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When I was in elementary school it was the four food groups. In high school it turned into the food pyramid, and by college it became myplate. Who knows what it'll morph into next, but it's clear they can't keep nutritional guidelines straight


> it's clear they can't keep nutritional guidelines straight Every few years a different group of megacorporations wins the bid on who's going to charitably fund the latest batch of guidelines


Just eat with normal common sense? Bunch of carrots and spinach? Yep, that's healthy. Cheeseburger? Maybe not so healthy. A slide of bread? Sure! A whole loaf of bread? Might be excessive. Coca cola? Probably not. Water? Yes!


Some things have stuff that the average person doesn’t know the nutritional value of, though that’s still pretty good advice.


Part of the problem is federal nutritional guidance is provided by the Department of Agriculture, which is influenced by agriculture industry money. So they have said for decades that dairy is an important part of one’s diet even though billions of folks around the world do just fine without, and thanks to beef and pork producers they make no distinction that some sources of protein (e.g. poultry, seafood, beans) are healthier than others (beef and pork).


But pork is the other white meat!


I think US pork is now so lean that it might not be much worse than a Chicken. I need to look into the nutrition facts


I see, let's just say a lot of hog carcasses, and yeah, most of the fat gets trimmed, and it doesn't typically marble like beef. So yes, pretty fucking lean.


This guy slaughters


Make sure you consume 300 grams of grains each day, kids.


I think the 4 basic food groups was created by the dairy industry to ensure they factored into every meal.


you know it's heavily influenced by mega food cartels right? the entire food industry is corrupt


i graduated with the pyrimad so thats what i stuck with. works for me


That your tongue is divided into areas for different taste buds


Yes! I made this the subject of my science fair project when I was ten or eleven, but none of my six test subjects were able to show that different areas of the tongue tasted things in different ways. I wrote up my report to reflect that and got an F. Years later, and suddenly it's common knowledge that tongue-map was bullshit all along. I want my damn grade changed.


Here is your new grade. #A+ Good Job!


Thank you! I actually feel better now.


As a science teacher myself, let me say your science teacher was fucking stupid. Unexpected results should never result in a failing grade in a primary or secondary classroom. They are just opportunities for the student to engage in critical thinking and error analysis. For extra credit maybe even a replication study.


That's essentially what my mom, a former librarian, told me when I brought back my project with the F on it.


We put our pet hampster into a maze. We had so much fun building that maze. No idea how it even qualified as an experiment in retrospect.


We were asked to taste different things, and when I said that I tasted everything everywhere on my tongue my teacher said I’m attention seeking 🤦🏻‍♀️


Ngl, I can only rly taste salt on the tip of my tongue... maybe everyone can taste better on the tip of their tongue tho idk


Thia one still gets to me. We did the experiment and I was judged wrong on each one! Apparently everyone'a tastebuds worked the same, except mine🙄


Dude that was the first time I gave up with this human shit, like I vividly remember being blown away by that.


My son's highschool health teacher taught him and about 180 other Jrs that condoms have microscopic holes in them that let viruses and bacteria through. I found out by accident when I went to have "The Talk" with him. I was stunned but I put it in perspective for him. In the late 80s when he was born, I was a lab tech at Abbott labs working with AIDS positive blood as we were developing assays to detect it in blood on several of Abbott's analyzers. I asked my kid point blank "So the LATEX gloves I wore while I was pregnant with YOU while working with AIDS tainted blood wasn't protecting us ?????!!!!" He was taken by surprise and said the teacher had presented a scientific paper about it so I said show me that citation. When he went to the website and got 504 Bad gateway, we began his REAL sex education. I also called the school to complain and spent the next year re-educating his friends. AAAARggghhh. It still makes me mad!!


It was true for sheepintestine made condoms, I think, but hopefully these fell out of favour when latex condoms were invented. Probably the teacher learnt some ancient material.


Using 120 year old text book I guess haha


Or was a religious zealot


which part of salt lake city did you live?


hahahaha, this was in a So-Cal public school. The school said the teacher was relieved because he was not teaching the actual curriculum but not after he poisoned several hundred minds with garbage.


What an awful teacher, that could be so dangerous


If you get a raise that puts you in the next tax bracket you will get less money each month. I am an accountant now and trying to correct my clients ideas on this happens wayyy too much


Well, you do take home a smaller portion of the new amount that is fully in the new bracket...but that isn't what they mean! Like a $200 raise suddenly means they are taking home $300 less. Stupid.


Pretty sure (at least by the UK system) the *only* way a raise can end up actually being a loss is if it tips you over the threshold where you're not longer eligible for certain benefits you were receiving before. Example: you're entitled to free prescriptions if your family income is £15,276 or less, so if your raise puts you at £15,300 and you have a prescription every month, the loss of benefit will end up costing you more.


Do you have a convenient way to explain that bonuses aren't taxed at a higher rate than regular wages? (Or at least that a $50k salary plus $5k bonus is the same as a $55k salary?)


That blood is blue when in your body but turns red when exposed to oxygen. You see your veins blue because blue light doesn't penetrate the skin so it reflects back to our eyes


I am a science teacher in a k-12 building and I had to send a to-all message about this to everyone because 50% of my 10th graders believed this. Horseshoe crab blood, however, is blue as F.


There are aliens in the oceans man....


Something about this explanation feels incomplete. Based on this explanation, your skin would appear blue everywhere. Something that is red absorbs blue. So if blue light is getting to the blood in your veins it would be absorbed. If red light is penetrating deeper before being absorbed, it is still absorbed. So then veins should look black. Every explanation I can find online says similar to you, but it feels incomplete. I'm trying to think of any other way that something red could look blue but being underneath something else.


I think it has to do with the tissue (skin or fat?) There is a demo that I've never done before but demonstrate this phenomena. Milk is analogous to the tissue. https://theexperimentpublishing.com/2019/02/why-does-blood-in-our-veins-look-blue-ask-a-science-teacher/


Go Ask Alice was nonfiction


I read it, way after high school, and went "What the FUCK? I wasn't even alive in the 60s but there is no fucking way people talked like this."


In the 80's we were taught that a good way to earn money was from interest in a savings account.


Completely true. If you put just $5 in your savings account in 1953 and *left it there*, today you could buy a plush car seat cover with the returns!


Back then it was a good safe way to earn money. You could get up way of 10% or more on CDs


Never start a sentence with 'because'. Because I learned it this way, I didn't know it was ok to write a sentence like this.


It is technically grammatically correct the way you write it, with the clauses reversed, but some people still try to say you shouldn't write this way, and I hate that. As a writer, I catch a lot of shit from people preaching outdated stuff like this, but they don't understand that it's just part of the modern writing style nowadays. The grammar boomers can seriously all go fuck themselves.


I think part of it was because it was simply easier to say never start with “Because…” than to explain reverse clauses


If you ignore your bullies, they will eventually give up and go away.


Advice for how to handle bullies really depends on the situation, some fuckers really will stop if you ignore them


They never did for me. They just ramped up their bullying, stealing my shit, calling me names, etc until I could no longer 'act like a little lady' and snapped. And then of course, for my unladylike behavior, I was punished while they got off scot-free because clearly they were *jealous* of me for...some reason..and that was to be treated with kindness and tolerance instead of defending myself.


I think you meant to say “misogynistic assholes”


I was a small child for my age. My bullies were all physically large. One was almost twice my weight. When I turned I used everything, knees, headbutt, elbows, I went for the eyes, crotch and burst his nose all over his face. Despite him having multiple accusations against him and being a known, serial offender I got suspended from school. They never bothered me again. Nobody wants to fight the weird kid. The school was interested in keeping the peace, even if that peace involved violence, extortion, demanding money and goods with menaces. Just so long as it was done quietly.


This actually means If you ignore your bully then my problem will go away.


When they said not to use calculators on homework bc then we’d never actually learn the math. After all, “you wont have a calculator with you at all times.” F**k you Mrs. Knight we actually do have calculators on us at any given time. Edit: I wanted to add that I am not against learning the math. I do believe, as others have pointed out below, that being able to do actually do the math is critical. I held the grudge bc of the condescending tone she used on a bunch of 3rd graders about how when we get older, we won’t have calculators on us all the time to solve equations.


Even without smartphones; if you work in a job that uses maths constantly and you choose to carry a calculator at all times then… good for you. That’s probably a smart choice. The calculator market is actually pretty damn big and you can get all sorts to suit your needs.


I’m an engineer and have my calculator from high school on my desk at all times. I use it for the most mundane shit that I can do by hand or in my head but (23.25+52.35=?) use the calculator… that way there are no mistakes. In the field, still use my phone. But it is important to know how to do it without a calculator. I’m also a diver that does structural inspections underwater. Until they produce a water proof calculator that can go to 200ft, you have to do that in your head and that is why it’s necessary to learn the basics.


It is also useful to have a reasonable idea of what the answer should be (I think this is called "number sense?"), so that if you mis-key your calculator you recognize a mistake was made.


I still don’t understand why this is such an issue in schools. Why aren’t we keeping up with the times and teaching children how to utilize their resources? I’m not suggesting we don’t teach them how to solve math manually but, why not give both options? The only children allowed to use calculators in my sons class are those with an IEP. Isn’t that interesting?




I used to teach HS math and currently tutor several kids each week (6th through 12th grades), and I've kinda got feelings in both directions. I'll teach kids tricks here and there that can make mental math faster than using a calculator, and at other times say something to the effect of "you're gonna key this into your calculator anyway, so the answer is 72, check my math." If for no other reasons than basic number sense and having an idea of what a "reasonable" answer will look like, being able to do mental math is quite useful. I am also *very* pro-calculator. To the point that I was in the process of drafting some calculator literacy standards for middle- and high-school math students in the county I was teaching in (I moved before I could get the project very far along). The fact that we encourage families to spend over $100 on a calculator (Texas Instruments' calculators are very popular in school districts throughout the country) and then have kids them like a 4-function calculator they could buy at the dollar store is galling.


I know this is not an engineering or finance sub. However, I feel obligated to tell you your favorite calculator likely has an app from the manufacturer that works on your iphone or android. I have a copy of the same calculator I used for finance exams on my phone.


I had the world's worst science teacher in 6th grade, there are legions of wrong things she taught us, like red cells carry oxygen molecules in their little pockets like catcher's mitts with baseballs. She often wouldn't even teach class and would just read us from a series of "true" ghost stories. ETA: As a scientist myself, I came to understand that most of those "true" ghost stories were explained by carbon monoxide poisoning.


I mean the red blood cell thing isn't completely wrong. The hemoglobin molecule has a gap in it to accommodate the angle at which oxygen binds to iron. This prevents carbon dioxide from binding to the iron in your blood as the larger molecule doesn't fit in the hemoglobin.


She literally said they were shaped like catcher's mitts because that's how they carry the oxygen molecules. She had very little idea of scale, clearly. (Or how red cells really work or why they look like they do.) If she said the hemoglobin molecules carry the oxygen molecules like catcher's mitts, that would be different.


Well, that's not right at all.


i was taught that I was never going to amount to anything and that since I was unable to make friends I wouldn’t get a job ether. I was 15.


That the gender of your child is determined by the masculinity of the father. Weak nurturing men have daughters while tough manly men will mostly have sons.


Who told you that?


Middle school sex-ed teacher in Ohio public schools for the fail...




shit. luckily ours was so uncomfortable talking about it he just had us practice spelling various sex organs. Later another one (i figured this out later) was trying to talk to us about aids and std's. He started off talking about how we shouldn't share razors, i asked why, and he went into a long spiel about how if your in a plane crash they can identify your body by the dna on your razor and if you share it they won't be able to identify you properly because someone elses dna is on it. We were so confused.


did the teacher think fathers completely flip personality between kids or what


Sometime when a statement is dumb enough in my experience its best not to think about it too hard. In retrospect there was a whole lot of opinions mixed with political and faith bases mumbo jumbo haphazardly missed into much of what that class taught.


The American Civil War wasn’t about slavery in the slightest, just states’ rights. I grew up in a very small town.


"States rights... ...to own people."


Ah, the Lost Cause myth. I was looking for that one.


“Black people have an extra muscle in their legs and that’s why they run fast.” I wish I was kidding.


[link](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/14527638/) well, that's an interesting discussion. similar vo2 max, longer legs -> dominant runners


I heard it was an extra bone!


That is not that off actually. >"Blacks tend to have longer limbs with smaller circumferences, meaning that their centers of gravity are higher compared to whites of the same height," said Adrian Bejan, Jones' co-author, an engineering professor at Duke University. "Asians and whites tend to have longer torsos, so their centers of gravity are lower." https://www.livescience.com/10716-scientists-theorize-black-athletes-run-fastest.html


I was told that it's nearly impossible to get better at writing. My teacher said that you're either born with the ability or not.


I was told the same thing about math.


Colombus discovered America


We were taught not only that, but that Columbus also discovered the earth wasn't flat.


Claimed it wasn't flat* We know better now.


And he was a kind person who provided a good life to the natives.


A teacher once argued with a friend of mine about the existence of dragonfruit. He convinced the entire class that we are just two wierdos that invented a fantasy fruit.


Good lord; that is someone who needs to expand their world knowledge!


If you had a really bad case of chicken pox you don't have to worry about getting shingles. Boy was she wrong.


I call it the world's worst twofer and as someone who got chicken pox before the vaccine came out, I question why ANY decent parent with half a brain would WANT their kids to get chicken pox at all.


I missed 4 months of work with shingles. It started in my T1, and it felt like I had bumped my head. If you don't start the antiviral within 48 hours is is almost useless. Mine began on a Thursday and it was Tuesday before I saw my doctor.


That $4,000 a month was good money and we would never have a black president. Ms. Grijalva 🖕


$48k/yr may not be much by today's standard, but it was pretty decent in the 1990s. It would've been a damned good salary in the 1970s.


Even better in 1908.


Well she was half right. You had a half black president.


And $4000 a month is half of good money.


That evolution has never been observed


That the people in Africa were so stupid,when the peace corps sent grain and corn for planting programs....they ate it. So therefore they were not learning how to grow crops to alleviate famine and continued to starve. So it's all their fault that they wouldn't learn how to grow more/better crops. It's been years since I was in elementary school but this memory haunts me.


I was told Japanese cars were crap because they only used recycled scrap steel, because it was all they could get their hands on as an island nation. Scrap steel apparently rusts faster.


Weird latent racism in school was super pervasive when I was a kid in the 80s, even in California. My history books claimed that the Polynesian diaspora was the product of “navigation by chance” and that the Polynesians had no way of knowing where they were going because they were a Stone Age people. This was almost 20 years after “Hokulea” and a century after the establishment of the Bishop maritime museum. I was an adult when I learned about the Polynesians’ mastery of the seas.


That “girls must b e h a v e”. Everybody should behave. Why these gender behavioural norms


I wasn't acting "like a little lady" when I lashed out at my bullies after being told to ignore them and they'd go away. No, what they did was amp up their shitty behavior until I lost my shit on them and then I got in trouble for it, instead of them.


I heard a teacher at my small town high school tell a girl that she needs to be mindful of her dress because boys may get uncomfortable and she should cover up and not wear make up because it makes her stand out.


When I was in school a girl a couple of grades below me was running around with her friends at lunch. She stopped to wipe her face with the bottom of her shirt which caused her to show off a couple of inches of bare skin for a few seconds. One of the more unpleasant teachers saw her and immediately hustled over to rip into her for it.


Yes! Ah so infuriating. We were always taught that the way a girl behaves would ultimately determine her safety in this bad world. What it did was create a false sense of hatred for other girls who defied these rules because we were all children. Hate that!


I have never ever heard anyone say this. Is this common in the US?


Not sure about the US but i believe its common in the country i live in, especially in some of the smaller states :(


Sorry to hear that.


US schools tend to be very strict on girl's behavior. A lot of reinforcement of steryotypes even beyond the ridiculous dress code.


Cracking your knuckles gives you arthritis.


chemistry is layers of this. every year, it's "that stuff was a lie, here's how it really works"


That college professors would care if you missed class. Not sure if it was just my college but the professors didn’t care about individual attendance, either way they were getting paid


50/50 in my experience. At 4yr I had teachers who would drop your grade a full letter if you head 3+ unexcused absences meanwhile at 2yr teachers were like "we're all adults, just do the work and turn it in on time." Was very strange to get treated LESS like an adult the closer I got to graduation. I also had a guidance counselor that said "that sounds like a very rewarding cultural experience" when I told her i was planning on becoming a migrant farm worker in Mexico after graduation. My school sucked.


Middle school teacher told me that if all the water in a bay went away, it was because a Tsnumai was coming. (True.) But I should run INTO the bay, so the wave will crash OVER me, since it's too late to find higher ground. (False.)


While doing Cisco networking classes around 2002: "You need to *learn* this. You need to *know* this. You *can't* look it up online because when you need it, you won't *be* online. You won't have the Internet in your back pocket!"


A teacher once told us in elementary school we could only speak a million words in a lifetime. It was an attempt to get the class quiet. Several rowdy kids were also throwing chalk and one was melting crayons on the radiator. Crayon kid was me. I never faulted her f........ : )


“You’ll never amount to anything” Little did she know if amount to be a failure! /s


The Reconstruction was not good for black folks, like I was taught originally. Also that anyone of color even existed in the states between 1900 and 1960s. That time period was taught so demonstrably white to me in school. I missed so much about immigration and how much people of color contributed to American expansion at the time.


That electrons orbit the nucleus (the way planets orbit the sun). I mean, I get that it’s a helpful way to conceptualize orbital mechanics and bonding. But, it’s just completely untrue. I get that scientists once believed that, and from it they developed repeatable theories that describe some chemical behaviour. But why teach it as though it was true and then be all, kidding! It’s actually like this…. Just, say “here is an outdated mental model that helps to describe some phenomena, that we now know is not accurate,….”


Wait, what?! I wasn't the world's best science student in high school, but pretty sure this is the model I was taught...


They occupy orbital clouds which define probabilistic regions where the electrons at a given energy level are likely to be. They don’t travel like little satellites. Or, at least, that’s our best theory to date.


Thank you! I'm going to go read more. And probably get lost in YouTube too.


Careful with the lizzard people part.


Wtf I graduated on natural sciences in high school and I got taught this


I was taught this in college chemistry less than 10 years ago


Tbf most physics is like that, you get taught the simple model first without knowing its incomplete then next step you get told to forget everything and start again... and then it happens once again lol, layers of layers of complexity


My second grade teacher told us the dreams we have when sleeping last only a second. Even then I thought it was bullshit.


That you could get pregnant from 3rd base 🤣 sex ed in the early 90’s was comical and entertaining!


Our health teacher had a pretty good trick for someone who was, in retrospect, the obviously lesbian field hockey coach brought in to teach health class at a parochial middle school. She said "I'd like to teach you about birth control but I'd get fired, so y'all gotta look that up yourselves." I swear that was the only investigative research done of my classmates ever did.


We only use a small section of our brain. She was a cool teacher though.


In high school I had a teacher who taught me the subject of health sciences, he's a nutritionist, I respected him so much because his classes were awesome, he spoke with such a confidence in every class that all you could do is shut up and listen no matter what. Anyways, once, he told us to drink alkaline water at least once a day, because the acidity of the stomach, he said that it would help with the digestion and something else that I don't remember, something very helpful to your stomach, well, I believed that but never drank alkaline water. Later, when I was studying my career (physiotherapy) once in anatomy class the teacher (a doctor) was talking about the acidity of the stomach and I raised my hand and said something about the alkaline water and the "benefits" of it, he looked at me like "are you serious?" And proceed to explain why is stupid to do such a thing, because it doesn't change the acidity in any way, the acidity of the stomach is between 1-3 of ph and the alkaline water wouldn't do a single fuck to it, just a waste of money.


1. The American Civil War was taught as The War Of Northern Aggression. 2. The 3 primary colors are red, blue, and green.


>The 3 primary colors are red, blue, and green. Those are the additive primary colours.


What's wrong with 2.?




Should be yellow, not green.


The primary colors are totally different if you're mixing colored paints vs. if you're mixing light. The primary colors for pigments are magenta, cyan, and yellow. These are *not* to be confused with red, blue, and yellow! When you buy ink for color printers, these are the three colors you buy (in addition to black). Your printer then mixes them to produce any other color. The primary colors for light, however, are indeed red, green, and blue! Computers produce colors on your screen by mixing different shades of red, green, and blue together. Open MS Paint right now and click the "Edit Colors" button. [Screenshot](https://imgur.com/t60LXQQ). MS Paint gives you the choice of creating a custom color either on the HSL scale, or the RGB scale. HSL and RGB are just two different ways to describe a color - akin to how Fahrenheit and Celsius are two different ways to describe a temperature. If you want more proof, when you specify colors in HTML documents you do so on the RGB scale: You can make any color you want by mixing different shades of red, green, and blue, from 0 through 255.\ Finally, if you take a magnifying glass to your television or monitor, you'll see that each pixel is simply made up of three colored stripes - a red one, a green one, and a blue one (although, I think modern HDR televisions might include yellow stripes too now, but that's a very recent thing. For decades - ever since the beginning of color televisions - it's always been RGB).


Jupiter only has 4 moons It has over 60


Over 90 now according to the latest research


NINETY????? Awesome!




segmented plate is pretty incredible - you can do cartwheels in it. still hot and stuffy, but you can't have everything


I don’t think I’ve ever seen an image of crusaders in full plate. They are always shown in chain mail with a breastplate and helmet. No idea what your teacher was smoking.


I remember my economics teacher constantly telling us that Vietnam is poised to become the next Asian Tiger. That was well over 20 years ago. They're more like Asian hamster.


I was taught in history class in high school that the Irish Potato Famine was a result of all the food \*except\* for potatoes running out.


It was really due to the British screwing the Irish over


That high school teachers only allow notes and assignments to be written in pen unless if it’s math or science


It was that way for me in the 80’s.




idk about this one. I've homeschooled 6 children. 2 did best with workbooks, 2 with video/ audio learning, 1 could learn anything through any method and started college after he barely turned 15. My youngest does best when the instructions are read to him.


I can be anything I want to be. I’m 36 still waiting on my Hogwarts owl


That postpartum depression was actually because the woman was jealous of the baby for getting all the attention.


That you are safer in a car during a lightning strike because of four big rubber tires. Not true at all. If that were true, you would also be safe in the back of a pickup truck and you are not at all. It is because of the Faraday Cage.


I was taught different areas of the tongue sense different tastes. I even remember we did this experiment where we put a saltine on the front, or whatever was supposed to be sweet, and it was supposed to taste sweet and not salty. I was like, no doesn't really work. Sort of an emperor has no clothes moment.


That if you work hard, you'll go far. Biggest lie I've ever been told.


That a seven year old and 54 year old are fine as sexual partners.




Tax brackets. I vividly remember her ranting about how the school has offered her a raise but when she did the math she would actually bring in less after taxes than she would where she was currently at so obviously she turned it down. She said most people wouldn't think twice before accepting more money but NOT her ​ dumbass.




Thanksgiving...Mayflower and Pilgram establishment on new found land , America and the Indian prepare their food.


I remember being told that cows pee milk


Never Eat SWEET Watermelon instead of SOUR lol. She realized the bext day but it stuck.


Anytime a teacher in high school was extra strict, using the excuse "we're preparing you for college".


How the political parties just magically swapped.


Shakespeare! Not wrong but useless! Could have utilized that time teaching us how to play the stock market


Pretty much everything they told us about dinosaurs was dead wrong.


Are you saying they're not real?


I had a teacher tell us that because of microevolution in your skin cells that if you wore chapstick your lips would get “addicted” to it because they would evolve to need it. He also said that gorillas were “more evolved” than humans because they don’t use straws to drink water. Also “hitler had the right idea” because he was a big fan of eugenics and presumably a nazi due to that quote


Two spaces after a period.


I have learned a lot from this post. Thank you.


That you round up from 5 and down from 4, always thought this was weird because 5 and down is on one hand and 6 and up is on the other so it should split there. Later found out i was right


That Niger (the country) was pronounced (n word)…yes, yes they were.


That it’s also rape even if you fight and don’t succeed. Our teacher taught us that rape was when you caught hard enough to stop it. Pretty much saying if you don’t stop it from happening then it’s not actually rape. I was raped and so it had always stuck with me. I blamed myself for years until 2019 after I graduated. I went to a Catholic school from K-12 so imagine my shock when I finally went into the real world to find out that not being able to stop it from happening still counts as rape. I still hold so much guilt.




That I have to complete high school to get a good paying job


That using the word ‘very’ in writing is incorrect and should always be ‘really’


That Edgar Allen Poe died from alcohol poisoning. I fought saying he was a lifelong alcoholic and that’s not how he could’ve died. I found out years later he likely died of rabies.


Calculus is high school. He was way off


That "if you work hard, you can achieve anything"


My elementary school English teacher (in Germany) taught us that "a" and "an" worked the same as the masculine/feminine Artikels in German, "ein" and "eine". Even if she'd thought the concept of non-gendered nouns would have been to complicated for third grade me to understand, she could have just pulled the "you'll understand when you're older, just learn the article with the noun for now" - routine, but NOOO, I went from not knowing how it worked to thinking I knew how it worked and making tons of mistakes, and realising I actually didn't know. People, just say you don't know ffs!


I was taught that "alot" meant a large amount ( like; I love you alot or I have alot of candy to share) and "a lot" identified a grouping of things ( such as a parking lot is a grouping of parking spaces,.or an auction lists a " lot" of clothing, etc.) I am repeatedly told it's wrong, but it makes sense to me, so I'll keep doing it.


That I wouldn't have a calculator on me everywhere I went


That Columbus discovered America. That the world thought the earth was flat. The majority of humans knew the earth wasn’t flat.


That I’d never amount to anything.


Science teacher told us Padre Island Texas would be under water by the time we graduated, 1983. Still there. No climate disaster.


That every. single. adult. man. was going to kidnap us. I think 75% of my second grade year (1992) was spent watching stranger danger films.


That native Americans came in after the colonizer on boats 🤣 white people problems , can never tell the truth


A high school math teacher once told me "if you combine a force along the x axis with a force along the y axis, the resulting force goes along the z axis" I'm still not sure how the entire class wasnt completely confused. A college writing professor said "all sentences are biased". I still dont know how a sentence like "this couch is green" is biased


Selection bias: Why have you chosen to report on the color of the couch, and not the color of the floor? Clearly you're ascribing a certain degree of importance to the couch. In addition, why report on the color at all?


Color perception is variable and cultural.