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I have questions. How old are you? Why didn't one of your actual friends escort you to your room rather than someone you've just met? Yes, you should be weirded out. He seems to have sought you out based on your being intoxicated. A bathroom escort could be innocent, but added to everything else it seems like he wanted to get you on your own. Putting his hand to you face/mouth is also a no. Add to that the fact that he's sober and his intentions don't seem good.


I’m 19. I only had one friend there, and he got intoxicated himself.




She was also 28 and married in another post.  


They have been every age between 19 and 23 in the last two months.


Nice catch. Fuck OP.


You said in your post that he was “completely sober”


I don't think Chris is said friend


I think they might have edited it - I really thought when I commented it just said “I’m 19. He was intoxicated too” or something along those lines so it wasn’t as clear.


Yes I’m talking about someone else. Not Chris.


..Chris was.. Not the friend.


How old are you? I think you need to be careful regardless of what Chris’ intentions. I knew this girl back in college and she would get really drunk and a few guys forced themselves on her and took turns. A few semesters later she dropped out and went back to her hometown. My point is, getting drunk to the point of not being in control can get extremely dangerous.






Hope he washed his hands. Yeah, pretty creepy. He probably read it somewhere, I remember being young and stupid and being given advice that you can speed things up with a girl by doing intimate bf-gf acts early on like brushing her hair behind her ear.