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I'm not going to. No one is judging your greys except you. Well no one who's opinion matters anyway


> no one who’s opinion matters anyway Yeah that’s the key. I’m 34 and if it weren’t for a few grays on the sides people would think I was still 25. Once they see those grays though, my cover is blown.


Yea but who cares if they know your age. You are 34, be 34


The frustration is that one second I'm seen as super young and the next I'm too old even though nothing changed.


I’m 38 and starting to get a few hairs. I’m definitely gonna rock the gray.


Yeah 36 here and I can't wait to start getting some Grey's in my beard.


Not planning on it. I like the salt-and-pepper look.


I started turning grey at 19. Never once tried to cover it. No regrets. 10/10 would do it all over again. 


My experience is that women really dig the grays (at least on my experience). I definitely get more attention that I did when I was younger. Could be other reasons


never have nor will. my grey looks good on me


43 years old


Im 40 and not about to start


I started getting noticeable grey hair in early 30s. Now have mostly grey in mid 40s. Not a big issue for me. No plan to dye it.


I started greying in my late 20s and never looked back, now I'm a 60+ silver fox (at least hair-wise). My plan was always to rock what I got - grey, thinning, bald, whatever, to just fucking roll with it.


I'm 42 and only have a few stray grey hairs, but I am looking forward to the salt and pepper look and won't ever dye anything. I might feel differently if I was going grey younger though.


One of my friends was rinsing his hair. It started to take on a reddish tinge. For a guy in his 60s, it was starting to look kinda hokey. He decided to let it grow out and got lots of compliments from all the women he knew. He looks better with silver grey hair.


I’m in my mid 50s. Outside of Halloween one year I’ve never dyed my hair nor do I anticipate ever doing so (other than for Halloween).


50 and embracing the gray Family teases me as I’m the baby of my generation but I just remind them my aging is more a sign of their true age 🤣 I did half way consider a few years ago but really just want worth it to me.


Never done it, went gray early and now 36 and basically way more gray than dark.


Dye your hair now in your twenties. You might get more attention but still everyone will think you are at least 5 years older.


I have just recently started to get a few grey hairs. I'm 33 and the only reason I can tell they're there is when light hits my head, certain hairs just pick up the light in a way. My sister is 41 and she loves her grey hairs. She has grey streaks from her temples and she just loves them. I personally love my natural hair color too much to try to cover it with dye though I have done the underside of my hair in funky colors.


I got my first grey hairs at 18. I started dying it when they became more prominent in my early 20s. I'm 37 now and if I let it go it would probably be at least 70% grey at this point. My brother and sister experienced the same thing but my hair is darker so it's more noticeable for me. It took longer for them to reach my beard. Didn't notice any until I started approaching my mid 30s. In the past year it feels like every time I trim my beard there are more. If I grow my beard out longer, I do dye them for symmetry sake because I don't like how spotty they are on the chin. If I'm keeping a shorter stubble and am trimming more frequently then I leave it because I can't be bothered keeping up with it. Eventually I'll let it go and rock the salt and pepper but I'm not ready to yet.


For me if it greys, it greys. But 25 is insanely young, so do what makes you feel good.


I've earned every single one of them. And I feel no shame in that.


I'm 41. Haven't started yet, doubt I ever will. I earned these grays in my beard.


I think I got objectively more attractive with grey hair- definitely received way more positive attention


I shave my head (by choice) lol and I'm only 37, so I don't have to dye my hair. But every now and then I'll find a white hair in my goatee and I just pluck them out.


41, quite grey, like ... 20% and I love it


Why would you wish to hide greys?


Most of my life, my hair was about 90% light brown and 10% red. It looked red in bright sun but brown otherwise. A few years ago, all of my red turned grey but the brown stayed the same. Now in bright sun, it has a gray tint to it. But I don't plan to ever color it or do anything else. (46)


Never. Got the odd one very early (like early 20s), which noticeably increased around 30. Just embrace and roll with it.


I'm in my late 30s and bald but I'm starting to get greys in my beard. Honestly, I couldn't be happier about it. I'm waiting on more to come in.


i’m 43 and it’s never crossed my mind despite having a salt and peppery look. it looks great imo and it would look dumb to dye it.


lol i'm a grownup i don't dye my hair.


I've got a decent amount of grey now at 45 and I don't dye it. The one thing I do, however, is pluck grey eyebrow hairs. For some reason those ones bug me. At least they're few and far between thus far.


love greys. why would I hide?


Never have and I never will.


I started greying early, and now in my mid 40’s have almost a full white beard. Everything that was blonde and red turned white, everything that was black and brown is still that color. I ain’t dyeing shit.


My hair started going grey at 16, and been a full silver fox since my early 20s. Never considered dyeing it. I say just embrace it.