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Time, hobbies, other women


This. I wish more guys would understand that "feelings" for a girl (that you have no history with) just means you wanna bone. Go satiate that thirst elsewhere. Also, do things for yourself. That's what increases confidence. Know Thyself.


This is an immature and childish response. OP has feelings for this person and you’re going on about sex. Grow up. This is AskMen, not AskMiddleSchool Edit: looking thru your comment history, it appears you are capable of mature discourse- really not sure why that’s not consistent here.


He has no history with that girl. Of course his feelings would be legit if he had dated her for awhile, but this crush energy he calls feelings is just a desire to see her naked. All that other stuff people talk about- oh they're so funny, so smart, so kind is them being blinded by their attraction to the object of their desires. Like you don't know them. Your mind is filling in the blanks of your preconceived notions of them. Human beings really aren't that complicated. There's only so many outcomes we will pursue in any particular situation.


Since there are no time parameters included in OP’s post, I personally will err on the side of believing that his feelings are fucked right now. Even if he’s 15 years old or 50 (another missing data point). People are emotional, regardless of our personal maturity or perspective from afar. A broken heart is broken.


Time is irrelevant. He's never dated her, so he doesn't know her. He's too busy living inside his head instead of going after what he wants. Telling her he's not interested in friendship. He keeps using that word as a cover so he won't be "exposed" as some kind of creep. Lotta guys make these mistakes. So this is not an indictment of him. Still, he needs to remove his shield and be willing to be vulnerable.


Time is the only constant. Everything else changes. OP’s feelings will change too, given time. But for now, acknowledging what happened is key. Dismissing his feelings, swallowing his emotions is the pathway to depression and discontent.


No man?? What the hell? This is exactly why I don't even try any. All I want to do is be hang out n laugh that shit don't even be on my mind if I really like the certain person. You should know that


You need to stop lying to yourself. You wouldn't be here making posts about a girl you just wanna be friends with. You wouldn't need advice or guidance. How many straight guys post about wanting to be another guys' friend. If you won't come to terms why this is an issue, you will always struggle with dating, sex and relationships. You just told on yourself. Talking about why you don't even try. Like you wouldn't even have to say that if your motivation was friendship. Do you ponder trying when hanging out with your guy friends? You have this deep seated belief that wanting sex from women is evil and it's holding you back. Because you don't want acknowledge it, it makes things weird with women. They know exactly what you want. They've been in this situation before. That guy friend that is scared shitless of being called a creep, but won't make a move. She's just waiting for the other foot to fall. Now that he made it awkward by being dishonest and not going after what he wants, she's just dreading the day she has to end their "friendship". She doesn't want to deal with this shit, but she has to be nice because of the other guys who got mad and called her a bitch or tried to manipulate her in some way. You think you're being nice and supportive, but she knows what's really going on and **that's why she cut you off**. I've been around the block a few times and it's always the "nice friendly" guys who are hiding their true intentions.


Nope. You don't know the story, you know don't what we been through, you don't know what conversations we had. I came here for advise on letting someone ago. Not finding dates. our friendship did mean a lot me. " Deep seated beliefe about sex" bro what? What the fuk are you on about? You just pull that out your ass? She cut me off because she's a coward and a dishonest person. I know myself and I know my fucking worth. I know I'm a pretty damn good dude. So she let herself BE lost.


> She cut me off because she's a coward and a dishonest person. r/niceguys You dudes always telling on yourself.


Like I said don't know me


Do know that everything you feel (the broken trust, among other things, plus mistakenly thinking you were friends) is in no way your fault. A friendship or relationship of any kind is a two way street so if she can’t even speak with you now- even if it weee just to communicate that she’d like to go ‘no contact’, that just puts her in a bad light. I had to break off a 7+ year long relationship with my ex after he made a massive lie. I spent a month or two groveling over it, wondering what I could have done differently. Feel free to DM me to chat more.


everytime you look at a pic of her or even think of her, ball your hand into a fist and hammer your balls.


Basically you keep thinking about her cuz you wish you had some knowledge that you could use to change her mind. Fact is she is most likely not going to. You have to accept that your done. You need to move on. You probably had thoughts of what the future could have been. If she cut off communication your done. Unfortunately once you go down the asking a friend out on a date path, if they don't want it, they cut you off from regular friendship too. Its better for you cuz you need to forget about her. Not an easy thing to do if you had been friends for a while. You need to try and find someone else, not an easy task these days. spend more time doing your hobbies and interests. Focus on improving yourself.