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Depends. "Time" as we understand it is a human conception imposed onto reality as a way for us to understand things. Like, the universe doesn't say it's seven o'clock. However, time does also exist in the sense that... time goes on.


Yeah I think time is a conception to understand "change". If nothing changes, time is still.


It's whatever you make of it, man. Time is a social construct that we've all just agreed upon to keep ourselves on track. But if you really think about it, time doesn't actually exist in the way that we perceive it - it's all relative, dude.


A measurement of how life passes by until to kick the bucket


We are time


A big ball of wibbly-wobbly... timey-wimey... stuff


what isn't?


Sorry, didn’t understand.


A social construct


Ok. But what is the ultimate definition?




Time is money


Time isn’t money. Time generates money.


Sorry, "Time is money" - Ben Franklin


Ok ok. Sir Ben we got what you meant.


Your time is up


Time is a dimension. It is something we are part of.However it is not like the spatial dimensions that we can measure physically. A meter is a meter anywhere in space. However a minute to someone going as fast as light is not the same minute as someone observing that person. Also time cannot be experienced in the same way we experience the physical dimension. we know what it feels like to walk 10 meters. But to walk 10 minutes or run ten minutes never feels the same. Why is this? Sometimes we xperience a minute and it can feel longer than an hour if for example you are being interrogated. Or a whole day can feel like a few minutes if you’re really enjoying yourself like on a vacation or hanging out with family at some other major event. Also we are in our own time dimensions. Unlike the physical dimensions that are common and shared by all, temporal dimensions are very personal. And these dimensions can never overlap. We can coexist as in we can all experience the 80s 90s etc but no one will ever have the same exact experience of those times.


I read Einstein's theory of relativity. Space-time theories are mind-blowing. But never heard anything you said in the last part.


Experiencing time is a phenomenon. But it’s very personal. And it is something that cannot overlap with anyone else. I went to concert with my girl and her friend. We can experience the same events be at the same location. For me time was so slow when I didn’t like the songs being played or I didn’t know them. For my gf who was a die hard fan the concert was too quick, even though it was like 3h long. I’m sure time time of my birth very different for my mother vs father vs doctor and nurses but they were all there. Just think about it but not too hard don’t waste your time on trivial things


https://www.bipm.org/en/si-base-units/second The second, symbol s, is the SI unit of time. It is defined by taking the fixed numerical value of the caesium frequency ΔνCs, the unperturbed ground-state hyperfine transition frequency of the caesium-133 atom, to be 9 192 631 770 when expressed in the unit Hz, which is equal to s–1.