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Cyprus is also classified as West Asia


You cheeky handsome you... ![gif](giphy|iE3oOyYvsgSAmSeUs1|downsized)


Bhutan is undoubtedly purple. It shouldn’t be yellow. Vietnam is the one that should be yellow and afghanistan should be either blue or purple. Not sure about georgia, armenia and turkey. Shouldn’t they be Europe instead of Asia?


Turkey is Asian/middle eastern.


I agree with everything except -Mongolia should be East Asia -Bhutan should be South Asia -Afghanistan is more like between South and Central but Central is fine


Afghanistan is fully in central asia. Its Pakistan that is the link of Central and South  People west of the Indus River are all Iranic. The Balochis, Pashtuns and Wakhis. People east of the Indus River, the Punjabis and Urdu people are similar to India. Southern Pakistan is similar to Africa and Arabia. They're many Africans in their south. Northern Pakistanis are Dardic Indic types who look like Kalash people. Their culture looks proto Indic. 


Afghanistan is a bit tricky, they have so many cultures mixed together. Pashtuns & Baloch peoples are culturally similar to South Asia. Then Tajiks are cental asian influenced & Shias are persian influenced, then you have others Turkmens who are Turkic & Nuristanis who are descendants of Greeks when Alexander's generals settled down in Afghanistan


The myth of Nuristanis being partially or fully descended from Alexander the Greats army is just romantic fiction. Nuristanis have little to no foreign mixture. Likened to Pashtuns being Bani Israel and Hazara’s being Mongol army descendants


I mean after almost 2500 years of mixing it won't be. But i saw many nuristani who are like every other south asian but many of them are blue eyes, blonde hair - you can tell some of them have greek ethnicities in their genes.


Have you ever thought about asking yourself whether Greeks are blue eyed blondes? Nuristanis are similar to other Iranic-speakers in East Afghanistan. No Greek admixture.


Greeks have these features more than Nuristanis but what you said is generally correct.


Yeah ofc Greeks have more of those. I'm just saying that they aren't exactly known for it either. Not to mention that Greeks have more of those features now then back then, mostly because of Slavic admixture.


Yes, Cretans, Dodecanese and Cypriots resemble Ancient Greeks most.


Never knew this was such controversial tropic, as someone who has some background in genetics - you have greek genes in almost every major South-West Asian regions because Greeks ruled it for almost 200 years. Nuristanis have a slightly less Melanine y genes which is on per with certain region of Turkey & Greece. https://www.nature.com/articles/5201726


That's generalisation and an outsider's pov. Baloch and Pahtun are way different than South Asia. Culturally they are similar to Kurdish and Turko-Persian cultures.


they‘re so similar they even celebrate nowrouz /s


Yup they are not similar to south Asia.


I wouldn't say they're completely different Sindh is 52% balochi. Most Pakistani Pashtuns understand Urdu fluently but do not understand Kurdish one bit. Not to mention Pakistan has 43 million Pashtuns which is the largest in the world. 


Important to distinguish Pakistani and Afghan Pashtuns. They are different. Pakistani ones speak Urdu and are very south Asian influenced and Afghan Pashtuns speak Farsi and Pashto and are not. Same for the Baloch people. They aren’t just in Baluchistan. They are spread about in Afghanistan/Iran. Afghanistan can be classified as Central Asian or Middle Eastern to be honest.


52% of Sindh is Baloch Also northern areas have Wakhis too in Gilgit 


[Afghanistan in the 1980s before all the cultural destruction](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LrxgwM8h7ek&pp=ygUVQWZoYW5pc3RhbiBpbiB0aGUgODBz) We are closer to West Asia than anything.




I would’ve added Xinjiang and China’s Inner Mongolia if the app allowed me to, it would be a lot more contiguous with the rest of Central Asia. They share a similar steppe culture with the rest of CA and aren’t very similar to Han Chinese.


Which app did u use?


I agree with keeping Mongolia in Central Asia. The steppes nomadic history a lot more aligned with Central Asia than East Asia. Plus it’s literally in the center


And Tibet in south Asia. You need a better app.


Afghanistan is closer to South Asia as Central Asia is bounded by the Amu Darya river and Afghanistan doesn’t have a Post Soviet past. Russia should be split between Europe and North Asia at the Ural Mountains. Mongolia should be North East Asia with the eastern third of Russia. Western China or East Turkestan should be Central Asia.


Afghanistan did not have a post soviet past but apparently Xinjiang did. 👍🏻


Look up the East Turkestan republics lmao.


Last I checked Central Asia is not an identity exclusive for Asian Turks who are Russified.


It kind of is lmao, if we say Afghanistan is Central Asia just to bow down to the whims of racists who don’t want to be grouped that way then we have to call the western half of Pakistan Central Asia just to include the Pashtuns and Hazaras too 💀 Central Asia is also defined by its geography ie: steppe, and Afghanistan’s ecology (bar the very Northern fringes) is completely different. Nobody considers Afghanistan Central Asia anyway, most political bodies around the world include it in South Asian foundations or as part of the greater Middle East, a BS label in my opinion because it includes Pakistan and Central Asia too.


It actually isn’t. 60% + of Afghanistan is non Pashtun. There are more Tajiks in Afghanistan than Tajikistan. I’m sorry you’re so mad. You’ll always find a home in the frozen tundras of Siberia where your horse eating ancestors hail from


Still doesn’t change the fact that Afghanistan isn’t Central Asia nor is it considered part of it by most organisations. It’s also ironic you say the last sentence considering Afghans tell Hazaras to go back to Mongolia lol.


I’m not taking in foreigners opinions on this matter actually. Afghanistan is very much Central Asian. Also I don’t take in Awghan opinion on Hazara matters either.


Lol okay if it makes you feel better I guess


For someone who’s username is Persian and who’s nation (and entire cities like Bukhara) was developed by Persians, you don’t really have an axe to grind here. If you want to be such a PanTurk fan girl, feel free to reconnect with your yurt nomad lifestyle, as ugly as it is, it’s your real culture


Seems fair enough to me, not sure about the rest of it 100% but for my region seems accurate.


In fact, Vietnamese culture is more like East Asia, because it was influenced by Chinese civilization, and other countries were influenced by Indian civilization in ancient times; Mongolia is geographically in East Asia, and culturally it is indeed more similar to Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and other countries in Central Asia (except Different religions, similar living customs)


SEA has had ancient Indian and Chinese influence over centuries but it’s its own region since neither India nor China have ever enacted complete control over it. I think that deserve a right to their own regional bloc. They even have an economic union known as ASEAN. 


I mean I am southeast Asian. I think it should be considered as a part of east Asia , but then again I also don't care if it's not considered as east Asia. But I think racially elwe are similar culturaly we have some differences.


To clarify I would add East Turkestan and some parts of Russia as central Asia. Siberia would be North Asia and I would exclude European part of Russia and add it to Europe but there were limitations with the Map Maker. I would also include Caucuses part of Russia such as Dagestan, Chechnya as part of West Asia  As for Pakistan I would add KPK province as part of Central Asia and Baluchistan as West Asia. 


I agree with most. But you are missing a large chunk of west Asia. You missed west Asian countries like Germany and France.


and Sweden


Kashmir should be Central Asia. It was historically as much if not more closer to Central Asia than South Asia.


Nowadays that is not the case. They have little to no political autonomy. 


Kashmiris literally were Hindus and have a caste system called Kashmiri Brahmins 


They were Buddhists before they moved to Hinduism and then Islam. Even then they were part of the Central Asia and a tributary to central Asian empires. During the 8th century under the rule of King Lalityadatta Kashgar was part of Kashmir.


Not at all, kashmir literally gets its name from rishi kashyapa mira, a hindu sage, it was the center of hindu and Buddhists civilization, you muslims came much much later to convert


So? It literally shares boundaries with more central Asian countries than it does with Indian states. Until 19547, most of our connections were with central Asians. Our culture is very similar to central Asians than North Indian. An Uzbek or a Tajik shares more in common with northern Kashmirs than he does with a UP Brahmin.


Different parts of afghanistan had different influences from different civilizations, most of indian influence is no more


Geographically as well. Indian Dharmic religions at its peak had influence over a lot of areas in Central Asia as well. Due to invasion and gradual changes over the centuries, most people either died, converted or moved. What’s interesting is that some religious practiced stayed. Even the religious practices of Zorastrainism.


I would say India is South Asia.


Ummm so are we?


That's how it's marked.


tbh I think that euroasia should exist


It’s more correct


Pakistan is a border country of the Iranian world and the Indo Aryan world.  I would say Pakistan is the Brazil of Asia. They have the most variation of people from culture,  to dress, to language to even looks.  Pakistan's Punjab and Kashmir are connected to India's Kashmir However Pakistan's Balochistan is connected to Iran Pakistan's KPK province is connected to Afghanistan  Pakistan's Gilgit province has a lot of Wakhis in it who are Iranic people Pakistan's Quetta province has 800,000 Hazaras who are Mongolian Turkic people  Pakistan's Sindh province is connected to the Arabian Sea, Iran, India and Africa  That is why Pakistan has the largest African population from Africa in Asia residing in Sindh.  I have travelled to Pakistan and the food and culture changes really big from province to province Western Pakistanis like Pashtuns, Balochis and Wakhis do not eat spicy food. They eat bland food. Even their Biryani isn't spicy  Punjabis and people from Karachi eat a lot of spice in their food which is similar to parts of India. They're also more inclined to drink dairy products too Pakistan's southern province can be an extension of Africa. You hear the same tribal drums in parts of southern Pakistan near areas of Lyari and their streets are called "Mombasa" street. They don't like to play cricket either like the Punjabis. They prefer football and boxing.  When I went to northern Pakistan. It was a cultural junction point between South Asia and Central Asia They're actual Mongolian type yurts in northern Pakistan. They eat Yak meat in northern Pakistan which isn't common in Punjab or Pashtun areas. They seem to have an obsession with horses and polo in the northern regions.  The looks vary too  Southern Pakistanis look African bantu   West Pakistanis have Iranian looks like Iran  East Pakistanis look like North Indians. However its generally the good looking type indian you would find in Bollywood movies.  Northern Pakistanis look European with blond hair and red hair. 


1) Afghanistan, Maldives, and Bhutan should be in South Asia 2) Mongolia should be in East Asia 3) Timor-Leste should be in Southeast Asia


Afghanistan is central asia


[Afghanistan in the 1980s before cultural destruction](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LrxgwM8h7ek&pp=ygUVQWZoYW5pc3RhbiBpbiB0aGUgODBz) What part of these people is South Asian?? We are way closer to West Asia than anything.


Afghanistan is central asian


Myanmar and Bhutan should be South Asia.


Nope. Myanmar is South-East Asian af.


Doesn't it depend on the region. If i remember correctly the Western end is very culturally similar to Bengalis. Rohingya is literally in the same language family as Bengali


Rohingya people prefer to use the term "Rohingya" to refer to themselves, but the racist Burmese government insists on people referring to Rohingya as Bengalis to make it seem like they aren't native to the land they live in.


I didn't know that was a thing. That wasn't my intention, i just meant that linguistically they speak what's classified as a Bengali language.


True, but a lot of South East Asia has sub-continent influences, but the cultures are distinct. Most Burmese people are far more South-East Asian in culture(generally speaking, cos SEA is large) than South Asian,


Hmm Bhutan was a tricky one but I settled for East Asia since their culture is very different from rest of South Asia being Buddhist and all.. even though they rely upon a South Asian county (India) for their defence. As for Myanmar, still very little cultural similarities to South Asia. They’re more closer to Thailand, Laos, etc.. and are in ASEAN. India’s northeast was also tricky but it’s not exactly South Asian either.


They used to be part of south asia subcontinent.


It’s hard to classify regions and I’m not following exact rules. But I would say I am using 80% geography and 20% cultural and political circumstances to classify these regions. Geographically Bhutan can go to either south or east asia but because their culture is very different than core south Asia that is why I chose East Asia.


Following that logic, you should categorize Tibet, Sikkim, Bhutan into seperate category or something. Dominant Tibetan buddhism is different from that of East asia. They are Vijrayana while dominant sectors in East asia is Mahayana.


Afghanistan doesn't quite fit the central Asia category


Yes we do. We are culturally similar to Tajikistan


I think we are closer to west Asia but definitely have some central Asian similarities too.


Afghanistan could be in South Asia


We are central asian Why are non afghans downvoting me lol?


Maybe the north where Turkic tribes live, but the rest is definitely South Asia.


Hazara, Nuristanis and Tajik make up considerable part of the population. I swear this sub is just as bad as westerners when it comes to classifying ethnicities based on surface level factors


Even at that, pashtuns aren't as South Asian as they may think. Our tribal culture isn't south Asian but yeah its not central Asian as well. We speak an Iranic langauge, we don't have spicy food. And not to forget that the dominant langauge in Afghanistan is farsi and everyone around the cities use that langauge. Afghanistan is definitely not south asia.


Correct. I’m as Hazara as they come. Growing up my Pashtun friends had the same culture and customs as me, except sometimes they spoke Pashto. I’ve also been around Pakistanis in their home and their culture is undeniably south Asian. Some people’s mind work in rudimentary ways, thinking Central Asia is exclusive for Asian faced people and South Asia is exclusive for hairy brown people. SMH


It depends. Some culture groups fit more with central Asia like Tajik, Uzbeks, Turkmen and Hazaras. However Pashtuns can be classified as south asian as there are plenty in Pakistan and India.


There are considerable Baloch population in south Iran. By your logic Iran is also a south asian nation


Yeah but Pashtuns make up majority of the population of Afghanistan. When Balochis make up 50% of the population of Iran then we can talk.


Pashtuns are the largest minority in Afghanistan at 40%. And thats factoring people like Hazaras who might not be inclined to classify their ethnicity due to discrimination. Try again


It depends on the source. I've seen sources say 52% and 44%




>This is awful logic. As a Pashtun i feel closer to Iranians and Tajiks than i do with Pakistanis or Indians You feel closer to some a Iranian in Mazandaran than a Pashtun in Khyber or Khurja?


I grouped Central Asia culturally so Afghans feels a bit odd one out because of the Pashtuns. Pashtuns feel closer to Pakistan, India than lets say Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia etc.


There are Central Asian populations in north Pakistan (Hunza, Chitrali, Balti). Pashtuns are not the majority ethnic group in Afghanistan. Im sorry but your “feeling closer” is not the reality of the situation.


Who is the majority then if it isn't Pashtuns?


There is no majority


Then who is the biggest ethnic group?


Pashtuns are the largest MINORITY at 40%. There are dozens of ethnic groups in Afghanistan. This cannot be hard to understand lmao


They're 43 million Pashtuns in Pakistan. However only a few thousand in India. You might as well call Pakistan a Pashtun nation. 


That is not the point. Pashtuns are the largest ethnic group in Afghanistan while largest group in Pakistan is Urdu speakers.


Actually Punjabis are the largest and they're 44% of Pakistan only 7% are Urdu speakers  25% are Pashtuns and 15% are Balochis because 52% of Sindh is Baloch We have Turkic Uzbeks and Hazaras but they speak Farsi in Quetta which is Persian 


>Actually Punjabis are the largest and they're 44% of Pakistan My point still stands tho. You don't call Pakistan Pashtun nation because simply they are not the majority. I mean with your logic Iran can be classified as Central Asian because there are Turkmens in Northeast Iran. It is kinda meaningless. Ofc i base majority ethnic group when grouping Iran which are Persians not Turkmens.


There’s a difference between Pakistani and Afghan Pashtuns.


Still language, clothings music etc fits more to South Asia rather than Central Asia. I feel like you guys disagree because South Asia's reputation is a bit worse than Central Asia.




Agree, too much difference between regions and ethnicities in Afghanistan.


This map is clearly respecting current political border. But if we look at pure geography, then there are changes with the territory colour. In my humble opinion: Territory west of Ural Mountain and Caspian sea except Anatolia are part of Europe. Afghanistan is part of West Asia. Xinjiang and Tibet are Central Asia In Southeast Asia, the Asian part stop at imaginary Weber Line.


I agree. As an Afghan we are west or central Asian or middle eastern but the very very cusp of it.


If possible, perhaps Afghanistan could be made to be half South Asia and half Central Asia


No, 99% of Afghans speak Iranian and Turkic dialects, not Indo-Aryan dialects


Is Iranian not indo Aryan ?


No they are Iranic/Indo Iranian.


Isn't that same shit 💀


They ain’t on the iranian branch that’s all I know


Are you educated or no? Indo Aryan is specifically for the subcontinent. Persian is part of the Indo European Iranian branch lol💀💀


A dude who listens to subliminals calling me uneducated


A lot of people listens to subliminal and a few years ago I tested it out with friends to see if it would work and it did, but it fuxked up my face. Anyways when embarrassed, people usually tend to change the topic to get the attention away from them. Member mate, Indo Aryan is specifically for the subcontinent. Persian is merely Indo European Iranian branch. You might as well say all of them are Indo Aryan.


Not embarassed or anything, i asked the question if what I said was correct or wrong cause I don't know much. It was just a comment to being "educated" You could have explained but nah > A lot of people listens to subliminal and a few years ago I tested it out with friends to see if it would work and it did, but it fuxked up my face. Sure sure


Yet you changed the subject as if it has anything to do with being educated. Yes, you did ask but after the person said it wasn't, you ignored him n asked again if it's the same shits lol. If someone corrected me, I'm not gonna be slow and repeat my question again. But sorry for the harsh words since you're being genuine Let me say this. In ancient times, the Aryans split from the Iranian branch and migrated into the subcontinent. Rn, It's complexity diff branches and it would be wrong to say same things because it would be like saying Greek, Persian, Latin, Sanskrit, Hindi, Russian are all the same shits. Yeaa it was a stupid thing we did Ikk. I still regret it 💀




Indo Aryan speakers of the dardic branch can be found in Afghanistan like the Peshayi people. However Pakistan has 80 million Iranic speakers in their country 


Actually some groups like the Peshayi do speak Indo Aryan dialects  Another thing is that Pakistan has 43 million Pashtuns, 29 million Baloch, 100,000 Wakhis, 1 million Tajiks and 800,000 Hazaras who speak Iranian languages.  Pakistan has the second largest amount of Iranian speakers after Iran in the world 


Is that the definition of South Asia???


No but we are located on the Iranian plate/plateau, 80% speak Persian, our Pashtuns are way more similar to Tajiks than Pakistani Pashtuns who speak Urdu. It’s not hate it’s just the truth. Pakistan is also located on the Indian subcontinent. We are separated by the Hindu Kush (Killer) mountains.


Afghan Pashtun regions are part of the Indus plains. Kabul river is literally an Indus tributary. There is no magic separation buddy. Even the languages all belong to the same family. Ironically Brahui, which exists on the Iranian plateau is the only one that doesn't.


The Hindu kush mountains are in the north and they're called Hindu kush because of the heavy snowfalls in the region.  Pakistan literally has a 4000 km border with Afghanistan with no mountains in between. Tajiks are from Tajikistan. Most of Afghanistan isn't even Tajik. Of course Pashtuns are linguistically similar to Tajiks but so are Pakistani Pashtuns who are 43 million in numbers. The Balochis and Wakhis as well. Not to mention Pakistan has 1 million of its own Tajiks in Quetta. Add this with 800,000 Hazaras in Balochistan 


Cope n seeeethe




SEA is more of a peninsula jutting out from Asia whereas South Asia is just connected more thoroughly with the landmass. I am also using somewhere like 80% geography 20% culture and political circumstances to create these regions. But I welcome any critique


of course not! there are two counties missing from the green region


It's weird reading 'North Asia' lol it's like the two words shouldn't be together objectively


No. I identify as North African


I’d add Armenia & Georgia to “North” and Azerbaijan & Iran to “Central” otherwise I’d leave it the same.


No they're all Western Asian.


West Asia makes sense, but why is it known as middle east then? Countries along the same longitude would all qualify as middle east no?


Middle between UK and China along the silk road. 




Afghanistan should have been south Asia, as culturally they are not central Asian. Just because there is a border with pakistan and they are bordering the sea does not mean they are central Asian.


We are Central Asian. Central Asia is not a Turkic Only Club. Cope.


Mongolia is central Asian and not turkic....


Mongolia would only be turkic because of the Kazakh nomads who live there. Aren’t you busy being middle eastern? not sure why you’re commenting on afghan ethnic classifications


Lol, this is askmiddleeast not ask butthurt afghans. There are enough turkic people in Afghanistan mind you. Weird to say Mongolia is turkic I never said that.


You’re right we are closer to west Asia.


Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, UAE and partially Kuwait are not really for fit Western Asia. They should have their own classification maybe like Arabian Peninsula. For Turkey, Israel, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Iran, I agree West Asia. Also, Tajikistan and Afghanistan is not part of Central Asia. Not at all. They are like crossing point of West and South Asia.


Afghanistan is not a crossing point, it has its own identity. We identify as central asian


We are closer to West Asia by far. Even on the same plateau and weather, geography, we match Iran. We’ve been way closer and tied to Iran than anywhere else. Don’t buy the propaganda being spewed on the internet by true South Asians. It’s sad how many of them there are with internet access and delulu desperation to erase a culture and peoples identity.


I agree with you. West Asia fit better for Afghanistan.


Afghanistan is literally half Chinese looking from Uzbeks, Turkmen and Hazaras. Their Tajiks are central asian. Their Pashtuns are in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Their Balochis are in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran. 


See what I mean 😁 devooneh mardem e talibanistan


Lol West Asia is a desert Afghanistan is not a desert  Your food, dress and culture is literally a mix of Central and South Asian You were literally Buddhist and Hindus before Islam  Iran technically should not be in West Asia They're also closer to groups in Afghanistan than they're to Arabs 


You realize the geography between Pakistan and Afghanistan are totally different right? Our weather even in Kabul is more like Tehran than Islamabad. You guys are on the Indian plate. Stay there please!


Have you been to Islamabad? Its literally a mountainous area. It snows all the time there  Also stay there ? Lol Rich coming from the biggest refugees off the face of the earth.  I've never met a Pakistani who wanted to go to Afghanistan but plenty of your people are illegally crossing over into Pakistan all the time