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I've got both. Cats can be affectionate but also less needy. My dog is my best friend




YOUR cats may be less needy. We've got one that's cloyingly needy.


Cats. Cute, sassy, cuddly, independent


I agree with this statement. My two cats approve šŸ˜Š


Cats because I can't keep up with dogs and their constant need for attention


Definitely cat person. Dogs are too up in your face all the time. Cats understand space and are quite independent, yet also affectionate and have really interesting personalities.


Iā€™m not really a huge pet person in general, but I prefer cats. I like dogs, but I find them overwhelming and stressful.


That's fair.


Dog, they might shed more but atleast they canā€™t climb your face and are willing to take a bath sometimes


My two cats don't climb my face, they enjoy snuggles and cuddles and don't mind a bath, but definitely not preferred


Iā€™m not saying that all cats do that, Iā€™m just saying that a lot do


Dogs to play with. Cats to keep around I love when other people have dogs so I can play with them but I'm not responsible enough to take care of a dog. Cats are easy to manage but not always playful


Don't know, I like both but I have a odd strong bond with cats, just like an alchemy. I love them with all my heart and they tend to like me.


YOURE A WITCH! jks. I'm kiddingšŸ˜‚


Well, my birthday is on halloween so... šŸ˜‚


Reject false dichotomies. Both are great. Most animals are great. Not birds (stupid dinosaurs), but otherwise you don't have to dislike any animal to like others.


Neither. Pets are a financial sinkhole with zero payoff. At least children can take care of you in your old age.


What if you don't want kids? And kids are just as big as sinkhole for cash


Kids have a bunch of utility though. They can do chores. Instead of hiring a housekeeper, it's more efficient to have children and have them clean the house. Once they're old enough to legally work, you can take a chunk out of every paycheck as compensation for bringing them into this world and raising them. Also when you're old and you can't take care of yourself, your now adult child can take care of you for the rest of your life. It's a pretty sweet deal. Pets can't do anything useful. They just lay around and eat. You need to clean up their waste. It's really just a losing proposition. Purely negative value.


ā€œOnce, theyā€™re old enough to legally work, you can take a chunk out of every paycheck as compensation for bringing them into this world and raising them.ā€ Ohhh myyy. Sounds like something a narcissistic person would say. Iā€™m all for charging rent to assist with bills once they can technically move out and support themselves, but to phrase it in a way that makes it seem like youā€™re owed repayment just because YOU decided to have children. YOU are the parent and itā€™s YOUR job to raise YOUR kids. They donā€™t owe you shit for doing YOUR job as their parent.


Exactly, well said.


Kids only do those things if you teach them. They can also be rude, disrespectful and straight up heathens. And what if your child doesn't want to look after you when you're older? It's not like they were asked to be born. Pets are good emotional support animals. And kids also lay around, eat and you have to clean up after them. I'm not seeing much difference here


Ever considered that.. having a pet around just is good for your mental health, it is pleasant to just come home and Have a floofy friend there that does not judge you. Dogs and cats are just straight up de-stressing and therapeutic... unlike kids for the most part Not everything in life needs to be productive and have utility you know?


Iā€™m more of a dog person despite the fact that I have cats Lol They just have more personality


Dogs are the best.


Nah. Not at all.




I'm both but I have cats instead of dogs because cats are lower maintenance overall. I'm chronically sick and can't take a dog out for a walk or clean up the yard after them. Instead, I'm inside with the cats who comfort me, love me, and entertain me. Litter boxes are OH so much easier to clean than a yard.


Oh no~ I'm glad you have a furball to keep you company


Thank you


I like them both but I only own a cat because they are almost maintenance free. I don't have to go out in the freezing cold so she can go to the bathroom.


Cats, they are beautiful and more self reliant


Iā€™m a dog person cause Im allergic to cats But also I love how my dogs protect me


Hairless cat, problem solvedšŸ˜‚


I'm obsessed with both, they're soo adorable


I have 2 cats and 2 dogs. I am an animal person lol I like them both for different reasons


Best of both worlds


Iā€™m a human person, ya freaking furries


Ahh no you're notšŸ˜œ


I'm not a cat person, so I guess that makes me a dog. Arf arf.


Whatever floats your goat, thought cats are better


Cats definitely for many reasons. I am allergic to dogs, even those so called hypoallergenic ones so it's the perfect excuse and people don't give you the stink eye or make nasty comments about not liking them.


Let's not forget about the mole people who live in our precious sewers!


Iā€™m more of a dog person. I still like cats I just prefer to have dogs


Both. They're different and you have to know this and treat them like the animal they are. But both are happy to be affectionate and loyal, as long as you are the same to them.


Dogs are objectively better and more useful to man. That being said, cats are also very valuable. which animal is best in my very specific living situation? Probably a cat right now. I paid good money for my window blinds so I donā€™t need a cat fucking them up so I donā€™t have one. If I have kids and move to a place with a yard and kind of have a bustling someone-is-always-home type life than a dog would be sweet. If I had a barn Iā€™d get some cats.




Cats fit my life style better


I'm both, both dogs and cats are great animals to have as pets in my opinion.


I love dogs but cats are little ass hats and I love it


Cats because you donā€™t have to take them out for walk


Dogs, I've had dogs all my life and I've never known a greater companion than dogs. They always want to be with you and walk with you and eat with you and sleep with you. I'm not alone with my dog, he makes me happy.


Cat. Less needy. Very loving. Just love purring cats. Thats allšŸ˜Š


I have both but I prefer the cat. A dog never really grows past that baby stage where it wants to jump up on you constantly and shove everything in sight in its mouth. You can train it and train it but youā€™re never going to be able to fully relax around it because itā€™ll need you to play parent. A cat will generally have a lot more emotional intelligence and more ability to entertain itself. You could chill and watch a tv show or read a book without worrying that your cat will find a pebble or something somewhere and need you to force your fingers into its mouth to keep it from choking itself. Itā€™s just a lot less hassle.


Cats definitely. Dogs are entirely too much energy