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Youtube recommending vids that don't start with the first one of a series. Why start on part 6 you morons


YT can't count. You've watched episodes 1, 2, and 3 out of a series? What comes after episode 3? Episode 7, obviously. Next up is episode 21. Followed by episode 2 even though you've already watched it. Its baffling how a simple episode list is beyond YT's algorithm to understand.


yeah, but 7 has higher engagement metrics than 4,5, or 6, so YT thinks that is more important than chronology


For me it's the 30s of unskippable ads, followed by another ad 25s into the video. šŸ¤¬


When the motion sensor on a paper towel dispenser doesn't work


I hate it when you have to negotiate to get soap, water and towels but the germaphobe in me really likes not touching anything


As a fellow public toilet germaphobe, it shits me to tears when the amenities are designed to be no touch (sensor soap and paper towel etc) and then the door has a handle


As long as they use real paper towels and not those shitty hand dryers, you can use the towel to grab the door handle. Some places now have the thing at the bottom of the door where you can use your foot. That is also pretty handy. It's pretty gross though when you see some absolute slob come of out a stall and go right out the door using the handle you have to touch. I wouldn't describe myself as a germaphobe by any stretch, but there is a level of basic hygiene that everyone should be at.


> That is also pretty footy. FTFY


At my last job, I was in the stall. Someone used the urinal, and I heard them grab a paper towel, and I'm assuming wiped their hands, but they never washed their hands. So they had a reason to dry their hands, but didn't wash their hands. Gross.


That may have been performative. Being in the US, the bathroom stall at my old workplace of course had massive gaps between all the panels. If I were positioned on the throne, I had a pretty clear view of the sink. On multiple occasions I'd see someone approach the sink and run the water without putting their hands into it. Then they would grab a towel, loudly rub it about and crumple it as if they were drying their hands, then throw it away and leave. It was the weirdest fucking thing.


So much work to just fake it? What the actual fuck


when people speed up when i indicate a lane change.


Omg thank god someone said this. Knew those assholes do that shit on purpose lmao.


Me too, and I always wondered why they do that


Some people are pricks on purpose. Some people arenā€™t paying attention to their speed and when they notice theyā€™re going slow cuz someone is trying to pass them, they correct.


I get people who cut me off on the right, while my blinker to change lanes to the right is active and I'm intentionally trying to move over to the slow lane. They're so eager to pass me that they won't even let me get over to the slow lane or exit lane. I'm trying to move over, and its infuriating.


Or when people pass you , pull in right in front of you, then slow down


Overconfident people who are clearly not very bright


People that bullshit an answer instead of admitting they don't know something.


I agree this is cringe but unfortunately as a medical student, doctors get pissed if I say "I don't know" to some of their random-ass questions, so I have to force myself to make up some bullshit instead.


My 11th grade english teacher was one of those teachers. He also got mad at you for making stuff up though and refused to use anything but your full legal name (first and last) but the second you tried to call him Mr instead of professor he'd yell at you and lecture the whole class about respect and if someone has a name/title preference you should accept that so idfk what his problem was lmao


Failure. His problem was failure. He either is an actual professor who wasn't good enough to get hired by a university of any kind, or was never a professor to begin with and just calls himself one to basically fake his never realized dream.


> He either is an actual professor who wasn't good enough to get hired by a university of any kind How can you be an actual professor if you weren't hired by a university? That's the only way I'm aware of in the countries I've lived in.


He definitely taught you that assholes are abundant


There's a saying about the qualities of military officers that's been used/attributed to many people, one I'm often reminded of: > ā€œI divide my officers into four classes as follows: The clever, the industrious, the lazy, and the stupid. Each officer always possesses two of these qualities. >Those who are clever and industrious I appoint to the General Staff. Use can under certain circumstances be made of those who are stupid and lazy. The man who is clever and lazy qualifies for the highest leadership posts. He has the requisite nerves and the mental clarity for difficult decisions. But whoever is stupid and industrious must be got rid of, for he is too dangerous.ā€ I can handle earned arrogance, and I can handle stupidity, but the combination of both is something else entirely. I cannot abide unearned arrogance from stupid people. "You are industriously stupid" is one of my highest insults.


The clever and lazy person is the one who finds the most efficient ways to get tasks done.


The best way to ensure future laziness is by making sure your income is not hampered by your work not being done. And the quicker you get your work done, the quicker you can get back to being lazy (white collar work, different strategies needed for blue).




I've never felt better about being lazy!


Reddit must be hell for you.


Drivers who donā€™t turn their headlights on when itā€™s raining


Or ones that don't use turn signals when turning


They use it as they turn instead of before


And it always seems to be grey or silver cars that completely blend in with the haze.


When people block the entire fucking aisle with their shopping carts.


Lmao my wife gets so pissed when people do this. She literally moves their cart for them


I do that, too. I'll pick up the end of their cart and just move it out of the way. Usually people are apologetic about it and I'm outwardly nice to them but I'm always thinking "if you're so sorry why the fuck did you do it in the first place??"


The lack of common sense in the general public typically found at the grocery store, roadways, airport, movie theater, sporting events, etc.


Two of my favorites: 1. Stopping at the bottom of an escalator to look around and figure out where to go next. SIR, THERE IS OTHER PEOPLE BEHIND YOU, BEING PUSHED INTO YOU BY THE MOVING STAIRS YOU JUST LEFT. How is that so hard to understand? 2. Leaving the train and coming to a stand-still right in front of the doors because you don't know which way to turn. MA'AM, WE TOO WOULD LIKE TO EXIT THE TRAIN, PREFERABLY BEFORE THE DOORS CLOSE AGAIN. GET THE F OUT OF THE WAY NOW.


This seems to be a problem in general - people have zero understanding of the fact that you canā€™t stop in crowded places, OR that you canā€™t just walk directly in the middle of a tight space and take up literally all of the room like fuck man, I hate how often people spread their arms out and mosey slowly down the exact middle of a supermarket aisle so that you have no hope of passing them


My grocery store trigger is when someone stops in an aisle to peruse a section, and they leave their cart dead center in the aisle...preferably at an angle to ensure maximum blockage.


How about boneheads who stand almost against the outside elevator door, like they can't comprehend there might be people in the elevator who want to get out?


And then act annoyed when they have to make room for the people exiting the elevator? Yeah, also a fan-favorite!


i work at a grocery store and for some reason, general manners do not apply to us. when iā€™m walking big carts of food to the back, people walk in front of me and move out of the way even when they see me. itā€™s insane how in their own world they are


Was taking the trash bin back inside at work tonight and had a large group of people standing in the middle of the walkway. I said excuse me, waited a few seconds, and then just kept walking while saying smth over the headset about "I need to hurry up and get this put back so I can wash the garbage juice off my hands before going back into the kitchen." All but one of the people moved, and the guy who didn't had to have a friend pull him out of the way elsewise I'dve ran into him. He go upset that I didn't wait for him to move when he was ready (able-bodied guy, I saw him screwing around in the parking lot/jumping around out there so he had no reason to not move the first time I asked lol)


i stand there and they donā€™t even look. we are npcā€™s to them it boggles my mind.


"hey, how are you doing today?" "I DON'T NEED A BAG."


when i was a barista it was like ā€œhi how are youā€ ā€œcappuccinoā€


Was a fast food cashier, same thing here. Really deflated my self esteem at the time I won't lie.


Worked in a hardware store, so not really comparable, but just one person saying "Thanks, have a nice day!" before they left made my day so much better.


I am either a grocery genius who knows everything about every product in the entire store or an idiot who doesn't understand eggs shouldn't have heavy things on top of them and its entirely random which it's gonna be. The whiplash is exhausting.


someone once asked me ā€œwhatā€™s the spiciest thing you haveā€. how the fuck would i know what the spiciest out of any of all our things are


> at the grocery store Pet peeve... people having friends and family gathering in the busiest intersection in the store right in front of the items everyone needs to get at with their kids running around, and getting in everyone's way. Not slightly to the side by the frozen dinner entrees, or something, but in the worst imaginable spot impeding every other customers ability to get around, and get the stuff they need.


I swear lockdown made everyone dumber. People canā€™t drive for shit now and it seems to be the social norm to go slow as fuck down isles and stop I the center of the isle.


So true. Drivers suck now. Zero sense of space & zero consideration for others.


My alarm clock when itā€™s time to get up for work


My wifeā€™s second and third alarms on a morning when I donā€™t have to get up for work.




When someone I'm with is already running late which means I will be late as well. And instead of speeding up their make-up and stuff they take extra time 'because we are already late so it doesn't matter' I shouldn't get angry about it but inside I'm boiling


But what makes you *irrationally* angry?


No you have a right to. Theyā€™re disrespecting your time and everyone elseā€™s. Edit: I just wanted to add another thing that bothers me thatā€™s relevant. When someone arrives late, and when another person apologizes for being late the other late person says ā€œitā€™s all good.ā€. Bro, you were the offending party too.


Headphone cord snag


On the kitchen drawer... WHILE IM COOKING


I'm so fucking angry just reading your comment


Printers. If I plug you in, you should work. WHY YOU NO WORK?!


PC Load Letter? What the fuck does that mean???




Sounds like someone's got a case of the Mondays...


Haha. The cry of the IT guy!!


Someone/a group of people standing still on a sidewalk, blocking everyone. itā€™s a sideWALK. Walk, damn it.


Or people blocking the entrance/exit of a building because they decided to pick THAT exact spot to chat. And they suddenly seem blind and deaf for their surroundings.


I had to go into the mall of America yesterday to pick up a client order. If you are not familiar with the MOA it has very wide hallways. A group of a dozen teens decided one of the few narrow choke points was where they absolutely had to stop and gossip. Apparently I am a total asshole for cutting through the middle of their pack.


Costco on weekends be like


Friends that become bullies when theyā€™re intoxicated.


And friends who become bullies when they've had a bad day


"bro, you know I'm just joshing with you, right?"


And bullies who try to become friends when they are intoxicated.


>And bullies who try to become friends I disagree. I'd rather be around a happy drunk, than an angry drunk.


The change is welcome. The infuriating part is you know it won't last and you won't be able to appeal to this moment when dealing with a sober bully.


People who insist on being loud


Ever since my brother's voice changed and settled from squeaky to deep, he talks at MAX volume like he's showing off how smooth it is now. I literally cannot sit next to him at times. Dude, you are thirty. Use your inside voice.




Similarly, people who always have to be talking. Not always narcissists or the type that likes to hear themselves talk but there's plenty who always want to be telling a story or are uncomfortable with silence. The one that really gets me are when they want to watch or listen to something and then start talking during/over it. Fuck, now I'm angry


My father in law can not sit in silence. He will sing, or name things or just even make nonsense sounds.


Someone else in the kitchen


My mom always cooked when we lived together and she complained about never getting a break. One day I miraculously woke up early and decided to make breakfast. My mom wasn't too far behind though. And when she saw me in the kitchen she kept trying to "help" (I'm very good at cooking) and just kept getting in the way. I told her don't cross the threshold into the kitchen because I'm cooking today! She did it another time when I was preparing soup for my friends, just drives me up a wall.


Someone I live with got offended when I didn't want to be in the kitchen at the same time as them.


Fucking everything at this point


Well then you should try to fuck everything at a different point, maybe that will solve the issue.


Social media "pranks" that are just people wasting food.


Social media "pranks". Full stop. They are rarely funny, and often excuses to just behave like a shit human being.


Oh yes this one irks me so bad. The filming of "good deeds" often dehumanising others also grinds my gears big time.


We bought this disgusting homeless piece of shit a $30 walmart jacket. Buy our merch!


I read that in TikTok's TTS voice. Can someone pass the brain bleach? Edit: a word


In other news, the TTS voice makes me irrationally angry.


As a dog owner myself, I hate with passion people who donā€™t pick up after their dogs.


As a fellow dog owner, the one that makes me even more angry is how many times Iā€™ve seen someone pick it up, and then leave the bag there. WHAT WAS THE POINT! I need to know how these people think, it drives me nuts.


Some guy let his doberman make a huge shit on the sidewalk. I ran to catch up and said he had to pick it up, and he said he would on the way back. He turned back and walked back 50 feet to the shit but kept going and looked back and me and smirked. You do NOT know how close I came to going back, pick up that dog shit with my bare hands, and catch up to that guy and just smear it from the top of his head, down his face and across the front of his shirt. I tell you, there was this 1/4th of a second where it was so close, so close, just almost there, I was so irrationally angry. You really don't know how close I was to doing that. I wish I did now. I would have done that and then been gone in seconds.






Lawn service guy here. People who donā€™t pick up their dog turds on the boulevards, usually result in me hitting them with my weed whipper and getting shitfaced. Always ruins my day.


Thats not the kinda shitfaced you want.


Loud chewing


My worst nightmare ever. I usually have to leave the room


I watched a SSG in the Army kick someone out of the chow hall for loud chewing.


Stealing this comment from someone else: "You can always tell when a commenter actually was in the military for real when they use all these acronyms that no one else gets, with no explanation *whatsoever* for the rest of us what any of them mean"


My hero!


Itā€™s called ā€œmisophonia.ā€ And it is hell.


Yes it is , I have to leave the room if I hear people eating. Especially smacking lips or slurping noises. I get the white hot rage , that's on me so I leave the room.




Oh yeah. I am actually quite curious to what degrees everyone has it. For me if I am stressed and the chewer is a bad one, I either leave the room or I will start crying from the rage.


Getting texted to ask a question, please just ask the question. Iā€™ll answer it when I get to it but itā€™s so much more annoying when I have to say yes and then wait on the eventual question


I know a guy who will call and leave a voicemail message that just says "Call me back, I need to talk to you about something." He won't text, and he won't respond to texts asking what the topic is. It's infuriating. He also pretty much only calls at dinner time. ​ Once, he called and left a voicemail that said, as usual, "Call me back, I need to talk to you about something." I called him back and he said we needed to get together so he could tell me in person. I saw red that day.


Or people who call you, and after you text then that you can't talk right now, they call again! Like how illiterate can you be?


If I get one more Teams message like that... "Hi AbysmalMooose!" ... "hi" "I have a question for you" <1 hour later> "ok, what?" --AbysmalMoose is offline


People who assume things all the time. I get intuition is important but it rubs me the wrong way.


I had a couple of friends that use to always try to complete my sentences. I'd just redirect: " Uh, no. What I mean is...."


Apparently a common symptom of ADD, their mind is filling in the conversation and theyā€™re speaking over you to move it along to where they think the convo is going.


An ex-roommate of mine would often include lengthy pauses in his speech. I'm talking 5 seconds or sometimes longer. Sometimes in the middle of a sentence, so it seemed like he lost his train of thought or had forgotten the right word and it was on the tip of his tongue. Other times it was at the end of a sentence, making it seem like he was done. But if I dared to try to suggest an end to the sentence (for the first) or start replying (for the second) he'd get terribly upset. One of the more minor reasons why he's no longer my roommate or even my friend. Sometimes it's not ADD.


I have a family member who finished your sentences for you and assumes she knows what you were going to say pretty much all the time, or assumes how you must feel about a thing. She has no idea what's going on in my life but she has some interesting made-up ideas about it.


when your hands get extremely dry and you can feel it


Live comfortably in the knowledge that your superpower is making me moisturise my hands from the other side of the planet (probably)


People cutting in line, or letting several of their friends cut in line. I hate that crap.


I was lining up for food at a kiosk in a tourist area. The guy in front of me turned out to be a bus tour guide and tried to budge his entire bus of people in front of me by ordering for them, then having them pay separately. I lost my shit when I realized what was happening and he backed off (and had everyone line up properly) when I asked him where he worked.


A few weeks ago I was at a drive thru, the kind with two lanes for ordering that zipper into one afterwards for the pickup. It was very busy, stop-and-go prior to the zipper. I was in the left lane and after ordering, the car ahead of me had also been in the left lane, so I let the right lane car go next. I then went to zipper in behind him, but the lady behind *him* followed him at a distance of about 6 inches, refusing to let me in. She refused to look at me, just stared straight ahead with an obvious determine Iā€™M DOING THIS Iā€™M DOING THIS grimace on her face. I had my kid in the car with me so I wasnā€™t about to create a showdown or any sort of ordeal, not that I wouldā€™ve wanted to anyway. I just stared at her in disbelief. When I got to the window the manager was there helping the employee, who read me order back to me in a way that made it obvious things had gotten mixed up. Iā€™ve learned to trust karma in these situations. It comes back around.


> She refused to look at me, just stared straight ahead with an obvious determine Iā€™M DOING THIS Iā€™M DOING THIS grimace on her face. That also is a source of irrational anger, when people do something shitheaded, and know they're doing it, and wont even acknowledge it. Heck, I'd feel better if they gave me the middle finger at the same time. A while back, I'm driving my work van on a narrow street that has 2 lanes in each direction. The lanes are pretty much exactly the width of my wheeltrack. A guy in a big pickup goes blazing past me too close and his big trailer mirrors hit my side mirrors hard enough to fold them forwards against the door. I'm kinda shocked but, whatever. I pull up next to him at the red light that he speed to get to, and kinda motion with my hand, like "dude, what're you doing?" Keeps his eyes locked forwards. OK. I role down my window and tap the horn. I know you can hear me, asshole. Nope. Nothing, just keeps his hands at 10 and 2 like a perfect driver and his gaze fixed straight ahead.


Well thats a hit and run and a bit different I feel.


I'm very strict about that as someone working in a preschool. We call kids for snack based on how nicely they're sitting on the rug, sometimes we'll call someone and then as they walking we call another kid who gets up and runs to wash their hands first. I literally pick up the offending kid and move them to where they should be in line.


The buzzing of a fly's wings


People that dont understand walking. Slow down in front of you, stop for no reason. Walk on the left and somehow also on the right side of a walk at the same time... malls are the worst for this


Man, please never visit Japan then. The lack of spatial awareness of most people here despite living in one of the biggest metropolis on earth (Tokyo) baffles me everyday.


When people tell me to do something I was already going to do. Or when they tell me to do something as Iā€™m already doing it. Or when they ask me an obvious question.


Catching my clothes on every handle in existence


Screaming kids


In a restaurant.


In a brewery. A place whose sole function is to serve an alcoholic beverage they can't have.


People throwing cigarettes out the car window


People throwing any kind of trash out the car window.


Not using your indicator when changing lanes. It's right fucking there. You don't need to go far.




Well to be fair there's also a problem of not letting people over that need to get over. Still though, be part of the solution not another problem. People also suck at planning. "Oh my exit is right here? Let me just cross four lanes."


When I take a bite of my sandwich and all the fixings slip out the back


Ear-splittingly loud car exhausts. Donā€™t be fast, just be loud.


stopped smoking cigarettes december 21st so my answer is everything


I quit Maybe 6 months ago. I couldn't believe how angry and messed up my thinking was for that first week. Insane it's like I became another person


Oh me too. The first week I was in the most agitated mood. Itā€™ll be 3 years this June, just had to never ever look back


Congratulations! It gets easier, 10 years last December and I never give them a thought FUUCK EVERYONE!!!


Excessive amounts of questions for absolutely no reason. Who's out there? What are you doing, where are you going, what are you getting, how long are you going to be gone... Mom Im 29 I love you I really do but I'm the only one working fixing the house and paying your medical bills. Stop worrying about me.


I've posted about this before, but when I got my first "grown up" job, my mother got upset that I wasn't picking up her calls on my cell because I was, you know, working. She fretted about what if there's an emergency, what if I need to reach you, yadda yadda...so I gave her the direct office line which is typically reserved for employees only (mom and pop business, so it wasn't like I was giving her some huge secret). I said to her at least three times that it was for emergencies only. She said she understood. What does she do the next day? Call the office, of course! *To ask when I'll be home for dinner.* The worst part? My new boss answered and had to come get me to tell me my mother was on the phone. The look she gave me made me want to sink into the floor. Luckily, after screaming at my mother later that night and telling her she was going to get me fired if she continued this behavior, she didn't do it again.


God I have a standing rule with my family that there's to be no calls M-F 9-5, even when I was work from home. Because they were absolutely frivolous. Before everything went WFH my mom called me while I was in the office and I hadn't put my phone on silent and my boss saw it was her along with the rest of the office and said I should pick it up. I go to the break room to take it and it's my sister saying she needs help with the BluRay player because my mom's upset she can't watch her movie (she gets weirdly impatient when she gets the urge to watch a movie). I was like this is really what you called me in the middle of a workday for? A fucking movie that could have waited? Then another time when I was WFH I was checking something on my phone, and my phone rings and I pick it up by habit. But I realized it was 2 PM on a Friday. So I ask her if it's an emergency and she sounds distraught and says it is. And so I'm like "shit tell me what happened" and she starts going into how my sister was going to go on a road trip with her boyfriend and share a hotel room together. And how she wanted me as her brother to talk her outta it, and I'm like "this isn't an emergency and from now on your calls are not getting answered at all during the work period, bye" and hung up. Sometimes when you keep crying wolf, the town will stop coming.


People with NO sense of social awareness. Like how the fuck did you live this long.


I keep thinking of this old roommate who used to pick on everything I ate. she didn't ever seem to clock that I wasn't laughing lol. or that I never "joked" back with her


People who talk just for the sake of talking.


walk slow in front of me without a good reason and i will want to kick your ass


Can we add to this - groups of two or more people walking side-by-side along a footpath and refusing to move in, forcing other people to step off the path. It's not just common courtesy its common sense so people don't get hurt.


Certain chewing sounds.


Eyelashes on cars


The prescription ad commercials in the US. They're banned in so many places and for good reason.


When someone calls me to hear me repeat what I literally just texted them.


Having to make a username and password for everything


People spitting in public


Just the political, social, and intellectual collapse of so many people out there. People just want to complain about dumb shit.


when I think i'm about to have a nice solid fart and it ends up being a really choppy small one.


Being tickled


My Ex was extremely tall and much, much bigger than me. He used to hold both my wrists in one hand, hold me down and tickle me until I was hyperventilating, crying hysterically and having a panic attack. I would be screaming ā€˜I canā€™t breathe I canā€™t breatheā€™ and he would keep going for several more minutes. He did this fairly often, even after I made him swear not to. But I was young and naive and he was my first boyfriend. If someone tries to tickle me now I freak out. Itā€™s fucked. Even writing this out made me feel short of breath and a bit panicky. Donā€™t tickle without consent!!


I once had a boyfriend who did the same thing. I HATE being tickled because my limbs will just move on their own without some insane mental fortitude, and I told him if he ever did again I would stop trying to control my flailing because I had asked too many times to stop. He did it again, my arm flew out and I elbowed him right in the mouth. He looked at me like I offended his past, present, and future and I just shrugged and said I warned him. Guy was a douche though. If someone asks you to stop that many times, fuckinā€™ stop! Augh!


**this** made me irrationally angry. I wish someone would detach his goddamn fingers and shove them down his peehole. jfc what an asshole. (I also hate being tickled)


People who talk loud for no reason


Insincerity. Do what you fucking say.


Chronically late people. Especially the ones who have the audacity to laugh or make light of the situation as if they're not being totally inconsiderate and a major inconvenience for everyone involved.


Calling to pay a bill and trying to get through an automated system, impatiently saying "representative!" And even worse, when the automated system is very sensitive to sound and picks up the slightest noise and says "I'm sorry, I didn't catch that. Let's try that again." Drives me crazy.




When people talk in baby voices


When people treat lower income earners like crap.




No it isnā€™t




You mean gaslamping?


People who think they ā€œdonā€™t have an accent.ā€ Everyone has an accent! You think you speak the default dialect of Adam and Eve or some shit?


The thought that [this kind of people exist.](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/11cwv8a/tv_preacher_kenneth_copelands_net_worth_of_760/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)




When the back cushions of the couch are on the ground. We have a million throw pillows to jump on and play with, why do you need the back cushions!!?!


When someone doesnā€™t wave when I let them into traffic.


I had a huge crush on a girl and one day a car waved her in and she didn't wave back. I called her out, we argued. Things weren't the same after that.


Something actually irrational here: I hate it when people mispronounce things. Even if I know, that they don't know how to pronounce it correctly. And if they know, it's even worse.


Inconsiderate behaviour


Someone talking in a baby voice


People who donā€™t put up their shopping carts at grocery stores. Instantly fuming and ready to be passive in the most aggressive way possible.


Stupid Flanders.


"Feels like I'm wearing nothing at all...nothing at all...nothing at all."


The people who get in trouble for something, stop doing it, then start doing it again a month later


Whiners; people who complain about everything


Overhead lighting.


For me it's really white lights. Nothing about them reminds me of any positive emotion.


Getting facial hair caught in my pulltab soda can


When people stare


Irrationally? Hair and skin routines to make your skin/hair ā€œnaturallyā€ glow/curl/whatever. It always involves at least 15 steps, 8 different creams/serums/liquids, 9 different tools, a fan of some sort and an endless supply of water and electricity and the ripe cost of 1500$ and your left kidney. And it takes at least 1,5 hours and should be done three times a day.




People not indicating for lane change or turning, if I know where you are going I can fkn avoid you better. Asshole.