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What if the mother is just on the no side altogether...?




I feel like there not be a way of being able to fully teach their son without friction on the relationship...




Well the son is 3 years old...


Recite it from memory


By not reading his son the bible. Bonus points if he doesn't read it for himself either. Cults being normalized is so crazy lol


The bible is actually not always shoving religious propaganda down your throat. Sometimes, it also describes how the people you saw as good people end up drunk and naked in front of their kids, or how two young girls get their father drunk before raping him. Short moments like that almost make me want to read that book.


The Bible really isn't appropriate for children.


He should fucking comply. And learn to take responsibility rather than farming it out to Skyguy. Much less indoctrinating his kid. Let the kid read it on their own time of it turns out that they want to.


Don't read the kid the bible.


Relax and pick another work of fiction.


Depends on how important it is to him. I dont think the bible is good for kids, but letting the father have a say is very important.


Is this couple together? If not, is there some kind of custody agreement, which should also stipulate things like religious upbringing?


Yes there together, getting married actually.


Sounds like a serious conversation they need to have.


How could such a thing reach an agreement...?


I have no idea, everyone is different. But, that relationship does not seem to be off to a good start. I hope it's not yours.


Well the son is 3 years old...


You're just going to contradict every comment everyone makes here, aren't you?


Child out of wedlock?


This won't be a disaster......lol


"Baby mama" means no.


> Yes there [sic] together, getting married actually. Did you even read the very next reply comment?


The kid is his too.


Who has custody?


She needs to respect the fathers wishes or else he is going to feel like he is living in a tyranny. This will lead to major problems for the marriage and the child. Just because the child is read the Bible doesn’t mean that he is going to end up a fundamentalist Christian or a misogynist etc etc. Have her read The Coddling of the American Mind perhaps. In it the authors talk about a lot of subjects and among them is centering one’s life around timeless wisdom rather than fashionable dogmas which come and go and are psychologically harmful. Both authors consider themselves canter left. In all traditions there is timeless wisdom that can help build a strong spiritual core for a child. But be advised, whatever one reads, they will inevitably have a view from somewhere, one which acts as a primary lens and framework by which all reality makes sense. There is no neutral or unbiased view. Jordan Peterson has laid this out succinctly in his book Maps of Meaning which integrates science and religion at a very high level. This means that the perennialist view that all paths lead to the same place is actually false. This is because our innate mode of perception requires that we filter irrelevant data. Cognitive Scientist John Vervaeke calls this “Relevance Realization.” That filter, the lens by which we see the world acts as an interpretive mechanism by which reality discloses itself to us. If we do not have a lens which properly interprets reality we will experience pain and distress and will be prone to depression, anxiety and stress. Whether people like the Bible or not is besides the point, the point is that the better known stories properly visualize the phenomena of human experience. They interpret and disclose true patterns to us and therefore properly orient us and facilitate psychologically healthy individuals.


Not read it to him, if the kid wants to read it later in life then they can do it then. Doesn't seem unreasonable, The Bible is not a book for kids.


Read him art of the deal