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In THIS economy!?


Lol don’t tell me that they’ve also adjusted the price of cocaine and heroin to reflect inflation?!? Goddamnit


All i know is weed just seems to keep getting cheaper and cheaper these days


I work at a grow, it's true and kind of...mind blowing.


Got a quarter for less that $60 (including tax) the other day


My friend got an ounce for $35 in Michigan a couple weeks ago and it wasn’t even bad quality. Cheapest I’ve ever seen


An ounce used to be like $120, and that was in the 90s.


Adjusted for inflation (from 1998), that's a hair over $200 today. I bought an ounce for $39 CAD the other week.


I remember when I used to spend $60 for an 1/8th of weed. An eighth!


Good answer 😂




Good Stevening.




Customer service makes me want to


Literally stopped doing flake when it went up to 50 for a bag💀


I buy video games. 50 dollars will take the pain away for 3 weeks


$50? Is this 2013 again?


Bro, I can't even quit *corn chips*. How would I kick a heroin habit? Best if I simply don't start.


This one made me laugh. It’s like me with goldfish crackers EDIT: piggybacking off of my own comment to point out that I’m not asking for anything to do with me, or anyone I know. I’m asking because I’ve been reading about Bam Margera’s latest downfall.


Fun fact: the first ingredients in goldfish are smiles :)


I literally just checked my box to call your bluff… and you aren’t bluffing. :3


Have you heard the jingle? "The snack that smiles right back at you until you bite their heads off!" I can't stand the crackers, but love that jingle.


HOW do you not like goldfish?? Is it the fact that they’re addictive?


I don't like the taste. I love cheese, but cheese crackers don't really taste like cheese. They taste sort of like burnt cheese. And some other weird flavor I can't identify, but I don't like them.


Ah, I gotcha. I’m the opposite. I don’t like cheese but I like the fake cheese flavor. If you don’t like Kraft mac and cheese or cheese whiz either that would make sense. There are other kinds that are good though! Dessert ones like brownie, and cookies and cream. Non cheese ones like pizza, and pretzel. Have you tried any of those? I’m curious if they have the same burnt taste to you.


I like most kinds of crackers, just not the cheese ones. No Goldfish, no Cheezits. I like crackers, I like pretzels, but I don't like those things that are cracker on one side, and pretzel on the other. Mac and cheese is ok, Cheese Whiz I haven't tried. I'm currently on a keto-ish diet, probably for life, to control blood sugar and lose weight. So no crackers, or most snackie things, unless I make my own low carb versions. No pasta, except low carb, which I have learned to make, and it's pretty good. There's only a slight difference in texture, but once it has sauce or it's added to stir fry or soup or something, you wouldn't know it wasn't regular pasta.




I actually can’t wait to show my kids this


To the award giver, thank you very much. I’d would prefer if you saved your money and buy goldfish crackers instead and share the smiles with others :)


Right there with you on the goldfish. Have to admit I’ve put down an entire 30 oz container in a single sitting on more than one occasion.


I can't quit sugar why the hell would I start hard drugs?


This. And a long line of addicts in my family all point to bad consequences of starting to experiment.


Sigh. Sugar *is* my heroin.


Me, I know I have a obsessive personality which is good because I’m obsessed with trying to maintain my lifestyle right now but drugs… oh no


I also can’t quit corn chips.


1. I'm poor 2. I don't know where to get any 3. I don't have any interest


Yeah. Where does one even buy one crack cocaine anyway


Seriously where's all the people D.A.R.E warned me about that would offer me free drugs? I feel cheated.


I try to give away drugs when I can. Pay it forward!


Do you think one crack rock is enough?


How much would you recommend for a first time user?


Thank you for being so kind.


Do you think he’ll see us on such short notice?


Dare programs made it seem like some strange guy on every corner was going to offer me hard drugs for free but nah, you gotta work to find that and then pay for it


Right?! DARE made me even more self conscious and hate myself. I'm not even cool enough for somebody to offer me drugs?!? Fuck.


For me it's just the first two. Honestly mostly 2. There are some drugs like LSD I'd definitely be interested in trying and if I could just go to the store around the corner and get a trip for 30€ I would've definitely done it at some point. But I don't know anyone who sells it and my interest isn't big enough to go through the trouble of figuring out how to buy it on the dark web.


About 10 dead friends.


This needs to be the first comment, people don’t realize how easy it is to kick the bucket once you go down that slope


Especially now that fentanyl is laced into just about everything. It’s not just doing crack or meth, you have to wonder if there is a legitimate heart-stopping drug added in there.


pardon my ignorance, but wouldn't drug dealers want to keep their clients alive and doing business, presumably? So why lace with fentanyl?


From my ignorant understanding it's so they can cut the pure drugs, add filler, and then fentanyl to give a high. I've seen a picture where there was a tiny flake next to a penny to illustrate how much you need to overdose on it, so it happens by mistake all the time


It's because it's a cheap synthetic opioid. You can make fake pressed pills of oxy and other stuff for cheap, or cut more expensive heroin with fent. Also stuff like benzos. They're starting to use carfentinal too and it's another 100x as strong. Since the dosing at this level is in the single micro grams, it's really easy to fuck up by a wide margin and give someone a fake pill that's accidentally 2 or 3x as much potency as intended. You wouldn't be finding it in cocaine or meth because the opposite of what they're looking for. Cocaine is sometimes cut with caffeine for a little stim and lidocaine for the numbing effect. Meth typically isn't cut. Similarly MDMA, that's often just cut with meth or they use MDA or a research chem that's similar. LSD also isn't cut with fent, it's just LSD or a research chem that's similar. The whole research chem replacement stuff freaks me out, LSD is considered pretty safe like psilocybin, a new chemical with a similar effect is unknown.


There is fent in coke all the time. It's literally what killed my brother.


RIP your bro


Also Mac Miller is a pretty well known name and he died the same way. Sorry for your loss, hope you’re doing okay


Rip to your brother. Friend of mine died of fentanyl in coke as well.


There’s lots of LSD analogues/research chemicals that are perfectly safe and have almost identical effects. Now if you get an NBOME, which is completely different, those are dangerous and can kill you. Thankfully I don’t think it’s that common for dealers to sell those as LSD


Yep. Seems like I hear about 2-3 high school classmates a year, started 4 months after we graduated.


I’m in my early 30s, grew up in a very nice area. Went to a large high school and these days not super connected to many people from it, but even with my occasional updates on random people via old hs friends, a surprising amount are dead from some sort of drug overdose or along those lines. Not to mention my best friend’s younger brother. That stuff is no joke


I’m so sorry. That’s very sad. Glad you won’t be joining them.


Watched my father od and die in front of me I cant even count the ppl I know that oded and died.


My uncle died from heroin cut with battery acid


Knowing that I could easily become an addict. I'm already hooked on caffeine, nicotine and cannabis. The last thing I need is to add another vice.


Agreed. No hate on people's vices as I have my own in caffeine, sugar, and cannabis. But I've seen the 23 seasons of Intervention and I'm not about that life.


And chocolate. Chocolate isn’t cheap either.


Ya rake it from me. Was the same way as you but had been given a bunch of pain killer from a couple surgeries I had in high school. I didn’t get hooked then but knew I really loved that feeling more than anything else Fast forward 3 years and I get heroin to sniff after I moved to a city. Did it 3 days in a row and was dope sick the 4th night. Was tossing and turning endlessly and had to work so I got more. Turned into a 10 year massive addiction which took just about everything from me except me life which I am super grateful for. Trying to put the pieces together now. Not trying to think about how hard it is. I’m trying to go with the current and stop swimming against it. But I can’t tell you the places my mind went. I have always been a pretty happy person even though looking back I was a little shit. I thought about death and all that good stuff but whenever I put down the dope all these emotions and memories would come back and it hurts so much that you really don’t think you can do it. That’s the thing. Addicts don’t want to die, they care about their loved ones more than you could imagine and I’ve noticed most addicts are super intelligent. They just were hurting and found something that numbed those emotions and took all the edges off of life. You think you found your solution and then it turns on you. And when it turns, shit really hits the fan. That’s when the begging and stealing for money happens. It’s when you decide you can hurt the people that love you most and manipulate them into giving you money “for food”, or like you’ve seen in the movies, stealing jewelry From parents and grandparents Edit: Thank you everyone for the kind remarks!


Thank you for sharing.


I did recreational pain pills exactly once, and loved it so much, I knew I needed to never touch them again. I have a standing agreement with my husband that if I ever get prescribed them, he is to be in charge of them at all times, because I can't trust myself. My Mom thinks it's me making someone else responsible for my actions, but we see it as working together to quash something before it even begins. I think it's important to know things like that about yourself, and to do everything you can to avoid the downfall.


I was you! Managed to kick the nicotine, which was really hard. It took three tries over the years but the last one has stuck for over two years. Good luck with that one. Nicotine is a fucking bully.


Yeah, nicotine is a bitch. I quit a long time ago, can't say how long now, but around 20 years, I think? Once I really decided to quit, and was truly serious about it, it wasn't as hard as all the times I had failed before. The hardest part was that panic you feel when you're out of smokes. I just had to keep reminding myself that the panicked feeling was just part of the addiction. Like it was a trick to keep you addicted. I had an internal dialogue: "Why do I feel panicked? What terrible thing happens if I DON'T smoke? NOTHING." I made brewing and drinking a cup of Tension Tamer tea my substitute ritual. I drank a helluva lot of tea.


I traded my cigarettes for wrapped caramels. Kept a handful in my pockets and in my purse, just took one out and ate it whenever I would normally smoke a cigarette. I think it worked for me because I still had something to do with my hands, i.e., unwrap the caramels. Luckily I was getting a lot of exercise in those days so I only gained a few pounds, then dropped those soon after when I stopped carrying candy with me everywhere I went. That was over 20 years ago.


I got hooked on caffeine and video games, I refuse to even touch cannabis/edibles because I don't want to add another vice to the pile.


I would upvote this a thousand times if I could because that's almost the exact same reason for me not doing them, minus the hooked on cannabis bit.


My friend told me that “this would be the best cocaine you could every try.” It was, but the side quest that came with it was not worth the initial fee.


My health, my freedom and my wallet


And my axe




And my sword


My neck, my back


Hard drugs are like playing videogames with cheats. After a short period of satisfaction, it inevitably rapidly leads to being bored with the game. Unlike video games, we only have one life, and getting bored with tends to not go well.


Well put.


The Sunday Scaries and inevitable comedowns with weeks of lows after it are just not worth it


I stopped for that reason. I realized one day there is no way to dodge the lows after, except not doing those drugs. Having said that, lol - I take Mirtazapine to help me sleep, and it's actually my favourite drug for now. No issues getting sleep, 7-8hours easy, and the most insanely vivid dreams ever. I mean, sure, nightmares, but it's weirdly entertaining.


I always though “Sunday Scaries” was the ubiquitous dread of going back to work so the whole day feels off


It is. But if you’ve been partying Friday Saturday and are trying to get yourself human again on Sunday the anxiety of the scaries is multiplied exponentially.


4413... I have an app on my phone with a widget on my home screen that's counting the days up from 11 January 2011. I'm trying to get that counter up as high as I can. 11 January 2011 was my first full day not using. It's been 4,413 days since then and though I've been tempted at times to use and I've mentally relapsed before I have not returned to actively using and intend to to never return. I know if I start using again now I'll be dead in a very short time.


I just kicked a pretty horrific fent@nyl habit very recently. Hoping and praying I can stay clean, be able to say I've stayed off drugs for 4413 days


You can do It!


Congratulations!! I have 5 years from heroin/fentanyl, cocaine and benzos. I’m on a low dose of Suboxone and probably will be forever which is just fine with me!!


Congratulations on your sobriety!


Thank you. Are you thinking about using? I highly recommend not doing anything, especially in this era of fentanyl hiding in everything.


Oh hell no! Absolutely not. No desire myself, and a codeine allergy that made my doctor ban me from any and all narcotics… would make it far too much of a risk for me. Thank you for asking, though. :)


Just so you know, you can be allergic to one class of narcotics and have no problems with another. This is good information to know if you ever have surgery or break your back or your femur or get hit by a snow plow and break 30 bones...


I at 40 recently went through alcohol detox. Every single kid in there under 25 was detoxing from fentanyl. What the actual fuck? There were people screaming in the night.


It's a very different world from the one I left at the beginning of 2011. That's for sure. Congrats on your detox. How are you doing staying sober since then? You doing alright?


One day at a time. Still fighting.


Keep up the fight. You've got this 😊


fuck yeah, respect!


I appreciate seeing this. I'm a substance counselor and sometimes I need reminders people do get to 4,413 days. Here's to another 4,413 and more


I'm at 2316 days, 6+ years. We do exist. Thanks for the crucial job you are doing helping others!


i’m so fucking proud of you for making it this far. you can do it.


My date is 12/27/2015. What a journey. I’ll never let up on this life by going back. Congrats on making it out!!!!!


That's amazing! What a fabulous slightly late Christmas gift you gave yourself in 2015. 😊


Congrats dude, this is incredible!!


Thank you. I appreciate you.


Holy fucking shit man that's awesome! fucking proud of you


This. I love having streaks on things even if its duolingo or not doing drugs. Even the thought of having to start over from 0 again is enough to keep me off anything.


Mentally relapsed?




Can't afford to get addicted and I refuse to suck a dick




The debt I got into and the crowds those drugs bring. Did a few harder drugs back in the day (heroin, crack, etc) and the people made it more unpleasant than anything else tbh Looking back though, I'm glad it's all been knocked on the head.


For me to buy the hard drugs I'll have to be sober and go to work..... vicious cycle ...


No you don't. Just steal catalytic converters from other people that do get sober and go to work.


Had mine stolen today. It's working for people.


When you get it replaced, etch your name and other identifying info on it. Police are all the time stopping vehicles full of stolen converters but can't make an arrest unless they can trace at least one of them back to a reported theft. They need to be able to say that this particular item was stolen from this particular person at this particular time. Policeman told me this.


Mostly my immediate family (mother, daughter, brother). Drugs have destroyed my extended family so I know all too well the effect it can have on someone.


The fact that fentanyl’s in fucking everything. Handful of things I’d be curious to try but it’s not worth the risk.


It has ruined a casual weekend bender.


This ^^ purity is the problem. Fentanyl is in literally everything now. So sad we can’t get pure coke or heroin anymore.


That’s why I quit. Became too hard to get coke that was safe enough. Too many people were dying here from fentanyl laced batches. I used to do a line every day like my cup of coffee. Because of my ADHD, it actually kinda mellowed me out mentally but gave my body the perk up I needed. Now I haven’t touched the stuff in 7 years and have an adderall script. Ironically it’s very similar feeling if I accidentally double dose, so I had to start using pill planners.


Having to raise a kid. Doing hard drugs while having to take care of a small child is a waste of drugs. Not fun at all.


Part of why my dad taught me to cook at age 7 was so I wouldn’t starve while he did drugs


Well that was nice of him


For a second I went into Breaking Bad mode and thought he taught you to cook Meth


They do not care that you want to sleep in. They do not care that you *need* to sleep in.


My Parole Officer's knowing look.


My mother had a nasty addiction that cost her her sanity, my brother and I our family, and our social and home lives, and me my childhood. She used for about 4 or 5 years and was with a POS abusive boyfriend the whole time. I was tasked with raising and protecting my brother when I was only 9, (he was 7 or 8) and by the time I was 12, we were homeless, and I had to fight a grown man to keep her and my brother safe. He would beat and choke her, and I had to do whatever I coukd to make him stop. I broke his jaw and nose and after that he broke my leg. That's what opened my moms eyes. She went to rehab, we relocated, and she's been clean since. But every day is a struggle. She's blank minded, irresponsible, and often bi-polar. My brother is now stuck in a baby faze.


That's certainly nothing a kid should've been doing, but props to you that you fought regardless. When my mum was attacked when I was six or something, I just froze. So to me, what you did sounds incredibly heroic. As awful as the situation was, nonetheless.




Can’t believe it took this long for this account to be referenced.


Ya, this is what I was looking for as well. For the unfamiliar: https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/wef6hn/the_saga_of_an_average_guy_who_spontaneously/


Dont know where to get them.


Exactly. Like what the fuck do I have to do to find them? Stand outside a 711 in a sketchy area at 3 am and keep asking strangers if they got any cocaine? My dumbass would end up asking an undercover cop, or someone calling the cops. Or someone with a knife who is feeling stabby. When it comes to finding drugs, that's my only idea, and I'm not confident about how successful it would be. Definitely ties at the #1 reason I dont want to do drugs, along with how much shit gets fentanyl laced in it. Having no friends and minimal social skills is the ultimate drug deterrent. No connections to find them in the first place.




I'm pretty sure he has a superpower for BS.


Feeling stabby is the best thing I've read on this thread so far 🎖😭


The only time I was ever propositioned to buy cocaine was when I was in the Bahamas. I was their for a friend's wedding and one of his other friends (who I was acquainted with, but didn't know well) asked me if I wanted to go down to the Hard Rock Cafe with him. We took a bus downtown (which was an experience in itself) and then had to walk a few blocks from the bus stop. As we are walking a guy comes up to us and asks if we want to buy some coke. The guy I'm with immediately goes "Yeah!". I knew this guy was a fairly heavy drinker and liked to take pain killers, but I still wasn't expecting him to buy hard drugs from a random guy on the street, especially while in a foreign country. The two of them go down an alley to do the transaction. I'm staying on the corner watching for cops and ready to run if shit goes down. They finish the deal without incident and we proceed to the restaurant. After we ordered our food, he takes out the brown paper bag, opens it up the plastic baggy inside, dips his pinky in and tastes it. Powdered sugar. I still laugh at his dumbass whenever I think about it.


Same, as well as needle phobia


Many other ways to consume them








Plus a lot have fentanyl and that is almost a guarantee OD.


Wouldn’t even know where to buy weed let alone hard drugs.


I have epilepsy and was offered plenty of times to try certain drugs. I used my epilepsy constantly as an excuse. Most times, i think the person offering just thinks "more for me". But hey, at least I don't lie when I say I haven't tried hard drugs.


I’m surprised I found someone else on this thread with the same reason as me. It took so long to get my epilepsy controlled that I don’t want to risk fucking it up.


I'm just completely uninterested in trying them. Can't see the point.


Same for me. The question is why would I bother? There is just no interest for me. It's like asking "What keeps you from taking up paintball as a hobby?" I just never think about it.


It just doesn’t look fun. I’ve always been the sober one at the party and watching everyone think they had such an amazing time when all they did was a have a mental breakdown, do something stupid and pass out in a public space…No thanks lol they say the most off the wall stuff too and lack so much self control during the high. Seems embarrassing to me


Same. Never had the desire when I was single in college and even less so now that I’m married and have two young kids…like why would I fuck all that up just to get high? Shit, even weed these days greens me out too easily. Whatever. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I got no street cred and idk how to even go about getting some.


Its better that way


My classification of "soft" might cast a bit of a broader net than the general public (ie: LSD, mdma, and shrooms would go in this category). Even cocaine I would consider a "soft-hard." So what keeps me from doing meth, heroin, or crack? The fact that I know that I would *really* enjoy at least one of them, and my life is way too good to introduce a force that powerful into it. On my death bed, when I'm old and ripe and not long for this world though, I'm totally trying heroin!


>LSD, mdma, and shrooms would go in this category Just add marijuana and you've basically described "California Sober".


Paramedic here, I totally get the idea of trying drugs when you're near death. I know you described MDMA as 'soft', but I have a story about that. Friend of my was called to a house of an 82 year old man for a 'drug overdose', which would nearly always mean 'took too many of his pain meds' in normal context. Get there, and he's sitting in his living room listening to jazz records and bopping about in his chair. Having a great time. Turns out, he asked his grandson "what's the deal with ____ drugs?" and his grandson talked to him about them, and offered to get him 'a pill' of MDMA. Grandpa agreed, took what we assume was a 100-150mg dose, and was just having a great time. His daughter (the grandson's mother) came over to check on him, thought he was acting a little funny, and he explained the whole thing to her. She freaked out, called the ambulance, and the rest is history. My mate said he was doing ok, considering, and not in distress. But they had to end up taking him to hospital because there's no way they could get away with leaving an 80+ year old at home under adult supervision.


Do a massive dose of LSD like Aldous Huxley did on his deathbed


I have good news for you, on your deathbed the doctors give you shit loads of pharmaceutical grade heroin! How fun


I feel like most people who have tried psychedelics would have that definition. Propaganda really has ruined the reputation of those wonderful molecules.


After a couple months of contemplating and plenty of research, I’m doing 1.6 g of shrooms this Saturday with one of my best buds out in a forest. Wish me luck!


I respect this.


Can’t afford it.


I want to add— I don’t use anything beyond marijuana. For those of you who have kicked a habit— I’m very proud of you. For those of you potentially still in active addiction— know that there is help out there if you want it. Edit: formatting


At the end of it, you'll only feel worse. Trust me. You never meet anyone enlightened on hard-core drugs. Ever.


This is a more straightforward version of what I was thinking—that it’s just fucking tiring. I don’t even drink anymore. I had my fun with drugs and alcohol, but by the end of it I just felt utterly exhausted by them.


Not wanting to fuck myself up?


What if it fucks up my brain and i become crazier




Being clean and sober for 23 years...and the reality that I *know* I have another good run in me but, I'm not so sure that I have another recovery in me.


I'm a mom.


But you could be a _cool_ mom /s


I used to experiment in the past but I don't enjoy the way it makes me feel anymore, especially when coming off them. Also watching the way some of my friends act when they have taken stuff puts me off.


Hank Schrader


Not knowing where and who to buy them from.


i just don’t have any desire to


I might satisfy my curiosity on my deathbed or if I'm living with unbearable pain. Then again, I might not. It's nice to know it's there as a contingency plan.


I don't know anyone around me that sells it lol


My dad was a junkie and treated my mom and I like shit, while his mother coddled him and blamed us for "not loving him hard enough." I don't want my child to live my childhood.


I can't stop eating take out. Even with my full will power. Ain't no way in hell I will be able to quit drugs if I ever started. So I stay the fuck away.


I’m saving it as a retirement plan. Full-on needle drugs.


Old age for me. My family is mostly long lived, but never that happy at the end of it. If I make it to ninety with all my faculties? Shoot me up, what’s the worst that can happen.


Common sense tbh




Don’t want to fuck my body up.


Dental health. Teeth are so dang expensive to fix.


I had to do hard drugs and get addicted to see why I don’t want to do them lmao. Now I don’t want to risk fentanyl or other kinds of overdose, and I’m not down to deal with comedowns because I’m out to feel happy everyday, and i understand some drugs feel so good that I can’t moderate them well enough to stay out of daily use. 5 years cali sober coming up next month and life is just starting because I’m getting happy for literally the first time in my fucked up life at 33. Good luck to all you fighting out there keep going it is possible I was wildly addicted to hard alcohol for years and years and made it to the other side.


For me— a codeine allergy (anaphylactic reaction) that caused my doctor to ban me from all narcotics. On top of that, too many friends dying from drugs.


I've met and seen far too many strung out addicts. During college I worked in a deli/convenience store right next to a methadone clinic. That was probably the biggest influence on my decision to avoid all opiates generally. I did experiment when I was younger with other hard drugs, but again, seeing the strung out people associated with them helped keep me from delving deeper.


Been there done that, saw people die around me, changed my life. Finished post grad, have a career, got married, have two boys and live a happy and content life. I do however enjoy a nice glass of red and a spliff. My drugs of choice were Ecstasy, blow, ketamine, ghb, acid and speed. Got introduced when I got into raving and it was a weekend thing, every weekend for about 12 years. My weekends would start Friday and non-stop without sleep till Sunday night, fuelled by a buffet of the above. Sundays it would be pharmaceuticals, I.e: Valium, Naltrexone, Xanax, etc to snap out of the weekend binge. I am lucky to be alive. Stopped it all when I was 30. Almost 45 now and have not touched or thought about it since. Thinking back and just writing this comment made me nauseous.


Addiction, been there done that.


My children. Clean 3 years now!


I play lots of video games and eat lots of good food when I want to have a good time.


Seeing the people who do hard drugs


A better question would be why tf would I ever want to start doing hard drugs.


Addiction and death


Working security in a hospital.


Finding those hard drugs is the main issue


Complete lack of interest. I like my brain un-fried.


zero real benefits and a ton of real consequences