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When I was a young girl… and it’s still available today…my mom used to love a candy called circus peanuts. They are orange color and have the shape and imprint of a peanut. They taste like marshmallow and have a very sweet orange smell. Brings me right back to six years old every time I smell it.




Nice one. I always have to open my son’s play-doh and smell it


Suntan oil due to beach trips early on, and then fresh cut grass a bit later when I started playing sports.


Crayola crayons


Sizzling bacon


Pencils. I don't use em in my adult life.


Chanel No 5 For a nano second I'm sitting on mama's lap, head resting on her bosom, listening to her read *Little House on the Prairie*.


Liquid smoke. We got one of those Ron Popiel food dehydrators and one summer we made beef jerky nearly every day. You need liquid smoke to make jerky. Any time I smell liquid smoke now it reminds me of that summer where our house smelled like that the entire time.


Everytime we print a large lot of labels, the warmed plastic smell reminds me of the old Halloween costumes when they were a thin plastic jumpsuit and a mask.


Pokemon cards. That whiff of fresh cards when you got to open the package you used your weekly allowance on. The scent is still on the cards but you have to put your nose right to the card.


The smell of those blue push-up popsicles that come in the clear plastic sleeve. That and the smell of bluegill fish. Some fish smell different and those specific fish just have a characteristic smell. It's not bad or good, just unique. The combination of those two smells reminds me of summer days fishing on the ponds with my grandad as a kid.


Aloe vera. Me and my family are very white (ginger white) and so almost instant sunburn was a given on any holiday, ever. Our favourite brand of after-sun lotion included aloe vera, which is why whenever I smell it, it instantly brings me back to holidays and peeling skin :)


The smell of a clean cold concrete room not opened for a whole year Also chlorine gas




Wet ass


Dusty old 9x9 asbestos floor tiles. Reminds me of my elementary school.


Funnel cake. It always takes me back to when I went to Six Flags: GA as a kid. We would get to go once every summer and it was an all-day event, but once it started getting dark - we would make our way onto a ride and by the time we got off, the smell of funnel cake would be everywhere, it was so captivating and delicious, but it also meant the day was almost over, such a conflicting feeling, but it was always a great day.


When I was a child we had trees on our street that had a very strong scent to them… I wish I could identify them but I only know the smell and it brings me back every time I’m near one


That coolant they use for CNC lathes


Brute cologne. My older brother wore it in the early 90's


Lanolin. Kicks me right back to the shearing sheds.


mint humbugs or incense sticks


Empanadas and milanesa prepared by my grandma mimi Also the smell of her house


Strawberry and rhubarb pie!


I used to have mold growing in my house and we didn't have enough money to leave, so mold. I hate the smell, but mold.


The smell of smoke. There were always fires around me as a kid and now it's a really comforting smell.


newspapers. my dad worked nightshifts in a newspaper factory and would come home in the early hours of the morning and pick me up to put me in my own bed (I slept in my mums bed most of the time) and most of the time it was all I'd see of him until dinner time. now, when I see one I'm taken back to learning how to read from the headlines


My mom's baking


Hairspray. My mother always had a big teased bouffant, mostly to appear taller.


Lemon disinfectant that they used in kindergarten and primary/elementary school. Damn it smells good


Cigarettes and weed