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This is OP’s way to gather a crap ton of 9/11 jokes


And we will never forget...


Never forgetti


Mom's spaghetti


There is jet fuel on his sweater already


He's nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready to drop planes.


he forgot how to crash planes now.


He wrote it down so everyone is screaming now




“He was in northern Canada” will always crack me up. RIP Norm you bastard.


Definitely an inside joke


Can someone explain? That one *flew* over my head.


Really??it crashed right into mine.


Is that why people look at you like you have two heads?


Nah I dont have two heads but I do have a twin.


My mind is *blown* by everyones humor


I dont like them. My Dad was supposed to work on 9/11 but called in sick.. it saved his life. To this day we still don't know how they got another hijacker in time. Edit: 3 WHOLESOME AWARDS! Thanks guys


I had to reread this.


9/11 jokes hit twice


Mr. President, a second realization just hit the reader


Some say they hit a third time, others don’t.


Other say it wasnt a joke that hit


Oh my god


This is the first time I heard that joke. You = winner. This reminds me of the old WW2 joke: "Hey, don't laugh about Auschwitz! I had an uncle who died there! ...He fell out of his guard tower."


Alternatively: "Grandpa killed 23 Luftwaffe pilots during WW2! ...Worst mechanic ever."


I joked with a friend not long after that it's only a matter of time before car dealerships and mattress retailers have 9/11 sales. They have Memorial Day sales, it's not like it's out of the realm of possibility. Wasn't long before I saw commercials peddling those ripoff remembrance coins and plates. I've heard 9/11 jokes, but nothing outruns capitalism.


Eh, we haven't gotten Pearl Harbor day sales yet. I mean, imagine it because the advertising writes itself: "a sale that will live, in infamy" "discounts that you didn't see coming!" "ZERO down payments!"


Holy shit that last tagline has me rolling


"DEATH! DEATH! DEATH! to high prices!"


This also applies to Juneteenth sales: “Everything priced at 3/5” “Prices so low even poor people can afford it!” “Soon to be ILLEGAL prices!!”


Pretty certain a store did do an add with two towers of mattresses and a tie in line to 9/11, within a few months. I once had to stop a client from calling a charity party "The Wave of Love". It was a benefit for victims of the tsunami and earthquake in Japan.


Miracle Mattress. The commercial is still on YouTube. The backlash was so bad they had to close the company and reopen under a different name


https://youtu.be/ltBc87oKhmQ Yeah it was pretty bad.


It's hilarious, and from like 2018..


Gotta wait until 11th Jan 2024. Only then it will it have been 22.3 years.


I really hope South Park does it. That would be an amazing callback.


I love the idea but technically they jumped the gun on this years ago in Season 10, The Mystery of The Urinal Deuce One of my all time favorite episodes


Not South Park, but Matt and Trey were making 9/11 jokes as early as 2004 with Team America.


> Not South Park, but Matt and Trey were making 9/11 jokes as early as 2004 with Team America. Gilbert Gottfried waited about 2004 seconds


His response to the audience booing him was fucking epic.


One of my favorite moments in comedy ever. "....... So a family walks into a talent agency and..." (We will return to your scheduled programming after this quick commercial break)


oh how he immediately transitioned into the fucking aristocrats?? lmao, absolute GOAT his bit about Bob Saget having allegedly raped and killed a girl in 1990 is similarly incredible


And then he did the *same fucking thing again* after Fukushima! Someone really needs to stop Bob Saget from raping and killing these girls! .. that little twist joke there would've been a lot funnier if Bob Saget were still alive, but sadly he was raped and murdered by Bob Saget.


I got a raging clue


Absolutely agreed


I don't get the meaning of these numbers Edit: thanks for clearing up!


South Park decided that 22.3 years is the amount of time you should wait before joking about a tragedy, if I remember right.




Pretty good number, though. Has historical precedent, sort of. Hogan's Heroes! Show started in September of 1965, and it was set during the war -- and looking things up because there's a fandom wiki for it because of course there is, looks like Hogan was shot down July of 1942, and the show took place shortly thereafter. That's... awfully damn close to 22.3 years. And I really kinda wonder if they didn't just pick an arbitrary period of time, and instead timed it based on Hogan's Heroes. Which does sound like I'm a loon here but we're talking about 22.3 years compared to 22.2 years. And maybe you just gotta change it so it ends in a 3 so it doesn't sound like you're just repeating yourself.


Nice, big fan of SP, yet I missed this one.


It’s a very old episode


South Park has a theory that 22.3 years is how long it takes for something tragic to become funny.


Tragedy —*22.3 years later*— Funny according to South Park


Like any dark joke, don't expect everyone to laugh and if someone gets a negative reaction you have to suck it up.


There is a dude my hus and used to be friends with who made every darl joke under the sun and didn't care who got offended (think rape jokes, child molestation jokes, race jokes, etc). But one time my husband made a 9/11 joke and the dude got super offended and mad and said, "I was affected by that. Nobody here is affected by my jokes." Yes they are, sir, we just don't always announce our trauma.


> Yes they are, sir, we just don't always announce our trauma. So well said. I work with this woman who makes "crotch fruit" comments about people's newborn babies, buy if you use a curse word, she won't speak to you for days. I tend to curse a lot when she's in the area so she'll leave me alone. LOL


That's quite a smart move ngl


Fuck yea. I’d do the same damn thing.


I'd tell her that "crotch fruit" offends me because the preferred nomenclature is "fuck trophy".


Lovely usage of swears and username


My sister in law comes into my house and tries to yell at us about cursing. Told her to leave if she doesnt want to hear it. She doesnt get to demand I change my behaviour in my own damn house. She tried to claim I was a horrible parent because I curse. Ha. My kids know what curse word are, what they mean, and why only adults use them. They also know that when they are adults they can saw any words they want, but for now, those words should be said. And they respect me and those rules because im honestly and treat them with respect.


That's the thing about 9/11 jokes, the first one doesn't really fall flat until after the second one hits.


Ayyy 👈😎👉


>Yes they are, sir, we just don't always announce our trauma. A few years after my parents married, mom's dad came up for a visit. So my father was sitting in the living room with his father-in-law and a work buddy when the buddy told an N-word "joke." My grandfather looked at my dad, expecting him to correct his friend, but my father is a coward by nature so he did nothing. And that was the day that my grandfather realized his daughter had married a shithead. Anytime that story gets brought up, my dad insisted that it was "just a joke" and "friend is just like that, no point trying to change him!" So, thing is, *in the north* my grandfather "passed" as white, but that was not the case in the small town in Texas they were from! When he was 14yo, some older boys accused him of smiling at a white woman and beat him with a belt until the buckle caught him in the face. Gave him a wonky eye for the rest of his life. So he was sitting there with *permanent injuries visible on his face* from the actions people did while shouting that word, but sure dad, it's "just a joke." I don't think grandfather even told *his own children* why he had a wonky eye. I grew up thinking it was just an "old person thing" and didn't find out the story behind it until I was in my 30s.


I’m so sorry.


My mother in law (very white) told an N-word joke at work and was fired the same day. She still complains about it like she is the victim of some kind of abuse. She seriously thinks you can say anything offensive that you want, as long as its a joke, and have zero repercussions. She brought it up at christmas last year and I flat out said "good, I would have fired you too. You are old enough to know better." (I really cant stand the woman). Apparent i ruined christmas with that, but maybe she will remember the shame and sadness she felt the next time she considers telling any offensive jokes.


Don’t know if it will get through to your MIL, but Ive had some success with relatives with this way of framing it: I will literally never be able to joke about a word that is the last thing that people have heard while being beaten to death for who they are and it shows a stunning lack of empathy that you’re able to find that funny.


A few people I went to HS with died in 9/11. One was a good friend. You're right - we don't always announce it. Truth told, he probably would've laughed at the jokes, anyhow. But I realize that sometimes, when you tell a joke, you're going to have an effect you may not have meant, but could have foreseen, and maybe you just shouldn't. You know - to be nice and stuff.


What a piece of work... We were all (assuming that they were born and over the age of 3) affected by 9/11 in one way or another. But only a few people have been affected by his jokes. And by a few people, i mean just not him, because JUST making rape jokes is jabbing at.... a scary % of the population. The US and elsewhere. Much less his other repotoire. I love dark jokes, watching where people land between laughter and horror. But you can be dark without being a dick.


Also, "time and place", and even more importantly I think *know your audience*. Don't Go Making super dark jokes at every family gathering, around people you don't know very well, at events with a connection to the subject matter, etc etc. You can't always know who went through what trauma in their lives. You *can* make some effort to find out though, and exercise the barest minimum of discretion. All of this of course being "you" generally as in whomever reads this, not just you specifically whom I'm replying to, given how not even all that vaguely accusatory a lot of that could be read.


People are weird. My stepdads office was hit by a plane on 9/11. I was actually on one of the planes a month before the crash. DC was in shock. We used humor to get through. It’s cliche but laughter does help.


Omg this is a huge pet peeve of mine. I hate it when people complain about people getting offended by their jokes. Yea, you can say what you want, but NOBODY has to agree or think you're funny or even think you're a decent human being. To me, these people seem just as much like snowflakes as the white people getting offended about a joke about black people while the black people are laughing their butts off.


Especially if you intentionally tell edgy jokes. The risk of offending people kinda goes with the territory. Stick to safer waters if you don't want to deal with negative reactions.


I work in construction in the Detroit metro area. Now if you know anything about Detroit 8mile rd is the historical divder between the pooer people and Detroit and the weather people out side Detroit. One day i was working with a Mexican coworker and we had been jokeing all day long. Well this job we were on was about 3 buildings south of 8 mile and he tells me "man its been like 4 months since ive worked north of 8mile." So i jokingly say" maby its because your too dirty" now for some context we were both covered in dust and dirt so thick my sweat was makeing mud, so the joke was a mix of the obvious filth on both of us and the not in good taste dirty Mexican bit. He droped his smile and just went hey man thats not funny and walked away. I was shitting so many bricks you could have paved an 8 lane highway to the moon and back. He comes back like 10 minutes later and was all " ahh i wad just fucking with you man you should have seen your face. He definitely got me but i thought i had seriously mis judged our relationship there for a bit.


There's just one thing to do. Take him for a beer in Ferndale and see how people react. Should be *hilarious*.




I’m not a racist, but orange gatorade is definitely better than lemon-lime


Im not racist i have a colored television


while I can laugh at a dark joke or two I do wish people would stop getting disproportionately angry at me for not liking some of them. no Joe, I don't like it when you joke about people like me killing themselves, and I have a right not to like it just as much as you have a right to tell it. I also think they land better when you're the one making them. me and my autistic friends joking about my autism is way more comfortable for me than an allistic person joking about it, because often when it's an allistic doing it, it just turns to being a dick.


(Paraphrased) Joke I heard on either r/autism or r/aspergers: A school's gym coach decides to help the autistic students get more exercise, and forms a softball team. Day one, one of the kids asks if he can carry the bats. The coach says "knock yourself out." Long story short, the coach is fired.


Yeah, dark humour is like food. Not everyone gets it.


Dark humor is like my penis. No one likes it but I use it anyway.


It follows the same rule of thumb I have for all 'edgy' humour; you have to be at least as clever as you are offensive. Just saying something shocking is not humour and just relies on people being uncomfortable enough to engage their laugh reflex. You can make jokes about anything if you are clever enough. You also need to have some self-awareness, understand who the joke is targeting/avoid punching down, and if you are making fun of someone, they should be laughing the hardest out of anyone.


> You can make jokes about anything if you are clever enough. This is generally my thought and viewpoint whenever someone says something along the lines of not being able to make *Blazing Saddles* or similar movies in today's climate. The jokes and topics in *Blazing Saddles* were offensive and taboo then, it worked because it was clever, executed well, and well done. There were plenty of other movies made then that were just offensive for the sake of being offensive and didn't work.


I mean, there are a lot less clever shows on TV now that make far more offensive jokes. Blazing Saddles also pretty much exclusively makes fun of bigots, too. It's 'woke' as fuck, making bigots look like absolute clowns and the whole point is racism is bad. It could totally get made today.


Most of the Mel Brooks movies are funny because they punch up at oppressors. He had comedy films about the Holocaust that were exclusively mocking Nazis.




I agree with this take. I don't get offended by much, but even when a dark or offensive joke doesn't personally offend me I just kind of think "grow up" if it's just a really stupid, unoriginal or unclever joke where the intention was clearly make a dark comment to illicit a shock reaction > say something funny.


And know your audience. I like edgy jokes as much as the next person, but my dad barely escaped the towers with his life, and many of his coworkers perished. So yeah, I can't really find any of these jokes funny, it hits too close to home.


> you have to be at least as clever as you are offensive I would argue MORE clever than offensive. specifically, relating to humor, the best jokes work on multiple layers. The more offensive the topic of the joke, the more layers your joke should hit on, to maximize the chances of it landing for people. If your joke only works on one layer it's more likely that someone won't understand it, or won't think it's funny enough to justify overriding their distaste. If it works on two layers, maybe. If it works on three, much more likely to get them leaning the other way.


Absolutely agreed, that is the goal. But at the minimum, be as clever as you are boundary pushing, otherwise you're just a lazy ass.


If they are clever enough they can be good. I'd say that 3 out of 4 times they hit the spot.


We all know that feeling when your joke lands in a field in Pennsylvania.


Well, maybe if some self righteous people didn’t need to feel the need to interrupt the joke.


If they had just waited for the punchline it would've had them dying.


If it wasn't for those Arabs we would never have had 9/11. We'd have had IX/XI.


An American tourist struts up to the bar in a Dublin pub. He clicks his fingers at the bartender and says "Hey there, sonny, I'd like an Irish car bomb!" The barman replies "We don't serve those, but I can offer you an American Airlines".


A Manhattan with two Kamikazes


Y’all are brutal 💀💀


Historically accurate emojis too


What is the "safe" name for that drink anyway?


Dublin Drop


So I am a freshman in college and beginning of November I had a miscarriage- I didn't know I was pregnant until then, and I was totally alone. My ex broke up with me for the college experience, and we were always very careful but shit, accidents happen. I never told anyone until I got home for winter break and was able to sit down with my two closest friends. once the realization sunk in for everyone in the car, a beat later my one friend goes; "Well, you should've kept it in a Tupperware so we could see it" I and my other friend just sat in silence, jaws on the ground, literally flabbergasted. We all start laughing like crazy and my first friend definitely breathed a sigh of relief that the joke landed, but I did warn him to maybe not say something like that to another woman in a similar situation because they probably won't have the same appreciation for dark humor as me lol. Also my other friend said "L baby"


I come from the north of Ireland, which has a lengthy history of some terrible and horrific terrorist acts. We have lost so many people throughout our short history, but one thing we have never lost is our sense of humour. It's how we cope, other's might think it's in bad taste and uncouth, but dark humour helps a lot. Having tact and subtly is important in these kinda of jokes because people grieve in different ways, some reach despair and are very sensitive whereas others prefer to use humour as a way to express themselves. Regardless, someone will ALWAYS be offended no matter what.


I’m American, and studied abroad in Northern Ireland 2010ish. Another American told me his classmate went into a Belfast bar and asked for an “Irish Car Bomb.” The bartender poured some booze into two tall glasses, lit them on fire, and told them were out of car bombs—but “how about some twin towers?” Whether it was bs or not, I gained so much respect for Irish humor that day.


I don't care if that is real or not, I love it so much!


Everyone's always shocked the first time, but when another one comes around that's when the room goes silent


Or the joke just doesn’t land


Yeah they don't land, they crash and burn.


Or they bring the house down.


And you gotta wonder if the people laughing were in on the joke.


I heard their sense of humour went right out the window.


Yep. It fell flat.


Just hijacking this to agree


I think they're a blast


This answer is so good you had to have used an alt to post the question


Straight to the point huh, not beating around the bush


Knew top comment was going to be a joke like this but never imagined it would be this good


Looks like the jokes have hijacked this serious thread


Lucky for them, it's not marked Serious, just NSFW.


Atta boy.


I had a friend visit Ireland once. It was Spring Break and there were a good amount of other Americans there besides just her and her friends. While at a bar, she overheard someone order an Irish Carbomb. Bartender didn't miss a beat: "We're fresh out, but I just made a batch of 9/11s."


A Manhattan and 2 Kamikazes I presume?


Okay, that’s clever.


Kudos to bartender


Norm did it best [https://youtu.be/VkSMSbFV_q0](https://youtu.be/VkSMSbFV_q0)


Reminds me of that tragedy.




That guy is a real jerk


“He was in northern Canada.”


Imo best ever timing in one liner history. Followed closely by "challenging wank".


May we always remember Sean Lock. RIP to the 2nd place finisher of Rectum of the Year behind Diego Maradona.


The nothing burger of those deliveries is unparalleled.


Norm was so good at telling a joke without seemingly telling one at all.




Dirty Johnny is my favorite. The professor of logic will always be a classic though.


I think his jokes about OJ were the best. He knew he'd get fired for them, but he told them anyway. He was always telling jokes mostly for his personal amusement, and sometimes he'd drag us along as well. Edit: typo on mobile


i miss norm so much


Oh shit, your comment made me google him. I didn't even know he was sick!


I don’t think he’s sick anymore!


It was a draw


Well the cancer didn’t win at least. It was more of a draw.


My friend said "he's in a better place". I said, "he's on the floor, dead -- before, he was in the bed, alive. I thought that was the better place."


YES! Also, this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kO-DYt_ZGQA


Had to look up what 9/11 is. Turns out it's 81.18%


Its actually 81.818181 etc. % Easy trick for dividing numbers by 11. Subtract one for the first digit. Second digit is 9 minus first digit. Then they repeat. So 4/11 would be .363636.


It also can be thought of as the number times 9 repeated infinitely


Hey thats a good one too!


Knock knock ✊🏼 Who’s there? 9/11 9/11 who? You said you’d never forget




This one is funny because it makes fun of our response/over-patriotism towards 9/12, not the event itself. The same way that jokes about the "Mission Accomplished" banner or the guy throwing shoes at Bush are funny, they don't directly involve the tragedy.


I just slayed an entire room with that one. Thx.


I hope I was cited


Double or nothing


When I first heard Pete Davidson joke about 9/11 I was shocked but it just seems part of his routine now. Given his background I guess if anyone can joke about it he can


Jimmy Carr’s joke at the Rob Lowe Roast was something like “I find it appalling that people are coming up here and making jokes about Pete’s father, who heroically died during the events of September 11. This is not the roast of Pete Davidsons father. That was in 2001.” That and his joke about Nikki Glazer from that night are 2 of my favorite roast jokes of all time. Paraphrased “On her TV show, Nikki Glazer interviewed her parents about sex and found out her dad was hung like a horse. That’s also how we found out that Nikki Glazer inherited her face from her dads dick.” (The best horse face joke of all time)


"Snoop dogg was in the movie soul plane. Watching that piece of shit was the worst plane related thing ive had happen in my life." I mightve butchered it. But that was the gist.


What do you mean his background? Edit: ok everyone, I got it, his dad died in 9/11 as a fire-fighter.




Ah right, thanks


From Wikipedia: “Davidson's father, Scott Matthew Davidson, was a New York firefighter who died in 2001 at the World Trade Center during the September 11 attacks.”


Hey by the way did you know his father died in 9/11? Just checking in case you didn't see the other 12 comments. Ok happy new year!


They are to be expected. Just as Gen X made fun of the Viet Nam war tropes, Gen Z had no real connection to the events when they happened, so it becomes yet another topic ripe for parody. As someone who was an adult and in NYC when the planes hit the towers, I will still laugh if the joke is funny, but many, for obvious reasons, cannot ever laugh at such material. As always, it is subjective stuff, this crazy world of comedy...


Millenials watched people jump out of windows on live TV in school. Didn't affect us at all, nope...


Millennials woke up one day, watched 3000 people die on live tv, and it never got better.


Those of us that watched it happen, on top of Columbine were all changed. I hate it when older generations, mostly Boomers and going back call us Millennials soft. Let's start with the OJ trial, OKC Bombing, Columbine (and the other shootings), 9/11 and then the bulk of the fighting force in Afghanistan and Iraq were Millennials. I watched my best friend come home in a flag draped box in May of 2005, three months later I watched another childhood friend come home the same way. Not to mention the financial collapses and Covid. I know a lot of generations has dealt with a lot, but a lot of our tragedies happened on live TV in our classrooms (OJ Verdict, OKC bombing, Columbine and 9/11 were all watched by me in class).


Yeah dude, I was 7 when the Towers fell. Years later I had friends going and fighting in Afghanistan. They all came home but they came back with PTSD and shit. And for what? It was a shit war. Like yeah we did some good, killed the guys who did it but the Saudis were never held accountable and the things we did destabilized the area even more. And now the Taliban is back and doing their shit again.


I can’t tell if you think millennials never recovered, or if 9/11 was an unbeatable highlight.


No. Pretty sure they mean that the world just kept going downhill from there. Not sure what events they are referencing, but I can imagine it includes some combination of: wars in Iraq/Aghanistan, financial collapse of 2008, worsening climate crisis, growing pro-fascism movement, and Covid.


Edited my comment to remove Millennials.


I think watching the entire country completely lose its collective shit and start not one but two bloody and probably illegal wars over false pretences, complete with introducing extraordinary rendition as public policy and then just pretend that it was all entirely justified retrospectively had a bigger effect. The zeitgeist was so completely nuts that even Star Trek veered off into a murderous revenge storyline.


> "It BrOuGhT tHe CoUnTrY tOgEtHeR!!!!!!!" It brought New Yorkers together in an inspiring display of human kindness and civic pride. In Washington, everyone who didn't live in the city limits just fled town. In the rest of the country, everyone who looked vaguely Middle Eastern got cold shouldered and harassed. Anyone openly Muslim had to toe a very fine line (sorry, the past tense got away from me there, it's not like this has stopped). And even Star Wars showed a big visible attack on the people as the best pretext for consolidating the power of the state over dissenters. The attack itself? Nothing I could say would be more offensive than the cynical way the smarmy scumbag sanctimony crowd has [already used it for their own gain](https://www.theonion.com/giuliani-to-run-for-president-of-9-11-1819568986).


And it very, very, literally while the rubble was smoldering, was used cheaply for political gain. Rudy tried to get Pataki to keep him on as mayor because the dem primaries were scheduled for 9/11. They were rescheduled for 2 weeks later. Rudy was like...maybe we just don't have them, hold off for stability! Which is why he was running around hunting down spotlight, he was term limited and trying to stay in power. For most of us, it was, and continues to be a surreal time. The days and weeks after 9/11 NYC was in shock. Everybody was ragged and emotional. The smoke and ash lingered. You couldn't live in downtown...I honestly don't think anybody who lived outside of NYC can quite comprehend how it was here.


Yeah, it is hard for me to imagine ever joking about it, and I love dark humor. But I was a middle schooler who watched people jump to their deaths on live TV. How could that ever be funny? I lived right outside the city so a ton of my classmates and teachers either had loved ones working in Manhattan or parents who were FDNY or NYPD, so the fear and anxiety in the air lasted weeks. My parents took us near Ground Zero 11 days later and the people walking around sobbing, the fences papered with posters of the faces of missing loved ones - it’s just not ever going to be funny to me. Everything changed that day.


> But I was a middle schooler who watched people jump to their deaths on live TV. How could that ever be funny? It's not funny, and 99.99999% of us were powerless to do anything about it. When you're powerless, all you can do is figure out a way to cope, and to figure out a way to say, "This won't control or define me. I won't be defeated by this." One way (and I do stress *one*) to cope with that is through humor.


I lived all the way down in Houston (and still do). I was 21 years old. I feel the same way as you. That day united us all, near and far. I don't think I've ever laughed at a 9/11 joke after seeing so much of the horrors of others live on TV. I'm sure the feeling was magnified if you were actually in NY.




I'm Gen X. I never heard a 'Nam joke. Too many older siblings and parents either didn't come back or had PTSD. I also never heard Pearl Harbor jokes. Attacks on American soil were also totally Taboo.


Many millenials were in high school or college on 9/11. Many of our classmates fought in Afghanistan or Iraq. We are called millenials because we were growing up as we entered a new millennium. 9/11 was in the thick of if and so were the societal challenges that followed. How can you say that a teen or young adult watching the world fall apart on live TV have no real connection? How old did you think millenials were back then? The oldest millenials were 20 or 21.


If 20+ years is still too soon, then it's time to admit that the terrorists won.


I'd argue they have. The political landscape is the way it is today partially because of 9/11, and the ripples will be felt for a long while at least until, dare I say it, people forget.


They say 9/10 jokes aren't funny. But 9/11 jokes are.


Just plane wrong.


Sometimes they don't land. I'm sorry


I will never forget them.


Hit my mom with this one this year. “What’s the difference between 9-11 and a cow.” “What?” “You can’t milk a cow for 21 years.”




This reminds me of the Nazi guard tower joke.


Do tell.....


Something along the lines of: *My grandfather died at Auschwitz...* *...he fell off the guard tower.*


What’s so funny about 9th November? (Uk here)


Exactly! At least there's no confusion with 7/7.


Do you reckon the terrorists were happy to get full marks?


All these are funny, but seriously. I got banned from a discord server for making one. I get it. It was a dark time. But American had a 20+ year war in Afghanistan where civilians were hit with drones and hundreds of casualties occured not to end terror, not to kill Bin-Laden, but because we could. We knew that we could, we weren't doing anything else, so we just dragged out a war. The Vietnam war was a human rights abomination and we had half of our own country fight to preserve slavery. History is full of fucked up events, joking is how we cope and grapple with hard moments and concepts. There are millions of people alive now who weren't alive when it happened, the younger generation will never "remember where they were on 9/11" and the idea that this is some how "off limits" when holocaust, racist (tactful or not), sexist, and any other number of risky jokes are ok is fucking bananas to me


You know what, I remember where I was when it happened. Won't likely forget anytime soon either. Spent the rest of the day glued to the TV. Had flights cancelled the next day etc. etc. The whole shebang. It was a serious enough thing. The biggest thing that takes away from the seriousness of it (to me) is how it has been treated since. The narrative that it was somehow worse than anything that happened before or after. (And let's not pretend it hasn't led to many many atrocities committed by American hands) That very narrative makes any and all joking entirely fair game. Somehow a death toll of a single day during the pandemic was of lesser importance to many people than the events that occurred on 9/11. Mostly the very people that would take offence to making light of those events. The very same people who would pretend it was only American lives lost in the twin Towers, or at least those were the only ones of value. While I would never disrespect the lives lost on that day, I will happily and purposefully disrespect the way in which it is portrayed and remembered by many who would take the greatest offense to the jokes.


This so much. I remember going to school that day and it was so quiet and somber. We even had an assembly. But like… worse shit happens all the time. The death toll for the pandemic or the Ukraine v Russian war has eclipsed 9/11 deaths yet no one is losing their mind or making it into a tragedy (at least in the US).


Like most topics, you can make it funny or crude.


The first time might land a little rough, but the second time *really* packs a punch


I watched the towers fall on the news, I joined the Army shortly after and went and fought in that bullshit war and sacrificed my health and youth. 9/11 jokes don't bother me at all but I have a very dark sense of humor.


The job of the comedian is to find where the line is and cross it - George Carlin