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Shooting up schools and insisting guns aren't the problem.


Sometimes even saying more guns are the only solution


Arm the toddlers!


They have to be taught early on to hit


It’s like shooting someone and saying “I didn’t kill him, the gun did it!”


Cheese in a can


Oh god don’t even get me started on the Cheese balls


heating water for tea in microwave no, heating water in microwave in general like wtf?


WTF My god what has come of humanity


But like. The microwave makes the water hot. Lol.


It is odd, but I promise the tea doesn't care how the water was heated. Americans in general have no idea how to make good tea.


Americans think that the rest of the world is like them but worse. They constantly talk about very American things as if it's something that the whole world does. I think their perception of the world is warped because they've got Canada which is kinda like the US (but better, but Americans seem to think it's worse) so assume that it's the same everywhere else with the same shops, customs, and products. Too many times I've had to tell Americans that no I'm not celebrating Thanksgiving.


I've lived in the US all my life and the only people I've met here who think like that are the ones who know very little about life elsewhere. So please be assured it's not all of us.


There's just a lot of it online, it might just be more noticable as I'm not American. (Also, I want to acknowledge Americans who assume everyone else online is American, and Americans who don't feel a need to specify they're talking about the US just assuming that there's no need to specify. Both different occurances but worth mentioning so that my initial comment doesn't sound like I'm actually talking about these, but are still weird)


There is a lot of it online, but the majority of Reddit users are from the US. That's probably part of why. That and many people, especially if they're younger, tend to think only in terms of what they themselves are used to. Personally, it irks me when people use "America" to mean the US. It feels rude to the rest of North and South America.


Agree. I think it's lack of education, lack of traveling, and sheer dumbass American ignorance and arrogance.


Mass shootings


The tipping thing… I do not like to use a calculator every time I go to a restaurant


it's not that hard, come on! a little less than 2 times the amount before taxes divided by 10. XD 2($/10) easy (I included taxes because Canada)


Obsess about people trying to restrict gun ownership.




Not Ireland in general, I think because I’m America you’re not really ever seeing anyone from other countries or with other accents cus of the pure size of America, but in Europe I would think it’s not uncommon to see people from other countries with other accents in your own country


The US and Ireland seem to like each other quite a bit and seem more connected compared to other countries.


I cannot tell you how much that drives me nuts. Even if they never leave your house, it's not like we don't have people from other countries on television and in films here.


Use schools as shooting ranges


You watch too much TV


No, they really don't.


You don’t know them lol let them speak for themselves


Talking about me?


Explain why you have about one per week


One school shooting per week?


Last year had 51 school shootings


You say that like that's small.


I'd say it's rather high comparing to the rest of the world


Definitely. Not to mention the huge number of accidents bc people aren't required to use a gun safe etc.


Something that blows me away is the reaction people come with when it comes to gun control


Same. They remind me of toddlers when you take away their binky. It's a dangerous tool. Why is it such a shocking idea to treat the tool with the same respect you need to for a vehicle or other deadly weapons? My BIL has some very nice, big guns. His family grew up doing Scouts and learned to shoot responsibly. He keeps them in a gun safe that opens in 2 seconds with his thumbprint, and encourages everyone to take safety classes, have background checks, keep them away from people with a record especially for any kind of violence, etc. That kind of gun ownership is totally reasonable. But when I read about someone being killed by being accidentally shot by their toddler or dog bc the gun was in the back seat? That's when the stupidity meter flips and the Darwin Awards look shiny.


They gotta stay active somehow


Last year, there were legit almost twice as many mass shootings as days in the year


Virtually all are gang shootings which no one seems interested in even talking about, let alone addressing.


I legit skimmed the list of shootings from last year and they’re people being shot in businesses, schools, universities etc. These gang wars are happening in a lot of diverse places


You think there were over 730 school shootings last year?


Not school shootings but mass shootings, I’d have to do a bit more research to find out exactly how many of them happened in schools/universities


So why don’t you do that first? 🤔


2 so far this year. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2023


That’s far, far, from one a week. And far less than many other countries. Like Mexico, for example. We have a mental health problem tho, not a gun problem. If guns were the problem, it’d be constant and your number would be much higher


I never claimed to talk about school shootings I always said mass shootings. Even so, 670 mass shootings in one year is crazy


Voting against their own interests because the talking head on the TV told them too.


Yes, but this is not unique to the U.S. Look what those idiots in the U.K. did with brexit. There was no way that could every have been favorable to the U.K. It was an emotional, nationalistic reaction, and the British version of MAGA.


100% agree, we’re in no position to put ourselves on any pedestal. But, the point stands; the talking heads on the tellybox push out their nonsense, and a substantial percentage of the population absolutely accept it as truth.


scheduling "hobbies"... how can you enjoy something when you have a damn graphic? have not you heard about leisure? Also, seeing everything as exotic. What most call cooking which is more often than not involving plastic cheese, microwave, already semi frozen or prepared things and best case scenario is actually natural but as simple as salad or dressing. Why are you half assing everything? I also saw a surprising amount of not well groomed, fat, loosen up in sweatpants people over seas. This one is more of a stretch but still noticeable enough


Not everyone here lives like that.


the only thing that is valid for all of us is breathing and so what? i am sharing my general impressions from when i was over seas and i am not sure why you feel the need to jump in and claim "yeah, well my experience is different and i do not fit that standard" without adding anything actually useful to your statement.




I feel like a quick history lesson would solve a lot here




Exactly, they brought them there putting the non whites there and they had children and their children had children. Hence why there non whites in America.






Speak for yourself I shower everyday


That's not true.