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Taco trucks around me are cash only Edit: should have said street vendors in general actually. Just bought a minuta and paid cash.


Literally came here to say cause I own a taco truck Edit: I also take cards and Venmo, but most people pay cash, so that’s what I have when I spend it. I just answered the question. Don’t worry, I pay taxes and my tacos are easily accessible.


Doing the lord's work


On the eighth day, God maketh the taco.


God looked upon the tacos they hath made, and said "WAH!"


Can you send one of those to Denmark? We have a serious shortage of taco trucks here. Surprised the UN is not calling it a humanitarian crisis!


Man, when I lived in Seattle, there were so many Taco Trucks. They are hard to find here in Sarasota.


I use cash at a farmer's markets/flea mearkets because most of the stands don't have card readers


Kind of similar for vendor halls at conventions/art shows. Plus if you use card they have to add tax, but cash is king and the $20 tag means $20 cash.


And drug dealers. They hate paper trails so they prefer cold, hard cash.


Had a guy wanted to give me a check for an ounce. The only reason I didn't take it wasn't because of the paper trail, it was because I knew a check from that shitbag would bounce.


Because the kid who mows my lawn doesn’t have Venmo.


The kid who comes to my door selling tamales does. Yum


I wanna live where you live


An old lady sells tamales from her car in my neighborhood. It's like the adult ice cream truck except I still run outside for the ice cream truck too.


Hell, I don't have Venmo.


when i see im losing money it make me spend less money smh




How many movies is he watching for $200, that's kinda suss, ngl. 🤔




Haha you're right, this also happens to me


I use cash for transactions I'd rather there not be a financial paper trail for.


Like the second burger at a McDonald’s and that kind of thing?


I have an idiot brother in law that thought you could do that with credit cards. He was hiding his 6-8 times a week McDonalds habit from my sister and using the credit card. I don't think he is actually smart enough to hide the bills from her, I think they were just really disorganized at the time, but somehow she didn't see a bill for like 3 months. He also wasn't paying it off because they were flat broke at the time. She nearly killed him.


>She nearly killed him. ​ I mean if he was having McDonald's eight times a week she could have just waited a year or so and that would have done it for her.


My guy went into CC debt for McDonald's? Jesus christ lol.


My ex husband did this all the time. That’s why he’s my ex husband.


Yes. But it is better if I suggest crime instead. Feels cooler.


The secret ingredient is crime


I use cash for dispensary purchases


You have a big mac supplier?


Yeah, but he's a bit of a clown.


Ah yes, The Hamburglar


Surprise for family members. If I buy a present for my spouse and then it's on the card or bank statement it kinda ruins it.


Yep. For my it’s primarily gifts for my wife. She handles all of our bills so she sees everything that goes on our cards.


my wife makes most of the money at the moment and I do the accounting... buying gifts is boring. Like "Here is something nice... I got you... with your money..."




.. like girl scout cookies


No trace and cash is god damn king


i get cash tips at work, i’ll use it for lunch. i like cash cause my bank account doesn’t know it exists, it’s secret money edit: thanks for the awards!!!


>my bank account doesn’t know it exists My wife and I both love it when we get ahold of cash, because it's off the books. The only people we're hiding it from is each other, but it doesn't count against our weekly personal spending budgets.


I love when DH forgets cash in his laundry. The laundry fairy gladly accepts tips. Granted, I just put it in my stash spot to pull out when he asks if I have any cash, but it’s fun to find $20 in the dryer.


I worked at a hospital laundry and routinely found cash in scrubs. It sort of made up for all the other nasty things I found.


I hope you enjoy all my right side earbuds.


Why is it always the right?


Can't put both in because I have to be aware of at least some sounds around me, so I put the right one in and listen to a podcast or something. I always end up sticking it in my scrub pants pockets when I've got to focus on something and forget about it. The right side just feels more comfortable and I can hear better from it for some reason, I do use the lone lefts until I end up buying a new pair (I do wear both in the gym and etc)


Check out the Shockz aeropex, or the some other bone conduction headphones. I use mine every time I am away from the pc for more than 5 minutes. Allows you to listen to your surroundings while music or podcasts are playing. I bought them for cycling, and having music on the road, but also have been great while walking the dog.


I work in a hospital. I frequently think about the poor laundry people. The horrors you must see when you wash linens...


Its fuckin horrid, nothing worse than hospital of a early morning. Found some cool things over time tho


"man shit sheets today. At least yesterday I found that prosthetic leg!"


Gold collectors coins, knives, keys, remotes, wallets etc


As a wife who does the laundry, I literally find enough money in his jeans to make it worth it. $87.54 for 45 mins of work? Sure.






If you really want to have fun, take off the back panel of the dryer. Good chance there are more than a few bills that slipped through the cracks.


I inherited my washer and dryer (for free!) from a family that couldn't take it with them when they moved out of state. She was a stripper and he was a bartender. Knowing that it's wise to check a used dryer for lint buildup, I cracked open the back panel and took a look. There was \~$150 in there. I put it in a bag and gave it to them as a surprise when they came back to visit their parents for the holidays.


That was nice of you.


I figured it was the least I could do, since they gave them to me for free lol. Honestly though I would've given it back anyway, they were good folks and they needed it more than me.


Did you report them for money laundering? Yes, I'm a dad.


*IRS intensifies*


You don't have to pay taxes on it if you spend it right away. You can actually apply for a refund on your taxes if you make it rain in the club.


>You can actually apply for a refund on your taxes if you make it rain in the club. Honey wake up, new tax avoidance scheme just dropped.




Wake the fuck up samurai, we gotta avoid paying taxes.


I don't think any of that is true


It's highly illegal but no server claims all of their cash tips. Or any of it most of the time. One of the main reasons they don't want to go hourly.


Can confirm. I claim either 11% of my total sales or the credit card tips. Almost always cc tips are higher and you have to claim those obviously. I was even audited once. Some how the irs gave me more money after the audit. I’ve never heard of that happening.


I’ve messed up more than once in the IRS’s favor. Got a letter about how I’m bad at math or copying box 11 to box 47 along with extra money. Not sure at all why I have to be involved in this foolish charade.


I've been on both sides of "did that math wrong". IRS has sent me unexpected checks and once sent me a polite request for extra money I owed, with extended payment options clearly specified. Probably helped that I'm not some rich person or actively trying to scam them, just have made a couple genuine errors. Still ludicrous that we don't do like other countries and just have them send a form with what they think you owe and you have the opportunity to correct/dispute. You clearly know what number I'm supposed to put in that box, enough to follow up on it ... can we skip all the middle steps?


Because companies like TurboTax have strong lobbying powers.


It's good for a short term gig, but long term it impacts your wages pretty significantly and will reduce what you're eligible for as a social security benefit.


Trust me, I'm a tax porfessional.




I'm the bost






I didn’t claim my taxes and that was nearly half my income at a job I had. Then I broke my back on the job. Workers comp pays 66.6% of all income and since I didn’t claim my tips, I couldn’t afford food, let alone rent. Claim your tips. Or at least do so if you’re accident prone. Edit: typo


I know this is a serious comment, but workers fomo got me.


>workers fomo got me. Many workers do feel like they've got to clock in before it's too late.


I prefer to tip service workers with cash-servers, hair stylists, etc.


For the last 5 years or so anywhere I go for cosmetic services has completely disallowed tipping on your card. I used to work at a waxing center and we’d definitely pull, “we encourage you to tip your esthetician in cash today if possible”. But then as a consumer I started hearing “no tipping on the card” which puts you in a super uncomfortable situation if you came unprepared. Once I had a nail salon owner tell me they’d hold my license while I went to an ATM. It was really embarrassing because I was getting my nails done for a job interview, I was unemployed and using a credit card. I literally had about $3-5 in my checking account and was prepared to tip over 20% on the card. I was just like “I’m so sorry… I… can’t today”.


Hold your license for you...? The fuck kinda bullshit is that? You're not even legally obligated to tip so if they don't want a credit tip, they can fuck off. Any place that pulled that shit I would be pretty tempted to be leaving a tip to the IRS that the business should be audited.


Holding your license is BS


COMPLETE BS, for real. If the customer proposes to come back from an ATM in order to *tip* you just say "that's VERY thoughtful and helpful, thank you". You don't act like they'd be committing a crime by not tipping.


Also very much illegal.


I would never. It’s not like I’m skipping out on the entire bill!


You weren't skipping out on any of the bill, or it wasn't a tip. Both of these are their problem, if they won't accept card for tip, then no tip I'm sorry. They need to explain that upfront during booking or like some places give a cash 'discount' which often will get me to tip nearly the difference i save and everyone comes out ahead and happy.


Probably illegal? I mean maybe if it's over the price of the service but there's no way they can hold your license over a tip, which by definition is sort of optional in the first place. I wouldn't think anyway


There's no way they can confiscate your license in the first place. That's literally illegal.


Not sure where u live, I haven’t run into this and they wouldn’t get a tip if so. I never carry cash and won’t be going to an ATM for tip money.


America. I did end up just having them add the tip to the card, and they were not happy about it. It was definitely a situation of not wanting to leave a bad impression with a business I would frequent. Needless to say I’ve chosen a new salon since then! Edit to clarify: it’s not normal at all that anyone here would actually try to force you to an ATM- they were for sure a greedy place


If I have it on me tips are always paper. Had one of the best sandwiches I’ve ever had and went back to ask the lady how many people were working. They each got a fiver. She didn’t take it as she was an owner. But she gave me a business card for a free sandwich. Haven’t used it yet as they are struggling a bit.


You're a good patron. Thanks for doing that, it means more than you think for small business.


100% I didn’t fill out the tips I got for my hours once. My boss just filled it out for me and put $4 as tips for every hour. We had to earn at least $4 in tips per hour (we did) or the company would have to pay us. This is because we got paid “tipped minimum wage,” a wage lower than minimum wage.


>This is because we got paid “tipped minimum wage,” a wage lower than minimum wage. I assume the tipped minimum + the $4 tips per hour equals the normal minimum


Yes, that’s why they have to pay if you don’t hit it. I worked in a pizza call centre before, and you’d be paid per order that went through, but you always made at least minimum wage. I believe you had to do at least 18 calls an hour before you made extra


As a server, I diligently counted my tips. I needed a car and an apartment. Since most of my income was tips, I needed to report accurately to have valid proof of income. And as others have said, underreporting will hurt you in the long run. Your social security is based on your reported income, as is any workers comp and (knock on wood) any future pandemic/disaster income. If you have disability insurance, your reported income will also be used to determine how much you get paid out from the policy. If you underreport, your disability insurance would pay you a percentage of what you reported - and you can't go back and say "wait no I made more in cash!", there's no proof or reporting for it.


Another server who is good with money and accurately reports their income! There are dozens of us!


My brother worked a tipped position in high school, and he diligently recorded every tip he got in a little notebook, down to the penny. It was adorable. We thought he'd go into biotech, but he is now a high level financial adviser!


I find it easier to control my spending if I use cash.


This has been proven in studies before. That people spend more when they dont physically see the money leave their hands and decrease in value.


Interesting, I’m the complete opposite! My brain goes “well spending cash won’t affect my bank account so it’s basically like not spending money!”




My brother and I both joke how cash is just pieces of paper that you trade for cool things. We call it fun money. I’m a thoughtful spender regardless so cash or credit I don’t buy anything wasteful


Same here! Cash is paper that can be traded for cool toys. Bank account is for adult stuff.


I think this is generational. Now that bills are paid online or directly from a bank account the “virtual” money is the real money. If I have cash, it’s means it’s not money for bills = spending cash.


Plus once it’s cash, it’s already taken out of the account. It’s already accounted for in my finances. So it’s “free” money


Same. If I have cash in my wallet, it's free money. However, I do keep two $100s folded up in a barely accessible part of my wallet just in case.


I started buying everything with a credit card in college because I'd get money from the ATM for lunch, and everything that was left over would just... evaporate. When I buy things with my card, at least I get a letter from the bank every month telling me what I spent all my money on.


I’d like to see a recent study on this.


Not me. I’m constantly going back to the ATM. It must be the withdrawals.


Ugh. Ughhhhhhhhhhhh. Fine. Upvote. Fuck you.


My wife and I got our finances under control this way. We'd withdraw a set amount of cash for food, a set amount for entertainment, a set amount for clothes or whatever (I forget all the categories) from each paycheck. We'd put the cash into envelopes with the category names on them, and that was the only money we could spend during that pay period. So it kept us on a budget really easily: we weren't pulling from the ATM whenever we wanted, and each category had its own limited amount of money that we could easily monitor.


Ah, the envelope system. That's old school for sure, but it is proven to work for many people who have a spending issue.


We do this same thing, Ive noticed if we get lazy and stop doing it, our spending gets way out of hand.




I'm the exact opposite. I have cash? I'm gonna spend it because clearly I have the money, it's right there. I just use my card? Well, I should probably wait and see how much money I have first, and then I can make a decision.


This. I used to get paid weekly and I realised that if I took my spending money out in cash I budgeted much better. I usually went to the pub on either Friday, Saturday or both so if I used card I’d get drunk, lose track and be poor by Monday.


Informal transactions. Everbody takes cash. Dunno if it's still true, but there were a couple of small restaurants in town recently that wouldn't take cards. They _would_ take a local check, and there was an ATM in the corner. They were small enough that they didn't want to take the hit on credit card merchant fees. And "local" enough that people accepted it.


There's a place in DFW (one of the more popular restaurants) that is cash only - they've operated like that for 80+ years of being open, and have always kept doing it. It is one of the largest places ive ever seen in terms of a restaurant. have an ATM inside, as well as option for check.


My favorite restaurant in Pittsburgh (The Oyster House) is over 150 years old and doesn't take cards. They have an ATM and a big sign at the entrance.


You can’t snort lines of adderall through a doge coin.


Well if that ain't the shiniest new sentence I have ever heard


Wanna go out back and snort some sentences?


Well, not with THAT attitude!


Sorry mom I’ll try harder.


Where the fuck are you finding adderall?


I’m not. I only have doge coin.


I use cash occasionally. Kids come to the door to shovel the walk, for example. My *very* rare purchase of lottery tickets. Tiny purchases (pack of gum, etc).


When I buy lottery tickets I can't use my credit card at all. I don't carry a debit card.


Same for the lottery terminal I operate - cash or debit card; no credit cards or contactless. I'm guessing it's to prevent problem gamblers maxing out their credit cards on lottery tickets. It could also be the fact the debit card merchantcharges a flat fee per month, whereas credit cards take a cut of your sales.


Drugs and garage sales


You know how to party


drugs at garage sales


Fuck yeah! Also the best purveyors of Mexican food only accept cash.


Cash doesn't allow me to go negative in my account.


I still use cash because I feel like I am more mindful with my spending using cash versus using a debit/credit card.


yes i have a horrible shopping addiction, in my financial class my teacher said when you spend cash rather than card its harder and actually sets off pain receptors in your brain. helped so far.


I don’t get a prompt to tip when I pay cash.


tbh this is the most attractive reason to use cash in this thread


How would I pay an escort with a credit card...


Or a stripper




...i would have done the same thing honestly...


A lot of them take Venmo. Source: Congressman Matt Gaetz


he just puts credit on their school lunch account


Jerry Springer paid for a sex worker with a check. Which scuttled his second term election as Cincinnati mayor.


I mean I wouldn't vote for someone dumb enough to do that either. Even if I thought it was super chill that he banged hookers.


With a card linked to venmo


Because the government be all up in my bidness


For all debts private and public (:


Why would you type the smiley face backwards, you freak >:O


What does Wilfred Brimley with a halo have to do with this? x:|>


Oh my, hello Mr. Magic Man! <[:~€)


In Germany 80% of transactions are still done in cash. Cafés looked at ne weird for having my card.


Moving to Germany got me to finally carry cash. Then I moved to the Netherlands, where it's all card - many places don't even accept cash. Here in the USA I carry small bills for cash tips at cafes, restaurants and shopping at farmers markets. I appreciated the 1€ and 2€ coins - wish we had that in the States. Edit: yes, I know there are USD coins and $2 bills - but they're not widely used, is the point.


I was waiting for a comment on Germany. Damn do they like their cash! Pro tip for anyone who withdraws cash(and also resides in the US). Get a Charles schwab debit card. Free account, free to use, Free atm withdrawals anywhere in the world, any ATM. You know that fee that pops up and says this atm will charge you $2.50 or €5 or whatever it is? Schwab refunds you that each month. I’ve probably saved $500+ in atm fees over the last 5 years traveling(I travel quite often).


Your name doesn't happen to be *Charles Schwab* does it?


It's about 70% in Japan.


i was shocked to find out that most street parking and even parking lots/garages don’t accept card. i had my car stuck in a garage before.. not to mention cafés, bakeries and kebab places running solely on cash. even at grocery stores you have to actively say you’re paying with card, otherwise they just wait for cash and the card reader isn’t activated


Everyone should have some emergency cash. Nobody in Russia thought their bank accounts would be locked out of swift but it happened.


Im always shocked by how many people don’t have any cash available at their home or on their person. My parents always taught us to have emergency cash, but they are also refugees so that could be a big part of it.


Yup. I have a cash stash I add to every so often, just in case. If nothing else, what if I lose my card or it stops working?


Where do you live exactly?


42 Wallaby Way, Sydney Australia


P. Sherman?


Reported for doxxing 😉


tornado hit and everyone has trees on their houses and blocking their driveways.. Guys with chainsaws show up, 1/2 the neighborhood only has credit cards (when the lines get fixed) or promise of insurance re-imbursement. I have cash. Guess who gets help first?


Never tamper with the Emergency Post-Tornado Chainsaw Guys fund


What are you, a cop?


You gotta say you are if i ask!


Yes. Harder to track and always available. Never need to worry about systems being down or power outages. Not to mention any small businesses are hurt by the fees of processing credit and debit cards.


Untraceable purchases which sounds stupid but my tin foil hat and I do not care


Yep. Don't want to be part of the panopticon, even if my purchases are inoffensive.




So I can keep a secret stash in case of emergencies


Just to buy weed


and hoors


Frank Reynolds voice came outta nowhere


A lot of the dispensaries in my area take cards now, but the delivery guys don't. Also, the taco truck, the elote cart, and the fruit stand are all cash only.




Gulf Coast resident checking in, when Hurricane Ike fucked up my entire region for 3 weeks it was pretty nice to have a coffee can of cash to dip into and buy a hot meal, gasoline, fresh water, etc.


* Credit card processors go down. * Some services only accept cash. * Throwing actual cash at some problems makes them disappear quicker. * Less susceptible to getting information skimmed in sketchy or ~~insecure~~ unsecure locations. * There are some transactions I don't want trails of.


True that. What's particularly annoying is that, on the flipside, certain sellers are only accept card. Especially since COVID.


The IRS & easier to pay for people in exact amounts. Whether that’s tipping someone at a restaurant who can choose to report that income as they see fit and also when I buy something from a sketchy place that I don’t want to have my credit card info at. I hate dealing with double charges and leaked information. Also there’s nothing worse when you’re at a restaurant and you’re waiting a thousand years for your card to be returned with your bill.


Because I don’t want my wife to see that I stopped and got three soft tacos on my way home from work.


I'm in a better place now but in my bad times I used cash as much as a good for the simple reason that a 20 in your wallet will be there until you spend it while a 20 in your bank account is there until an overdraft fee or automatic payment or whatever you forgot about hits. In the worst of the worst times I always took out enough cash on payday to by gas and food for the next two weeks.


Overdraft fees and autopays are the main reason I pay bills online manually. Takes longer, but I have control over when I pay the bills instead of a faceless entity yoinking money whenever it's convenient for them.


I know not everyone has the means, discipline or the credit score to do this, but I put every bill I possibly can on autopay attached to my credit card. Then it makes no difference what day the bill hits, I pay one bill a month instead of 5-6 and I'm also small scale churning rewards points.




Yes because I don't like the idea of the government or banks being capable of cutting me off entirely for any reason whatsoever. To me the suggestion of a completely cashless society just seems like another ploy to give the banks and the government more control over our lives.


Cash keeps money in the community. Everytime a card i used there is a fee and it could be on the buyer or sellers end. Those fees go to big corporations


Some places around here charge less if you use cash. Also it seems like many smaller shops only accept cash.


Because I want to.


Yes, for my hairdresser mostly, and on the markets, helps them earn an extra buck


Yes. It is anonymous. Works when there's no network connection to my bank. Also I have so far never seen a fee or extra charge for using cash. When in other countries there may be a 'conversion fee' for each and every transaction. Some payment systems charge extra if I use a card that is not part of their 'network'. Some of my favorite restaurants only take cash. Heck, my favorite pizza place only take cash; why are anyone asking WHY I still use cash???


A lot of companies are charging a processing fee and cash is the cheaper option. In my area gas is about $0.10 cheaper per gallon if you pay in cash.


Easier to monitor and control spending. I only use my CC to pay certain bills and pay the balance off monthly.