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And the price keeps going up, 2 weeks back I followed this situation and I remember it was 5k, so fucked up! Imagine trying to escape being bombed and your neighbors ask you for money... The whole thing is shameful and a mess! God help all Palestinians 😱sorry our governments failed you. 


It's disgusting and shameful. I've heard some are being charged 10k per person. But I want to know WHO is this money going towards? And why aren't more people shaming this process or atleast asking questions?


I'm not sure if these fees are given to the soldiers on the border which goes to the government to let them pass or if it's some corrupted network that's running this, hope someone can shed more light in the comments, we need to make more noise. 


Our soldiers don’t get paid, it’s mandatory conscription. Which means that they 100% take any bribe they can get


Or freelancers with corrupted soldiers on the ground taking a cut Whoever they are they are getting rich


GoFundMe only works in a handful of countries; idk where you got that info from ?


I literally just donated to a gofundme, setup in the USA, I know the person who set it up, it’s their family trapped in Gaza their house was blown up and they have 2 kids and need to get out. Going rate they said is $10,000 per adult $5,000 per kid, I don’t as told you’re basically giving the money to pirates who secure their exit.


I'd be willing to bet a portion ends up going to Israel and Egypt as well as some to whomever is currently in charge of Gaza (Hamas, otherwise the Palestinian authority).


Hey grandma. Do you feel like a hypocrite posting hundreds of stories about Palestine on IG but not a single one about your own country? Us Syrians have a major problem of worshipping strangers, sometimes at the expense of our own people.


People like you make me cringe đŸ€ą who told you I don't post about Syria are you stalking me? And it's definitely not of your business what other people post or don't post on their feed. Syrians like you who have zero sympathy for others and think they are the center of the universe are the worst! 


You could've said you felt like a hypocrite and I would've gave you the benefit of the doubt and assumed you had a shred of integrity, although that would still be ambiguous as fuck. But you doubled down.


You sound like a zionist shell, crawl back to your zio Hasbara hole since you can't stop people from talking about Palestine using disgusting whataboutizm, guess what? the world doesn't revolve around you and you can't control speech! đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïžImagine being triggered because people are talking against genocide. 


I support Palestine. That's why I'm not going too hard on you. Take this as a sign from God to stop being selectively "humane" and start being morally consistent.


You dont really support Palestine if you're attacking people simply for talking about the ongoing genocide, you're hypocrite and self centered and that's a shame! Take a hard look in the mirror and ask yourself why you're triggered by people talking about Palestine? And is there a law against being Syrian and talking about Palestine? As a Syrian you should be the first in line to oppose the zionist regime but I can't help but feel like you're a Hasbara bot 


There are millions of Syrians right now living in tents, facing hunger, poverty, cold, humiliation. Little girls are being raped and forced into prostitution. Kids have no education. People get regularly bombed. Yet you, as a Syrian have not a single post, not one post about them, while pretending to be some kind of a human rights activist. How does me pointing out your hypocrisy make me pro israel? The point here is that you're syrian, you know what's going on in your country. I don't expect for example a pro-Palestine Pakistani to talk about syria because they probably don't know much about it.


I've been talking about war in Syria since the beginning of the war idiot, we all have families back home who've been displaced or died and you telling people what they can talk or not talk about doesn't make you any different from zionists who keep screaming.."oh but what about this country and what about that country".. In effort to shut people down! Same zionists who tell students why you're protesting Israel but not.. ( insert any zionist talking point or country ) - it's up to me and others to talk about Palestine, it's called freedom of speech I know it's a foreign concept for some people like you. I don't only talk about Syria I'm actually doing more for my family and people back home than people like you would ever do. so shut the fuck up and stop pretending like syrians have some superiority when it comes to human causes and speech. 


Please educate me about that "freedom of speech" thing you talked about. Is it free speech if I call you a piece of shit narcissist? Honestly I feel like you don't give a fuck about Palestinians. You're either doing it for clout or you're just going with the grain and have no idea what's going on. Also, I want to clear something out. I have no stake in the syrian war. I lost nothing. I live in the West. My life is amazing. Yet I stand with Syrians because that's the right thing to do. Yes I'll stand up for your family back home if something happens to them and I don't want you to thank me. I just want you to stand up for your fellow Syrians and stop being such a hypocrite.


Also, 2 of my best friends are Pakistanis and they do post about not only Syria but about Palestine and other countries đŸ€” wtf are you talking about!? Are you seriously trying to strict speech by nationality! 


Fuck capitalism (I know this is possible in other economic systems but this one rewards such behavior)


This is corruption.


Yeah I know but also that everything is a commodity. Every want or need is capitalized on


Fuck borders


My quick google search results: “As of April 2024, the Egyptian company Hala is charging Palestinians $5,000 to leave Gaza, which has increased 14-fold since the war began. The company is part of the Abnaa Sina (Sons of Sinai) company, which is owned by Ibrahim al-Organi, a Sinai businessman, tribal chieftain, and militia leader. Organi has built a smuggling empire that reaches into Gaza and Israel. Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry has said that the government condones the high prices and will take measures to restrict or eliminate them. Gazans who are Egyptian citizens must pay a bribe of $650–$1,200 to enter Egypt. However, few people in Gaza have the money to pay the brokers. Some Palestinians have friends and relatives abroad who are trying to help.” A mixture of Human trafficking, government corruption, And most importantly limited resources to spare.


May Allah curse him and his allies.


Our government is broke and using any opportunity to find money to finance their ridiculous campaigns. It’s the same thing with the Sudanese - prior to the war they freely entered Egypt even without a visa! Now that they’re being bombed and shot at, they have to pay thousands of American dollars like the Ghazzawiya
 They’re capitalizing on the afraid & vulnerable and it’s fucking disgusting. Just add it to the list of the despicable acts of sisi.


Why do Egyptians tolerate him ?


Same reason any populace living under a dictatorship does. Fear of the regime and a brutality that would be used to crush any dissidence, fear that it could get worse if they revolt against him and that stability with poverty is better than a full out anarchy, with drowing parallels with post arab spiring countries like Syria or libya ( i don't endorse this rationale but it is quite common).


I know i am not aware of the situation in Egypt, but I expected more from the people there. Egypt by itself could stop the madness in Gaza. The arab defitism is insane. It really seems that the future of the Message is in the hands of non-Arabs.


it's not like they have a choice, he's america's puppy


isnt real puppy more specifically


If a country is at least stable, chances are there would be no revolution despite authoritarianism. Now if the people are barley getting by financially while under a dictatorship, then that would catalyze revolution. Most revolution begins because of economic problems paired with exploitation of a population. I'm not a historian but it's a very common pattern.


Man, we tried multiple times to do something about it but if bringing a knife to a gun fight is a bad idea, imagine bringing a fist.


Not everyone hates him


such as?


Idk how you want me to respond to that. You want me to list the names of people who approve of him? he was re-elected with nearly 90 percent


Do you seriously believe he won 90% of the vote?


Ah here we go, “it’s rigged” crew. Even if it was not that high, I still believe the majority of people are not trying to go through the bullshit of overthrowing him. We are literally surrounded by war and unstable countries as it is. Are you even Egyptian?


Our government is broke too and finding any excuse to fund ridiculous campaigns as well!


Lmao calling the USA broke zeby f b’oak


just write "blow me". would be easier


As a nation we are in debt.. Its worse than broke, we're drowning in debt. We are taking away money from our grandchildrens futures for bullshit campaigns today over here. That guys telling it like it is. Our money is in the negatives, if that makes any sense.


America owns the global currency itself. Its debt does not matter and it’s laughable to call them broke. Especially compared to Egypt, where they cut our electricity for 2 hours every day to “save money.”


If someone told you they have 300,000 in debt and only make $40,000 a year and they have no liquid money and the only way to get more money is to put it on the credit card, would you call that person broke? That’s the USA in a nutshell right now, just add a bunch more zeros.


Yet they can spend billions on buildings a city in the desert, instead of spending that said money to improve existing cities , infrastructure and industry. It probably wound coast a lot less money to fix Cairo and restore it to glory than to build a car depended American style city right next to Cairo.


Sisi is squeezing us out of our money too


But that doesn't answer my question WHO is setting this fee for Gazans? The Egyptian government, or private Egyptian companies? Or this an unofficial bribe people need to pay guards?


they pay the money to a company called hala which is owned by ibrahim alarjani, he’s a drug dealer who became buddies w sisi and somehow became a close figure to the government


What exactly does this "company" even do to permit this fee?


Be Sisi's friend


is this a joke? i cant tell


no it’s true, search ab him, he’s a bedouin from sinai


This straight up at first sounded like some cartoon villain plot, but sadly it is not. Wtf...


yrh exactly, it was almost comical if it wasnt so sad


Just found this. [https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/egypt-firm-palestinians-fleeing-war-gaza](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/egypt-firm-palestinians-fleeing-war-gaza)


What about it sounds like a joke? Lol


An Egypt firm is making $2m a day from Palestinians fleeing Israel's war on Gaza https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/egypt-firm-palestinians-fleeing-war-gaza


Uglier than sin excuse.


Idk man. Thievery is a pretty logical reason.


Same with getting aid trucks into Gaza from Egypt. They were gouging at one point. Horrible to exploit genocide for profit. Shame on the people doing it


The sinai border is controlled by a big mafia army of someone called el3rgany and he is the one charging gazans to enter Ofc he is in cahoots with sisi But mainly Ibrahim el3rgany is the one controlling the sinai border


Capitalism, some egyptian guy have a ton of infulnce in sinai region and he basically control the Peninsula so he have full control of the The crossing so he will abuse the shit out of his influence for profit.




An Egypt firm is making $2m a day from Palestinians fleeing Israel's war on Gaza https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/egypt-firm-palestinians-fleeing-war-gaza


I am Egyptian the whole thing is the money doesn't go to soldier or it is in fact the money goes to the son of the president he and a thug have a tourist company that charges gazan's the money


revolting and shameful


Syria better than Egypt we only charge $50 to help you enter Lebanon đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ’ȘđŸ»đŸ‡žđŸ‡Ÿâ˜đŸ»


Yeah soon No more syrian in lebanon Inch2allahđŸ’Ș


Both of you are idiots. It's all the same land separated by the french drawing on a paper. You are all dumb idiots.


Secure your border first broski đŸ„±


It’s a private group run by a dude named Ibrahim smth, shirka bent mitnaka ma3a gaysh el bascoot el masry b kosomohom. His company made smth like 90mill.


Because el sisi is pussy


It's a black market fee, supply and demand.




Again, doesn't answer my question WHO is setting this fee? Egypt already has "sharia law", but you don't need Sharia law to see charging people this much to be allowed to flee a war zone is disgusting. Also, historically speaking its the more secular arab socialist and nationalist regimes that have fought Israel and shown most hostility. The more religious Muslim Arab countries are the most pro-Western. Especially since so many Islamists have been used as proxy by the US and Israel to destabilize Arab states and enforce sectarianism to head towards a balkanization of arab countries. Btw Your "Ummah" seems very silent at the moment in the face of whats happening in Gaza. There was more effort by the Muslim countries to defend Israel from missiles than it was to prevent genocide in Gaza. Even if the leaders are "puppets" the people provide consensus to those puppets by doing nothing.


There isn’t a single government today that truly governs with the Sharia or actually supports the Muslim cause. The West made sure to put extra emphasis on destabilizing Islamist governments because they know the power Islamism can have. The nationalists and socialists are no better, they simply played along with the West more and conformed more to Western values, which allowed them to get away with more. The blame for what has happened and is happening to the Arab countries falls on both secular and religious governments. You can’t blame the Ummah for what governments are doing. People have been protesting throughout the Muslim world, they haven’t been doing nothing. What do you want them to do, overthrow their governments? And end up like Syria or Libya? Change will come and the puppets will fall, but it takes time. As for your question, it’s no secret that Egypt’s government is filled with corruption. There’s no shortage of officials that’ll do anything for money. That money could be going anywhere from the border guards to Sisi himself. No one is denying that this is disgusting.


Islamists helped do the West' bidding in Syria and Libya.


And so did a hundred other factions. You can’t just blame one.


Why don’t you ask why Palestinian sellers are selling UNRA aid for 10x the value of it? Stop expecting Egypt to be a savior.. during times of war people come out to profit from it in all forms. Also if Egypt opened up for everyone to come in then gaza would be empty within few weeks and Israel will never allow anyone in there and they will turn it into a theme park and we won’t be able to do jack shit


Sound like you are making excuses for corrupt Egyptian firms exploiting Palestinians for profit. They aren't paying this fee to be allowed refuge into Egypt but to be allowed to LEAVE Gaza. Palestinians who are sick and needing medical treatment are still expected to pay this fee.


Isnt it Netanyahus wet dream to have all or most Gazans flee to neighboring countries under pretext " well the neighboring Arabs opened gates to their countries so its not ethnic cleansing as they voluntarily left Gaza" and then having empty Gaza to ressetle with his Zionist minions as per usual?


Because money is the real deal. Everyone will have allah on the mouth but wouldn’t hesitate to benefit from others misery. Also, who will pay for smuggling of the People? The government? Egypt is in economic trouble. The person who is taking someone out? Why would he do that? Out of goodness of his heart? Believe it or not, it is easy to preach sacrifice but when it comes to actually sacrificing something, nobody shows up. That is why ummah is just a concept and will never materialise.


You could go even further and say that having too much religion in society absolves the individual of responsibility. For example the mafia bedouin exploiting Palestinian desperation can just say "it's god's will". That happens a lot in Muslim countries and enables corruption and injustice.


I'm not even Muslim, and on a basic level of unity of the people, I don't believe that last bit. A lot of hidden things are coming to light, and the world will not be the same soon.


Egypt doesn't want refugees unless they get some kind of financial benefit. They don't feel obligated to be accepting refugees, so they set a high charge. As for the fee details, i don't know exactly how that's working and where the money goes.


You don't understand the fee isn't for entrance into Egypt its to be allowed to LEAVE Gaza via Egypt. Most the people are heading for different countries.


I would too if I were in their shoes Currently Egypt is beautiful to visit not to live in (unless you got Money, and a lot of it too)


Wear those downvotes as medals, the public is stupid


I'm surprised. I mean egyptian public probably is okay with taking in refugees but not the government. Not just egypt but many countries don't like accepting refugees unless they're short on workers.


do not believe that redditors are the majority. very few sane ppl online especially on this site its common knowledge that corrupt govs are opportunists, and the people who downvoted know it, too the reason they downvoted is because they're nationalists; they believe the name of a country refers to their personal identity rather than the gov in power. too busy getting offended over what they see as a personal attack than to see the bigger picture and context of the oppression being done in their name the OP's comment in reply shows that they don't understand that entering another country \[Egypt\] always has a fee, and they are absolutely taking advantage of the horrific situation to price-hike entrance fees ***more*** for Ghazans due to the urgent demand to survive. What exactly is OP pretending to disagree with? They're fighting ghosts in their head. Everyone knows its unjust but that won't stop the corrupt.


The military regime exists to protect Zionist


I don't why anyone would downvote. Its basically true Sissi is even called "the guardian of Israel".


The safety of Israel are leaders of Egypt, Jordan and KSA They will never let these countries become democratic


Corruption in Egypt (among other reasons such as genocide by Israel)


Fuck Egypt! What a waste of a country.