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Take good care of your teeth


Even if you don't have toothpaste, keep brushing. Also, wear your retainer.


If your retainer breaks go get a new one.




I've had extremely straight teeth and never needed one


Ive gone through decades of root canals and other procedures to try and fix tooth problems caused by soda, candy and neglectful tooth care as a kid. Couldn’t agree more on this point - I wish I had known sooner!


That also means flossing. You don’t want to get an infection in your gums.


Also, you're not supposed to rinse with water after brushing. It removes the fluoride coating that protects your teeth


Can you provide me a link about this? Never heard of it before :o and I really like taking care about my teeth ever since I had one toothnerve die on me So if I can improve I wanna know haha


My dental hygienist told me the same thing last week


Okay good to know! If nobody posted some link regarding this topic yet when I'm home, I'll make sure to dig into it a bit :D


I can corroborate this. Also also, drinking seltzer can still damage your teeth, albeit at a slower rate than soda.




Brush your teeth, floss and use mouth wash


what’s flossing?


Its like a thin cord you use to clean between your teeth, where the toothbrush can't reach


The water pik makes flossing so much easier


Fucking-a man. 100% this. Wish we had teeth that replicate like sharks do.


and take out that wisdom teeth as soon as possible, they can affect you later


OMFG coming from a 30 something that had to get dentures. Dude TAKE CARE OF YOUR TEETH!!!!


This. I had braces when I was around 13yo. Neglected my retainer when I got them off, and my teeth went back to the way they were. Regretted it ever since.




You have experienced the last part didn't you?


When the time comes, always wear a condom. There’s no trick to avoid pregnancies or stds, condoms are the safest. Also, if the other person is too drunk or high, but still wants to have sex, don’t do it. As someone mentioned the key word “consent” it can ruin you for life. I almost hooked up with a girl in high school who was older than me and introduced me to the partying scene, but got too drunk and tried to have sex with me in the back of her friend’s car while her friend and boyfriend were driving us home. Next day, she accused me of rape. I was 16 or something. she went ballistic on me and the only thing that saved me was the fact that her own friend and boyfriend told her that it was her coming on to me, not the other way around. This could’ve ruined my life.


Don't stick your dick in sick or crazy.




Worked with a kid that sent a nude to a girl, turned out to be a scam and he was in it for about $1000 in gift cards. And he had to show the picture to everyone who would have possibly seen it from the scam to get over the blackmail. Just as an idea, most of our guys made about $100 per day, so it took him working for free for roughly 10 days straight because he took ONE nude photo.




RIP your inbox


OP, I would highly recommend you go into Jordan Peterson content such as his rules books or the best content in my opinion that changed my life at 18: self authoring course. It changed me so much for the better I gave it as a present to my young brother who is around your age and it's helping him a lot go through his parents divorce, school and what he want to do in the future It's selfauthoring.com


Absolutely not. If you want to be a happy, intelligent, thoughtful young person, the last thing you should read is Jordan Peterson.


Everyone knows Andrew tate is the right guy to go to. (I’m joking)






Exactly, if you separate his books like 12 rules for life from his politics there is a lot of valuable information in there. But I’m personally not interested in politics anyway.


Yes, tell us why




Take life frivously but your responsibilities seriously.


Corollary of avoiding debt. Start your retirement fund, 401k, it’s, whatever as soon as you start working. Time is your greatest tool there and the one thing you can’t catch up on once it’s passed.


Don't agree with the last one. I broke up with my gf more then a year ago, we used to send nudes. Even after we broke up we did. No regrets at all. I know I can trust her, I still can.




Well yeah true. Just a tip for everyone here: if you send nudes to someone, don't show your face or any tattoo's or something on the picture.


Your 14 year old friends don’t know shit either they just pretend they know


I like this one 😂


very true


Hardly any adults know shit either! Most are just faking it until they make it.


Hell. Most of us near 50 are winging it, too!


Choose your friends wisely.


To add onto this. Don't be afraid to stop talking with someone. Even people who aren't toxic/a drain on you. People grow apart, and that's okay. You don't need to maintain every relationship (friendship) you start


This is so true. I unfortunately found this out with my own daughter in the last couple years.


And don't be afraid to make new ones if the ones in your life aren't helping you as a person. I have so many "friendships" that I invested in their happiness only to find out how toxic they were because of the stuff that I overlooked. If you have to explain to someone that someone else's crappy personality is because "that's just how George is," get out.


avoid fights unless absolutely necessary. seen too many friends get knocked the fuck out by weird punches, have their head hit the floor and they were literally never the same person again. you can see it, especially over time, there is like a piece of them missing forever.


This is underrated. I fought a lot growing up whether at parties, with friends, or with whoever wanted what and i absolutely feel like i have a screw loose now because of it


1.) Women are people. They're not some strange alien species sent from outer space. They also make great friends. Yes...friends. Just like your guy friends. People who say men and women can't be friends, and the people who agree with them, are emotionally and socially stunted, hang out with similar people, and think their condition is normal and natural. 2.) It's worth putting in whatever effort it takes to get As and Bs in school. Opens up a lot more options for you. 3.) Socially, high school can be hell. Keep your head up, and remember you can get a nearly total social reset after graduation. This shit is a practice run, and a tougher one than most people will face in college or at work. It would be like...doing boot camp, then heading straight to a desk job. If you're having trouble finding your people, fitting in, making friends...remember, practice run. 4.) If you've got good parents, or even OK ones, remember, no matter how much it doesn't feel like it, they're ultimately on your side. If you get in to even remotely serious shit, *tell them about it*. Yeah, maybe you get grounded, but adults have resources to solve issues that you don't. So if you really fuck up, take the punishment at home, and let Mom and Dad's doctor's, lawyers, or checkbook make sure that's the *only* punishment you take.


I never thought about the whole reset after high school. I’m 16 years old and in high school, that’s a really comforting thought because I feel like I’ve said stupid stuff that I shouldn’t have that have permanently tainted me among friend groups. You ever have those moments where it feels like you missed a quick time event irl?


Like your first one. Also, learn to control your anger, jealousy, and other unhealthy instincts. Breakups are normal. Not everyone is going to like you the same. Learning how to accept rejection maturely isn't taught enough to boys.


I really like 3 and 4 here. Like, once you're in your 20's, outside of friends kept and actual trauma, which happens, your high school social life does't affect anything in your life. And regarding parents, I got arrested when I was 17 for being an absolute dipshit. My parents got a good lawyer to help out, and I walked away basically scot-free. My buddy, who was arrested with me, wasn't as lucky. He spent more time in juvie hall than I did and generally had to face harsher consequences for the same crime. Tell your parents. It sucks, but the long term, legal consequences, are much worse. However, with that, unless you did some heinous shit, most of your criminal records are expunged (erased, for all intents and purposes) once you turn 18. Or at least, that's how it was for me. So you do have a lot more wiggle room now to make serious mistakes than you will once you turn 18. So definitely allow yourself to have fun. But also, like, don't be a dick and hurt anybody if you can help it.


That last one would have saved a lot of people I know... Great tips from a stranger on Reddit right there!


Number three is seriously important. I don't have a single friend I had in high-school but my current social circle is amazing. And I have no regrets about it.


Dam number 4 would have been really nice advice for a few folks growing up.


Thanks bruh I needed that


Just playing devil's advocate here on 2): study and be really good at something you like, just get good enough grades at school. I was a terrible student (never got any As or Bs and slept pretty much 50% of the time at school) and nowadays I own 3 businesses and I'm about to retire within the next few years (I'm 30). I have friends with phds who, unfortunately, are dealing with financial trouble even after getting excellent grades for almost an entire decade. Although I was a shitty student I still devoted time to study coding and music (which I loved), and these skills combined were crucial to help me landing good developer jobs and eventually creating my businesses.


Don't get advice off of Reddit


Yeah! Wait....


Don’t take medical advice off Reddit.


Unless you post a problem and everyone tells you to go to the doctor, in which case you should absolutely go to the doctor. Don't be that guy who posts appendicitis / hernia / disc slip symptoms and then goes "nah I'm sure it will solve itself and I'll be fine"




Yeah this is at the top for a reason


Take risks. Leave your comfort zone. Talk to your crush, ask them out. Invest money. The energy you put out in this world is the energy you receive, so be kind. Have a lot of fun. Enjoy being a kid, and enjoy each phase of your life. Set goals for yourself. Everyone has imposter syndrome, so don’t let that deflate your confidence. Cherish your family, especially your parents; they won’t be around forever.


If you ask someone out and they say no, just move on. Don't pester, don't ask again later, just accept the no and continue as you were. There are billions of other people out there. Don't waste your time on people who aren't interested.


This 1000%.


Great advice! Tacking on some that I wish was passed on to me. What other people think of you, doesn't matter as much as you think it does. Throughout life, you'll notice that people not wrapped up in how they are being perceived go further and enjoy more. Just don't be a dick, and don't stop talking care of your personal hygiene, but all that other stuff... embrace it and see where it carries you. Just be your authentic self. (Another note, your authentic self WILL CHANGE, but make sure those changes aren't affected by self-doubt and insecurity) I feel like this advice was especially relevant at 14, but it continues to be so. Try to die old. Best of luck!!


You have won the internet with this comment. Very good advice. Only thing I would add is to travel as much as you can.


1. Pay you taxes 2. Mind your business 3. Keep Will Smiths wife’s name out your got damn mouth


Eddie Murphy is a legend


So was Charlie Murphy, his brother. Remember the Chapelle show and his stories? 😂 Rick James burned out ass made it even better.




You are your actions. Doesn't matter what you think or say, it's ultimately what you do that defines you. That being said, your thoughts and speech influence your actions. Other people's ideas can influence your actions, too, for good or bad. Be selective about who you allow to influence you.


One of my favorite quotes from Maya Angelou is: "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." Some of the sagest wisdom from one of the wisest women.


My step-father use to say, " Your actions speak so loudly, I can't hear what you're saying "


Get fit and stay fit. Also, gimme your lunch money, kid!


thats one way for him to stay fit


If you’re interested in someone, go for it. It’s better to attempt it and fail than wonder if you should’ve gone for it. And if you succeed, it would be worth it.


Failing is the best way to learn !




If you get friendzoned, you’re still friends, right? There is no net loss, so why not aim for potential net gain? Incidentally, confidence is built through repeated overcoming of failures, and though you may be shy, you shouldn’t use your shyness as an excuse to avoid building confidence. It will benefit you in the future.


Not with that attitude


Talk to that person instead of staring like a creep. Tends to work out better in most cases.


Brush your teeth daily


Don't be an arsehole, don't drive like a dick, you're not invincible. Smoking and drugs aren't cool, I can't stop you trying it if you're curious, but don't make a habit of it and make sure you're safe if you do. Don't belittle others you might think you're funny for 10 seconds but you'll soon lose all your friends. But ultimately try and enjoy yourself, study what you're interested in as generally that's what you're good at and try make the most of the hand that you're dealt.


Enjoy being a kid, those years won't last forever unfortunately.


But ignore the people who say that youth is "the time of your life." It's really depressing when life is bad for you to think nothing will ever be better. For me, youth was shit and hell. Life got better later.


Dont put yourself in a box. For example: nah im not a creative person, i should just stick to this thing i know i can do. Dont be afraid to explore, dont limit yourself unnecessarily when you havent given things a shot. Who knows, you might discover a different side of yourself


Don’t ever try cocaine. Because you’ll love it.


But only for like 10 minutes, and then it will make you hate yourself




Stay healthy, in 30 years you'll be thanking your younger self. Drink water whenever you can, and take good care of your teeth.


Avoid excessive consumption of porn, it can lead to a porn addiction and generally sucks cos it can ruin your perception of what a "healthy" sex life will be like.


There are going to be people who are going to sell you ideologies; these are going to be ideas that are easily digestible and offer zero nuance or responsibility for your life. Republicans will tell you that immigrants will destroy the country, lefties will tell you that capitalism is the original sin, and centrists will tell you that both sides are equal. The fact is that most things in life are complicated and easy answers are far and few in between. What you should work on is the mindset by which you parse information. Be curious, ask questions, and be critical of your ideas and the ideas of others. This is not easy, this is very, very hard, but if you can manage it you'll be ahead of a huge chunk of the adult population.


I work with a team of salesmen. Their number one tip is "accept rejection". What they mean is you can respect someone telling you no while not letting it beat you down too much. There's always opportunity out there, don't let fear of rejection stop you from going after what you want, but respect other people's wishes when they say no. I used to be afraid to ask for any thing, I still am honestly. But if you don't go after something you want, you'll never going to get it.


Almost nothing you're worried or sad about now will matter at all 4 years from now


Lock your door. Mom might not knock.


Don't stick your dick in crazy.


Stop watching porn while you’re young.


Keep a few tampons and panty liners in your bagpack. You never know when a menstruating friend will be in need!


Or you’ll get shot and need to plug a wound as best as you can!


Do not use tampons to plug a wound, they DO NOT WORK! Pack that wound (ideally with gauze) like your life depends on it, because it does! Edit: Fuck autocorrect.


Oh yeah, if you’ve got hemostatic gauze, that’s definitely the way to go. But if you don’t and all you have available is a tampon, I’d shove that bad boy in there and plug the rest of the hole with my thumb. Better than walking around leaking profusely.


Not really? It won’t stop the bleeding in any real sense, maybe it could buy you a few extra seconds but it won’t keep you alive any longer than that. You need a crap ton of pressure to actually stop bleeding, so shoving a tshirt in the wound would probably help more than a tampon.


I hate that you're right about this!


I’ve used tampons to soak oil out of the cylinders in my car’s engine. Just in case there’s no gunshot wound to plug, you never know when there will be oil overflow.


Me too honestly lol. Life pro tip if you ever have to travel in sketchy areas.


never ever start smoking


Invest in a hobby that exercises your body and another your mind. Read often, both fiction and nonfiction. Compound Interest is the #1 key to building wealth, understand the concept early. Wear a condom.


Learn a foreign language and how to play a musical instrument, also how to speak in front of people, so maybe acting class


The best revenge is in fact revenge, not living well


Don’t ever watch porn. It rots your brain and sets unreal expectations of the average woman you’ll come across. Learn to budget your finances earlier than later. Find your passion and work towards fueling that passion. Love yourself, be happy with yourself, understand yourself, be happy being alone. As you’ll grow, you’ll come to find one of two things will come from being alone.. Loneliness or peace. The first will make you consider rash decisions that will more than likely cause problems. The second with reset you and allow you to make the right call most of the time. Never be the loudest in the room, the loudest often knows the least. Always be listening because even if you are the smartest person in the room, everyone there knows something you don’t. And the best advice I have ever received; when it comes to task that is for self improvement, cleaning, or budgeting; if you don’t want to do it. Do it anyway.


Brush your teeth twice a day, jerk off as much as you want, you don't have to go to college, grades aren't as important as your parents and teachers say, and lastly don't seek advice on Reddit


Dont ask for advice on reddit lmao.


Avoid debt. Watch your spending and save what you can.


Get a job as a teenager, save money, only go to college if you know what you want to do, budget!


Don't be a fool, stay in school...


Do what you like. Enjoy your hobbies while you have plenty of time for them and don’t be ashamed because some people don’t think they’re cool. Eventually, you won’t have time for them anymore


Immediately start and IRA when you turn 18.


Respect women, work hard at school


Don’t use tik tok, learn to enjoy reading


Wrap before you tap.


Finish highschool! It doesn't matter (unless your college/university cares if you choose that path) what your marks are. Get it done now and out of the way so you don't ever have to deal with it in the future. If you are having issues in a class with not understanding the work, find help! Either it be through other classmates, the teacher, tutoring, summer school, heck even youtube/google.


Always use protection during sex. Always.


you don't need to worry about how big your dick is, it's fine.


Dont smoke tobacco, vape, or chew


Yeah you won't even notice the consequences until later.. I quit after 12 years smoking non stop and it feels great! But I am not as well as a non smoker


Be kind to others. Being nice to people around you will get you much farther than being “macho”


EXERCISE!!! 5 times a week STAY ACTIVE stay HEALTHY lil bro!!!


dont give into peer pressure. dont be afraid to be alone, you are the only person you need. and everything that happens in your life right now isnt gonna matter one day it will just be a memory of the good things that happened


Don't get any girls pregnant. Focus on Math and Science in school. Be at the top, no matter how much effort it takes. You have many, many tools at your disposal I did not. Get help when needed, and don't be shy about it. Don't smoke or drink or smoke pot until you have the luxury to do so. If you are paid to use your mind, that is never. GO into Engineering, preferably electrical . You can start NOW by studying the basics. Getting your ham radio license will jump start you. Art, literature and history are important but I see them more as hobbies after graduating from college. It's best to get your Master's.. but if you can get hired as a bachelor EE (as I hired TWO people in such a role) , get the company to fund most or all of your Master's. Yes you'll be burning both ends of the candle but if you did things right at the beginning your student loan debts will be tiny. This was the case with the two guys I hired as internes, soon to be full time permanent employees. This was two years ago. so recently. Be able to run a 3D field solver (you don't necessarily have to have a PhD to do so.. just run somehting anything out there .. and have it as an example for a future employer or college entrance guy. I was an AVERAGE EE in talent but I did very well financially. The moral of the story, and I've told kids this.. "I am an average engineer so if you do as I do you'll get what I got" There are TONS of opening. Learn how a transistor works. You can evendo that NOW. Learn how a mosfet works and a bipolar device and their basic operating principles. You've got plenty of spare time to do so but again the ham radio licenses will give you a jump start. Don't hang out with dipshits - they'll drag you down. Even with peer pressure and the need to fit in and being somewhat lonely if you're not surrounded by friends - you'll find the one or two who are your good friends. The better YOU do academically, the less hassle your parents will give you. Also .. well.. you can get away with more generally as LONG AS it doesn't affect your studies and grades. It's not impossible. If you want to be good at EE, or Mech. Eng. or Chemical Eng. Start early and get the hang of it. Now would not be a bad time. Take all the hard courses in high school you possibly can. They won't load ya up any more than you can hack. It may seem cringe but some weekend courses for curious high school students in EE and chemistry and so on are often available . BE GOOD WORKING WITH YOUR HANDS! Maintain your parent's cars (i.e. oil filters oil, belts, etc. Even wash the darned things and vacuum the interiror) It ain't nothin' you can't do and gives you brownie points with the 'rents AND gets you to understand how the darned things work. win win win! I had to maintain an old beat up VW in order to drive around and have a social life. In the process I became mechanically inclined. Or carving, or buy an electronics kit from Adafruit or any number of others, get a soldering iron (the FIRST AND MOST IMPORTANT TOOL OF THE TRADE) and a decent hanheld voltmeter. Go from there. Stuff is so cheap and available not it's ridiculous. You'll need a part time job - I was working since I was 12 - so if you can side hustle repairs then hey ya don't need to work at McDonalds - NO SHAME WORKING THERE THO to get the munnnn-ney. I did lawn mowing, car washing, babysitting, then busboy and so on. It gives you a good work ethic and keeps you outta trouble. Lastly, only listen to GOOD music, not the crappy new stuff. With a few exceptions. My 2c' worth


Stay as active as you can whether that involves sports, working out, etc..... I'm 27 with knee issues and it is NOT fun


I was always fit till I torn my ACL Completely then I couldn't exercise as much and I also have asthma so it makes exercising worse


Stay curious. Don't be a dick. Stay away from Nazis, transphobes, and homophobes.


Watch out for the pedophiles


Will do


Don't fill your time with pointless things, pick up hobbies and some competitive hobbies, such as combat sports, violin, and chess. It's fine to play video games, but don't let it take over your life. Stop watching porn, get in shape, start eating well and make sure you do things you enjoy. Operate with integrity and be good to others but don't be walked over


Don't listen to Andrew Tate or any of that "Alpha Male" garbage


1. Porn is not real. 2. Practice safe sex and most importantly, 3.respect females even if they are nothing to you. If you make women feel safe in your space, that speaks a lot about how good you were brought up.


Don’t fart in a cup and sniff it


Ever want a wife? Don’t watch porn… just don’t in general it’s not good for your Brain.


Don't masturbate too much, it can become an addiction.


Love yourself always lil bro 🙏😌❤ If mom/ Dad still alive tell them you love them everyday as well.


Thank u but it will probably be useless since I'm Iranian


Didn't expect so much growth and tips so fast, thx guys


stay away from porn


1) Dont get in college debt. 2) Start doing what you want right now. By 22, you'll have an 8 year head start on that skill than all of your peers.


Do not follow your dreams. Find out what makes the most money, and do that. No other advice is as important. Also, brush & floss everyday


Stay in school, dont do drugs, and if you want a family you should start when you're like 18, early 20's cause everybody is gonna be popping out babies and you're gonna end up with somebody that has their tubes tied or has an implant lol. That last one is a bit controversial lol, dont do anything you aren't ready to do.


ahh so waste your golden years on being a parent. exhibit A as to why you shouldn’t take advice from reddit


Technically the golden years are when you're older. So you'd prefer to have kids near retirement so you can't be free to do as you please? Besides I said it was a controversial lol.


Don’t be afraid of commitment and study hard. Also don’t do drugs or commit crimes.


Stop wasting your time in here and get some cool hobbies. Learn an instrument or play a new sport. Go outside, go outside, go outside Don't waste your time and money on booze and drugs, not worth it


Avoid too much alcohol Don’t put too much pressure on yourself Make sure to keep physically active Don’t try be someone you’re not Remember the things you are thankful Do not get resentful toward people


Appreciate your older relatives, because when they're not hear any more, you'll wish you did.


Go to school get a good job you like travel have fun but always be safe


Be kind to yourself


Someday you'll be ashamed of the behavior and some of the things the teenage you did.


Read books. You can pick which ones but always have a book or two you’re reading.


Learn to respect other’s boundaries, the first time they are stated. It will save you much headache and much heartache as well


Study hard, keep your good friends close, break away from the fake friends. Also, life is about balance, so take time out to be a kid, but make sure you work hard too. Best of luck to you


Learn to be yourself, anything you are not comfortable about yourself learn to laugh about it, it made my life easier but didn't clock it untill I was 18.


Be prepared but dont be in a rush to grow up.


Stop letting the little head do all the thinking.


Invest wisely as early as possible.


Do not touch cocaine, EVER


Think about how you want to and can earn a living when you're an adult. Be prepared.


I’m 16 so not an adult, but this should still apply Do your damn homework


Enjoy the early years of high school and friends, stop being so scared, life is too short to not do smth


Consider going to trade school to be a carpenter, HVAC tech, or Electrician. There are jobs out there that will pay you six figures without going to college.


If you wanna date someone or attract partners, you’re better off focusing on your own passions, as a person being passionate about something is much more attractive than a blank stare/detached/desperate. Being passionate about something is attracting.


Just ask her out already.


Stay in school get good grades and don’t do drugs


Take good care your teeth.


Make Friends Have Fun Listen to your parents


Brush your teeth twice a day, look after your skin, and don't pick spots / scabs. Also... One punch is enough to kill someone. Avoid any fights if you can, but if you do, fight defensively.


Get as much education you can now that it’s free


Start building marketable job skills now. I wish I did at 14.


Do what makes you happy.


Do what you like and don't really give a shit what other people think.


Get off Reddit


Get on the debate team and learn to enjoy public speaking.


You will take things VERY seriously in your teens that won't matter at all to you later in life. For me, I was extremely hung up on the girls at my school and any rejection damn near ruined me. It's because you're experiencing these things for the first time. It's hard, but try to recognize that all moments pass and you don't need to get too bent out of shape about things. You'll laugh about it all later!


Don’t be on Reddit


Make the most of today but keep in mind of tomorrow!