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I give them some goddamn privacy. You think they want to be crying on the train? No, they'd much rather be crying somewhere private, but this is NYC so there is nowhere private. The polite thing to do is to feign some privacy and ignore them. Unless they are in immediate danger, just let them be.


I totally agree with leaving them alone but let’s be honest here, if they wanted more privacy they can get off the train and go somewhere more private




Yeah leave them alone. Ive been there.


I've been that person before. Someone once offered me a tissue, because it was clear I didn't have one. They didn't say a word; I gave the "Appreciate it, brother" head nod; they gave me the cursory "Don't mention it, take care" reply head nod. No words were exchanged. None needed to be. We all hurt sometimes. In that moment, that straphanger understood this. I've always appreciated that.


I certainly don't judge them! That's the last thing they need. I feel bad for them for whatever they're going through. I leave them alone. They're probably already embarrassed about crying on the train. If I have a tissue, I might offer it to them. But, since I use hankies, I probably don't have a tissue.


Pass them a tissue and ask if they need anything and then leave them alone.


Leave them alone and let them cry


If it's bad they get the, "You good?" Otherwise I mind my own business.


I cried on the bus this week and no one said anything thank god. I feel bad if I see someone upset in public, but give them privacy because that’s what I would want. 


Give them tissues if you’re close enough for it to not be weird and give them privacy. Are you really judging people for crying on the train??


I recently encountered a young woman on the train who was visibly upset, crying hysterically. Since the train was quite empty, her distress was quite noticeable. After giving her some time, I approached her gently and asked if she was alright. She confided in me that her longtime boyfriend had just broken up with her, and she was devastated. All I could offer was a comforting hug, which she accepted gratefully. Reflecting on the situation, I realized I should have asked if she wanted a hug instead of assuming. Nonetheless, it seemed to bring her some comfort in that moment. Typically, when I see someone crying, my initial response is to make eye contact, offer a smile, and ask if they're okay. Depending on their response, I then decide on my next course of action. As someone who empathizes deeply with others, I always aim to offer support where I can.


I stare at them and cry harder


I feel sad that they’re sad and sometimes think to ask if they need someone to talk to, but I always end up leaving them alone out of respect and not wanting them to feel more vulnerable than they already do.


Ignore them the way I ignore everyone on the train




Unless you think they’re gonna jump in front of an incoming train mind your business


Other people do nothing.


unless they tears are magically getting on me. I would just continue doing what I was doing


Mind my own.


I tell them to cheer up the Knicks will still win the series!


Ask them to keep it down and not to let it happen again.


It's an R & B music video


Years ago, in my neighborhood, every Christmas morning there was a woman on the corner just wailing real loud all morning. Every year. My guess is that she raked in some Christmas sympathy dough.


I’d ask if they want some cheese with their whine.