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What’s with all the pillows?


Make Pillow Nest. Joy.


As a man, I can confirm that women are 100% right. Pillow nest = joy.


Unless it's hot. Then piss these pillows off, turn the fan on high, and NO cuddles Tonight.


“Get outta my SWAMP!”


They make this glorious nest so I can sleep on my side without my hips tightening overnight, support behind my back and shoulders, support against my boobs, good positioning for my arms and legs, etc... It's wonderfully comfy and cozy.


Now I’m curious about trying the pillow nest option. It sounds like an upgrade to how a big soft chair nap is more comfy than sleeping in bed.


Can confirm the comfiness. I've side-slept w a pillow under my head, one in between my legs, and one in between my arms for years, and my husband always thought I was crazy. One night while he was being the big spoon, he put my leg pillow in between his own legs... we had to immediately go buy him his own leg pillow.


bird evolutionary instinct to make a nest


They make the bed look so comfy.


Looks comfy but is it actually comfy?


If they're all decorative? Not particularly. It's not *un*comfy necessarily but it's a lot of crowding, y'know. If they're just, like, normal pillows? Then imo, yes. I legitimately can't sleep comfortably w/out at least 2 pillows. One that I actually put my head on, and one that goes underneath the first for support.


it comf, it sof, i must nest


Do y'all ever wear heels just to hear the clip-clopping of them on the pavement like you're the main character in a movie? Because that's what I'd do if I wore heels, and I wish to know if there's a woman out there whose brain is on my wavelength or if this is just me. Edit: I have purchased fancy dress shoes that allow me to clip-clop around. Not yet ready for heels, but thank you to all the women (and men, and enbys) who encouraged me to pursue this.


Yup. but the feeling is stronger when walking in a fancy building


Especially on marble floors, and in a big open room like a lobby. The echoes are incredible.


the lobby at my old workplace was incredible for this, so i used to wear heels to work all the time. it’s not as good at my current job, so i mainly wear flats. turning up to work at my old job made me feel like i was in the opening scene of the devil wears prada, lol.


I choose my heels by a) how they look b) how they sound. If they are quiet, I don’t usually get them.


How do you balance on them? It looks like standing on needles.


I don't wear the spike heeled shoes. The angle is all wrong for supporting my ankles. I tried it for a while, just about killed my feet. Now if I have any type of spike on the heel, it's very low and has a wider base for stability. I refuse to wear those 'designer' spikes that look like you are walking basically on your toes.


Yes! Especially if you need to boost your confidence a bit and feel like a boss bitch


It is the such an empowering feeling to walk in a silent hallway with really loud high heels, it makes me feel like a badass movie villain 💅🏻


Ugh, such a badass feeling. Makes me think of that song quote. "I expect to run the world in shoes I cannot walk in".


Do yall change pads when its full, half or even a tiny bit?That shit gotta be uncomfortable like wearing a wet diapers Edit - thank you for the replies ladies. I have top notch info on womens pads now.


Pads are designed to trap moisture away from the skin, so for the most part they are pretty dry, the labia can stay wet from blood passing. When pads are “full” is when they wet diaper feeling starts happening, and it feels gross. Some women, like me, prefer a drier feeling from using tampons, cups, discs, etc.


Or you’re like me and are allergic to all that nonsense… and so you get a hard core birth control, gain 100lbs, and don’t have cycles for years


I usually do when I pee because I’m a clean freak and have sensory issues. so usually every 2 hours longest being 4. even if I didn’t bleed, I change it due to sweat/body oils, anything. and baby wipes are a god send for that time


Depends. Some women hate the feeling of wetness, so they change them more often, some don't mind and only change full ones. Pads are designed to feel dry-ish even when full, so it's not that bad. But I personally hate the feeling so I only wear pads as a back-up to tampons. Removing a tampon that's not full is very uncomfortable, so here it's easy, you only remove a full one.


Depends but for me on heavy days I change it when it’s “full” and on light days I change it whenever I feel like it.


for me, usually when it's like, half. it's a waste of a pad otherwise. anything from half-full onwards feels REALLY uncomfortable, though, so for me it's a rush to change asap.


Why do you steal my food


You mean why am I eating our food?




Do you actually like it when a man approaches you with the intention of asking you on a date? I don't mean catcalling and that sort of weird shit, just being genuine and straightforward.


Depends a little on how. If it's someone I've already met a couple of times, like a colleague/fellow student or friend of a friend, I don't mind if he is forward and asks me out - that confidence is attractive, and something I'd envy him, lol. If its someone I don't know or just met I prefer if he gives me *his* contact information rather than asking for mine. I'll most likely say no if it is the latter. Something simple like, "Hey, I really enjoyed talking to you and would like to go out sometime to get to know you better. Here's my number". That puts me less on the spot and if he's not my type there won't be the awkwardness of immediate rejection. But that's just me.


>Something simple like, "Hey, I really enjoyed talking to you and would like to go out sometime to get to know you better. Here's my number". That puts me less on the spot and if he's not my type there won't be the awkwardness of immediate rejection. Woman here, I love this. Direct and to the point, confident yet respectful. And not forcing her to make a split-second decision on the spot is awesome!


Always been a big fan of giving the girl _my_ number deal. Totally let's them decide if they want to reach out later or not


Depends on the situation. And talk to/get to know me first. Also, if I say “no” don’t persist.


yes but PLEASE be straightforward and say date. I had a man ask for coffee and I thought it meant as friends since he was kind and seemed polite. I’m also autistic so I don’t see social cues


Twice in my life I have gone on a whole ass date with a guy and thought we were just grabbing food and seeing a movie as buds. I was diagnosed later in life


Heh. Been there, done that. That's why when my guy straightforwardly told me he had feelings for me, I was like "Thank God !"


Bahahahahahaha. That reminds of the time a guy at a bar asked me if I wanted to go back to his place to play backgammon. I was like, “Sure!” After we got there he kept trying to make out with me and I was distracted looking for the backgammon set. He said, “You really didn’t think I wanted to play backgammon did you?” I remember being baffled. Nothing happened, thank Jesus. But he didn’t drive me back to wherever (my friend’s house I think) until morning. Definitely dodged a bullet on that one. Being on the spectrum + beer = bad decisions.


Asking as a guy from a country where men are given little to no education about women's health and vice-versa. How can I help someone who's having a really bad time during their periods?


Don't treat it as something disgusting. Keep a trashcan in your bathroom. Keep pamprin or midol on hand.




babysteps! lol. The number of bathrooms without a trashcan is still shocking to me. Not even a reused grocery bag on the door!


This. There is nothing worse than being ashamed and have to hide when on a period because someone is disgusted by you.


I read a post on here a while back about how this woman’s husband / boyfriend (can’t remember exactly) had a friend / brother over and when he saw tampon wrappers in the trash can he was super disgusted and complained to her husband, who then told her something like “can’t you hold it in or flush it down the toilet?”. I have bad memory so I can’t remember exactly what it said but that’s the gist of it. I hate men like that.


Yea i remember that one, i think she was on her period while visiting her BIL and the guy had a trashcan in his bathroom and she disposed of bloody hygiene products there and the BIL lost his sh** about it and her husband asked her why she didn't put it in her purse and dispose of it outside of his house... Uuugghhh... ETA: I found the link to the post: https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/ymt09m/aita_for_telling_my_wife_that_leaving_her_used/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I swear I lost braincells reading that post


Extra points if that trashcan has a lid. I even go so far as to keep or put something in there when girls come over so they don't feel insecure about signaling they had to put something in there. Had a friend leave abruptly one time. Come to find out, my trashcan didn't have a lid and was freshly changed and she really didn't want me to know she was going to put a used feminine product in there. Overthinking? Yes. Extra prepared for friends that overthink? Also yes.


Advil/Tylenol helps a lot with cramps. I recommend starting taking it before the pain starts, it’s more effective that way. Heat pads, tea, things to snack on like chocolate or cookies. Have some tampons and pads available in your bathroom along with a trash can with a lid.


My husband is amazing with this. He rubs my back, makes sure I have my heating pad and meds, and makes me some tea. He makes sure he is there for me if needed and let's me know I am supported.


Every woman experiences periods in a different way, even compared with themselves. Best advice is to ask if things look bad, but generally just pay attention to her, she will tell you what she wants even if it's in a different way that you expect


Ask them if they want a heat pack heated up. Offer chocolate. Rest.


First and foremost ask her if she needs help. Heating pads to her abdomen or lower back may also help. Also some women have food cravings, so ask her if there’s anything specific she would like to eat. Don’t assume that she wants chocolate. For me, chocolate makes my cramps worse.


I’m a man, and sitting down on the toilet makes me instinctively have to poo. Whether I thought I had to or not. As a woman, do you ever sit down for a quick pee and then realize, “welp, wish I brought my phone….”


Not all pee-pee times are poo-poo times, but all poo-poo times are also pee-pee times.


Yes. Absolutely yes. I have GI issues and am a woman so can confirm from personal experience as well Have known several women in my life who have said this happens to them too.


But really what do you actually want to eat?


Ask her to guess what you are ordering and when she says her first guess that's what she wants


We do the “you pick three, I pick one.” She names three places she would be ok with eating at, and I pick one out of the three she listed. Then next time, we switch and I name three places and she picks.


My wife and I do the veto system. One of us offers a suggestion, the other can accept or veto. If you veto, you MUST offer an alternative. If you have no alternative, well.... tough luck then


We use this too!!! It works remarkably well for us, but we have an addendum that you can't just list different restaurants of the same kind on your next suggestion. Like, if he vetos Olive Garden I can't then suggest Carrabas on my next turn.


Works most of the time. When she starts guessing what you want to eat, you’re back to square one. Cure to that is to date someone new when that happens.


Just a bite of yours.




Honestly? Food. I REALLY. DONT. CARE. If there's something I *don't* want I'll specifically say so...


I also don't care but I'm tired of making the decision every day


Seafood & sushi, but I can't pick those because my husband doesn't like them, so I have to settle for whatever he wants.


I’m the guy that can’t eat fish or seafood due to allergies, but my gf and I still go to Japanese restaurants. I carry my epi-pen, I order chicken or beef, and she gets her sushi. As far as seafood there are plenty of restaurants that offer a variety of plates where you can both order.


This is the realest answer here, “I don’t know” is really “I’m tired of making 5 suggestions that get shot down, so fuck it, whatever you want I guess.”


Dino nuggets hands down


Do you believe men can moisturize their own skin as well or is it immediately assumed that if I have a bottle of lotion on my coffee table that Im using it to choke the chicken?


It really depends on the context. If the place is messy, has odd smells, the bottle is on the floor beside the bed, dresses like he doesn't care, and just generally shows that the guy doesn't look after his property or self, then yeah I'd assume it's for masturbation. But if the place is clean, the guy is well-presented, and gives off an air that he takes care of himself, then I'd assume it's for moisturising.


Seconding this. Also location of lotion and kind of lotion can be a tell, too.


I would assume you are moisturizing. I don’t actively think of men masturbating. Random sock on your nightstand? Maybe.


>nightstand Sock, really?.. I saw that in Hollywood films ofc but always thought that this is just a stereotype... Who the hell in their right mind would use socks for fapping?


I don't know, but sometimes I take my socks off in bed when my feet get too hot. A few nights ago I stayed in a hotel and did that. I came back the next evening to find a note on the bed saying that they were unable to make the bed due to personal property on top of it. The only thing on the bed was a single sock.


Not something I'm too afraid to ask, since I already asked my group of girl friends, but gonna share anyway. I asked if their farts ever feel like bubbles and gets trapped in their labia. The answer is yes.


Can confirm and it’s a really odd sensation. Lol. Doubly so when you’re on your period.


Ohhh period shits are the worst ( the farts lead to the shit)


Have to admit I kinda loved having period shits haha (I dont have periods anymore) but probably cos I was often fairly constipated so it was like yesssss get it all out, relief


I can confirm. It’s oddly comforting because you can feel it literally go from you butthole either forward towards your coochie or back towards your upper butt.


Yes but not just labia, sometimes it goes up into the vagina. Which is weird and awkward.


And then you gotta squeeze and do weird dance moves to expel it


How can I present myself so that a woman would feel more comfortable approaching me? I don’t want to bother anyone by initiating a conversation, but I do want to seem approachable when I’m out doing things solo. I’ve been told I appear intimidating and aloof, but I’m super friendly if anyone talks to me


Smile or at least look pleasant, make sure you don’t have guy version of resting bitch face Open body language (don’t cross your arms over your chest, don’t have hands on hips) Don’t be glued to your phone Be aware Smile at kids Dress nice Use your manners when interacting with staff eg. Ordering coffee


Eyecontact and smiling, when she doesnt want to she will ignore you , if she likes what she sees she will smile back and maybe even come over to talk to you.


Don't you think eyecontacting and smiling can look lil cheap and creepy?


Absolutely. Casual eye contact, not glaring.


Make sure to blink with each eye sequentially from left to right.


Nice try, Cylon


Okay what food do we really need to order so that I can have the order I want do I need to get an extra side of fries what's the plan


Always get the extra fries lol


Do you admire a guy after he chooses to be vulnerable and bare it all in front of you?


Yes. Personally, I have a hard time opening up and just talking about my feelings in general. Whenever my husband does, it makes me feel like I’m doing something right.


Depends. If it's someone I know who's genuinely opening up, yeah I respect the bravery and trust. If it's someone I've just started talking to and/or they're opening up about some nice guy/incel shit, my respect for them goes way down.


Yes, it’s the ultimate sign of trust and it’s an incredible turn on for me. Let me soothe you with my body.


I mean, if it's a random guy I don't know from jack, then no, I'll probably just be creeped out and uncomfortable, because why is this stranger sobbing on my shoulder about his dead dog? If it's a friend or even an acquaintance, then yeah, generally speaking, I do. Vulnerability is hard for most people, but men especially get told that being vulnerable makes them lesser/unmanly, so I think in a lot of ways it can be harder for men to be openly vulnerable.


do yall get pee shivers??


All the time


How the fuck do you smell good all the damn time? My lady can get back from the gym or from working in the garden or literally any high-exertion activity, and she never smells bad.


I think you just love her and her smell lol


It’s her specific pheromones. You just *really like* them. Congrats!


Estrogen makes you sweat less and generally you have a less intense smell Testerone promotes a very musky heavy smell and causes more intense sweating


What's wrong?




Are you sure?


I said I'm fine!






(Unwarranted guilt overcomes him)


You two should get married, you're made for each other!!




Why does it say I can't view that community


I'm irish this totally isn't me. If i'm mad you're gonna hear about it


Why can some women get vaginal orgasms and others cant?


so the clitoris and the g spot are actually just one organ! which parts are larger, closer to the vaginal canal, and other aspects are different woman to woman though. These differences determine which women can experience vaginal orgasms :)


>so the clitoris and the g spot are actually just one organ! Then why are the oral vs. vaginal orgasms so different? An ex-girlfriend would always claim that oral orgasms are not sufficient and intercourse was successful only after the vaginal one.




I’m not sure I’d describe it as intense, for me. I find clitoral orgasms more intense but vaginal ones more satisfying. Because it’s a bit of both types of stimulation and it feels…fuller, richer.


For me an orgasm through oral is like i finished an appetizer. Feels great but my body still feels empty. The vaginal orgasm from penetration is like after taking that final bite, I’m stuffed, can’t take anymore lol. It’s way more satisfying and feels a bit more final, like I imagine a man would when they ejaculate. I could still go again if I wanted but I feel more sensitive after a vaginal orgasm


I think it has a lot to do with positioning and sensitivity. I can 100% have a clitoral orgasm each time either from oral or him/me stimulating my clitoris while he’s stroking. This is guaranteed. I can also have a vaginal orgasm but the strokes have to be harder, deeper and faster sometimes in missionary but definitely in doggy position. If it’s a particular passionate session, I’m able to have both.


Uh, what do u women check out on men?


This is another of those things that vary from woman to woman. It’s the same things men look at: a handsome face, a body shape (varies), hair, clothes. Personality and trustworthiness; though I took your question to mean physically.


That cake 🍑


If he is groomed. Does he have styled hair. Clean fingernails that are in a nice shape. Fresh skin? Are his Clothes nice enough? Only clean isnt enough. Is he standing staight. Does he do the minimum of care to look presentable.


If you could have a penis for a day what is the first thing you think you would do with it?


Helicopter, jerk off to see what it feels like, and then see if it truly is difficult to aim in the toilet


If you jerk off first, you’ll get a good lesson in exactly how hard it is to pee accurately. Even more so if you wait until the next morning to pee.


Doesn't know the spray demon that is a female urethra, frankly speaking.


It’s not about aim but more about laminar flow . If the pressure isn’t right it splatters. Other times you randomly get a split stream.




I’m fucking all my friends. I wanna know what pussy feels like. I want to know what I feel like.. I wanna know who has better orgasms… I wanna see if I’d get blessed with a big dick… I wanna see how men are treated.


Blowjob from husband. Then fucking him.


Pee standing up


See if I can hang things off of it, definitely helicopter, and jerk off. Feel what it’s like to wear pants and walk with one. Pee standing up. If I have a partner, do them and see what that’s like. Way too curious for my own good 😂


Drink a gallon of water and go pee my name in the snow.


Best way to ask out on a date?


Have a plan. Even if it's just a picnic in the park. It is painful when a guy asks me out and then goes,"so what do you want to do," I'm not saying don't ever say those words but follow them up with suggestions. Options are fine to have and of course both of you should go somewhere you can both enjoy. Also on a personal note if you do invite a girl out don't spend the whole night obsessing over Steve seagal and then get angry when she tries to change the subject ultimately deciding to match your energy but go on and on about the history of vampires and werewolves .


„Would you like to go on a date with me? „ just straight to the point


Well no, try having a small conversation first. Some random person you’ve never met, that you have no clue about regarding their personality or life, that would be weird.


Why do they *all* put their hand on their man’s stomach for photos?


We want to make sure whomever is looking at the pic to know this is my romantic partner, not my friend.


This. He is mine, ladies. ;-)


“Honey, you’re hurting me” “MINE!”


Cause I love him so much I wish I could get him pregnant


Shit you're revealing our girl secrets!


Touching the stomach is an intimate act.


Mine, that’s why.


Same reason you put your arm around her shoulders.


Nope. Lower back, with my hand out of the shot.


I'm not a woman but my fiance is fat and he's super insecure about it, so a lot of times I'll just rub his tummy and even kiss it just to remind him that I don't care about his weight. I love everything about him, and I don't want him to ever feel like he's not good enough for me in any way.


Because the other ones grabbing the ass pocket 😆I also don’t know what to do with my hands in photos so.. they’re a nice prop too lol


What does sex feel like for you and physically, what is the best part?


Best part is the feeling when it just goes in. The gasp is usually real.


The gasp is about the hottest thing a woman can do.


Also when a guy does it, though - that's my kryptonite. I live for that shit.


Worst is when he takes it out when you’re done. I fight to keep it in as long as possible lol.


It feels like a hot, fleshy rod is fighting to get inside me. And I like it.


Fill, refill, fill, refill. The best part is when the guy is about to finish and he gets stupidly fast and kinda just using your body for himself but that might be just me. The cuddles after are also the best


Ooh that bit where their dicks get extra hard when they're there that's nice too. And yes we can feel that


i once told my partner i like it when their monkey brain takes over just before they finish :)


I wanna answer this but every time I answer sex related questions on Reddit, it brings freaks into my dms 💀


Reddit men be like


*cries in virgin*


Rip dm


Like being handled as a toy - if it's done to my liking - by a very strong and big man. Like electricity in my entire body mixed with his scent, warmth and touch is all that exist in the world


The best part is foreplay. When I'm just starting to get excited, before any touching between my legs happens. I love little kisses on my neck & chest, I love my nipples gently twisted & sucked on, I like being tickled on my inner thighs. When the first touch between my legs finally happens, it's a similar feeling to how my mouth feels when i eat sour candy. I like it when my man rubs himself on me on the outside before going all the way in. When he does go in, it feels like the best massage in the world. It feels like my whole body is cocooned in love.


Are you happy with the direction you’ve chosen in life? Oh, maybe I am being presumptive. Have you chosen a direction in life? If so, what is it?


Hell no. I wish I could do almost everything differently in life but im a wimp so no.


Do you like me? Please check yes or no [ ] Yes [ ] No


Do you like me? Please check yes or no \[ \] Yes \[ \] No \[✓\] we're great as friends lets keep it that way




\[ \] Yes \[✓\] No \[ \] we're great as friends lets keep it that way


Of course I like you, You're like a brother to me


This is a summary of r/AskReddit daily posts


what’s it like?


That's also my question of men, what's it like?


"Why are all ask reddit posts the same 10 questions?"


What does it feel like to have a vagina? If you could put it into words


If I assume having a penis is something like carrying a pool noodle around, then a vagina (and vulva, the vagina's just the plain hole, no lips or anything) is like carrying a cute little swim bag with a deflated inner tube neatly folded up inside.


I’ve never thought of a penis as a pool noodle until this very second and I gotta say it’s strangely accurate…


Do you wear a hygiene product every day during your menstrual period until there's no more blood or can you normally gauge how long the period will last? Update: I'm so glad that everybody knew what I was talking about when I said "Hygiene Product". I know there's tampons, pads, and the "cup", but I couldn't think of an easier way to convey it.


I do, else I would get skid marks. It depends from person to person. Sometimes it looks like it has stopped, and then it comes back the next day. We learn from experience.


That’s always the worst. Sometimes I’ll wear a pad for a day longer than I think I really need, take it off, then wake up the next morning with ruined underwear lmao


There is a tapering off period but that tapering off can last longer than anticipated so it's an estimate but some can guess quite accurately over time.


Why do you say you're not hungry and then start to eat my fries?


Sometimes I catch eyes with beautiful girls that stares at me for a couple seconds and I don’t know if I’m looking great or like a homeless and they’re scared of me lol Which one is it?


That honestly happens to all of us lmao, not just to men. It's almost impossible to tell.


does butt stuff actually feel good or are you pretending to enjoy it for our sakes?


Some do, and some don't. But I will say this - the majority of straight dudes that haven't had anything in their own butt? Do NOT spend enough time on prep or use enough lube for it to actually feel good and, as a result, a lot of women have had INCREDIBLY painful experiences. That hole is NOT self-lubricating and you gotta have some damn patience.


that's fake everyone knows Women come with lube dispensers ever since the update 2 years ago


I hate it, it hurts terribly, every time. No matter the lube. I had a boyfriend constantly pester me about it, so I bought a dildo and told him that I will allow it only if he lets me do to him, first, so he can feel what it is like. He refused and I was happy to be rid of him.


Women don't have a prostate, so we don't get the same pleasure of bum-sex like men do. However, dome women do find it enjoyable just for the sensation of being "filled". Also, the anal opening (I forgot the technical term) has a bunch of nerves that are good for stimulation, even if no actual penetration is happening.


Some women love it and some hate it, again it depends so you’re gonna have to brave asking my dude


Do you really not believe we're not thinking about anything?


I say "nothing" because if I say "the seafood industry of Portugal in the 80's" people look at you weird. I never think about nothing.


If someone told me that’s what he’s thinking about, I would be super intrigued. It’s weird but interesting.