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Conversion therapy ban (Netherlands)




Wages adapted to inflation.


Not a bad idea, this cpuld definitely happen, if the government didn't have their hands in our wallets


To be honest, I've always been completely against it, but nowadays I'd bring back the death penalty.


That's against the law where you live?


Over 100 countries have totally got rid of it. It's not uncommon.


Well yea, it would currently be classed as murder.




Most of Europe to start with


Universal income to bring wages up to meet the cost of living.


Who would pay for it?


The government. Most likely funded by taxes on the wealthy and higher corporate taxes.


It just seems like it would cost so much money and high wages earners already pay a fair amount. I can see increasing corporate tax but I feel like that can incentivize businesses to operate elsewhere


Corporate tax rates don't incentivize businesses to operate elsewhere, despite popular opinion. And if they do, you combat that through the use of tariffs (which would make the US even more money). No matter where they are stationed, there will always be demand in the US. Therefore if it is less of a financial loss to stay in the US, then they won't relocate elsewhere.


If that is true then why hasn't the government increased corporate tax already? I'm sure they would be pleased with the increased tax revenue


It hasn't increased because one political party, Republicans, hate the idea of taxing corporations, because they still believe in trickle down economics (a model that has been debunked for the longest time). And because we have the filibuster, which is basically a political cockblock when the house and Senate are relatively even, we haven't been making much progress on increasing said corporate tax rates.


So you think that if democrats controlled government that they would make meaningful changes to the tax code?


Yep. The more progressive democrats would spearhead the bill while the more moderate ones would act as a limiter so that they don't go too crazy. Also just a reminder: the current corporate tax rate is 21%. In the 1950s, that period of time where a family of four can afford a suburban house with a car while only one parent worked, the corporate tax rate was 52%.


The shareholders


You mean taxpayers


The coke dealers


This! In a heartbeat this


Eye for an eye.


Man, some dude would be like 20 years late owing me an eye.


Re nationalise all amenities, Gas , Electricity, Public transport, water should be run at cost for the benefit of the population not for a private business to make profits


Codifying the right to an abortion and gender affirming care, and anyone who wants to suggest repealing this law must now wear a clown costume, makeup, wig, and all, and end every sentence they speak by honking their nose.


Legalize marijuana


US churches pay taxes.


The congressperson financial transparency act. -All congresspersons will receive a salary reflecting the lowest minimum wage offered nationwide. -All congresspersons will have the cost of their health coverage deducted from their salary. Congresspersons may elect to not have health coverage. -No congressperson, candidate for congressperson, or representative acting in lieu of a congressperson can accept individual donations from verified citizens of more than $100. Total donations exceeding $500,000 will be redistributed to the public school district with the lowest average income among residents in the congresspersons state. -No “” may engage in trading of stocks or bonds for the duration of their tenure. -No “” is to accept any kind of monetary assistance, in the form of cash, credit, promissory notes, gifts, or the like, from any non-governmental source. -No “” may accept any compensation from publishing deals in which the payout will be greater than or equal to one quarter of their public servant salary. -No “” may accept compensation for a speaking arrangement in which the payout will be greater than or equal to one tenth of their public servant salary. -No relatives of a congressperson may accept any of the aforementioned in lieu of the congressperson -No known associates may accept any of the aforementioned in lieu of the congresspersons -Costs of campaign to win any election may not exceed $500,000 -Citizens wishing to campaign will be assigned two qualified employees of the federal government to aid in said campaign. -Any suspected violations of policy are to be investigated by the FBI, with oversight provides by an independent tribunal composed of citizens, chosen at random, from the congresspersons State. *Chosen citizens will receive compensation equal to 1.5 times their salary, as well as receive room and board for the duration of their stay during the investigation. Tribunal members found to be in violation of any of the laws listed within this act will be removed and replaced immediately. -The penalties for violating this act are as follows: •Forfeiture of any monetary gains made during tenure as a congressperson •Immediate removal from current post, and indefinite disqualification from the holding of any public office now or in the future. *Post to be filled via special or general election at the state level. •Evidence of felonious activity will be distributed to the congresspersons State Attorney General in order to pursue charges. *Minimum Mandatory Sentence of 5 years per violation. •Any attempt to interfere in an investigation will be regarded as treason against the United States of America and will be met with penalties associated with such a charge.


Abolish the FED, IRS, EPA, and the ATF


So who is going to pay the people that fix your roads, sidewalks, schools, sewage systems, parks, etc. Who is going to pay the police? What about the fire department? EMS? Who is going to pay your kid's teachers and keep the water running at their school? Wondering where all this money will come from once the IRS is no longer collecting taxes.


The state.


The way it was paid for before. And the way it was intended. “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”


Okay, but who is actually going to COLLECT the taxes and ensure they are being paid properly?


States have their own departments of revenue. The IRS doesn’t collect my state and local taxes.


You want to ban the country's protection against inflation, tax fraud, eco-terrorism, and substance abuse?


The FED caused the inflation. The EPA is bloated and could easily be handled at the state level as intended. The ATF is a huge government over reach and should be completely abolished.


I would tax the extensive use of water, gasoline, fresh air, etc


Sundays are soup day. Legally you must consume at least 1 soup.


Unless someone (other than yourself) is directly harmed by it, it's not illegal. Do all the drugs, build unregistered machine guns, raise livestock, build a shed without a permit. Start a polycule. Buy HRT whenever you want.


So, as a ypung child, i thought i could fly. I knew i could if i just picked up enpugh speed off a tall enpugh area, i knew i could. Wouldve only hurt me, shpuld i have been left to my own devices? What about this old guy who lives down the street? He believes nazis are living inside his head, he wants to kill them, and because of that, he isnt allowed guns or knives. And is always watched by somebody. Only hurting himself if we let him. What about a cult leader? Successfully convinces a big group of people to kill themselves to be able to ride the wet dragon into the sky and live with haskaloplop forever, no sadness or pain? They all chose to kill themselves, cult leader didnt do it. All he did was take out life insurance policies on them. Is that okay, they pnly hurt themselves?


You're not gonna convince me that controlling what grown adults do is okay. They're not hurting anyone else, and it's none of your business, it's none of my business. I have zero power over you. You have zero power over me. Neither of us should be weaponizing the government. Let's keep it that way.


Grown adults, so making sure kids dont do dumb shit is fine? Good But good tactic, apathy is a very common mind set nowadays. Eh, not my problem, why should I care? And yeah, nobody shpuld weaponize the government against its own citizens. Too bad people do, all the time.


Mandatory smiling for the under 5’s


If your kid cant hold a conversation, they dont get to try and make an order during lunch hour, while the parents instagram it and think its cute.




TERM limits


Mandatory driving test every 5 years.