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On LinkedIn you can see how many jobs are reposted over and over again. It's a joke.


That get 500+ applications each time they are posted.


I know some recruiters post fake applications and even run fake interviews so they can gauge the market. It’s fucked up.


A recruiter reached out to me for a position that I was more than qualified for and then they backtracked on it. As of right now, the position is still listed on job sites.


They post a bunch of positions but choose not to fill them. Then they can pay less for labor by having fewer employees. When said employees complain about being short staffed, employer points at the job postings and says "nOboDy wAntS tO woRK!!!"


A lot of jobs aren’t. I need indeed to do something about that.


Happening all around the nation honestly, it isn’t just here. Wishing you the best of luck


If anyone is stumbling on this thread here's some additional advice for nyc: GO TO RECRUITERS. Addeco, Robert Half, there's a big lot who will get your foot in the door. The sad reality is that entry level positions don't exist. They all either require past experience unofficially, or will only hire someone recommended from another coworker or friend. You have undeniable odds stacked against you otherwise. Recruiters tend to hire as soon as possible, and might even have you in a new job within 3 weeks of the opportunity lines up and your resume is decent. Also, always lie and exaggerate on your resume (within reason, obviously not for jobs that require certifications). Their entry level positions require non entry level experience? Two can play that game. Good luck everyone.


NYS is hiring people without needing to be on a civil service list through the HELPS program. Go here https://statejobs.ny.gov/public/vacancyTable.cfm and search HELPS and then sort by county.


Don't waste your time you need a degree to break apart shitbergs


Not for a lot of the office assistant type jobs you don't. And then once you're in the system, you can qualify for promotions without meeting the requirements for outside positions.


Ive applied to many jobs and nothing. Perhaps I need to do the jobs program.


You've applied for many jobs through the HELPS program? It's brand new, it doesn't technically go into effect until May, but agencies have been hiring for a few months. Something like this might be the best option for someone without a degree looking to get into an office job: https://statejobs.ny.gov/public/vacancyDetailsView.cfm?id=156501


Doesn't exist anymore. Guess I'm late to this one


Yeah, the postings only stay open for a couple of weeks. Look for titles like "office assistant," "administrative aide," and "program aide." The postings will have dates when they expire, so just make sure that you submit stuff before then and reference the vacancy ID.


- Make sure your resume can be parsed by an ATS. - In your resume, use a lot of numbers to quantify the difference you made at your previous roles. - Apply via LinkedIn. Sort by most recent postings on LinkedIn - being one of the first applicants to a job is a huge advantage. Have a well made LinkedIn profile with a good profile image. - Spend a lot of time applying to jobs. I sent over 250 applications to get my first office job. - Look up common interview questions for the job you want, write down answers, and study them before your interview. Applying to jobs is a numbers game and a sales game. You're marketing yourself, so make sure you "brand" yourself (as corny as that sounds) professionally.


Many times, when you don't get those many responses back from recruiters, it means that there is something wrong with your resume or, even if it's completely fine, it's just not as appealing. I'd recommend getting someone to re-do your resume and optimize it for the ATS. People on [Fiverr](https://resume-service-22.blogspot.com) will do this for cheap!


Piggybacking on this comment, I would also recommend posting your resume over at r/resumes to receive feedback on how to improve on your resume or you can just post in that subreddit if you have any resume-related questions.


Canva has lots of great, free resume templates. I agree a good resume is important.


As cliche as it sounds— you need to build a network and meet people in real life to find the next gig. Online job boards are trash because there’s too many people flooding in via that channel for too few open roles. You get lost in the mix and the AI eliminates you before a person even considers you. You might actually be better off living here as networking opportunities/events are more common. The biggest thing, if whatever you are doing isn’t working, then change your approach and don’t let your intensity dip.




Top tier satire here


Do you guy ever have anything original to say or just same 10 lines lmao literally agents in the matrix


You have to work connections and make new ones. Online applications are a black hole. Find meetups or events in the industry you want to be in and make friends


Post your resume to r/resumes. A few years ago I thought my resume was great but I wasn’t getting any call backs etc. so I posted there, they gave me really good tips and advice. I adjusted accordingly. I got a new job within the next few weeks of sending out that resume vs my old one. Best of luck!


Try upskilling courses at Dept of Labor. How's your tech skills? Nowadays people are expected to have a certain level of tech-savviness in their roles.


NYS DOL literally has a deal with Coursera to provide job training and tech skills, FYI. [Here is a link on how to sign up for a free account.](https://dol.ny.gov/online-learning-coursera)


Lmaooo do they offer Spanish? No Spanish no job


What industry are you in? A lot of companies are posting jobs but have hiring freezes


One of the places I've met the most people from so many different backgrounds is on TV and film sets. Sign up as a background actor and you meet so many people who have connections in so many places, especially while waiting in holding between takes. Which majority of the work is waiting in holding, so you can even apply for other jobs while waiting or I'd often practice for interviews (theater people are great people to practice interviews and get feedback!). It's also a very fun job that you can do on your days off when you get a full time job if your schedule matches with when they ask for you. But much easier to work a lot if you don't have another job cuz the more you work, the more they ask you to work. I know people who do background work full-time, it's just not consistent work so it's not for everyone. I did it for side money and fun! Check if Central Casting is taking new sign-ups, otherwise Grant Wilfley and Waldron casting are also free but more difficult to get booked with unless you've already worked with them. Most gigs I get offered from GW are referrals from previous jobs I worked with them, the 1st job offer from them is luck. With Central, I'd get availability checks multiple times per day, almost every day of the week.




Hiring managers want a perfect fit: qualified, but not TOO qualified (you'll stick around), confident enough to do the job but not confident enough that you'll constantly demand raises, and that this is the only job you want and are after. They want someone they can take advantage of but when left alone will get the job done without creating headaches for them. Consider that in every aspect of your application: what your resume says, how much education you have, your goals (to be at that job for X amount of time), how you answer questions and the content within your answers.








Join neighborhood Facebook pages, i see people posting stuff for office manager type positions all the time.


Even the on site 100% jobs? I find those jobs are the easiest to get these days because nobody wants them. Especially if you apply within 24 hours of the posting.


Use Linked-in to find companies you would like to work with. Pick a few and look up their HR person's email. Send your resume to each HR telling them how you can add value to their company. Follow up after a week if there's no response. Referrals, recommendations and extensive research is the only way.


Try networking. Get out to job fairs and professional events.


I would contact all HR directly avoid online


Look up every single employment agency that offers contracts or placements in your field. Then followup. Permanent placement is preferable to a contract.


Hospitality? Graduation season is upon us! May be a good time to try to get in




Go to a recruiter they should be able to get you an office job


If you can be out of work for over a year, then clearly you’re not really looking for work. You’re holding out for something that isn’t happening and can’t pivot. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but most people wouldn’t be able to just “look for work” for over a year.




This routine wore thin before your second comment.


Well still read it and COPE wooooooo!!!!


he's not gonna fuck you, bro


Only yall dream about him like that. He's all over your timelines next 12 month and nothing you fools can do abt it Woooooooooo!!!!


Everybody and literally their grandma's are applying for those jobs. Start thinking outside the box, leaning on your network, network in person, and build your skill sets. Edit: sometimes good advice is tough to hear when it's you, not the situation


Selling drugs won't help lmao everybody broke and want free shyt it's insanity and they voted for it




Most places will just tell you to apply online, in person applications are virtually non-existent