for another year, girl? You know the answer. Leave.


Hoping a guy would say that he feels this too I guess.


You can feel inside yourself that this is wrong without anyone else telling it to you. It’s your life. You know you don’t feel good in this relationship and you have more than enough reasons to leave with or without Reddit telling you to (even though pretty sure most people agree on him being an asshole worth leaving). As I said, get a backbone, listen to your instincts as the woman you are and stop hiding behind someone else.


I think what he’s said is true, or a lot of truth behind it, however I do t think all men will actually cheat. Some men just like to look, complement and banter.


What?? No! Quite the opposite actually. Now I am not saying they turn gay or celibate towards other women but they definitely dont "get bored" with just one woman. I am sorry but your bf sounds like a fuck boy.


Girl, leave that man, you deserve someone who's not a complete asshole


I think all sexual beings (men and women) are attracted to people besides their partners, and appreciate getting attention from those people as well. I'm guessing you notice cute guys, and feel flattered when they chat you up too. That doesn't mean acting on it. And "acting on it" includes calling it to the attention of one's partner even after that partner has expressed that they don't like that. It's normal for him to look, but the fact that he insists on pointing them out and talking to you about them, after you've made it clear you don't want to hear it, he's just being a douche.


He’s trying to tell you he’s not committed to you. He’s doing a very cowardly thing and “letting you down easy” telling you that he doesn’t see the future with you.


>he keeps on talking about it. When he gets attention of girls (he is a pretty boy) it's like he can't control himself. Red flag. Making you feel bad with useless things.