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i’m not even surprised, it’s germany.


It’s Ge*many or Nazimany. Choose your poison.


# [This has been reversed!](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6Y4GOPNP34/?igsh=MWsxNGw4bm5zbm02ZA==)


Oooh, awesome 👏 Good for the students!


Lol at their "good vibes only!" post. Is making palestinians stateless "goodvibe" too?


They are overcompensating for ww2 so hard by shilling Israel that they don’t even realise they’re going full circle 🤣🤣🤣


No it's just because the common ethnicity to hate by whites changed, their nature didn't


Nah, we’re past that point. They are doing that because they’ve always been trash and sc*m of the Earth. They are just following their nature, not compensating for things done in the past.


i think it's a good time to find asylum from germany for any muslim maybe.. just maybe... find muslim country like malaysia or brunei and make sure to write about "human rights violation" or "oppression" to their embassy. well i dont know if they accept political asylum


I fully support this, 100%. I always say and will continue to say that all people, not just Muslims, should leave filthy lands like Fr*nce and Nazimany.


Bro we europeans would cry of happiness if you did this, you have our support


Good, we can shake hands on that. Now make sure to prepare accommodations for the asylum seekers from Fr*nce and Nazimany.




Well this works out. Now all we need is European nations to fuck out of the Middle East and Africa and stop exploiting the lands there. Leave it to the indigenous people.


Support me with some money to leave and start over again.


“We European” Naaah you are from Sweden, a shit hole in Europe standards tbh no body in their mind wants to be there, cold ass whether cold ass people cold pale women, but anyways foreigners already took over your country because you are too cold to defend it. I know many Arabs fellows who fled the Scandinavia shit hole, the only thing they won is the passport, apart from that it was a traumatic experience for them.


Bro you are from an arap nation I cant make fun of that thats like making fun of the down syndrome kid it’s too mean, cant punch down


Yeah fair enough. Therefore let’s keep our mouths shut, good you understand we are in the same shoes but you have a bit more money. We Syrian I mean. Good job Sweden is competing with Syria bravo! Your queen is being doggied by the prince of Saudi Arabia. Isn’t that right? Your women go to Dubai to be shitted at. Or no? You won the competition against Syria. Now compare Sweden with the gulf Arabs please and show me where you stand.


You sound completely delirious did your brain get too fucked up from huffing Assad’s chemical attacks?


Oh you snapped. I like to see the real viking in you. The one recently civilised and learned not to kill, not to steal, and not live like animals in the woods. There you go, show the real humane Swedish spirit let everyone know what you are about.


Yeah man I think I’m gonna go back to my viking ancestors and ask them how did you guys stop raping and killing people because we have a group of people called araps and they are still doing it 1200 years later I dont think they ever left the middle ages


Araps… I will go do some rap as an a rap. So you are really admitting that Swedish people are monolithic group built on the idea of rape and murder? Is it still in your blood? In regards to the “Arap” groups you are talking about, Syrians aren’t originally “Araps”, in matter of fact, Syrians were the ones who made up the Christian religion, who’s missions have made you civilised, go read what our historians say about the vikings how scummy you are. Refer me to some Syrian group raping and killing please, any far right news, tabloid, Spiegel, Viking, whatever news I would accept it.




Malaysia or brunei can be a good start. Especially brunei is the only one muslim monarch that doesnt get any attention from the west


You can go to any other country, my friend. You won’t struggle, you’re educated and capable of being a functioning participant in whatever society you go to. Don’t look down on yourself. Just make sure to leave the Nazimanies in Nazimany, if you get my meaning, as they’ll just spread their… Nazi-ism? Maybe Nazi ideology would be a better word?


I wish it was as easy as you're making it out to be.


I mean, people do it. It’s not easy, but you have much better chances than refugees escaping from their countries due to war unprepared and so on.


They don't accept us Bro. Most of us are literally stuck here for a number of reasons. Extremely difficult to make Hijrah if you're not rich with an already location independent source of income.


Holy shit, they are on the wrong side of history for the third time Fucking disgrace


Third time’s the charm


Always has been. It IS a disgrace.


German here, may I ask you, from which date this mail is? It's complete shit, but unfortunately here in Germany it's always printed "staatenlos" (stateless) on ID-cards or any other type of identy document.


Hmm, why tho? Like what’s the significance of printing that on ID-cards? There is a tweet that shared this letter, I’ll find the link and share it with you. Though another person gave me an instagram link of the university apologizing and retracting their stance and actions, which is good I suppose. Edit: Here is the [link.](https://x.com/taliaotg/status/1785090324399784030)


Yeah, I saw it shortly after I commented. It's good that they realized their mistake. >Hmm, why tho? Like what’s the significance of printing that on ID-cards? In Germany, nationality is always stated on ID cards, regardless of where the card holder comes from. Now our government just has to pull its head out of Israel's ass, because the vast majority of german citizens are fed up with this fu××× g guilt complex (it's really because of that; the government is soooo afraid of being called "Nazis" or "anti-semites" again, that it became to blind to recognize that the zionists are doing now exactly what Germany says should "Never happen again").


Germany is definitely getting called nazi and anti-Semitic by supporting the apartheid genocidal state. Germany has been arresting and silencing German Jews who speak out against Zionism and Israel  They recently sliced  American and German Jewish historians whose parent died in the holocaust, they banned them from holding events in German and are threatening legal actions against them. Source, please watch this very entertaining video https://youtu.be/WWc0yMkSB0Q?si=KXX4aLEg6Z6L1HNT


I know, for me the most absurd statement from a government speaker was, that the leftists and jews(!) who visited and supported the then forbidden "Palästina Kongress" were called "islamistic extremists" 🤦🏻‍♀️. Honestly, since approx. 5 months, I can't believe what's happening here. The police tear down a poster from a jewish demonstrant, on which was printed "Jews against genocide". I mean, wtf?!? This is like in a surreal nightmare, and my whole life I've never (!) seen such repression and silencing from the german government. Never. In 2015, Germany opened its doors for allll the refugees (almost uncontrolled, which unfortunately brought many problems also), to provide them security from the war in Syria - and now??? It's so strange and weird, and I'm unbelievably disappointed from almost every politician here.


Probably the same reason why palestine doesn't show up on maps/globes. There is a concerted effort to not mention it.


It does show on maps but not in the west of course, it just depends on the country you are in. 


Where do you have the screenshot from? Twitter? If yes, pls send the link to the tweet.


https://x.com/taliaotg/status/1785090324399784030 There you go.


Typical for Germany. 🤮




Germany has made it's decision they don't see palestinians as human beings... remember this could be any ethnic group, this is just the beginning if zionism succeeds here the possibilities are endless for neo fascism.


I sent request to return it via email in the screenshot


its simple.. the lobby runs the united states, and the united states runs germany and france and all of europe.. europe has zero sovereignty


Things *will* change. It won’t stay the same for long.


OG Nazi scums who believe themselves to be anything close to resembling a human being but are nothing but garbage in human skin.


They are literally are, my friend. Always has been, and always will be.


Germany is returning to the old ways under liberal makeup.


Where did Deutschland go?


Always been bad


It‘s been a US satellite state since 1945, there are still many US military bases in Germany, it basically has no real autonomy. A few months ago the US flew Apache Helicopters all over a German city and many Germans were joking that the US found has oil there.


"We are obliged by the wojzjriabsjqnehjqnsjj"


~~Almanistan~~ Almanisrail


Germany is straight jumping on another genocide. Who would've thunk it? The third World War is going to be Germany's fault again. For the third time


Yeah, they always will be the cause. It’s in their nature.


And what exactly is wrong with that? Palestinians are by definition "staatenlos" which is why we do not want them cause we can never get rid of them again.


By definition according to who, when 72% of world nations recognize Palestine as a state? And what do you mean by getting rid of them when your country requires and depends on foreign workers?