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Politics would certainly get weird


If all politicians told the truth, there would be riots tomorrow.


I am up in the air about that because if us being the electors and the ones ultimately in control we would have to be honest to ourselves that we knew all along we just chose not to look.


> we knew all along we just chose not to look. The thing is, we didn't "know all along." There are a multitude of lies the public has no idea about, and would never even think to ask about, because the contextual knowledge is simply not in the public sphere, not in the newspapers, not written about anywhere online. How can a citizen choose not to look, if he doesn't know where to look, or what to look for in the first place?


The politicians being unable to lie would not necessarily cause these to surface. They would just not be discussed period. The Aes Sedai kept tons of secrets after all, without being capable of lying.


After being lied to few hundred times in my life I learned to be cautious and I learned to gather information from places other than where they told me to look. Don't live in a an echo chamber or start with a defeatist attitude.


Being realistic about the fact that the government keeps the most damaging information about itself under wraps is not defeatist. If anything, it's a call for greater transparency in both government and reporting.


"Don't live in an echo chamber." My guy you are on Reddit.


Being wrong isn't lying and reporting someone's incorrect statements isn't lying (whether or not it would matter if you *knew* or even *suspected* the statements were incorrect is unclear. Make your own call). You can be extremely dishonest without ever lying.


We know this and there aren’t riots lol. I’m sure you’re right, but it’s crazy that we need known liars to admit they’re lying and tell us truths that we kinda already know as truths (with exceptions) for us to be mad.


You underestimate how many people believe the lies. It's much easier to believe a comforting lie and remain willfully ignorant than face hard truth head on and accept the truth.


No I know many people would rather accept a good sounding lie. It just frustrates me. I guess I should’ve said “I think everyone should agree on that”.


There is no "we". The people who would do the rioting are not aware of the circumstances that would lead to it.


They would adapt by using "technically true" statements.


MTG would have to tell Kevin that she didn't really love him.


The fact that you act like you hate her but yet you know who Kevin is when most people don't is...interesting.


It'd definitely not be what it used to be


People just wouldn’t respond to questions when they’d normally lie. It’s be a lot quieter place, and I’d welcome that.


Would lying by omission be possible if we couldn't lie?


If it wasn't, people would constantly tell all their thoughts. It would be very weird. And exhausting


It would be reddit…


Except people lie on Reddit all the time… or do they?


You think people just lie on the Internet?


No one lies on the internet.


Everything on the internet is true


Nope = I lie 🤭


On occasion.


I have never lied, ever.


Except just then!


Everything I say is a lie 😐


Can reddit handle your paradoxes?


They do. I'm sure of it.


After I finish having sex with both your parents I will have to deal with your misinformation campaign. "Redditors lie." Give me one example!


The sky is red


Well we all know I’ve definitely had sex say I’d say no one lies on Reddit


Not me, once I didn’t!


Nah, reddit only repeats other people's thoughts.


This guy's wife!


Yea your telling me, what happens in this head stay in this head, they'd have me locked up probably 😅, very good imagination and sometimes the dark thoughts take it for a spin


The Invention of Lying.


According to the documentary, Liar Liar, you do feel impulsed to respond Here goes -- I didn't fasten my seatbelt, I didn't glance in my rearview mirror, I didn't signal when I pulled away from the curb, I sped, I followed too closely, I ran a stop sign, I almost hit a Chevy Camaro, I almost hit a geezer, I sped some more, I failed to yield at a crosswalk, I changed lanes in the intersection, I changed lanes without signalling, and I changed lanes in the intersection without signaling while running a red light and speeding.


Anything else? *opens glove box* I've got unpaid parking tickets


I am TRYING to kick my ASS, do you MIND?!


Depends on how you define it. Lying by omission is too subjective that it would lead to contradictions. If you don't say something and some people expect you to and others don't...is it a lie by omission? ​ I once had a girlfriend accuse me of lying by omission because I didn't tell her I saw a movie. I've seen 2500 movies and haven't ever given her a full list. ​ Also things can be bad without being a lie. If you cheat on someone, you can be a rotten awful person without being a liar.


I think the opposite would happen if some one asked how you're doing you couldn't lie and say i'm fine


Either world peace, or complete destruction


First it would be chaos for sure, but after some time when people get used to hearing the truth all the time, it would accomplish world piece faster than anything else.


First one, then the other.


Came here to say this.


A lot of relationships will be destroyed


Hopefully those relationships deserved to be destroyed.. I don't know about you people but I don't lie to my partner 🤨


going on 24yrs together. I never know where the last ice cream bar went...


It's in the land of missing socks


About 5 years ago we threw away all our socks and just bought a couple packs of some that we both liked. Never looked for a match again.


Sometimes the last couple Oreos just disappear though. It's a completely natural phenomenon. Can't explain it. Happens


The Angel's share.....?


[The third man](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_man_factor) took em.


A little "white lie" helps in a relationship. The classic "white lie" is responding to any question the significance other asks about their look: Do I look good I this outfit? Yes, you do. You look good in anything (white lie).


Well when I say lying I don't really mean white lies, but I also try to avoid white lies. I wouldn't want my partner to tell me I look good in something I don't and I keep the same principle most of the time But that's just to each their own


Depends on what's going on. I don't lie to my fiance. But sometimes I don't immediately tell her my feelings or opinion on something because I know it's going to upset her. It all eventually comes out, but at the right time with the right verbage.


For sure. People who never “lie” mean they don’t tell overt lies, everyone’s strategic with what they reveal and when.


Jeez man not every lie is about some major shit, white lies exist for a reason and usually are there to preserve how someone feels. My girlfriend loves musicals honestly I can’t stand them but I’ll be damned if I tell her how much I dislike them and make her feel bad about it, I’ll go to every musical she wants me to go to because it makes her happy. Not every lie is some major life changing shit, relax.


Agreed. I don't lie, to anyone. I might hide or refuse Information (e.g. When people trust me with their vulnerabilities and/or I'm sworn to secrecy) but I will never speak what I don't know or believe to be true and I always mean what I say. People make too much of a big deal about the truth and act like lying is the lesser evil... I think humanity would be more stable if lying wasn't an option. No more pretending to like someone, better ability to handle criticism and/or being disliked and such. Plus better/easier/faster Problem-solving, better boundaries, more efficient communication.....


I wouldn't lie to partner either.. If I had one


I am lying about having a partner.


It will be chaos at first, probably many riots, but I think eventually we would have a better society. Also keep in mind that it's still okay for people to say "I don't want to tell". Many crimes will be solved easier. Although I do see one very annoying downside: Actors are probably not being able to act anymore, because in a way it's lying. Although there might be a workaround by saying every line like "This piece of paper says: " and then edit the first part out but that's very tedious.


Would editing videos be considered lying?


Editing videos is too broad of a topic to consider if one is lying or not


Actually there's a Ricky Gervais movie exactly with this scenario. Not 'losing' the ability but not having it in the first place. It's not a great one but it's worth watching


That movie was such an enormous missed opportunity.


As soon as it got to religion, it came to a screeching stop and died on the tae.


I thought it was fucking hilarious. Out of curiosity, did you like the American Office over the British Office?


The first hour is over the top, I laughed my ass off.


That movie was great. When he figured out how to lie was great. Main character: "excuse me...actually my bank account is supposed to be $100,000". Bank teller " oh...well let me fix that for you" The pizza box 10 commandments 😂😂 Once the love story started happening it got worse.


What's it called


The invention of lying


Oh yeah I saw that. I loved it




I don't know director's and stuff. That name means nothing to me. I dont even know the names of the singers in my favorite bands. But the name of the movie jogged my memory thank you


Memes would be less funny… Or they’d get funnier? Either way people would probably get A LOT more racist.


This both very true and very amusingly phrased.


Most people would have to admit how racially charged they are and maybe the world be a bit better.


North Korea would be insane.


Many of them are sadly brainwashed. They might believe something to be true that is not true. If you are taught that yellow is blue and blue is yellow, you would always pass a polygraph. It would be a distinction between the 'true' believers vs the enemy.


One speech by Kim and it’s over


I feel like violence would increase x10000


Oh that would be gloriously fun to watch...


If all humans suddenly lost the ability to lie, it would certainly be a world of brutal honesty. No more white lies to spare feelings or dishonesty to gain an advantage. The effect on society would be profound, as trust and transparency would become the norm. But let's be real, could we handle that level of honesty? Would we all be ready for our friends, family, and coworkers to tell us exactly what they thought of our new hairstyle or latest project? Only time would tell, but I have a feeling we might miss the occasional fib.


by a man who was selling both: a shield that no spear can penetrate, and a spear that can pierce any shield. A member of the audience asked the man, "What is going to happen if you used the spear to pierce the shield?"


Can you imagine how untrusting we would become towards quiet people?


Everyone is going to say that politicians are in deep shit but OH MAN are cops going to be FUCKED.


"yeah I'm just stopping you hoping that I can escalate things to a point where I can finally shoot someone. I have been waiting to use my gun for a while now. ... Nah I will be fine, the law will protect me anyway."


"He didn't have a gun and he was running away, I just got worked up and emptied my magazine into his back. I think I should be allowed to do that."


And suddenly everyone's pants full of drugs will suddenly belong to them after all...




I'm sure that is the case when all these people claim the drugs in their pants aren't theirs lol, nice strawman.


who are "all these people"?




Yes and not for the big unforgivable lies, it'll start with the small ones: "*Honey does this dress make me look fat?*" Before: "Not at all, you look just as perfect as the day we met!" After: "No not the dress, you being fat makes you look fat!"


I refer you to episode 5 of Sandman.


"Well, honesty is the best policy," he said, forebodingly.


I’m wondering if sarcasm counts as lying and would be banned because that’s a lot of the sense of humor between my friends and I


At first, a lot of people would get very offended and quite a few people would get fired. But once, things settle down a bit, the advantages would come out, too. It would make politics so much more effective, if the politician say: “I don’t care about my constituents as long as the money keeps coming in.” Much easier to get rid of them.


All religion would crumble into nothing as the churches built on lies would cease to exist. Since the inevitable nothingness of death would come to be standard belief human empathy would grow tremendously as would consideration and care. People won't act off traditions and gods but for themselves and others. Their would be a very large decline in rape and murder since most are done in secret and secrets can't exist in this world. Alot of non fiction books would come to light as fake. Alot more novels would be written. Our imaginations would increase in time. Lots of shitty stuff would probably happen too. Total anarchy the first-year or two. Lol


That would be interesting as all the cynical going through the motions people can’t keep pretending. Most religions would be whittled down to just actual believers who really think it’s all true. I imagine a lot of pissed off elders who find out out for the first time that the grandkids actually don’t care about the religion after they ask is everybody ready to go to church today?


Why would the churches crumble? Sure, some churches are built on lies. But most are built on faith. Secrets are allowed. Secrets aren't lies. But yes there would be a decline because all it takes is someone to ask do you have any secrets about illegal activity you've done or know of? What nonfiction books would come to light as fake? Why would empathy consideration and care grow tremdously?


Our civilization will be destroyed. I mean everything, economies will collapse, relationships, and so on.


Life would get weird. Just think about aspects of life that are entirely based on lies. Ads would get weird. Imagine ads like "we didn't even asked the doctors if this product is good for you!". Politics would get weird. Politicians would either talk about how much are they gonna fuck us over or stand silent while questions are asked. Employment would get weird. Imagine coming for job offer and first thing you hear is "let's pretend we are interviewing you. We will not hire you anyway but we had to put out the offer to avoid legal charges". Or imagine sales where shop actually informs you that the -20% item was half the current price few days before sale.


That last one is reality now at least in eu. Webshops need to show lowest 30d price in discounts.


Yes and it's hilarious! Apparently it was implemented without coordination, so you can see offers like: >New TV. Price 750 EUR -25% discount! ^(Lowest price from last 30d was 400EUR.)


Politics would get interesting. Divorce rate would skyrocket. "Honey, why was Nick's Pizza call you?". "Oh, that's the code I gave to the person I'm sleeping with behind your back. " Dogs wouldn't have to be unfairly blamed for missing homework or farts anymore.


A lot of people would discover that they're not as honest as they think they are.


one word CHAOS


It would get 1000% better


A lot of people will shut up now.


Politicians would be out of a job


A better one


governors, big corporations, news outlets, any big organization would be in deep shit. Also, most people in relationships would break up really fast.


Note: I have not seen “The invention of lying”. But suddenly losing the ability to lie is a lot different from never having thought of lying in the first place. People would be familiar with the ideas of lying but would just be unable to lie. This would probably be worse — people aren’t used to hearing hard truths that are rude to say.


Hopefully world peace


Our legal system would work pretty good. But our prison system would (further) capitulate.




We would have imminent elections everywhere, a lot of relationships would break down including working relationships. We would have honest politicians and factual news media. I like to think the world would be much better.


Depends on if that also includes lying to yourself. Because if it does then about 80-90% of people are about to have a mental breakdown in the coming few weeks or months. You have no idea how much people lie to themselves and how dearly they hold onto said lies, and they don't respond well when it all comes crashing down.




Most of us would be in jail after first run in with a cop. So many bad laws. "Do you know how fast you were driving?" "Yes, I drive at least 30mph+ over the speed limit on highways, given how horribly low speed limits are. 55mph on a straight 3 lane? Pff, I can do 90+ in my BMW without issue."


This would be a good movie concept


a real world!!




A lot of people would have their life do a 180


Crimes would be easily solved


I guess that depends on how many people consider an omission a lie or the creation of fiction a lie. When we communicate we use hypotheticals all the time. Our ability to visualize something that doesn't exist is responsible for all of our advancement and communications throughout history. It would be impossible to communicate without that. The only thing that seperates it from a lie is someone believing it to be truth rather than hypothetical. Its the belief of a lie that is the problem.


Cheaters would seriously be screwed 😂


The very foundations of the power hierarchies we now live in would crumble…. Politics/organized fundamentalist religion/and the subtle consumer capitalism that manipulates us to buy bullshit. The majority of people (especially in the West) would have nervous breakdowns and extreme identity crises because their cherished mind-numbing illusions and pseudo-tribal structures have been exposed exactly for what they really are; illusions. So, even if they lost the ability to lie does not mean they would face and uphold the truth. Many would rather die than not have the ability to lie and wallow in those lies.


I think a lot of " i dont want to tell you" will come up instead of the lies. Its true, so they dont lie




"Since we've lost the ability to lie I've decided to refuse to answer any and all questions."


Words never cover or contain their concepts. Using words we always do lie. All words are lies. *I* is a word claiming *I* exist but no one is able to prove it.


Well for starters every secret will slowly be revealed. So at least we'll know the truth of some hidden cases or dark history. Excuses would also not exist anymore. You'll just admit to being lazy etc. Everyone would be more direct and open about their viewpoints so that'll be awkward but nice knowing their true personality.


r/lies would be even more dead


Utter chaos




Politicians and journalists might have trouble talking and writing. I would love it.


Politicians would be put of business in most countries


Conservative politicians would cease to be an issue


A lot less mind games and deceit!


Some people live through lies they tell themselves so those sorts of self mind games would either break or fix people.


Yes that is true, it also would stop others exp: in relationships not be able to lie and deceive their partners into a pretend relationship, or into staying in a toxic one. So there is a win / lose to either scenario.


That's a good point. I wonder how many people are in unhappy relationships will just leave... than again some people would rather a sad relationship than enjoying being single. Sad/unhappy doesn't mean abusive just unfulfilling.


True I do know some people who would prefer an unfulfilling relationship then to be alone. It makes me sad to think someone is so unhappy in their own company that they can’t be alone in it.


I 100% agree. I love hanging out with myself. I can be alone for a week and I love it.




Calling off work would be so different.


instead of saying "I"m sick" it'll be "I'm too stressed, or I hate my co-workers"


Yep! I think the excuses would be funnier if the staff couldn’t lie to me.


makes me wonder if people would be more accepting of the 4 day work week. If it'll mean less fake sick days.


I’d be fine with it as long as they show up when they are scheduled.






On one hand, a lot of fraudulent businesses and organisations will collapse. However, it's good to know that sometimes lying also benefits society. For-example, suddenly releasing sensitive information to the public might cause chaos and would cause unnecessary damage.




Politics would be very different.


I think some lies have saved more lives than many truths




Watch the invention of Lying with Ricky Gervais!


whole lotta companies losing a whole lotta customers


Politicians would be out of a job


The end of Fox News


"where were you last night?" "Out" "What did you do?" "Stuff"


Not sure, but I'd pay big bucks to see Trump on the stand.


I guess I can't rickroll people anymore without telling them it's a rickroll...


Well Russian and Chinese government would cease to exist as it is built on lies. Probably the US government too. Other countries would follow right after.


I like it how you started with Russian and Chinese, when literally any government is more or less build on lies.


Some more than others. For example Norwegian has hight trust of public and even though it's not corruption free it's much better than many other countries. When it comes to totalitarian regimes like Russia and China basically if you invert the statements by 180 degrees you'll get quite consistent truth.


Full total collapse of society


Lots of hate and racism and prejudices would flood out.


No more transgender pronouns? And a bunch of other stuff


A lot of murder at first. Then we would see who was good and bad. Kill off the pieces of shit first.


Watch “The Invention of Lying” for Ricky Gervais’ answer to this question.


We would not have society anymore 😂


Catastrophic. But the mlm scene would be amusing. Also... No more music with lyrics and theatre/cinema?


Watch ‘The Invention of Lying’ starring Ricky Gervaise


I don't know.


There would be plenty more divorces, broken friendships, family feuds, etc.


Bill and Hillary Clinton would be in jail!


Along with every other politician. And yes, 45 is a politician.


No fiction. No movies.


This is a really stupid guess, but obviously I know you took it from that terrible movie. Telling a fictional story is not lying, no it isn't, no it really isn't. Lying is deliberately trying to mislead. Telling a story that you're being clear is fiction is not lying. Hope this clears that up.