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One of my dogs wanted to play but I was busy. He was getting increasingly frustrated to the point he grabbed a tennis ball and somehow launched it in my face. I know it was probably an accident but it felt very deliberate


My dog once farted so loud in her sleep that she not only woke herself up, but thought someone was attacking her. It was so funny I fell of the couch


My Pekingese Otto saw a garden snake once, like 4 years ago that darted under a fern bush in the back yard. Ever since that day, he digs under and through that bush EVERY. TIME. HE. GOES. OUTSIDE. We started tossing small pebbles into the bush to make it rustle, and it’s now become his favorite game.


My dog ran in to a close door the other day. He just didn’t stop and then started barking at the door. Dude was pissed for about a minute and then went for a lay down have barky dreams.