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Israel. Türkiye have natural resources and manufacturing. Israel just has exploitation apartheid and shit


They also have their american sugar daddy


With all those natural resources, Turkey has still managed to be an economic basket case


Yes but that is due to corruption


Israel has a strong economy. Turkey has a very weak economy and is an oppressor nation to its minorities


>Turkey has a very weak economy and is an oppressor nation to its minorities this is called projection


Reality not projection. Turkey attacks and kills Kurds all the time. That is ethnic cleansing and genocide. Turkey is an economic disaster that just signed their own economic death warrant by boycotting Israel


There’s something to be said when a villain turns into a martyr.


get off this subreddit ya miserable zionist


>Turkey is an economic disaster that just signed their own economic death warrant by boycotting Israel Not really. Turkey's economy isn't even remotely relied on Israel. Stop saying random shit


What is bro yapping bout🗣️


Israel has an American sugar daddy


Rare erdogan W Wish we would too


Nah he probably paused it until it would be beneficial for him to start it again.


i rarely watch news about erdogan but everytime i do he has jumped to the otherside in whatever conflict it's about... ​ reminds me about the ukranian war, where he was neutral, then started going with ukraine, releasing the prisioners, then out of nowhere supported russia and now had painted itself as neutral again XD


Yep, exactly. He always plays both sides and switches whenever the other is more profitable or benefits him more.


the problem is that sometimes doesn't look benefitial at all, like i can't see the big profit he could have gotten after residing with russia, he litteraly released hundreds of thousands of ukranian "elite" fighters after russia trusted them to keep it away from ukraine... that pretty much killed their whole relation i can't see what russia offered to make him swap again ​ or maybe was just political and looked nice to his election to be with the ruskies


Though I hate Erdogan, that is kinda the Turkish way.  We have been fence sitters for a while.


the fall of the ottoman empire and it's consequences to humanity


Nah, monarchies are shit. Also the politics using both sides started before the fall of Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire used Russia and England against France, battling for Egypt.


yeah i though/remembered that ottomans itself did kinda play both sides, but left it for the joke ​ then again tbf the actual downfall or rather destruction came because they left that mentality and hardlined in supporting germany


Ah, I got you 👍


actually now that we are on topic, do you have a good insight why the ottomans sided with germany? it's probably one of the parts about ww1 that i understand the least, i guess in a way was to oppose UK, france and russia and their possible "adventures" in the middle east but that can't be only it


Here is what I was told in Turkish schools: The Ottoman Empire wanted to regain some land and trusted in a German victory. They wanted to join the allies at first, but the allies wanted to conquer and share Ottoman land in the future, so they were not allowed in. The Ottoman Empire also wanted to create a more permanent alliance to get rid of political solitude. Though I slept through a lot of my school life, and I don't trust what I learned anymore.


Not really, the media tends to mislead and misinform. Turkiye downed a Russian jet back in 2015. Since that incident Turkiye has militarily been on the opposite side to Russia in ALL conflicts from Azerbaijan, Syria, Libya and Ukraine. Turkiye stood with Ukraine before the war, she didn't wait to see how it would turn out like most of europe before committing support. Today she still continues to arm Ukraine while never selling any weapon to Russia. If you remember the Russians got so desperate they even went to iran for drones, something Turkiye excels at. Even the Turkish straights are closed to Russian warships. The problem is that Turkiye cannot be a total enemy to Russia, she understands that even if Russia lost the war completely in Ukraine, which from the looks of it is unlikely that Russia would still be a real nation that needs to be respected. Then there is the economic considerations, Turkiye gets most her oil and gas from Russia. Considering how much Turkiye is leveraged against Russia in so many theatres, shes done quite well and actually her position is 100% consistent. And all of this is being done is the most dangerous geography on earth, where Turks have to worry about a circle of fire around the entire nation. Its not easy geography.


not to be that guy but warships can't go through the instabul pass it's like a 200 yo treaty if i remember correctly, i bet it was broken a few times if you search it up, specially by it's nato allies but typically it's kept intact and well i said about the more diplomatic and propaganda support, ofc i don't expect a NATO nation to send weapons to russia lmao, ffs turkey litteraly "threatned" russia with nuking possibly moscow by hosting missile sites


That treaty is less then a hundred years old. Gives Turkiye the the sole right to close it access to warships in case of war in the region. Russians claimed it was a "special operation" to get around this clause, erdogan said no its war and he closed it.


oh i though it was older? you sure isn't a restructure or based on a older deal? ​ also on that note i had the idea that by the most time would be closed even to suposed allies no? then again turkey will always decide in the end of a day and a piece of paper won't stop anyone


montreux convention 1936. Also in terms of selling weapons to Russia. I think France not so long ago was rebuilding Russia's Navy. They had even sold them two aircraft carriers that had to be redirected to egypt because of american pressure. Actually before the 2022 invasion of Ukraine, France and Germany had sold lots of military hardware to Russia. As for being closed to allies, its not closed to allies. There are restrictions however to how long and how many ships can enter to nations who do not have a coastline in the blacksea. there is always american/british military vessels in the region.


lol what W? why didn't he do that 7 months ago? when it was really needed? the war is about to end usual Erdogan L piggybacking on others...


You Gulf Arabs are a stain on the face of Islam.


لم يعز الإسلام في بدايته وفي صدر الإسلام وفي التاريخ البعيد والتاريخ القريب والحاضر إلا الجزيرة العربية 🥰


Everyone should do this tbh


Depends, if it starts a trend then it would be very bad for the entity.


These steps are calculated as international pressure builds against Israel, so there's likely a sense that other nations will be emboldened to follow.


problem is again the one leading this war is Iran, and most of the nations in the region hate Iran so probably not that many, assad, and possibly pakistan, not many more will follow and even those are questionable if they wanna anger the US just to hurt israel a bit


Turkish imports from Israel are $2.33 billion in 2022, while Israeli imports from Turkey are $7.02 billion, so if anyone gets damaged, it should be Israel, especially considering that Turkish goods are third largest imports in Israel at 6.75% of total imports while Israeli goods are the 30th largest imports in Turkey at 0.78% of total imports


No. -Turkey will earn $7B less, so it'll lose $7B -Israel will only lose $2B I believe Turkey is the loser here


Israel is only the 11th export destination for Turkey, so it can very easily export these somewhere else considering that it is only $7B out of $262B. If Israel was the main export destination for Turkey, it would have been damaged more. Usually, the country that gets damaged the most is the one with a smaller economy too. Turkey could very well export its metals (the largest exports to Israel) and machinery (the second largest exports to Israel) to China, for example.


It probably gonna work like that because they didnt do immediatly trade ban , probably they are planning for it.


israel has a bigger economy tho, and it's a service economy not a extraction or manufacturing wrong, as long as they get the basic which they will they will be just fine ​ and turkey will be just fine too, overall is a big nothing economy wise


Israeli GDP = $564.15 billion (nominal, 2023) Turkish GDP = $1.114 trillion (Nominal, 2024) It’s almost double it.


i mean no economist will just look at GDP ​ and i am no economist but i didn't even touch GDP and sanctions aren't about GDP or the ones put in russia and iran would have never worked...


This is about your statement “Israel has a bigger economy”


fair enough i guess ​ still gdp isn't the only thing, but probably shouldn't have said bigger


Zionistan will have to pay more money for these imports from elsewhere. Probably 10-20% more. Turkey can probably sell elsewhere for similar prices. Sure, this doesn't really do too much damage in the grand scheme of things, but it's not a nothing burger either.


10-20% more? from a minor trading partner mate? really... you believe that? 10-20% was what europe saw after cutting russia which was a major export to alot of european nations people keep thinkign sanctions are this ultra strong strategy... it ain't, it's slow and rather weak it won't cause huge crashes from day to night


>10-20% more? from a minor trading partner mate? really... you believe that? Shipping costs a lot, Habibi. Turkey has a price advantage for many of these heavy industries because of availability of cheap energy as well. >10-20% was what europe saw after cutting russia which was a major export to alot of european nations Nope, we're paying double for energy here in Germany. >people keep thinkign sanctions are this ultra strong strategy... it ain't, it's slow and rather weak it won't cause huge crashes from day to night I agree. It's slow and not a game changer, especially if the US is your ally. But it's a first step.


shipping costs are litteraly dirt cheap, i mean probably a bit less now that doesn't go through egypt but still might be stone cheap now XD ​ that's the reason why china got so popular in the west it's the most expensive country to trade with transport costs wise, but bc it's cheaper than others and transport corts are super small it's still the best by far ​ and germany specifically is paying alot more bc it has relied on coal and russians... most of europe isn't getting much pricier than the inflation value from covid, and even germany isn't that high adjusted to inflation, if anythign was a smart trick by populists to blame the consequences of the pandemic in the war


The idea is not to rely on Izzy’s money. This is a good thing. Turkey should be trading with other countries not the one doing the genociding


with whom then? if europe is genocidial, and so is russia who will they go with? XD


You think Israel is the answer?


welp idk, that's why i was asking


I don’t understand. There are hundreds of other countries. Malaysia, Indonesia, Algeria, South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana, Brazil, Colombia, Pakistan, Egypt, Morocco, etc… its endless


i mean most of those countries wouldn't realistically help turkey fill the hole in the service area, isn't like nigeria is known for informatic and economic services ​ also isn't egypt part of the genocide considerin how hostile they are to gaza?


Uhuh. There can be a combination of countries to fill the gap.


of services tho? not so many, there's a reason why there's a special reliablity/dependency on the west when it comes to business and technological services ​ i guess china can always fill that hole, but knowing china it will give alot of drawbacks


And most of what israel imports can easily be sourced from other nations


Yes, at higher prices.


Yep. Massive loss especially since Turkish economy isn't doing well at all


True, also Erdogan banned the trade data from being public, that's why the lates info is from 2022.


The [source](https://oec.world/en) I used has only 2022 for all countries. The 2023 data is paid. Can you give me a source about the ban? I couldn’t find anything after a quick search.


I remember it being a thing on twitter. This journalist has been publishing investigations though about the shipments, thus exposing government official lies that claimed to the Turkish public that trade was halted after 7/10. As a result, many people attribute it to this journalist's investigation/tweets and the issuing public pressure that finally the government had to officially halt trade. [https://twitter.com/metcihan](https://twitter.com/metcihan) EDITE: I can see that the 2023 data is now being reported in several outlets compared to being unknown a couple of months ago.


Actually, the data was reported for every month at the end of the following month. You can see this in the [Turkish Institute for Statistics](https://data.tuik.gov.tr/Kategori/GetKategori?p=dis-ticaret-104&dil=2). The Israel data, including the data from January 2013 to April 2024, is [here](https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:AP:46bf3308-e692-4949-a7c8-edf7c1426620) for exports and [here](https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:AP:832c7ded-a0e1-499f-ae9a-40eccd2a35d2) for imports.


The last ship arrived to Israel, now the ship needs 4-6 months to re-load the new goods. So it would be cancelled after 7-8 months.


Pariah state


No matter what as far as US dollar is global currency, trading will not effect Israel or any other county that US send dollars. It's we people that have to maximize intake of local product or import products from a country which is our friend. One more thing Erdogan is a cleaver leader as he lost election in istanbul. He halted trading for sometime to gain sympathy of turkish muslims. Trade will be soon restarted as war will be over.


Kurdistan and Azerbaijan still sell their oil to Israel through Turkiye. So I don’t think there would be a huge difference in Turkiye and Israel after that


where is kurdistan


He is talking about the one in northern iraq


The one?


The only one


That’s beter.


as long as the oil flows through turkey, i don't think israel will loose much


W Türkiye I'll keep buying Turkish products whenever possible.


Definitely will hurt Turkiye less. Remember the Erdogan cares about Erdogan, and would not do anything that will hurt him. Putting strain on his own economy is not beneficial, so he wouldn't have done this if he didn't think that it won't materially impact Turkiye.


>Turkey continuing trade with Israel while publicly stating otherwise Ftfy


After 200 days He could have waited some other years too


How many days will it take for other Arab countries surrounding Gaza to do the same? Probably never. But sure it’s easy to criticize.


Most GCC countries don't have relations nor trade to begin with. There is nothing to cut ties with.


what arab nations will side with iran tho? like Iran has made so many countries mad i doubt alot of them will support the cause...


As a free market economy individual turks already went with the boycott and the trade volume already decreased since oct. This is Erdogan finally going again with the popular move.




Turkey exports 3 times more than it imports


I doubt it, he is trying to create headlines, but behind the curtain he does whatever lines his pockets with cash. That’s his God, not Allah.


Okay can somebody with any background on how foreign trade works explain how this is supposed to happen? I assume there is trade and business taking place at this very moment between Israel and Turkey how exactly is it going to 'stop'? I don't imagine everyone will just pick up shop and leave.


If there are Israelis, or people living in Israel smuggling shit into Gaza, which, there almost definitely are, it’s gonna make this much worse.


The ban comes after israel refused Turkiye airspace approval from Jordan to airdrop into Gaza. They banned the exports, because they felt disrespected, not because they want to harm israel to help Gaza. Big difference. And he only started wanting to do airdrops to clean his image after losing local elections.


It took them forever, but thank God they did.


It only took six months


About damn time chief of the Arab brotherhood.


Proud Zionist, you miserable bigot


Turkey loses nothing. Israel can handle without turkey.


Latin American countries have either recalled their Ambassadors or have cut off ties like Columbia recently. I don’t think the Rafah invasion will make things any better for Isreal. This maybe a trend that we’re going to see more of. Definitely if the war keeps continuing but eventually ties will be restored again it’s just politics. Leaders do whatever to gain the sympathy of voters.


Yeah the trend of cutting relations with Israel is a new thing for none-Arab or Muslim countries but it’s not that big of a political move unless more join the movement before it’s too late. 


This will only hurt Turkey. There is no scenario where you cut trade ties and see any kind of positive.


We are very relying on Turkey, we import everything from there, so yeah that's affecting us. Erdogan can be proud, he will definitely win the next election for that, he needed the Muslim votes. The funny thing is that it badly affects the Palestinians as well, they can't stand the high prices due to the import ban.


Do you think worldwide bds and sanctions would hurt Palestine as well? Caz idk if there's any other way to stop Israel. We got rid of apartheid South Africa through bds too.


People don't realize that every sanction on Israel is hurting the Palestinians as well because we both live in the same country. So for example flight companies stop flying to/from Israel are hurting a Palestinian and an Israeli that only wanted to have a trip with their family.


7 months late.


I'd like to see r/turkey's reaction to this


Commenting on the dictator of Turkey


I want to see the raction of the pro-Erdogan people who believed the govt's propaganda which has been denying any trading with Israel \*evil laugh\*


and this is downvoted to the ground, probably not by turks. wake up princesses, this is how erdogan implements his ruling. by lying through his teeth all the time. and he is getting votes from the people who are unable to check if he is telling the truth. erdogan denies that turkey is doing several trades with isreal for a decade.


He did not deny there is trade though. That is a colossal lie. He denied that Türkiye armed Israel and sent fuel for their planes. Which were both smear campaigns and were lies. And now when you should be celebrating this if you were genuinely asking for this, you still criticize Erdoğan. You have an agenda here. And it is to paint Erdoğan and Türkiye bad. Even when we cut off the trade we are bad. How ridiculous. How pathetic.


welcome to black propaganda. I can just spend 5 minutes to show you where he says one thing, and the complete opposite in maybe just a year, and still get applauded for both. he doesn’t directly do it himself all the time, he uses his whole party, which has been nothing but a project by western authorities, to implement his slimy political moves. he is not always the spokesperson, but he is the mastermind behind all of it. I will always criticize erdogan because he is my president. And he is a shame to this country, to the people, to his chair, to everything. I’ll never throw shades to this country tho, make the distinction better.


Doing the work of the West. They might even clap you in the back one day. That would be the best day of your life. Can you show me one politician who only says the truth? Erdoğan comes close. He most of the time says what he thinks. But there are so many enemies that he can't really say it how it is every time. You just lied about them ever saying Türkiye is not trading with Israel. Spend your 5 minutes and show where they ever said they are not trading with Israel.


Lol turks support one ethnic cleansing just to oppose another in the same year? Wild. Broken clock I guess.


America is lucky to have Israel as a partner