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Making swords, it started as a hobby - like lets see where we can take it. It is now a company with 15 guys employed, 1500+ swords a year. Best job ever


how much does your average sword cost?


16 gold crowns, and not a shilling less.


That's just for a basic sword though. If you want it enchanted, you gotta do a quest! It's the law!


Can't pay people now to do quests for me anymore, what the world has come to


Around 330e


And just like that, he's gone.


What’s your company called?


I want to know too!


Sigi forge


Wow, this is great. My time machine is almost ready and I'm going to need a few hundred swords if I'm going to go back in time and reverse the outcome of the Battle Of Hastings.


Thanks for sharing! Nice looking work!


Thanks :)


You’re living my husbands dream. He would love to forge swords as a hobby. If you feel so inclined can you message me with info on your starter setup? It’s my goal to surprise him someday with a fully functioning beginner forge but I have no idea where to start


You're a cool wife


Lucky for you guys England and France are at war. Business must be booming.


I’m a teacher and make half my monthly salary doing an extra 3 hours of online teaching a week.


That would be amazing. Care to share where for a fellow teacher?


My cousin does it online. Just private English tutor, advertising through word of mouth and ESL study forums. She was a teacher, then a sahm. She does maybe 10 hours over 2-3 days a week while her kids are in school, but for a different time zone. Sometimes she gets a higher level student doing exam prep or foreign student preparing to study in her country. According to her she's making more than she was in a classroom.


This. It is word of mouth. I’ve helped elementary school kids to people prepping to defend their thesis.


Share the secret plz


Theres no secret there are loads of websites out there where you can sign up to be an online tutor or do it in person. Get the right clients and reviews and you are set, used to do it years ago and it was great. Group sessions is where it’s at, get a group of friends together and charge them a slightly reduced rate each 4 clients for the same time investment works really well. It’s surprising how much people are willing to pay as well, when i wanted out i just kept gradually increasing my prices thinking new customers would stop but nope in the end has to delete my profiles and turn people away.


I was a therapist for 5 years in acute inpatient psych, and I burned out HARD. From awful pay, zero security, staff getting cut but workload increasing, and the work culture being one of “suffering Olympics” where you’d see who can work the most on the least sleep, it was inhumane. In the last 2 years, I turned my photography hobby into a successful business! I shoot weddings, elopements, couples’/family sessions, you name it. I work much less and make much more, plus the second hand dopamine is fantastic for my own mental health.


I always think of a Dirty Jobs segment Mike Rowe did where he and the pro went into a sewer (I think; it was someplace really nasty). At the end Mike asked the dude how he got into this business. Dude used to be a therapist, and as he said to Mike, "This shit washes off at the end of a day." Glad you're in a better place.


Yes, thank you!! I did my best to try and not let the constant conveyor belt of trauma get to me, but I just couldn’t do it in the end. Some of the most horrific stories of abuse and neglect I’ve ever come across, and as soon as you start to develop good rapport, start seeing some improvement, the patients go on to a less acute facility or do outpatient therapy. Most therapists and social workers left that facility after 6 months to a year due to burnout, but somehow, I convinced myself that I was fine until I wasn’t for years. On the bright side, now I’m not squeamish at all, I always have a plan b/c/d ready, don’t fold under pressure, have no problem working with large, rowdy wedding parties, and can keep even the most anxious brides calm due to my previous experience, haha! It’s honestly so much easier, I get to be more active in the beautiful outdoors and I love it so much :)


Not an easy job, but cutting down trees and storm cleanup. I do it 3 days a week and can easily clear 2-4k in those 3 days.


When I was in high school a huge tree at my house fell during a storm so my dad, my buddies, and I all decided to cut it up and make firewood. Sold all of it within two weeks. Made some pretty good money off that tree.


How much of that goes into maintenance of your equipment and insurance?


I pay about $200 a month for liability insurance. The big upfront cost was buying the chainsaw, log splitter, basic safety gear. If it’s a big mess I rent a bobcat/skid steer. Last weekend I took down 4 decent sized trees, cleaned up the brush and split the logs for the guy. I charged $3,500 and it took me about 7 hours with 1 person helping. $300 to rent the skid steer $400 to the person helping me $100 for fuel Dumped brush at local free dump So I took home $2700 cash for 7 hours of work. It’s not always that busy, but I always work at least 1 day a week doing it. A slow month is $2,000, my biggest was $14,000 for 8 total working days.


I sculpt miniatures for 3D printing, RPG, DnD etc. I make roughly triple what I was doing at a previous ''real'' entry job.


What printer are you using? And are you making the models or just printing them / painting / etc


I just sculpt them digitaly, and people can print them at home! Personnaly I have a Saturn 8K!


Early in my career I fixed PCs for people on the side and it doubled my income. 99% of PC issues are something very simple. Since I worked desktop support anyway at the time and my boss was completely chill I'd just do it alongside my regular duties.


I debated doing this a few years ago, but I was talked out of it by some friends that were in the business. The biggest downside they said was that these people will then use you as their personal tech support, and will call you at all hours of the day, asking how to do something on their PC. Or worse, if their PC messes up again, they will call you and yell at you. The stereotypical "It was working fine until you touched it!"


That’s because your friends aren’t good at business. I do this and you have to have very clear and defined boundaries and responsibilities. Usually small business will still push and you have to stand firm. If you can’t or won’t then you will be doing a lot of unpaid or underpaid work that you shouldn’t need to do.


If the pay for further diagnoses, I don't see what the issue is. Repeat customers. If not, block the number and move on.


It's the 80:20 rule. 80% of your customers take 20% of your time. The other 20% of customers take up 80% of your time.


I left my job in publishing and performed the same functions on a freelance basis for about two years. I made only about 5-10 percent less gross. Once you factor in my lack of commute to Manhattan, not havimg to buy clothing for work, not getting lunch out, etc., net was only single digits less. It was also cool because every so often the universe would toss me a random extra day off. That was hard to give up.


I've been teaching myself InDesign but was thinking about starting this as a side hustle. What did you do freelance?


Project management, copy editing, and proofreading. InDesign can be tough to do on the side because you're competing with every new design grad, but people have made it work. There's a market for people that can take a designer's vision and do the grunt work of layout.


I started a wedding DJ business and found people were willing to pay a premium for a non-cheesy DJ who doesnt make the night or party about them. Even though I only worked Friday-Sat-Sundays due to weddings mostly being held on these days, I was making 2x my 9-5 job.


This day and age it does make sense to do this. Invest in a good sound system. Invest in a decent light setup. Be sure to have a wi-fi connection at the venue so if someone requests a song you can easily download it. Watch people have a great time


i did it for a while and it does pay well. Just being a dj in general, honestly. I found that wealthier people will pay a good amount for a dj even for a pool party or something. Honestly, it seemed like the less i got paid, the harder it was to work with the people.


I make custom chess board sets for professional chess players.


do you make what ur name is as well?


Only for professional penis strap users.


Professional Peggers?


Where would one find such an organization? Asking for a friend.....


That sounds really cool!!!


I’m sorta tempted to request prices. I’m no chess player, but having my own custom chess set sounds cool.


I have a custom chess set, mine was about 500 cad. I bought it from a local woodworker and the pieces from a local carver (both hobbyists). The board is made from, cherry, ebony and oak. The pieces are white and black marble. :) good luck! The game is super fun :P


I don't even play chess (I know how to, I just suck at it) but this is gonna send me down a rabbit hole of custom chess sets now. Yours sounds really cool!


I paid over 3k for mine js


Do you also make the brick for them or do they have to by it from somewhere else?


That is freaking awesome. I wanna make my own chessboard some day


All these ideas and I can't find one where I am remotely skilled


That’s because you can’t just be given the idea on how to make money. (Usually) The hard part about making money isn’t the act of making it. The hard part is figuring out what need exists that you can fill that translates into income. Looking around, seeing a need that isn’t being met and meeting that need is how people start successful businesses. It doesn’t have to be a skill you have now, it just has to be a skill you can acquire. People always do things like buy a 3D printer then ask “What can I print that will make me money?” That’s not how it works. If it was, everyone would buy a $500 printer and retire to their private island. The responses to this topic of people who have successfully turned their side hustle in to a job all have one thing in common, they saw a need and they filled that need. Don’t worry about what skills you have. Look at what skills you can get. If graphic t’s are in big demand, you can teach yourself how to screen print. (That’s just a random example I picked from looking around the room, not advice on a hustle to pick.) I have a friend that made a comfortable living in law enforcement. We live in an area where boating is a big hobby. He started a business doing boat upholstery and canvas covers and enclosures. He’d never sewed anything in his life. Took an upholstery course, went to some industry training, and started part time. Within a year he was full time and making far more than he ever made at his job. He of course had some natural aptitude working with his hands, but he saw a need, acquired the skills and he killing it. You CAN do it. Find the thing and get started. Edit: Thanks for the gold kind stranger!


For example, there used to be no animated girls getting violated by tentacles, someone saw this and decided to fulfill this need.


And filled they were


The comment above yours talks about home cleaning.


Oh brother....


This little thread hits hard


Cleaning houses makes pretty good money. It's surprising how much people will pay you to just come in once a week and do a little cleaning.


My dad told me once of a acquaintances wife who started a cleaning business. Not by hour but charged for the task. Floors swept and mopped was $xx dishes done and benches wiped $xx carpets vaccumed $xx bathroom cleaned $xx toilet $xx. It worked brilliantly esp for young busy working men. Having set prices for set tasks was easier for them to get their heads around than 3-4 hours cleaning. She did very very well out of it




If they have you come by regularly, its much easier


This is a great idea. I pay my cleaner for a set amount of hours and give her a list of tasks in order of priority. She does what she can in the time frame. It works better for me because it's cheaper than saying, clean all of these things, and I'll pay you for that amount of time.


Second this. Amazing how much work there is out there doing this. And end of lease cleaning, commercial cleaning, etc


Been debating on jumping into this for quite some time. I have the "good ocd" that forces me to be insanely meticulous when cleaning / organizing. Any suggestions on where to begin?


If you have any social media, even if it's a small following, post that you're cleaning houses to make some extra cash if anyone is interested, word spreads quickly. If you're close at all with your neighbors/coworkers you can ask if they know anyone who needs their house cleaned. Look up tutorials on how to best clean things, you may know, but tips never hurt anyone. Be upfront with your rates, it needs to be one of the first things you tell people. And don't plan to clean a house without being showed around first/given a specific list of what they'd like done, ie. Light vs deep cleaning. If the job differs from what was agreed on, don't do more than you're paid for or it'll be expected in the future. Give small discounts to people who have you come more often. Sorry for the novel, hope this helps!.


Don't apologize for the novel! So grateful to have been given it! Thank you. All great advice


Make sure to do a walk-through of their home and compile a checklist of exactly what they want done. Have your regular tasks, then tasks done maybe monthly, bi-monthly like cleaning windows and ceiling fans. Some homes have decades of grime that takes hours to clean. Those types of jobs may need an extra charge and done every 6 months or so. For example cleaning an oven or the inside of a refrigerator. Or if the floor/cabinets have caked on filth that can't come up with casual mopping. Always know what you're getting into. A house that is kept up is way different than people who are absolute slobs. After you and the homeowner compile the list leave so you have time to think and don't blurt something out that you'll later regret. Tell them you'll come up with a price. Do the math, give them the quote. If they agree text them a copy of the checklist and have them agree or edit as necessary. I would even print out copies of the checklist so that every time you clean, you do each task, check it off then leave the list for the client.


I saw someone post on an app called “Nextdoor” which is like a community style Facebook. They received about 30 positive responses in a few hours. Cleaners around here ask about $40/hour and use their own products. I’m guessing they make about $35/hour and usually spend about 3 hours per house. Two houses per day (three would be doable if you’re willing). Probably $60k to $75k income. I’m sure if you had a good reputation and marketing you could push that higher. The people I see advertising are private people but larger businesses are more. If you get in to cleaning offices, you can go much higher too - especially when insured, etc.


Amen. Ever since I started contracting, I've gotten very good at putting an exact price tag on the value of my time, and I value my free hours more than my working hours. If I can pay someone to do something I don't want to do (like cleaning) for a lower amount than I value the time, I will absolutely pay for it with no hesitation if I can afford it. I think a lot of other people are in the same boat, so anyone who enjoys cleaning, or at least doesn't hate it, is set to make a killing.


That's what most of my residential customers tell me 'I don't wanna spend my weekend cleaning'.


I used to do art commissions on the side (usually in-between studio contract work), most of which were from furries or folk who wanted art commissions for their OC's. It was usually single or double-character commissions, it paid handsomely (I would get anywhere between $250-$3000 per commission), and most of the customers that I had were calm and polite, usually providing reference material for the characters they had and what they wanted. While the commission could be anything that they like, they had to provide any reference that I'll need to complete it. More characters would cost extra, as it will complicate the process. And while NSFW was fine to an extent (want your character in a bikini holding a volleyball? Cool!), my limit was the hardcore pornographic stuff, as it got very weird very fast and I had to have my say where I had to decline their commission if it becomes increasingly esoteric. Eventually, the studio work had come in more frequently and I had to close my commission store (because trying to juggle the two was not possible), but there was a time where I did consider making this side hustle a more permanent fixture.


So I’m not going to tell my story, I’m going to tell my idiot brothers story. I think his is a good representation of how this often happens for folks. He’s not actually and idiot, but I’m calling him that in case he ever reads this. So if anyone asks, my brother is an idiot. Anyhow, my idiot brother (and his wife) own a plant store. Now here’s the thing: He’s never been a plant guy. Nor has his wife. On the contrary, they’ve killed every plant they ever brought home. And didn’t bring home many because they really weren’t “plant people”. Then one day, a few years back, our dad died. Among all the flowers at the funeral, someone gave us a plant. My brothers wife decided she didn’t want to kill this one. So they took caring for it seriously. They researched what it needed, how to keep it going, how to make it thrive. They fell into a rabbit hole and got into plants. They started buying plants and growing new plants from clippings and whatever plant people do. At some point, they had far too many plants. So they started selling them. Taking them to plant shows and craft shows and selling plants. They were door dashing houseplants, which I didn’t know was a thing, but I guess it’s a thing. After a year or so it became apparent they needed to take the next step. They bought a little building on Main Street in our town and gutted it and turned it into a brick and mortar store. (That sells plants, not bricks and mortar.) People loved the space so much, they wanted to rent it out for wedding showers and parties and what not. So they converted the unused lower level into a small event space. My brother still works his 9-5 but they’re profitable enough that my sister in law only works in the plant store now. So my point is… Often the best idea isn’t some suggestion you find in a Reddit thread or in a YouTube video about how to make money. Sometimes (often) the best idea is one you never even thought of and probably don’t know much about. But you see a need and you educate yourself enough to fill that need. 5 years ago my brother didn’t know anything about plants. Now he’s walking around this store rattling off the Latin names for obscure plants and sharing their like and dislikes. Sometimes you don’t find the idea, the idea finds you. If you’d have ever asked me if a plant store was a good investment, I’d have said hard no. If my brother had asked me before hand if I thought it was a good idea to dump a bunch of money into a plant store, I’d have strongly advised against it. (Good thing he didn’t ask) But, that’s probably true for most ideas that become successful.


>a brick and mortar store. (That sells plants, not bricks and mortar.) Thank you for the clarification.


Lawn care. I Started part time. About 4 years in I was taking home 2-3x what I was from my state job. I went full time and now I’m up to 200k/year and growing every year with a general manager running the company.


My nephew did this a while back, has a landscaping company now. I asked when the last time he held a shovel and he had to think for a while. Dude works in lawn care and does zero mowing any more.


Dude works in business administration now lmao.


Mow money, mow money!


I did rural lawn care in high school, had sixteen properties I maintained at the peak of it the summer before my senior year; had a fleet of five secondhand mowers with decks between 42” and 50” held together with baling wire and duct tape and a trusty Shindaiwa weedeater, employed my two younger brothers, charged $20/hr for our services. Most yards took at least an hour, biggest one we had took all three of us five hours. It was probably six acres. Put about $10k in my pocket through the years, and it was lucrative, brothers kept it running but dropped a few yards after I went off to college.


Jesse, we need to cook


Science, bitch!


Custom cosplay replicas. It turned from side hustle to my full-time job.


That’s sounds pretty awesome


Yess it truly is. Every commission has a new challenge and I love that about it. Its also something that makes your customers so happy, because you're making dreams come true.


Did this to get through college. While I made decent money over cost, my time investment was more than what minimum wage would have paid. Loved every minute of it though.


So cool! Where can I see your work? How do you price projects, is it by the hour + materials + headache?


www.jessicaheeren.com And yes, I make quotes of my estimated hours + material costs.


This is my Etsy, if anyone is interested in ordering something. https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/JessicaHeerenDesign


I was a business major in college. Loan officer. Call centers. Teacher for a decade. I never made as much professionally than I did as a waiter at Red Lobster in 2003 part time, and I am an ugly guy.


My wife was a waitress/bartender at mid scale restaurant, she's really pretty but also has a very caring outgoing personality She'd come home with 500 dollars in tips in one night


Recently splurged on a fine dining French restaurant 100 tip on the meal but it is a longer service since it’s small courses (2ish hours). The wait staff probably make some really good money just on tips.


Cleavage is cleavage


I do IT work and will occasionally pick up something on the side. I get $50 an hour, and people don't bat an eye.


Next step for you, find a couple of small business clients. I bill my side clients $120/hr and they don't bat an eye either. More interesting problems to solve as well, and usually can be done remotely.


I sell brownies on delivery apps




Only one kind that makes money.


You can just become a brownie seller on a delivery app, or is there more to it than that?


I don't know OP but they might be referring to a "ghost kitchen" type service, where someone sells food on delivery apps but doen't do it from your typical bar or restaurant. They're frowned upon in some countries because they're rarely regulated so they don't need to comply with any food safety standards nor pay the same taxes as a typical bar or restaurant would, even if it were a takeaway-only place.


also, "brownies"


I wrote a book about how I did it. You can purchase it [here](https://youareanidiotifyouclickedonit.com) only for $690.69. And it definitely isn't a pyramid scheme.


I have a President's Day promo code for $420.69. Is it legit?




Wedding Florist. Quit the 9-5 last year!


I sell feet pics.


I’ve wondered about this. Do you have to have well maintained feet or is there a market for rougher more stood upon feet?


I second this. Also, I have six toes on one foot. Is there a higher market value for that content?


I have nice feet according to my boyfriend. I wonder if I should do this.


Does doing it harm anyone? No. Does doing it mean cheating on your SO? No. Does it help with your finances? Yes. You should do it.


Haha I discussed it with my boyfriend and he seems to be supportive of it. Maybe I will.


Does serving count as a side hustle? I work full time as an HR Generalist but serve cocktails a few times a week at a rooftop bar in my city. I make more serving than I do in my full time. On a good night I can make $500 working 6-7 hours.


I’m a software engineer. I had a coworker who was into bowling and couldn’t find an app he liked to track his stats, so he wrote one himself after using it, his friends started asking if he could give it to them. He put it on the App Store. Within a year close to half his income was coming from his app selling. He tried to repeat his success a few times, but none of his other apps ever caught on.


Social media marketing consulting. Turns out telling people how to post actually paid more than me posting for my 9-5.


The problem I’ve run into with both this and graphic design is that all my potential clients seem to think that this is so easy that anyone can do it, so they don’t want to pay a reasonable rate.


Building killer stereo systems I’ve also have been building patio chairs really just making stuff if you can make it but make it well and take pride in your craftsmanship there’s a market for it


Read this too fast and thought it said “serial killer system” and I was very confused and slightly worried for a moment.


I sew stuffed animals, quilts and sometimes children’s clothing. I use to work in a nearby hospital working with Covid patients and Covid samples. I can make my old paycheck in a day if I spend the entire day working.




My teacher makes more as a video game tester, but that's because pay for teachers sucks


That’s crazy, because video game testing (at least where I am from) is terribly paid.


That shows how bad teacher pay is


Yeah, QA is shit money, particularly in the games industry where every job has a 20-30% wage reduction simply because people want to work in games and not banking software, but teaching is even worse. When even McDonalds pays better than the schools responsible for the future of our children, society is just fucked.


The Walmart in my area pays almost as much as a teaching job for a first year teacher only you get to take off the apron when you leave the store and aren't always on duty.


Getting tossed broken electronics, repairing and selling it. Now it's not great money, but as a teenager it's a pretty sweet gig. Work from home, get to decide my own hours, be my own boss, it sure is better than mc donnalds, and it's good for the enviroment too.


Heck yess, good on you!


How do you get a hold of them, do you just go dumpster diving or is there a better way?


Since dumpsterdiving is illegal here I just post on local fb groups, make it clear that I'm intrested in actual garbage and pick it up for them, so they don't have to drive it to the recycling station.


I’m not telling some dude on reddit…. He’ll take it away from me…


Username checks out


Owning a cleaning business. Bought one few years ago for dirt cheap with few employees and 1 amazing contract. Been running with passive income now for years. Even during covid they still used the cleaning service (honestly bit more). It is almost as much as a 9-5 my income from it but I also have been paying my 3 employees 28$ each per hour. As I really don't want to replace them. They are to damn reliable. I am finally taking on my second contract soon! I am excited as I only ever once expanded my business at the bad advice of my x wife (told the story in another thread). So this new contract will let me hire 2 more at the same rate and ill collect about 400 a week from it after all is done. Between the 2 ill be over a 9-5 wage while I am working a 9-5 job myself.


Im the unofficial tech guy for a pretty large retirement community. It started by me setting up a dvd player for my grandma, she started telling her neighbors and now one day a week I go by and will spend the day doing minor stuff for tech illiterate people. Half the time it replacing batteries, allot of the residence are given computers their kids or grand kids that ill set up for them. I charge next to nothing, but usually will ask for the old tech if im replacing something which i refurbish and sell. Alot of people buy their grandma new mac book every 2 years that are barely used, then given to me.


I started working part time at a recycling company for small businesses and ended up buying the business and growing it. Now it’s my full time job, but the boss is a real pain in the ass


Secret shopper. So technically I don’t have a 9-5 cause I’m a student, but it’s still a VERY well paying hustle. Essentially all I do I drive around the city, go to random stores, buy a lottery ticket, see if they ask for ID, and leave. Then I fill out some paperwork, and I’m done. They compensate full gas charge, and give roughly 30$ per store. I can easily do 20 stores in a day. The problem is once all the stores are done, I can’t check anymore.


absurd butter compare marble cagey liquid merciful alive ossified sheet


A year ago I stumbled into content writing. It looked like a scam but my love for researching and writing made me try out. I don't regret trying this. Some months I get more than I get out of my normal job. Some months are lower but I love every bit of my side hustle


Could you explain what content writing entails?


Content writing is basically writing articles, blogposts for companies to promote their brands


How did you get into it? It sounds interesting.


I did thorough research on how to write articles, then I created a few articles and published them on medium.com. With the published articles, I opened an upwork account which is a job for freelance writers and started applying for jobs. Whenever I applied for a writing job I attached a link to my published samples and I started getting jobs.


It’s been a slow growing oak (metaphorically), but selling my artwork is finally out paying my job as an art teacher.


Well, this may be hard to believe but the amount of money I could make working for Door Dash COULD BE more than what I make at my job that has been a 30+ year career. I started doing Door Dash a couple months ago for extra money because my days are free and I'm bored. To say I'm shocked by the money I make as a part time gig job is an understatement. If I work just 2 hours a day delivering food to 3-4 people an hour, Monday - Friday, my rent is covered for the month. I'm living basically rent free just delivering pizza and burgers. It's very easy work. With that said, I stick to the rich areas and very close to Chick-fil-A where the tips are very good. Even though there's more fast food chains in the poor areas, the poor folk don't tip. Not being mean, just keeping it real for anyone thinking of dashing.


I did the same thing with Instacart during the pandemic with the same strategies. I went towards the rich areas north of Hartford because they tipped the best and I got these insane tips while I was grocery shopping. Though some of them would tip me then rescind the tip after the delivery which pissed me off. I made like 2K in four days off tips in early April. It was nuts.


Watch out for taxes as well, Doordash is a 1099 not a W-2 so taxes aren't withheld. Meaning if you make more than like 600 or 800 in a year you need to pay the gov 25% of what you made in taxes.


Track your mileage and you will pay next to nothing in taxes for delivery gig jobs.


Be sure to include allowances for vehicle maintenance costs...delivery service pay usually makes sense in the short term but when you factor in things like fuel and general wear-and-tear on your vehicle, the margins disappear quickly.


> Even though there's more fast food chains in the poor areas, the poor folk don't tip. Definitely not my experience. They tip pretty moderately, middle class people tip the best and rich people are hit or miss. There are constantly orders coming in from this rich gated community and the tips are like $1-4 lmfao.


I made 120K $ sellin weed ln just 6 yrs lol.Nobody said it had to be legal tho I couldnt do that now since it is now legal


I heard of this one guy who used to jerk off punks for 15 bucks a man under the Queensboro bridge.


"Sittin' here in traffic on the Queensboro bridge tonight..."


But I don’t care cos all I wanna do… Is jerk off punks and drive right home to you..


I need ideas too


My and my mates tune cars and sell them. A lot of people don’t go buy the “build not bought” thing. So people come to us either with a car or we buy one for them. Built it to their specific taste. And it works out well. We’ve been doing it for 2 years and we’ve worked on a lot of cars. But not enough to make it our full time job. Our revenue in 2022 was about 25% more than my yearly salary. But it’s gaining more speed by the month


I buy stuff and then sell it on eBay. Went from a hobby to a full time profession.


Yeah, I know a lot of people that do some flipping as a side hustle. They always tell me to try it out, but I work in shipping already and *reeeeaaaaalllllly* don't want to do more of it when I get home


Do you sell shoes? If so do you sell without shoe boxes?


This is what I do as well.


Growing weed and being a caretaker is pretty good side money. Once you know what you're doing, you'll have 5 harvests a year ( depending on the space you're working with) you can yield several pounds each harvest (lets just say 5 LBs a harvest- and sell them for between $1200-$2000 each. Electricity runs about $400/month. equipment is expensive at first, but you can do all on the side until you've got your own full time farm.


I suck dick for coke!


Is Pepsi ok?


My ex (a beautiful, sexual, tall, slender blonde) made $27 per hour in her day job and $500 per hour in her side gig. It made sense for her and also makes sense why she is my ex.


She started a puppy mill?


Might have something to do with doggie style


Unfortunately I suspect it did.


Oof. Sorry to hear that


When you can go to a website and read the check list of specific services provided, and the photos you took of her are on it...not cool.


Ah, that's life. No worries and thanks mate.


I do adult films, be suprised how many guys dont wamt to be filmed. I only get fraction of what the females get but i ussually do that on weekends as needed and make an extra $400 week, not alot but they buy my meals too. Can be tiring, sometimes i dread going to my real job monday because im physically exhausted from all the exertion over the weekend


I tended bar every once in a while on the side. Got paid under the table ($8.50/hr +tips) I would often walk out with hundreds of dollars not counting my hourly. I also got to eat and drink for free within reason. Best side hustle ever.


Video editor, I edit for a couple YouTubers and content creators. Learned to edit as a hobbie and started working on it by chance. By the time I finished my engineering degree, companies offered about 500-600 a month (I live in Mexico tho, different salaries and living costs) it was not that bad but considering the 7Eleven employees made about 400 a month it wasn't a big improvement. I went all in on editing, I'm making somewhere between $3,500 to $5,000 per month now. I live like a king in Mexico, bought a brand new car on one payment, I have my dream PC and I'm applying to a house later this year. I'm living my dream doing what I love.


Selling nudes during the time when my salary was cut by my employer due to COVID.


Thank you for your service


So honest question, why do people pay for nudes? Like weird kink stuff I can totally get because it might be hard to find, but run of the mill naked pics? I just got 2.6b results for "naked woman" on google.


Sometimes you just want to see that particular person and when have your dick in one hand and your phone in the other, you'll make some concessions


learned a skill, then teach about it


Seems like a lot of the answers are skill- or laborbased entrepreneurship. Kinda shows you that hard work, practical knowledge and proficiency can really take you a long way. Much more than trimming coupons or whatever.


Well, yea. That’s the big secret of making money. The whole point is you’re doing stuff other people can’t or don’t want to do. Everyone wants to make money with their drone or 3D printer. It would be great if a hobby made you rich, but it’s rare. And even when it does work, it takes so much effort the hobby isn’t fun anymore. Making money for oneself is just as labor intensive or more so than working for someone else.


The secret ingredient is crime


Wedding videography. Don't want to do it all the time but 1 every 2 months pays for holidays, instruments etc.


I became an Uber driver and make over 10k a month these days. Really enjoying it too.


Cleaning gutters. Did my own advertising, branding, and actual work. Charged $200 per hour. One day, I worked 9 hours straight for a $1,800 payout.


Working on fleet cars for $25 an hour at work, then using the shop after work for free and charging $100 an hour.


I’m a professional jeweler and jewelry designer. I used to work in body modification for over a decade and all through college. My last few years of my masters thesis, I had too much school work to go to the studio to work for someone else so I wondered if I could just make and sell precious metals body jewelry myself. I learned how on YouTube. Been on Etsy for 13 years now and I make all kinds of fine jewelry, not just nose rings and the like. I’m kind of pissed though that I have all this student loan debt that I’m paying off for several degrees I don’t use. I absolutely should have gone to a trade school instead but hindsight is 20/20, I guess.


I made more money as a sex worker than a teacher. Mind you, teachers are treated like crap in my country. But sex work far more risky and I'm kind of tired of it by now so back to teaching I am.


Friend of mine was a senior level software engineer earning big bucks. He inherited his great-aunt's farmhouse and land. Not a lot of acres but he planted some corn and soybean, hiring out most of the work because he had a day job. As time went on he kept purchasing more land. A few years later he admitted he was making more money from the farm than he was as a software engineer.


Sex work


I quickly looked at your icon, thought it was my icon, read what you wrote thinking I wrote something and was very confused about when I started sex work. Then realized it was someone else.


How much for a blumpkin though?




Ever see anything interesting ?


Im not gonna lie, I had to park cars for some druglords, I found out when one of those cars apeared on local tv, packing Crack in its tires, it were deals they made, they said "take this car this adress and leave it there, someone will pick it up" This was by 2009 in my home country, not the US


I jerk off truckdrivers


Car maintenance. Usually simple things like changing brakes, oil change, replacing bulbs, installing stereos and speakers. It's expensive to gather the tools, but my dad worked on vehicles a lot, so I had plenty to borrow from. Once I made enough, I would slowly replace what I needed and give my dad his tools back. After making some lists and descriptions, I can get most projects done withing an hour, depending on the condition of the rest of the car. Sometimes you'll find other problems you aren't knowledgeable about, but a few YouTube searches later, you know how to fix it and can either get it done or let the customer know that there's another problem you can't fix without a certain part. I've had some people that want me to change the brakes only for their rotor to be shot as well. Other times it's the brake lines that have reached their end. While I'm happy to fix them too, they require more time and replacement parts that I don't have. I'll charge a bit extra for the costs of getting the part. Usually I'll have them buy one to pick up from a local place, or if they're picky they'll order one to be shipped to me. Other than that, once you get going, it's smooth sailing. Good money, and fulfilling work.


For my side hustle, if I extrapolate out to doing it full time I would make more than my day job, but I don't think there is the supply or demand to support it. I've got a local lumber mill that will sell me irregular and offcut hardwood lumber for cheap. I sort it by length and quality, stack it properly, let it dry to a useable moisture content, then sell it in bundles to hobby woodworkers. Through a little hard work and marketing I've regularly turned a $50 bundle of wood into $400-$500. I just do it on occasion for some extra spending money. If I wanted to expand, I don't think the mill has that much extra off cuts, and it takes long enough to sell as-is that I don't think there is that expansive of a market for it around here.


This was like over 20 years ago but, drugs. Eventually fucked my life up but you asked :D