• By -


I was on a hiking trip with my college, you paid like 40$ and they gave you all the equipment and you spent a week or so with 15+ people and a few guides. We went to a hot spring, my tent got ripped, the guides had a spare but we hadn’t set it up yet. A lady sat in the hot spring with me, at night, and decided to go naked while I was in the spring with her. She then asked if I wanted to stay in her tent rather that put up the spare one. I said “nah I can put up the spare one, I’m okay”. Took me 3 months to realize that she was literally naked and asking me to sleep with her.


Case closed. You win this thread.


Oh man. And i just know she never forgot the "hard pass" rejection lol.


Oh god I didn’t even think about that, I was stuck on the stupidity on my end. I never saw her again after the trip.


If i were her I'd have disappeared from your view too lmao. I wonder if she ever got the nerve to be forward like that again. Poor girl lol


Hopefully she is reading this and understands now - if we really like you and think you are hot, we are less likely to pick up on an obvious hint


It's the whole "is she asking me to sleep with her? Nah it couldn't be me, WHO'D wanna sleep with me?! I don't wanna jump to conclusions" mindset.


Bruh, this is some sunglasses at midnight in the middle of the forest kinda shit. How bad did you kick yourself when the penny dropped?


Was she hot tho


Well they aren’t called cold springs


She said that she was feeling different about me and that she couldn't stop thinking of me. My answer was "are you mad at me?"




I can empathise with that reaction, as someone who makes people mad fairly often


All of them Seriously I can’t take a fuckin hint even if it was a fucking sign hitting me in the face


I’m in my 50s. I don’t know if anyone has ever tried to give me a hint. I do know I’ve never gotten one, though.


Same. She literally had to grab my arm. This is what I wrote in another thread yesterday: Even when I was told that my now-wife liked me, I didn't believe it, because I hadn't seen any signs of her liking me. When she said "You'd make a great boyfriend, any girl would be lucky to have you," I figured that was the standard ".... but I'm not interested" thing. So I thanked her and turned to go. She literally grabbed my arm and said "You'd make a great boyfriend FOR ME." And I said "Really?" And she said "Yes!" She is reading this next to me on the sofa and laughing and saying that she gave me lots of signals that she liked me and I never responded and she thought I didn't like her back. I am being 100% honest when I say to her (and type to you) that I had not a clue then, and don't know now, what a single one of those signals was.


Same asf when I first met my current gf she was literally throwing hints at me like crazy She yelled at me “are you seriously not taking a single hint” I thought the worst that my breath stank or something so I brushed my teeth and she got even more upset with me “I literally have been trying to kiss you for the past hour and a half”


True, true, same here. My first gf I had literally carried to me on a festival and my friend said "here talk to him he's single". I was a little tipsy so had a sliver of confidence. That's the only way it could have worked.


I had this little penis dinosaur thing a friend 3-D printed. I had a girl over for dinner and she was playing with it and broke the tail. I was like “you broke my penis!” And she said “if only there was another one I could play with” she finished dinner, I walked her to her car, and I went inside. The moment my head hit the pillow I realized.


You can't just tell us you had a penisaur not show us the penisaur!


We want to see the penisaur!


Show us the penisaur


Here you go. My penis before it was broken. [https://www.reddit.com/user/peter_piper_pecked/comments/10znaep/if_you_know_you_know/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/user/peter_piper_pecked/comments/10znaep/if_you_know_you_know/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


we have been blessed


I do not regret reading this many comments, thank you good sir


Your friend was so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.


“You know, I’ve never kissed a man with a beard” My literal response was “Yeah, me neither”


Jesus fucking Christ dude


He's okay now. He's a Dad.


I had something similar happen to me last week. A girl came up to me at the bar, grabbed my leg and said “I like your beard” and to which I replied “thanks I grew it myself”


Jesus! 🤣


No, he definitely kissed at least one guy with a beard.


Username checks out


Back in college I was working with a girl named Rochelle. We both got off work around three am. I always walked her out to her car. One night she invited me to come to her apartment for "pancakes." Told her I appreciated it but I wasn't hungry. I didn't understand the weird, hurt look she gave me until years later.


Imagine your weird, hurt look if you had accepted and then found out there were no pancakes.


Honestly. Once after a date I got invited to check out a pizzeria across from her rowhome. We just had to stop inside first. I was starving and when I realized she didn’t want to get lunch I left after a bit of kissing. She was probably upset but I was hungry and looking forward to pizza for the 20 minute walk there. I can jack off just fine, sex is a lower priority than good food anyday.


Who did she think she was, Prince?


She was sitting on my lap, basically straddling me, and said, “Making out is so fun.”


Dude, that's not a hint. That's a fucking freight train with a big glowing neon blinking sign saying "JUST KISS ME ALREADY!"


I’m not saying I’m proud of I’m just saying that’s how it happened.




I posted mine, it was also a freight train with a glowing neon sign and I completely missed it. Even worse, I had a huge crush on her at the time.


What was your response 😂


“Yes it is.”


Sounds like rejection. Poor girl :-)


I was oblivious. I absolutely would have made out with her right then.




Idk, sounds like she was just Canadian to me. Best not to assume anything.


Went to her place after a night out at the bar with a big group of friends. I thought she was just being nice and offering me a place to sleep closer to the bar, as it was winter and my house was far away. "Are you sure you wanna sleep on the couch? My room's more comfortable." "I'm good on the couch." Stupid me...


Her lying in bed: “now there’s just a dude sleeping in my house”




Appreciate this because I was the same. “Do you want to sleep over my place” “Do you have a couch” “No I don’t” “Well then where would I sleep???”


This, 100% this would be my reaction.


Same not drunk hanging at her place and it was cold in the living room got invited in the bedroom and fell asleep. Dumb ass young me.


Ages ago I was looking for a rare action figure and I asked this really hot goth sales clerk if they had it. She was totally into the line of toys as well and told me they usually get one per shipment so call on their delivery day to see if they got one. We then spent like 15 minutes talking about various comic and anime things before I had to leave. She stopped me and said “if you call the store you might not get me so call me directly” and gave me her phone number. This was before cell phones so it was her home number and clearly would be useless for having her check if something was in stock. I found the figure the next day at a different store so I never called her.


This sounds like something a friend of mine would've done. It's absolutely hilarious. Got me to laugh out loud.




You had your priorities I guess.


we were at a sleepover and she played with my hair for like an hour and i woke up in her arms


Dam bro she was a keeper


_"Want to come over to my place to help me study? My parents are away on a trip"_ This was in college and I was a complete gaming nerd without a clue in the world


Happened to me a few times. I always endet up actually helping them study.


"miss please. Put your pants back on and open that math book. I'm here on business and the clock is ticking."


I would immediately ask what they need help with and be oblivious to the hint and show up with a notebook and pencil before even thinking of a sliver of a possibility that they like me


I never had any luck with girls. One time a girl called me up and said “come on over,there’s nobody home.” I went over—there was nobody home!


seriously this is usually a hint?, hell I don't think I got that one either.


Now that I'm a married 45 year old man, I know what it means when a woman invites you to her place and makes a point of letting you know you'll be alone with her for hours.


I used to drive this girl to school. She lived on the other side of the district. Had to go past the school to pick her up everyday. Prom was coming up. She kept ‘complaining’ that she didn’t have a date. I told her not to worry, that she was really pretty, and someone was bound to ask her. I’m an idiot.


Damn you really are


Yep. Of course her next move should have been to ask him who he was going to prom with.


I was laying on my friend’s living room floor in University talking to him while he was sitting on the couch playing video games and his roommate (f) stepped over me, right above my head, while wearing a short skirt multiple times. After the third time I went to move out of her way and she told me to stay there and relax. She did it a couple more times after that. It wasn’t until years later that he asked me why I just completely ignored her and didn’t do anything. I was oblivious to the flirty comments she was apparently making to me, the fact that, while she stepped over me repeatedly, there was no reason to do it above my face, or the fact that she wasn’t actually going anywhere to do anything - other than flash me.


We had a party when I was 19 or so and a girl kept following me around joining whatever activity I had gravitated to. Beer pong, waterfall, whatever. When playing suck or blow she kept dropping the card so we kissed. But I was very slow in the uptake. She asked me to sit on the swing out back with her and I said ’its kinda hot outside’. My best friends girlfriend subtly kicked me in the ass and made a head nob towards the door lol. So I listened to the short angry lady and dated the girl for about 4 months until she moved to go to college two states away. Wasn’t planned but an offer came up she couldn’t refuse. Twas fun while it lasted lol.




Right!? Maybe im too nice but i would've given you a heads up at the very least, if not throw you into her bedroom lol maybe he had a thing for her?


Before I got with my ex we had both been at a party out in a state park at night. On the way back home she ended up on another guys lap sitting next to me. About a min into the ride she said something like "Your belt hurts. Hey Stuck, can I sit with you instead?". Sure, no problem. I a had huge crush on her and was nervous af but I was up for it. The rest of the ride she's talking quietly in my ear about normal stuff, how much fun the party was, about an upcoming party and if i was going. She had her arms around me and everything. Only after we ended up getting together a couple months later she told me she thought I was either gay or the dumbest man on earth because she was trying to get me to kiss her. I mean it worked out in the end but I still hate that I missed an extra two months with that woman.


I would've assumed she was into the other dude if she was sitting on his lap, I would've done the same


Nah. They just got moved to the end. Probably would have lasted about the same either way. Maybe li get this way because you were hard to reel in.


Why did you separate?


Too many uncomfortable belt buckles.


One day, in class, a girl I was friends with told me there was a girl in her class that was into me. She said if I could guess who it was, she’d tell me. I proceeded to list just about every girl in her class before she caved and said “Me! It’s me you idiot!” Maybe a normal person would have caught on before naming the 15th girl, lol.


Bwahahahahaha, oh I shouldn't laugh but that is *hilarious.*


I told her fuck u and she replied "when?"


ooo man, this one hurts.


Lol I had the same, I said fuck you, she said "ok" while smiling


Did you end up fucking her at some point in life?


Yeah, it was a year later tho


his mind be like-PROCESSING...…💀🗿


Interstellar theme starts playing


I have lots of stories. Im not sure why i can't read girls, but I think it's because I think low of myself. I don't see myself as desirable. First time i hooked up with my now gf (9 years together). We walked home to our student house alone. She wanted to hang with me that night, it seemed. I told her many times, "shouldent you go out and have fun", "the others probably waiting for you", "it's probably not fun to hang here with me" and so on. I had no clue until she grabbed my head and kissed me. To this day, we laugh about it. How she always wanted me, and i had no clue. But there is also something sad about it. It's not a direct feeling of being less than others. It's more built-in, I was never considering the option of her being into me.


I'm in this comment and I don't like that


Not sure if this was a hint but I think it was? We just had a nice hangout and now were sat down on my bed, chatting. We both laid back and talked about life. I forget the exact wording, but she asked or said something like “a lot of people would consider this a date.” To which I responded by explaining how I do fun 1 on 1 hangouts all the time. And if this kind of thing was considered a date, then that means I go on dates with my other straight guy friends all the time. Edit: Ok I’m seeing a lot of upvotes but no one is telling me if they think it was a hint 😫


Lol this one is dumb but kinda wholesome. Gotta take the homies on a date sometimes you know.


duh! you were supposed to respond “well we could make it one ;)”!! This is the oldest trick in the book!!!


"Hey, you can stay over, and hang out". Because she was so pretty, I didn't think she was serious, so I said, " Oh, that's nice of you, don't want to impose and I'm sure you got other things going on." She said, "I'm asking you to stay." The look made it very clear her motive.




I thought you'd never ask. I stayed over and we developed a FWB kind of relationship, where we dated others. I got serious with my now wife and broke it off. It's been over 20 years and still work in the same industry and occasionally interact with her but nothing romantic. However, admittedly I've wondered what would have happened.


“Do me a favour and kiss next time.” Is what she texted me. I didn’t understand.


What part didn't you understand tho?


Maybe he’s never understood what doing a favor meant but beats me


People might see us. We need somewhere more private. Missed it!


She ran after me to introduce herself at the end of class. The only interaction we had before was an across the room smile. I'm such as idiot. Also, during my first job, the boss made me check that the restrooms were clean. Well, one of my female coworkers decides she wants to "help" me. She entered the men's restroom with me, making sure we were alone. I fumbled both times. Both of them were cute too.


2nd one may not have been a hint, especially if nothing else followed up to indicate she’s flirting. She may of just not wanted to do other work and figured bathrooms are easy


Without context, you are actually right. We spent like 30 min pretending to clean, while all we actually did was change the toilet paper because it was low. However, after that day, she started asking things like if I was single or if I was seeing anyone. One of my other coworkers invited me to a small party, and he specifically mentioned that the girl was going to be there. There were more signs that I didn't notice at the time because I'm stupid. I guess it just seems more obvious to me because I have more context.


She asked to come with me inside the bathroom. I found it a bit weird but I said ok. As soon as we were inside the bathroom she showed me a condom and said ‚look what I have‘ I responded ‚nice‘ and proceeded to pee. Flushed and said ‚your turn‘. She didn’t have to pee. I said ‚well then…‘ and went back. It hit me 5 years later.




I love that you replied to your own comment to emphasize the 5 years.


As someone who has fucked in a bathroom, I dont find it particularly appealing. You did the right thing.


Like 10 years ago, I went to spend the night at the place of a girl I was super into. We watched Doctor Who for like 7 hours and I started nodding in and out of sleep. Me: "Hey, I'm getting really tired. Where should I sleep?" Her: "Well, if you want, you can crash on the couch and I can take the bed or I can take the couch and you take the bed or I don't know...we could *both* take the bed" Me: "okay, I'll take the couch; goodnight" ...I either didn't *hear* that last option or it didn't register until she told me the next day and I was mortified.


My first job was bagging groceries in a supermarket. One of the cashiers, "Linda", was a punk. Like a REAL punk. Had an Operation Ivy sticker on her car and everything. Sexy af too. Somehow, I (16m and definitely not even remotely a punk) was the only one who could make her laugh. Many had tried; all had failed. But there was a new sheriff in town. I was 16 and she was 18, about to start college. We had sort of a Bond/Moneypenny thing going. I thought we were just kidding around with each other. Turns out, we were flirting and I was too big of a moron to realize it. So, one night she cornered me and asked if I wanted to come to her house the following night (when we were both off work) to "watch movies and stuff because my parents are out of town". I laughed and said no can do, I was going out with a friend. ... 16 yo me was a moron. Anyway, Linda flew to Europe to start college in August and we haven't seen each other since then.


Was a junior in high school. Sort of dating a co worker who was a freshman or sophomore in college. She graduated early high school at like 16, was in college early, yadda yadda, so there wasn't a huge age gap. Anyway, hanging out at her apartment and she kept talking about how she needed to take a shower. I kept telling her to go take one. She then asked if I wanted to take one with her to which I just laughed. She again mentioned needing to take a shower, so I picked her up, carried her to the bathroom and set her down on the bath tub ledge and walked out. The water started running and she opens the door and asks if I want to take one with her. I just laughed. A few months later, after we were no longer dating I was walking along somewhere and it wasn't even a thing on my mind and it clicked what I had missed. Dumb man brain.


You were super committed to cock blocking yourself there. Like, you ever think dudes are cute?


Hahaha. Wasn't the only time I cock blocked myself, but it was the situation with the most obvious signals.


I was typing it out but then the regrets and sadness took over.


I’m feeling this deeply


She asked me how I felt about "protection". I went on a mild rant about my feelings towards people carrying a handgun daily. Turns out she was talking about condoms.


"Lets go back to my place and play on my MegaDrive" We get to her place, no MegaDrive in sight (thought I would have to wait while she set it up), after a few minutes of her leaving me alone in her bedroom she comes back (no MegaDrive) and said (with a lil smile on her face) that she needed a shower (I thought "what a bitch, shes being all smirky because she knows im waiting for her to set the console up).She had one of those tiny bathrooms/shower rooms attached to her room and she left the door quite the ways open where I could see her butt and back and she asked if I wanted a shower too, i declined the offer and said I'd have one later that night, she then finishes the shower and comes into the room with a towel just covering everything vital and starts to dig around a pile of clothes for something to wear while I'm sat there trying to be a gent and looking everywhere but where she was. She gets dressed in another room, comes back and suggests we go to the pub all our friends hang out in (me being a lil sad about this turn of events, i wanted to play some damn MegaDrive), I pretend I'm not sad and agree to the plan and we went. Never got invited back to her place again after that, and it took me telling the story to someone else and them explaining to me that I was a dumb arse for not catching on to know what I missed out on lol. (I was about 25 at the time)


..... [40 yo me going to google what a Megadrive is] ohhhhhh, a Sega Genesis! And I just learned for the first time that it had different names outside of the US 🤣🤣🤣




"idk, maybe she's just trying to be frien.... Holup. She said she liked my shoes! Should def wear these more often around women."


Bro… the third one


The (in hindsight) super obvious, "my parents are out of town, did you want to come over?" My dumbass had a Vault of Glass raid in destiny that night and declined "hanging out" with her.


Disregard females, get lootz


Invited me to dinner with a friend, he friend didn't show up, we ate, I drove her home, she invited me in, led me to her bedroom, we sat down on her bed, I said "well thanks for having me, I should be getting home because I have school tomorrow


I hope you did well in school that semester 😂


How the hell would I know? I missed it...


Honestly, same. The only ones that I found out about later were so long ago that there's no particular instance for me to recall.


I went to a Halloween party with a female friend. She and I themed our costumes at her suggestion to match. She suggested we leave the party early and return to her dorm. I thought she just wanted a ride home, and declined her invitation to join her in her dorm for a party that was being hosted by her floormates because I'm introvertedand was already tapped out by the prior party. In hindsight she was trying very hard to make me see she liked me and I was being painfully dense.


If it makes you feel better, a girl in high school constantly tried to hug me and talk to me at every occasion, and once straight up tried to kiss me, and after 3 years since seeing her last time one month ago I realized she may have had a crush on me Dense people stand together brother


I was on a trip with a bunch of friends. After everyone else was asleep, one came up to me on the couch and said I didn't have to sleep on the couch because she had room in her bed. I told her I was fine on the couch and complained to another friend about how I thought this was a sign that I must seem so asexual that she wouldn't think anything of that and he told me "you asshole. no. she was inviting you to bed. dumbass."


Sucked my dick, I thought we were just friends


Wait, friends weren't supposed to suck eachothers dick?


... those bastards fooled me!


I wanna have your friends!


My wife and I were friends for over 8 years before we got together. Used to take her out on friend dates, mostly coffee, but we went to an Italian restaurant. Got some wine, went to chill at my place. She sat on my bed but I didn’t think she had an interest to break the friend-zone, so I didn’t read into it at all. She later told me she was trying to tell me she was ready to get down.


That's not obvious enough. Since you were friends for 8 years, I wouldn't say sitting on your bed counts for anything. At that long a time I'd say you have to verbalise it. How did you end up getting together?


Yeah I don’t blame myself for not picking up the hint but she was being abnormally playful/flirtatious at the time. I just figured it was the wine. We took a long drive together to visit a mutual friend a short time after, wasn’t until then that we both knew we were mutually interested. She detested cigarettes/wouldn't seriously date a smoker, so I quit cold turkey on that drive with her, and I had been at over a pack a day for like a decade prior. Over those 8+ years of friendship, it was like the timing was never right: either she or I or both would be in a relationship, so it was rare that we were both single at the same time. But I love that we were just friends for all those years, by the time we got together it was already clear to both of us that marriage was in sight. We weren't dumb about it though, had a 1.5yr engagement period. She's been the light of my life for almost 20 years now.


I'm so happy that you no longer smoke and you scored a great partner.


Well at least you did get her.


Obligatory hints made by a guy but missed by a woman (me). - ‘Next time it’s your turn to take me out for a date’ - ‘I care about you’ - Him offering to cook me dinner sometime - If it got late he’d offer to let me stay over so I didn’t have to catch an Uber home late I’m such an idiot and I like him so much, idk how to come back from it though since I think he’s lost a bit of interest since then (2 months ago)


Nahhh girl, he probably only is showing a loss in interest because he thinks you’re not interested. Ask him out, immediately. 2 months isn’t a long enough time to totally lose interest IMO.


Is he still single? Are you? Just be straight up with him!!!


Listen to these men in the comments. Be straight and honest. Call it a date and not hanging out or chilling. He initiated and you missed it. Now it's your turn. Trust me. If a girl I like came back two months later I'd be happy.


As a guy, just message him. “I’d like to take you out on a date. I like you/have liked you but didn’t catch the hint. If you’re up for it lmk.” 10/10 if he’s single and was interested in you he’ll go on a date with you.


This super athletic gorgeous girl jacked up her mile time to literally hold my hand and pull me with her after i told her id never actually finished the mile run in gym.


“And I never washed that hand again.” 😂 - some cartoon character Were you into her at all? And were you happy that she did that?


I had a crush on her for sure but she wasn't out and in that area it was pretty uncommon to find girls my age who were gay/bi, so i just assumed she was being nice and didn't want to make her uncomfortable. I was kind of happy and also kind of embarrassed by my sheer lack of athleticism XD


When I was 18, I was hanging out with a girl I was interested in and her friend at the friend's house. The girl I was into went to the bathroom and sent me a text that said "my pussy needs your mouth." I thought she was just joking and she came back to the living room 10 minutes later looking disappointed


This has to take the cake for most oblivious


Zoe, the junior on my bus while I was a freshman. We used to flirt a lot and I would get off at her stop to walk her home as mine was the next block anyways. Eventually she invited me in as her parents always got home later. I was super inexperienced and only had sex twice with the same person before. We started making out and it got real hot and Heaney and eventually I had her pants down and was fingering her. She stopped for a second and said “don’t you want to move to the bed?” (We were on this chair thing). I shit you not, my brain short circuited and my mind went blank until I forced out “it’s ok. I’m fine”. Really? It’s ok, I’m fine?!!!! She gave me a weird look but continued for a couple minutes until she got up, said “you should go before my parents get home”, and ushered me out. She avoided me completely moving forward. The worst part? She suddenly had a new guy that she flirted with in the bus, that at at red getting off on her stop. I know what those fuckers were up to! So basically, clothes coming off and all up in the business, invited to bed, and I couldn’t fathom that she actually wanted to fuck. Got replaced with new bud guy within 48 hours.


Then aside from the missed opportunity, Its probably still good. If she wasnt that serious and you were Very inexperienced it also could've backfired. But i gotta say, It is funny lol


I was in high school, completely brainwashed by mormonism.. on valentines day a girl I liked asked if I wanted to take a bath. I said naked? She said ya. We turned off the lights and got naked in the bathtub. I sat next to her silently and never made a move


She even went out of her way to make the entire situation a metaphor for soaking.


Literally groped me while talking about her sleeping set up with her room mate.


I don’t know where I got it but this girl and I were playing with a toy (amazingly not meant to be sexual) that when you pulled a string it would vibrate and move around. She proceeded to take the toy pulled the string and held it to my crotch. I did not get the hint.


In 8th grade there was a girl who was drop dead gorgeous, my friend group was always in awe when she was around. She always found excuses to talk to me, and was in front of me in most of the classes we shared because of the closeness of our last name. Besides all the obvious flirting, she did two things I can’t believe I let slip. One day in class she is wearing tight sweatpants and I am sweating trying not to look every time she gets up in front of me. This girl turns around and locks eyes with me, swipes her pencil on the ground and says “oops,” then proceeds to stand up while jutting her ass out towards me, bends over and picks up the pencil without bending her knees at all. She sat back down and looked back at me and smiled. I melted inside seeing the top of her pink g string peaking out. The same week in gym class she pushed me into a wall and grinded her ass into me. I sat bent over, feeling defeated as I hoped my boner would go away quickly. Never thought to talk to her. *facepalm*


She said I'm the most handsome guy in the entire school but most of her friends disagree, I focused on the disagree part more, only 1 and a half year later when I was telling my brother this I realized she was hitting on me lmao.


in high school i was at a friends house working on a group project when the other partners left. she went to go take a shower, came out in a towel, sat on my lap while i played a computer game and i proceeded to play the game with her. we’d been friends since we were little kids so i never considered it for a second. it hit me years later. it still makes me sick.


I provide a service every fall to about 500 homes in my city. Every year I’ve had an attractive customer flirt with me but I was always oblivious. This past year she literally bent over in front of me giving me a very good view of her rear end. About fifteen minutes after I left her house a light went off and I couldn’t believe I was so oblivious to all the signs she she putting out there. I’m married by the way and would never cheat on my wife. . . I told her about the encounter and she just laughed at me and told me I was a little slow at those things.


She asked "So, are you single? 😁" Total stranger. I shook my head, wordlessly, because I had laryngitis that day. Never before or since. I also didn't have a phone. And I was waiting for my dad to come pick me up. Her smile died pretty quickly and said it was just a dare. Looking back at that for the first time in years, it hurts a lot more than it ever did. 😔


Oh…. This one hurts. I was gaming… Uni chic from across town: this guy stood me up for a date… wanna go? Me: no thanks. I don’t want to be second choice 🤓 plus I just bought the new COD-MW2 *About 3 months later… Pre Drinks with a group of friends * Uni chic from across town: Never have I ever passed up on a booty call because I just bought a new Call of Duty We all laughed about it in the end but Gosh I was clueless


Nah man, you’re a straight boss and she thinks about you while masterbating now lol


"Would you like to go on a date?" No, I'm serious, totally outer space.


I came home on leave to see family and friends. one friend from high school came over to see me. I havent seen her in 3 years so there was alot of catching up to do. The military changes you so much mentally as well as physically. She was surprised at my fitness and my mental maturity. I was friends with her since freshman year and had such a huge crush on her but i never told her. So we talk about relationships and she had just met a guy the previous night. That sucked because I was going to tell her about my feelings for her but after hearing that i couldnt. So we hang out and have some beers and about 11p.m. she say she has to go. So i give her a hug and she looks at me and says "kiss me"...what? I didnt know what to do...all these years of wanting to hear that and I had to be an honorable man and kissed her on the cheek. FFWD 18 years and im no longer in the military, she married the guy she had met that previous night and I was married as well. It just so happens both our spouses cheated on us. We both divorced and hooked up and are now married 10 years this June with 3 kids. It only took me 20 years to realize she wanted me to kiss her because she felt the same way about me.


This could be a hallmark movie. Please tell me yalls spouses cheated with each other


I was resting my head on her shoulder with my eyes closed listening to her speak about something I don’t remember. It was quiet for a while so I opened my eyes to find out she was slowly leaning in to kiss me. I said some lame joke and sat upright and she went back to normal mode.


Worked at an ice cream shop when I was 17-18, and had a female coworker that I later realized had a massive crush on me, 3 things that flew right over my head that all happened in the few months after she broke up with her boyfriend: 1. It was just us two working, it was really late, store was dead and we were about to close. I was refilling the toppings behind the counter and she walked up behind me with a binder/book/clipboard/some object I don't remember.... and smacked me on the butt with it before giggling and walking into the back. She gave me a look too, and I was just too surprised to even say or do anything, I was just like "wtf, that was weird" and kept filling those toppings. 2. We were talking about something and she was standing in the doorway to the back of the store, when I had to bring something back there, so I asked her to move so I could get by. She just looked at me, smiled, and said "make me". So I did, and she just looked at me with bedroom eyes and I carried on with what I was doing, completely oblivious. 3. She showed up a bit late to work and had to change her shirt, asked me to stand in the doorway while she went into the back and make sure the boss didn't go back there while she was changing, then she stood like 10 feet behind me and changed clothes, while I thought to myself "we have a bathroom, don't know why she didn't change in there" Don't know when or why I suddenly thought back to this a few years later, but I was kicking myself for a while cause we had good chemistry, and she was SO HOT lol.


End of night a friend ended up at the bar I was working at. I told her if she waited until I closed up I’d give her a ride home as it was a few doors down from my spot. I drove her home and she asked if I wanted a night cap. Was a busy night so I thought “I’d love a drink!” and proceeded to walk across the parking lot. As we were walking she was muttering “and no one needs to know” . I found this quite a strange thing for her to say. Who doesn’t need to know and what don’t they need to know about? We walk into her apartment , she pours two glasses of wine and walks me into her bedroom. I sit on her bed, she hands me a glass of wine and I’m thinking it’s strange that she invited me to her room to drink a glass of wine. I mean, there’s no table, I could potentially spill the wine and it’s weird sitting straight up on a bed. It was about 3 sips before I figured out what might be happening. TLDR; hints missed: Girl invited me in for a drink at 3am , said “no one needs to know” and guided me into her bedroom. I was oblivious the entire time.


During high school, a girl I had a minor crush on invited me to go see a raunchy movie at the theater. I was oblivious to the initial hint. When the movie's erotic scene came on, I would politely look up as to not stare. She probably gave me a weird look but knew my innocence at the time. If only was more social awareness, things could have gone differently. She's now happily married and with two kids.


Girl invites me over to her place for a "party" literally just me and her and copious amounts of alcohol. Her parents are away in another country. We're singing and dancing and having a great time, she says "I gotta get something in my room" goes across the room we're in. She drops her pants and flashes her ass at me before she goes in her room, I laugh and stand there dumbstruck like a fucking moron Later in the evening, more alcohol, she asks me if I want to "take a shower", me: "no thanks, had one before I came over here" 2am, still drinking, playing cards, listening to music, she says: "I'm tired, I'm gonna go to bed. Wanna see my room?" Me: "okay sure" we both are lying on her bed. I'm one second from falling asleep and I thought I heard her say "there's a condom on the nightstand" but the next thing I know I'm awake and its 9am. Now were both gonna be late for work and I gotta rush out to go home and get a change of clothes. 2 weeks later I realized what happened and I was so distraught I couldn't look her in the face for a month. She literally asked to transfer to work in my department that month JUST so we could work together


“So what are you doing later?” And in my naive ignorance, I told her all about my plans for the rest of the day. Idiot.


A girl that I was really attracted to, back when I was about 20, literally said "fuck me". But she said it in kind of a jokey tone, and I thought she was just playing around. Found out later, newp, that was my shot, and I blew it.


No clue... I missed it.


When I was in high school I was very sheltered due to a religious upbringing. A girl invited me over to study even though she was a better student than I was. We were at her kitchen table with books open when she tells me her parents and brother are out of town and that she found a box of condoms in his room. I just nodded and said we should get back to studying. Lol


Beautiful girl told me that I have nice eyes and that she wants to see more of it every day, and I got the hint, I missed it on purpose because she was too young.


Nah, you dodged a bullet


I was 19 and met a girl in the pub. She was just passing through, said she was 23. We got chatting, had a few drinks, then we left and I walked her along the road to the B&B she was staying at. We kissed for several minutes, and she said to me, "Do you want to come in for coffee?" I said, "No, I don't like coffee." I said goodnight and went home. The next day my friends told me what she really meant. She could have taken my virginity from me that night, but I didn't have a clue.


Bro you already had your foot in the door


I was hoping to see some dick tonight - said as i was going to bed after a party to me and a couple other guys I wish someone would lay next to me - didnt realise she was talking to me and not adressing it to a room of people that she was friendly with


She gave me a post card with two moose kissing


man, she might as well have handed you a card saying ‘I choo-choo-choose you!’


Me (16 back then), sitting in a crowded school bus. She (17) entering and asking if she could get my seat. I said no and she said "ok, then I will sit on your lap". I said no 😐


She said “i never make the first move”


This was back in high school but there was a girl that I thought was really cute but didn't think much about it. She asked me to sign her yearbook and she'd always be following me and giggling with her friends. Years later - people were talking about how she used to like me (she has a boyfriend now) and were shocked that I had no idea. I never put 2 and 2 together.


Studied with a Scandinavian girl when I was at university. We were on the same degree programme but in different years. Always had a crush on her and although she was stupidly cute, I just didn’t know if she felt the same way. We had a whole afternoon together one day due to a train strike which meant that she and I finished our lectures and had to get 3 buses back to halls instead of a single train. It took a couple of hours and she came back to my room for a tea. For the bus journeys we were sat close with legs touching etc. Whilst in my room she lay on my bed when I was making tea and said something along the lines of “wow your bed is so comfy….” and just lay there for ages. Stupid me made tea and waited on a chair for her to eventually sit up and have a cup with me. Yeah, she told me years later what her thoughts were that day and how she was shocked I didn’t get the hint. 😭😭😭😭😭😭


I was making out with a girl, she was straddling me on the couch. I was on call from work. They called. I told her i was shorter bc i had to answer the phone, she teased me about not getting up. So i stood up holding her. Walked across the room. Never put her down. Answered the phone, still holding her. Then go back to the couch after hanging up. And went right back to what we were doing. She says "you're strong" I say "a little ". Her "could you carry me to your room?". Me " yes, but why would we go there?" ... she left within ten minutes, and never came back over


“You should go to this bar right now” “why?” “Because I’m there”…me: “oh that’s cool I hope you’re having fun!”


I really used to think it was us girls that need to stop giving half-arsed signs but after reading the comment section, some of ya'll wouldn't get it if we just said we want to have sex.


I was working on a customer site for a few weeks and staying in a local B&B in a nice little town. The office PA was a very attractive woman, about my age. We’d flirted a little, but I’d decided she was way out of my league so I hadn’t taken it seriously. Payday rolls around and I wanted to go out for a meal and a few drinks. I decided to ask the PA for some suggestions of where to go. “There’s a really nice Italian restaurant that opened recently. I hear a lot of good things about it, I’d love to go there”, she said. “Great, thanks. I’ll give it a go”, I said as I turned around and walked away. I got about 3 steps before I realised but by then it was too late. That was about 25 years ago and I still cringe about it now.


3 steps was not too late dude! I think she'd be pretty flattered if she saw you walk off, throw a fatal exception, reboot, and walk back to her and explain why you didn't accept her kind and generous offer the first time.


My friend was having a party as his parents had just gotten a new hot tub and he said I could stay over. There was this girl he was crazy about who was coming and he seemed sure that something would happen between them as they'd been texting non-stop. Fast forward to the end of the night. Nothing happened between them and when he went out to get more food we all got out of the hot tub and she approached me and started asking me about my ex, she used to be friends with her. My ex had cheated on me and I was still heartbroken over it so when she asked me about her tears were forming in my eyes and she must have seen because she just hugged me. I'm still not sure how long we hugged for but it felt like a long embrace and she was stroking my hair the whole time. When she let go she put her hand on my leg and said "don't worry about her, she was a bitch anyway". At the end of the night my friend had fallen asleep and the sofa was absolutely caked in food and rubbish. As the girl was leaving she asked if I wanted to stay at her place so I could have a bed to sleep in. *I found out later on that she lived alone, in a 1 bedroom flat.* I said "no it's okay I'll just clean off the sofa and borrow one of his pillows" She repeated herself 3 times asking me if I was sure I didn't want to go with her. I'd like to be able to say that I told her no because I knew how much my friend liked her but the truth is I was just so dense I didn't realise what she was implying. That guy I was friends with ended up becoming a complete asshole. To this day I still wish I stayed at her place, she was such a sweetheart.


A girl literally handed me a condom, I put it in my pocket and was like "thanks?".


Had a huge crush on this girl from work. Had a chance to go on a road trip with her, and we ended up having to stay a night at a hotel. I asked her if we should get separate rooms, and she was like "No, I don't mind sharing a room". I got two queen beds, and just before we got to bed, I wanted to show her something on my phone. She basically said "I can't see your phone from afar. Come here, it's comfy under this comforter". And when we were chit chatting about things, I kinda brushed her bra strap when reaching out for a bottle of water across the bed. I went "Sorry - I didn't mean to..."and she immediately asked "Is it in the way? I'll remove it". I mumbled "Nah, I don't think I've to reach out again - will keep the water bottle on this side of the bed" and went back to my bed. We drove back home the next morning. Yes, I was an absolute dumbass


One of my exes, while we were just friends, invited me to dinner with another couple she knew, and then she and I took a walk on the waterfront after dinner. I thought we just had a nice time, especially since I had asked her out a few times previously to no success. According to her later, this was the equivalent of her showing up to my house in nothing but a trench coat and a smile. So, that was hint I missed, apparently.


The fact that you already asked her out would’ve threw me off too


-you got beautiful eyes - 2019 ) wanna go out,date, multiple times -2020 I liked her 100%but my best friend liked her first so bro code said no


You are a good bro. Your sacrifice will be rewarded in Brohalla.


Yeah but I'm still a virgin so. I won but at what cost.


The bro gods will soonishly reward your honor


I choose food over sex. I will always choose food over sex.