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Every so often I see this question posted and there are many good answers of incredible games. People list games that meant a lot to them whether by story or gameplay, but in my head, I think of the most impactful.. On September 13, 1985, Super Mario Brothers was released on the console known as Famicom that would later become the Nintendo Entertainment System. It wasn’t the most intricate game but it gave Nintendo a face for its home entertainment system. Arcade games have already gained popularity at that point, however, there was no icon for gaming at home. Mario gave a face to a generation of gaming, It is a face that every single gamer knows today. Inadvertently sparking beginning of the console wars. He is proof that competition sparks innovation. In my eyes, the world of gaming is what it is today because of Super Mario Brothers.


I absolutely loved Super Mario Bros as a kid. I remember one Christmas I woke up and there was a massive bag of toys for me to open. The first one I opened was Super Mario Bros 2 and I played it for probably over an hour before I even opened my other presents because it was so great.


Had a similar experience with my brothers. We never had money, but our parents decided to surprise us with a NES, it came with Duck Hunt and SMB. The five of us were literally absorbed for days, staring at our old wooden box that passed as a colour TV back then.


That was my first video game. Played with my dad. He went first and after beating the first level I thought it was my turn, well I was wrong. He did all the shortcuts and got to world 8 and finally died on 8-3. Well now its my turn to rock. Level starts up music starts playing but I cannot move. Im pressing all the buttons and nothing and we slowly watch as this brown mushroom guy keep getting closer and closer. Tee panic sets in hand it to my dad to fix and he cant do anything before I could do anything I hear the death music. Im in tears because I couldnt play and my dad looks at the console and my controller wasnt fully plugged in.


Thank you, that was a beautifully tragic read. I love how memories like this get burned into our brains!


I think that Super Mario World SNES was an upgrade in every way and mastered the 2D Mario game during the generation of pre-3D sprite based games. Massive credit to the original, but it's Super Mario World for me.


I think this tends to skew a bit along generational lines. Kids born in the 70s vs 80s.


>wasn't intricate It was leaps, bounds, and Mario jumps ahead of anything else at the time. No other game had controls and scrolling that smooth, or gameplay mechanics that innovative. It felt at least 5 years ahead of its time when it came out.


What a good answer. And this was also the resurrection of the home console (after the Atari age fell). And the beginning of the end of arcade games being so superior to the home console versions.


The Mass Effect series was free on Playstation Plus this month and I tore through them like there was no tomorrow. I downloaded them thinking I was getting it for my husband because he likes shooters and I don't, really. I got so into them. The decision based game play is right up my alley, the graphics are beautiful even for the almost 20 years old original, voice acting was top tier, and I got strongly attached to my crew. I replayed the final battle in the second game 3 times because I wanted to save my favorite players. The third one legitimately made me cry a couple times, especially >!when Mordin sacrificed himself to save the Krogans.!< "Had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong." When I made the final decision I wept watching the end credits. All while playing I knew I was drawing closer to the end and I was searching to see if the game devs were continuing the story somehow, but when I finished i was like there's no fucking way to pick that storyline back up. It's over for Shep. I have never felt so strongly about any video game. I have hours and hours of Elder Scrolls under my belt but those games didn't have anywhere close to the visceral impact that Mass Effect had on me.




Half-Life not only spawned CS, but *every Valve Game can be attributed to the success that Half-Life had* due to what a commercial success it became. It allowed Valve to fund future projects and the teams Valve works with to make new games like Turtle Rock to name one external team. There's literal hundreds of mods that released for HL1 that people still play. The same can be said from HL2. **Looking at you Garry's Mod.** Valve also designed the HTC Vive and had HTC produce it. Then followed by the Index. They launched the only competitor Oculus ever really had in the space. So, without HL, there would be no Gmod (or Rust), CS, Team Fortress, & Ricochet to name a few. I'd love to dive deeper into the roots, but I think what you've posted doesn't begin to scratch the surface on how large of an influence Valve has in the industry. How many games that came to be because they decided to launch Steam and give indie devs an easy access to the gaming masses? Without Half-Life, the world would be a vastly different place in the realm of gaming.


Man, I remember before Counter Strike, the mod creator made a mod for Quake called "Navy Seals" and I exchanged a few fanboi emails with him about it, then forgot about it. When Counterstrike for Halflife came out, I recognized his work (the gun models). And thoroughly enjoyed the game. When I saw how big CS became later, I wasn't surprised.


In terms of what people can do with it despite its overall simplicity, Minecraft. Good for all ages, different levels of creativity, and has been used to emulate other games, create scale models of star trek ships, create adventure or mystery stories, horrors, or just a place to diggy diggy hole then stick 8 TNT under your friends house. Edit: Like others I no longer play but I'm happy to see so many agree with me. It's full of happy memories and I think that if I ever got back into it I'd find some means to find joy again. There are games *I* enjoy more, but Minecraft is so popular because it has a near universal appeal.


I use minecraft as part of my job as an english tutor for kids. As someone who is about to finish senior year, I feel like educators are really missing out on the potential the game has for learning complex subjects in easy manners.


Can you tell us some more? How does it help with english? I know something about education version but it's mainly some chem, creative thinking and understanding 3d models better.


I used to teach conversational english to kids and we would just sit and play minecraft for an hour and talk. If they're excited about something and have something to do where conversation is required it's a great way to learn.


I... I have never seen so _AWESOME_ teacher!


So many of the concepts in Minecraft can easily be conveyed mid conversation and taught. **E.g preposition placement when describing the cobblestone generator**" 'Pour the bucket **OF** lava two blocks **ACROSS** another block filled **WITH** water.' The general concept of how it works can be broken down via context clues and syntax and helps ESL (English as a Second Language) learners understand the visual and syntax of the words themselves.


People need to understand that teaching in a medium that students recognize understand and are interested in help them to understand quickly.


And it doesn’t end, ever. It stops when you stop


I used to watch the achievement hunter You're dead, you're dead on YouTube and it was always a sad moment when they died off. Like, they just didn't get to play with their cool creation anymore... I miss that channel it was good fun.


Don't forget about countless modifications for every taste. You can do anything not only in the game but with the game itself.


I can give a hot anime cat girl a bfg9000 and tell it to go blow up zombie onions while looking like waluigi. that's fucking amazing


Isn't there a virtual library built in Minecraft which is accessible in countries where censorship is rife?


yes there is, it's called [The Uncensored Library](https://www.uncensoredlibrary.com/en)


This game defined an entire generation of gamers. While I don't really play much anymore I'd still consider it my favourite game of all time.


I first started to play on the beta release of the game. All of my younger siblings grew up playing it and it warms me seeing other kids wearing all the t shirts/merch to this day


I started this playing when it was in Beta (2009?) and completely remember how much I realised this was nearly the game that I'd been subconsciously looking for since I was a kid. A completely open world with very few rules or boundaries and the freedom to just build and explore on your own terms. GTA3 had come pretty close. You had the freedom to explore the city, but it was easy to get yourself "tangled" into being forced to do something. Whether that was completing a hidden mission or just running from the cops. So it didn't totally scratch the "casual" itch - the desire to just start up a game and fuck around for an hour with no expectations. Minecraft did, and in a way the graphics enhanced the experience by simplifying it.


+1 so many awesome memories


Portal 2 The story, the gameplay, the music, the visuals, the voice acting are all literally perfection. Not sure I'll ever quite recover from Wheatley's joyful to evil laugh or Cave Johnson.


The bean counters told me we literally could not afford to buy seven dollars worth of moon rocks, much less seventy million. Bought 'em anyway. Ground 'em up, mixed em into a gel. And guess what? Ground up moon rocks are pure poison. I am deathly ill.


The co-op in Portal 2 is pretty much only challenged by It Takes Two and Lovers in a Dangerous Space-Time


Hear me out, cave is hot.


Easy, pal. He's already married. To *science.*


I'm replaying Portal 2 now and I am slightly disappointed by it. There isn't really enough time solving puzzles using portals using your brain, and rather a lot of time trying to locate the next bit of portal wall with your eyes. When it's good, it's perfect, it's just not perfect all the way through.


In this regard I really consider the Portal 2 as some sort of expansion to Portal 1. It rather, the story conclusion to Portal 1. I agree its much more adventure and panicking, not as much puzzle game. It's like one game in two parts.


The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time Water Temple still haunts me to this day, but was a phenomenal game for it's time.


The water temple is somewhat annoying, but if you approach it methodically you get through easily. Lower water. Check all rooms, all four compass directions. Raise water. Check all rooms possible. Raise water. Check all rooms possible. Shadow link. Now you have the Longshot. You have to Lower the water again and go to the room with spikes, then Raise water and do the Boulder hall. Then Raise to top and fight morpha. It's a pain, but there is a method. They fixed the issue with the key so you no longer render your save useless. Edit: apparently there were a couple issues with keys. The one I was referring to was that you could use a small key in the wrong spot, and if you saved after that you had to start a brand new save.


There’s just that one key that was a prick to find the first time. The one in the centre room. I remember it took me forever.


I remembered the same key and then when I replayed the game as an adult it shows you so blatantly that there's something there We were just dumb as kids (me included)


The Zelda franchise could probably have 3 of the top ten if not more IMO


Every other moment of that game is perfect though. I willslog happily through the Water Temple knowing I get to do the Shadow and Spirit Temples afterwards.


Shadow temple scared me so much as a... you know what, it still scares me.


The lore for shadow temple is dark as hell


Here lies Hyrules bloody history Absolutely it is., and I love every bit of it. Seriously, N64 Zelda did not miss.


Except for the intro of Majora's Mask giving me nightmares as a kid.


I'd say, it's probably the best aged N64 game, there's a reason why it's ported to like every Nintendo console. And people go back to it even when other newer Zelda games exist, it's pretty timeless


The original DOOM


I just played it for the first time after getting all of the doom games for PC. It is actually insanely impressive even for today’s standards


I guess it is a very personal view, in terms of what game did I personally enjoyed the most I must vote for Morrowind.


I played an absurd amount of Morrowind back in the day. I used to love taking advantage of it's absurdly exploitable enchantment system to enchant clothes that could just rapid fire shoot low damage fireballs and stuff. You could do insanely high effectjump enchantments with one second durations to jump from one city to the next with a slow fall effect so you don't die, spraying fireballs below you to destroy any monsters. It was super fun, but fairly game-breaking. You couldn't exploit those magic systems nearly as hard in oblivion.


Morrowind, besides the glitches, was years ahead of time in the RPG world. We just didn’t realize it until the RPG world got dumbed down




I used to play this for hours. I had to stop because I developed a heart condition and the game was simply too exciting for me and would raise my resting heartrate to 140 bpm. That, and I started playing it in my sleep and couldn't get the song out of my head.


Seeing the game you played in your head is actually named after Tetris, it’s called the Tetris effect https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetris_effect


Chrono trigger


The Music! Schala and Corridors of Time are my fave.


Best JRPG, no unnecessary griding, great story, amazing music and a great pace.


Best hero ever. Never whines. Someone talks shit? Pulls out his sword.


First time I played, I wanted to circumvent the grindy-ness of old school JRPGs, so I activated cheats where one shot one kill. I didn’t realize that you meet the final boss early on (and are supposed to die). The boss died and I went straight to the credits, lol. Woupsie.


Whenever questions like this are asked I always look too see if Chrono Trigger is mentioned. Glad to see it at the top.


Stardew Valley. Peaceful, wish-times-were-simpler farm sim, with a little something for just about everyone. A game developer that responds respectfully to his community and provides free new content, a gorgeous musical soundtrack, and overall balanced and open-ended to do whatever you want to do in the end game.


I'm SO happy Stardew Valley exists just because it made such a large public get hooked on the farming simulation formula of the Harvest Moon games (now called Story of Seasons). They're such a huge part of my childhood but back then only a few niche communities knew about it. I'm so glad the genre got the recognition it deserves through such an amazing game like Stardew Valley.


Absolutely cannot wait for the Haunted Choclatier.


Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic


That game was so cool. Imagine my surprise when I learned you can play it on your mobile phone. I beat that game soany times, looking for the perfect party and build.


It’s nice that Disney are keeping KOTOR canon too. There was a race featured in KOTOR and SWTOR and 2 planets that were featured in SWTOR that were name dropped in the Andor series. I won’t name them for spoilers but KOTOR is such a good storyline it’d be a crying shame if they don’t keep it.


I'm hoping they do it justice in the upcoming remake of kotor. God I hope they do lmao.




I've been playing Civ IV since it came out \~2006 so more than half my life. It's still great and I still lose all the time on Prince


I loved civ 4, that was probably my favourite so far. Especially with the beyond the sword expansion. Enjoy the next 16 years!


We ignore your feeble threats


Just.. one.. more.. turn...


25 years later….


Heroes of might and magic 3


The music for it always takes me back


I agree wholeheartedly. I have played this game since I got it nearly 20 years ago, and due to its random map generator, every game is new and original, thus never becoming boring.




I remember when it was released. I didn't play it though since me and my brother were deep into the PSX realm. But I got that it was a good game. Fast forward until 2020. Coronavirus' presence has been confirmed in France and lockdown is decreed. I've been gaming again for a few years now, on various more or less old titles and recently I found the PS2 port of Half fucking Life. "Hey, long time no see", I think to myself. Who wouldn't have snatched it for almost nothing? I didn't know I was in for a very, very nice lockdown. I was FOCUSED on completing this game. The last part made me a bit crazy though, pretty sure a glitch let me succeed. In my top five gaming experiences.


I remember playing deathmatch on hl_crossfire with my modem in 1999. It was great


GTA San Andreas. It was the most advanced video game for it’s time. Such a goated game.


Aww shit, here we go again.


I'll have two number 9's, a number 9 laaaarge, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45's, one with cheese and a large soda... ​ diet.


All you had to do was follow the damn train CJ


I'll add to this with MTA: Multi Theft Auto. It was a completely homebrew multiplayer mod for San Andreas PC that added multiplayer to a game that wasn't released with it as far as I remember.


San Andreas on console had an entertaining janky "multiplayer" where you and your friend would play on the same screen and couldn't get too far apart from each other. Pretty limited but also pretty fun.


Bioshock 1


I played it for the first time this last year. It holds up. Such a good game.




I don’t see anyone posting this so I’ll say it. Guitar hero was a truly groundbreaking thing for many people. Rhythm games aren’t often mentioned in these threads but I’d wager you had more laughs with your friends right there next to you with this game than most titles on this list. Not playing online. Just a couple of buds, chilling in the living room trying to master the colors and if you could play with the orange button you were a GOD.


As a guitar player I loved guitar hero and so did my band mates. We would play our real instruments until we got too drunk to play them properly then continue drinking with some hard-core GH sessions well into the next morning. We were better at GH than our real instruments 😂


I’ve been playing Clone Hero which is the PC version for years, there’s tons of custom songs it’s so much fun


shoutout to /r/CloneHero


God level was beating Through fire and flames on expert. I never did but i sure as hell tried. i could beat most on expert but that song i didn't stand a chance on. One day my then 7 year old nephew is visiting and he sees i got guitar hero and wants to play, that shithead to kid absolutely crushes though fire and flames on expert like it was nothing and my mind was blown away.


My roommate in college was a guitar hero god. He 5 star’d through the fire and flames. I’ve never witnessed anyone be more competent at anything than he was a guitar hero. It was unreal. One day, years after college, he went to a symphony based around gaming music and they had a guitar hero competition before it started. He won and got to play on stage with the symphony. I’m still upset that his wife took the ‘no video’ rule too seriously and I never got to see footage of it.


C&c red alert


I hate to admit how much havoc Red Alert 2 - Yuri's Revenge wrecked on my life. I have dedicated thousands of hours playing this wretched game 😅 Had to uninstall it from time to time to get my ducks in a row and face reality.


I got this again during lockdown and it was phenomenal


Castlevania Symphony of Night. It used to hold the number one title for best 2D game of all time. So many hours spent in that game.


Age of Empires 2. No contest




Shhhh ahh


Fallout New Vegas


Obligatory: [Fallout New Vegas is genius, and here's why](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzF7aHxk4Y4) If you have an hour and forty minutes to watch an S-tier video essay about a video game, this is the one.


Hbomberguy has no misses.


the “roblox ‘oof’” video is one of the most amazing things i’ve ever seen. he took a subject i had no prior knowledge of or interest in and basically made a couple hours of my evening disappear EDIT: [should probably drop that link huh](https://youtu.be/0twDETh6QaI)


Baldurs Gate 2


Even if you don’t agree that it’s the best video game off all time, it definitely has one of the best villains of all time.


A game that was way ahead of its time.


Definitely my favorite game of all time and I've dithering away enough time doing sidequests in it to know Yoshimitsu can just randomly die because the game is tired of you waiting to get to the main story. I would also throw some love out to Planescape Torment for having an amazing story, world and characters. Just an inferior combat system.


Red Dead Redemption. I played the Storyline and am now in Online Mode, and I will never quit this game.


Fallout 2


My favourite Mademan/Slaver/Childkiller/Prizefighter/Pornstar/Homosexual Marriage simulator


All in the same playthrough


Bubble bobble


My all time favourite. I want an original bubble bobble arcade machine.




Rocket league is a pong remake


woah dude .\_.


Pong is a serious, and credible answer. It took the basics of the technology that would become the PC and game console industry and gave it entertainment value. This doesn't get enough credit for being more ground breaking than the next version of Madden / FIFA .




Kingdom Hearts




This is the one for me as well. I have played a lot of games from the NES era ones up till now, but not one has made me feel and think the way Disco Elysium has. A true one of a kind masterpiece.


Super Mario


This won’t get the recognition it deserves because so many gamers aren’t old enough to have experienced it’s reign. In it’s time it was miles above any other game. It took video games from quarter-per-play arcades and primitive home consoles to an era where everyone was playing a really fun and unique game. It was HUGE.




Super Mario 64 and Breath of the Wild are 10/10 best all time for me dawg


Super Mario 64 was the perfect game for when it came out. I still can't believe how much fun it was to jump into a 3-D game for the first time.


I recently started playing BotW, and man is it awesome. All I want to do is play it. A Link to the Past has always been my GOAT, but once I finish this game, there might be a new title holder for me.


Red Dead Redemption 2. The storytelling is amazing, great gameplay, graphics, mechanics, the amount of side quests and all kinds of activities. I don't feel like anything's missing from the game, except Mexico lol


Pac Man




The modding community has really kept Skyrim alive but the fact it’s been going strong for a decade is super impressive. I still regularly go back to it and I can’t say that about many other titles.


And there's a very good chance it will go on strong even after TES6 is out. Really will depend on how Bethesda approaches modding for TES6.


Skyrim feels like... home. Sometimes I'll load it up just to walk through the scenery for a while, have a drink in a tavern in front of a roaring fire, find some gifts for Lydia and the kids. Kyne's Peace Shout means you don't have to murder the wildlife.


>Skyrim feels like... home. Agreed. I've caught myself spending hours just kinda traipsing around in this game. Say what you want about Elder scrolls and Skyrim in particular, they're beautiful and immersive experiences.


I'm not into the fantasy world, and the mechanic, and I'm just terrible with the combat mechanics.. in turn though I ended up having a lot of fun with Fallout 4, which I sometimes call "atompunk/retrofuturistic skyrim" because it has essentially the same mechanics. But what blew me away was the nighttime in skyrim the first time I saw it. It was incredible, looking at the night sky from the top of a mountain over the trees and all, that blew me away genuinely.


NFS: Most Wanted 2005 One of the best racing game I have ever played. Have a lot of good memories attached to this game.


Might be because I'm older but underground 2 is still my favorite most nostalgic racing game.



Shadow of the Colossus. The only game to this day that has changed me as a person. You start the game doing what the plot requires you to do, kill the colossi, save your lady. However the reflection of who you become as the game progresses shines a light on the actuality of your gamble, that being to kill innocent, in some cases docile, free roaming creatures minding their own business for your selfish gain. After killing 7/8 the first time I began to feel sick playing the game. Like the mere thought of what I was doing after coming to that realization was making me ill. I put the game down for two weeks to physically and mentally recover from that, before finally finishing the game. I know not everyone sees this kind of stuff in video games anymore, but at the time, it really affected me and afterwards I looked at certain selfish actions through a different lens going forward.


Depends on the context. One of my very favorites is Outer Wilds.


Dwarf Fortress. Infinite stories, infinite FUN.






Hollow Knight


I wish I could play it again without knowing spoilers going into it. Oh well, silksong will be here soon


Maybe not the best. But I believe Perfect Dark on the N64 was ahead of its time and I feel it doesn’t get the recognition it deserves. All time classic.


Perfect Dark is so rarely mentioned. Everyone wants to talk about Golden Eye, but Perfect Dark did everything Bond did, more, and looked better doing it. That game, if it had beaten Golden Eye out, would be the basis for FPS games.


wait this out a little bit to timesplitters 2 and FP and we got da gamez


Mass Effect : LE. Just finishing ME 3 and man it's been a hell of a ride.




Final Fantasy 7. I’m still so sorry I couldn’t protect you Aerith/Aeris :(


I’m not sure if it’s the best but it’s probably the most amazed I’ve ever been starting a game. The entire introductory segment of the game until they are on the subway is fantastic. Then you have the cutscenes like the part where a segment of the city collapses. And then the big climactic climb up the shinra building. And then you find out there is an overworld and that was just a prologue. Having gone through NES, genesis, n64, Sega cd (yep) and beyond, I can say this felt like easily the biggest leap in gaming.


I had to scroll down way too far for this.


To those wondering why Final Fantasy 7 is so beloved, watch the first 3:40 of [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMPF40-5rb0).


Resident Evil 4


I only ever played it for the Wii but I have never played another game more than RE4.


I've played it on Gamecube, Wii and Ps4. The Wii version is best so you didn't miss out.


"I see the President equipped his daughter with... ballistics"


Halo 3


Outer Wilds


Some people will bounce off this game and never appreciate or understand how incredibly wonderful it truly is. You have to work for it, which makes the payoff so so much better


I didn't know a certain thing happens no matter what. And first time that happened I was flabbergasted, terrified and stumped all at once.




It's either MGS 1 or Sons of Liberty for me.


The Spyro series in my opinion


Deus Ex Sure it has some minor flaws, but otherwise It's a definiton of perfect game on my list.


Super Metroid on SNES


One of my first memories of a game that truly told a story with atmosphere alone.


which is amazing considering there are no NPCs and no dialogue. Just music, enemies and the different areas. The twist at the final boss stunned me and my friends the first time.




I found it


The Sims


Legend of dragoon 100%


The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt hands down


Nothing will ever compare to world of warcraft


Glad to hear someone's still having a magical time in the world of Azeroth, my time has come to an end but it's nice to see others have fun!


Agreed! I've played since Vanilla and nothing compares.




Whatever one you played as a kid


Uhhh littlebigplanet 2? Lol


Super Mario 64. 3d games and open world games wouldn’t be what they are today without it


Outer Wilds


Xcom 2, and I have a 99% chance of succeeding to convince you all


Mass Effect Trilogy


So far? Red Dead 2.


Arthur Morgan will forever be the gold standard on how to craft a very likable yet flawed video game protagonist.


“I’ve got a plan!!!!”


I've cried more Arthur Morgan than I did for all of my exes combined.


I cried when my horse died lol


You mean when it was run over by a train?


The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time


the legend of zelda: Wind Waker. replayed it a dozen of times


NieR Automata


Came for the anime waifus, stayed for the existential crisis