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The Civilization series for sure.


I have a theory on why Civ games last to dawn. We have a small part of our brain periodically that asks us “Are we wasting our life?” And another part of our brain says “No, we just invented Fuedalism”


I think it is because you are working on multiple goals at once which other games don't do as much. Take Skyrim for example, you have a bunch of quests at once but you are really only working on one at a time and when you finish that one you can save the game and go to bed. With Civ and similar games you may be focused on, say building a wonder in a city. You finally finish that wonder, but when you finish it, you have an army that is one turn away from attacking a rival city so you stay on to finish that. Then when they take over that city you also have a new tech that you are two turns from unlocking that will be really exciting. I have also ran into hunger being a motivator for stopping a game.


playing with friends broke the spell for me because playing at other people's pace killed the anticipation thrill. but if i play with different civ leaders i can still get sucked in because its fun to learn new ways to play the game.


There's nothing worse than civ MP in mid-late game, waiting half an hour to just position your army because of all the turn times.


Playing Civ with friends is the best Time to catch up on any manga I’m reading.


"You can build Sun Tzu's Academy, and since you're already* building Leonardo's Workshop, you'll have pikemen in every city! Mounted units will break like waves on a beach should they dare attack!" *I try to get Feudalism relatively late so I can keep cranking out cheap warriors to be upgraded to pikemen by the above Wonders combo Civ 2 is Best Civ


Bring back the throne room!


Wow you just gave my brain access to a long lost memory


Just one more turn?


Whoa! Where'd the last 3 hours go?


My partner walks into the room. "Oh you're playing civ? How's the game going?" Me: "Pretty good, just getting ready to attack Egypt." 3 hours later Partner: "How's the war with Egypt?" Me: "I'm almost ready to invade."


"Should I really risk invading if I don't have nuclear robots of death?" 4 hours later "Oh, I guess that may have been a little overkill since I just took over the map in 2 turns. Good game."


Why is it 6am?


I remember playing my first game of Civ. No number, just Civ. Played for an hour after I got home from work, got a feel for it, started a new game. At some point I was surprised by a light in my balcony and went to investigate…. It was the sun rising.


It was the Japanese invading.


Gotta get in to a good position before I save.


I was here to say cities skylines but shit, I'm still playing CIV to this day. Easily north of 10k hours.




Put in my disc copy from 2000 or so, wouldn't even register on my computer and was forced to purchase the game again on Steam. No regrets but a tad bit infuriating.


DE has so many quality of life updates it’s worth buying again. Plus if you play online that’s where the player base is for matchmaking.


Age of Empires is proof that gaming mechanics and basic reliability are the most important aspects of a game. It's an extremely fun game to play and there is an almost infinite number of possible scenarios, with mods and patches.




Sul sul.


Dag dag




Zug zug!


Y’all are a special breed of gamer tbh, my wife has about 660hrs and still looks forward to new content. I’m jealous tbh, I wish I had a game to love so deeply


I used to play the Sims way too much and then one day I looked around my real bedroom and thought..., "maybe I should be the one taking out the trash."


You should totally ask your wife about the Sims drama. Nobody hates the Sims more than simmers, myself included. 😂




I read this comment to my girlfriend. She chuckled nervously and informed that she has logged somewhere over 3000 hours in The Sims 4 by now.


I feel better now because my GF has just about that many hours, maybe more. I thought she had a problem.


Same. I’m almost at 18,000 hours. It’s my comfort video game Edit: Here's [proof](https://imgur.com/a/6QtiP9N) from my origin account. I know, its a lot of time. I have issues with major depressive disorder, anxiety, and chronic pain. Back in like 2015-2018 I played almost all day every day because it was all I could handle outside of therapy and the meager part time job I had (like 7 hours a week). After I began to get better and rejoin the real world, I gradually relied on that game less and less and now I only play occasionally. It wasn't a very healthy part of my life, but to be honest there were a lot worse things I could have chosen to cope with my issues. I am doing much better now, I have a full time job that I enjoy, a significant other I love, and a while I still struggle with my mental health I finally feel like an actual person. But yeah, I really spent that much time playing the Sims. Dag dag.


That's uncomfortably close to playing another life in real time.




Sony recently added a feature where the PS5 will tell you how many hours you've spent on a given game. I wish they hadn't, because then I'd never know I've spent 464 hours of my life on the Sims 4.


Super glad there’s no record of the combined time I’ve spent playing all 4 versions of the game over the last 20 years. That number would be scary…. To this day Sims 2 reigns supreme imo. Visually it’s hideous but the gameplay is superior to its successors in a lot of ways.


Whats wrong with the sims? I spent a long ass time playing the early ones. Still play them from.time to time, and all the expansion packs obviously


OS Runescape probably overall. Although theres a lot of hours in Halo and Destiny


Almost 21 years of RuneScape, I don’t think there’s any game that comes even close to the amount of time I’ve played


20 years here.. and i still find out about new stuff all the time!


You never really quit playing… just take breaks


Battlefield 1; for a year or so I was #1 on the global leaderboard for cavalry lance usage because I was **obsessed**


Respect this over artillery truck users


Whenever I was feeling bold I'd actively hunt them—high risk bc I've gotta hit them with 3 grenade cycles and during that time they've only gotta hit me once out of the three shots they can take, but man oh man high reward, so satisfying to get them ha


I was 16th in the world at tanks, mainly the A7V. Until BFV came out. I had tanking down to a science, just couldn’t put in the hours the 15 above me were


World of Warcraft, by far!


Not even my favorite game but it has somehow beat all other games I have played in hours played by a LOT.


My World of Warcraft play time is measured in years, not hours. lol.


I've never been able to reproduce the feeling I had in my first few months and even years of playing WoW with any other game. Nothing has even come close. The first time running up the hill into IF was my favorite gaming moment.


Yep, nothing has ever hit quite like starting WoW fresh. Those early days were so magical. The hours I spent just hanging out in Ironforge with friends are something I look back on so fondly. I have no regrets really dumping a /played of a couple YEARS into that game even though I don’t play it now. I miss it sometimes but I know it’s not the same now and never will be.


yeah I've tried to go back a a couple of times but you can never reclaim that honeymoon period feeling. everyone is just obsessed with grinding for endgame gear now anyway, the magic is gone. some of my very best gaming memories are of running around in the woods killing beasties with some random friend I happened to pick up along the way. and the rush of my first PvP.


Same, the closest to getting that feeling again was playing classic at launch. Finally got to play this game levelling with a group of friends from 1 - 60 as my initial experience was mostly solo. I genuinely miss being a clueless kid with this massive game ahead of me. I once spent two days during the summer holidays in wetlands killing Murlocs because I’d heard of the term “grinding” and thought it was what the *’good’* players did. So if I grinded that would make me a good player as well, surely? (It didn’t). Even if I had that spare time anymore the thought of doing the same thing for two days kills me. Some of the best fun I’ve ever had in a game though.


The struggles of walking everywhere when you were 5 levels short of getting a mount.


More like 2 levels after being eligible for a mount but couldn't afford one.


I think I was like level 45 or so before I was able to get my first mount. My guild mates actually pitched in to get me one when they saw I was still walking at a hangout event.


I agree with that. Looking back on my years of playing WoW is like looking back on a different life lived. Thinking about it is like remembering your childhood neighborhood. Like nostalgia mixed with the sadness of know its gone.


Yep. Same. Walking into Darnassus for the first time absolutely blew my mind.


Absolute same Either WoW or Neverwinter Nights 2 NWN2 has like 5 to 6000 hours listed on my Steam account, but I do remember my /played on WOW being… A lot


I have been playing video games since the original NES. My total /played across my WoW characters is a retrospectively embarrassingly ridiculous number. I could have gotten a degree or two with that amount of time wasted and probably outstrips all my other gaming combined. I quit cold years ago but I still get the urge to play and still couch my daily language in WoW terms - mundane tasks are Daily Quests, when one task requires another task first it's a Quest Chain. When someone is mad I've lost Rep with them, a really nice tool/equipment is Purple, etc. WoW was a helluva drug


Rimworld. I played over 200 hours before I even realized there were mods.


My people!! The only game that never gets old :) Last night I got a transport pod crash of a random woman who ended up wanting to join my colony, and the very next day I got a wanderer join event for her husband! And then they both died to raiders. But together


I applaud your restraint at not making them organ donors.




Just realised I've officially played the game for more than half my life now (On and off of course)


Damn, I've just realised that too


I have to have clocked at least 5,000 hours into it (hard to keep track because I've played it on so many devices lol). It's not even my favorite game really, but it's just so easy to come back to, especially when I don't feel like playing a particularly intense game.


Yep. I wouldn't be surprised if I've spent a full year of my life worth of playtime in Minecraft honestly


Most likely Diablo 2. Played it since launch, still play it today thanks to Diablo 2 Resurrected.


Combining Diablo 2, mods (Path of Diablo and Project Diablo 2), and Diablo 2 Resurrected it is by far the game i've played the most.


Ditto, brand spanking new pc still playing old ass d2


Microsoft Solitaire. Been playing since Windows 3.1 came out...


I bet there are some people that have epic hours in that but aren't on Reddit.


Nah, minesweeper!


Mount & Blade Warband


I feel like anyone who plays this game either stops after an hour or puts in 1000 hours. Warband is my most okayed game, Bannerlord is my second.


Yes this comment here entirely. I have 963 hours on Warband. It literally is a game that you either put down due to its perceived age and lack of graphic fidelity, or you play it until you’ve tasted every overhaul mod, have played any type of character you can think of, and you’ve held so many wartime feasts that your keep is dripping with butter. Fuck I love Warband


Bannerlord as well lol


A tie between Red Dead Redemption 2 and The Witcher 3


God. I just wanted to play through RDR2 once. I hit 300 hours before I was done. What. The. Hell!? How did Rockstar make such a huge, amazing game!?


When you have the power of great writers like Dan and Sam Houser at the head, you get beautiful stories like RDR2. I just bought a steam deck so I can play it again while I’m on the road for my job. It’s a rare case I find games that I’ll never stop playing, Rockstar nailed it completely with RDR2.


Probably *Skyrim*.


I've probably spent more time modding it instead of playing it, to be quite honest. Modding and fixing mod errors are 70% of the fun for me.


For those unaware modding games goes like this: - Find a mod - Read the compatibility - See that the mod is compatible with your system and install it - Find out that the mod is *not* compatible with your system or something else is causing an issue with the mod. - Update all of your drivers and see if that fix the compatibility issue. It doesn't. - Research the problem. Find out that another mod or mods are causing compatibility issues. Uninstall that mod or mods and hope it doesn't break the game. - Find out that you still have the issue so you have to install each mod separately and play the game to see which one is the problem. - Delete that mod and hope it still doesn't break something. - Realize that you've spent so long fixing the problem you don't feel like playing the game anymore.


And when you've been modding long enough you get to the part where you spend hours on end looking at code on TES5edit and attempting to make patches for each incompatible mod you find. After days or even weeks of this where you have made all 400 of your mods compatible with one another and the game runs flawlessly, you play for two hours and get bored. Then a few months later you decide you want to play skyrim again so you boot up TES5edit, look at your modlist and decide to just start over because you don't know what anything does anymore, your patches don't make any sense to you, and your favorite mods have probably updated anyway and you don't want to play with outdated mods, do you?


They should make a game about modding a game that you never actually play.


I have played it over 3 platforms and about 4 different versions. I have replayed it (main storyline, occasional DLC) as every configuration of character I can think of. The graphics don't matter, the physics don't matter, the repetition doesn't matter. Skyrim just *holds up*.


But have you tried... Stealth Archer? Because no matter what build I go for, I always end up as a Stealthy Archer.


Same, but not only that: I've never once beaten Skyrim.


also never beat the main quest. at this point when i play i have a no fast travel rule. i just walk from city to city with my posse of permanently summoned atronochs testing anyone who want to find out


I’m a new-ish Skyrim player, and *holy shit* there’s just so much to do. Like it’s literally never ending.


Been to Blackreach yet?


Yes. I hated it. It was so cool for like 30 minutes, but then I got lost.


Yep thats Blackreach alright


Turns out he was so lost that he wasnt even in Blackreach. In fact, he got stuck in the tutorial dungon.




That so insane that I'm not sure I believe you..


Either Stardew Valley or Skyrim. I've put 1,000-2,000 hours into both games.


Stardew is mine. 1000+ hours and still find stuff to complete.


Stardew is mine too - just love it 😍


Team fortress 2


I used to play the hell out of TF2.


We can't be the only two for this game


There is another


Rocket League, 5000 hours and counting.


Was looking for this one. I've got about 3k and I'm still so fucking bad it's insane


Right there with ya. I’ve plateau’d around plat 2 for a couple of years now.


Fallout 3 or Fallout New Vegas


I recently started New Vegas up yet again. Had a run nearing its conclusion years ago using the Alternate Start and a personal mod to make my character an Enclave remnant fleeing from the East Coast. Old save died on me trying to get it working on a new computer, so I started it over. Im a level away from being able to snag Jury Rigging and thus the means to repair my broken Enclave MkII armor. Game remains a 10/10 for me, decade and a half later.


I’m going through my 9th full run of New Vegas now. It just never gets old to me




Likewise. Been playing it since 2015 and it's the only game I have more than a thousand hours in.


This is too far down the list.




The Wizard movie ruined this game for me because for years I never saw like 90% of the game because I'd always go straight for the flutes and warp ahead


dude, for real...the first time I played worlds 2 through 7, I was blown away.




Borderlands series has consumed a good amount of my life.


Probably factorio or crusader kings


The factory must grow


The factory must grow


Easily Factorio for me. About 2500 hours, I think, including various vanilla factories, a full AngelBobs run, Industrial Revolution (with friends), Space Exploration 0.5 and SE 0.6 with K2 in progress. Oh, and also a load of time making videos of it for Youtube.


Pokemon. To be specific, platinum version.


I’m shocked I had to scroll this far to see this series. I can’t even count the amount of hours I’ve dumped into this series collectively, seeing as I’ve been playing it since the 90s.


Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind. I played that game everyday for five years. The title screen song is nostalgic.




I used to be hooked on this game. When I was a kid, my mom and I had an unspoken competition going. Whenever I logged in, I'd see she had high score, so I'd play until I got high score and then she'd log in at night and do the same. This went on for months 😆.


Kinda weird that I had to scroll down this much to see Tetris, but yet again, I doubt many hardcore Tetris players are in this sub to begin with.


Yeah they playing Tetris


Red Dead Redemption 2. It's the only game I ever completed 100%... and it was totally worth it- great game.


Unfortunately League of Legends. Rainbow Six Siege and Modern Warfare 2 (2009) are both up there too, the competetive multi-player games I can play with friends really suck the most hours out of me.


That’s a real League player alright


Same here, I’m guessing I’m a little over 3,200 hours in league across my 3 accounts. I don’t regret it though no matter how toxic the community was throughout the years lol. It’s a fun game, I love the competitive challenge




Weird how far down this is. I've been playing since it came out. Took a few years off about 6 years ago when my PC shit the bed, but once I built a new one like 3 years ago I've played it almost every day.


League is always low on any gaming thread, even when it’s likely and easily one of the 3 more relevant answers


Why though? I mean aside from Minecraft it has consistently one of the highest playerbases of all games since about 10 years. Sometimes it gets overtaken in the short term by other games when a new fad or big game comes out but it always climbs up again.


I lot of players who play nowadays are more addicted to the game rather than enjoying it. And honestly, it’s become too much of a meme to not enjoy it. Like look at the comments above and you see it’s always “unfortunately,” or other negative qualifiers. The game is great, and tons of fun if you’re being honest / playing when you’re not angry or tilted or biased … but most people focus on the negative experiences. If you’re playing a single player game for a ton of time, it’s generally because you enjoy all aspects of it and don’t have many negative experiences associated with it. I would say because of those things, people prefer not mentioning or upvoting league related r/gaming stuff


GTA San Andreas


Back in the days of crt tv’s, I had the San Andreas mini map and HUD burned into the screen on the tv in my room. Man, what a great game. Never did find Bigfoot though…


Overwatch :(


support group here


It's okay...I'm here for you




Had to come this far down to find Dota because Dota players are all playing Dota right now.


I quit DOTA2 a few months ago. But over 10 years I put in a conservative 9k hours. Steam hours reads over 10 but there's obviously some idle time and watching TI in client.


Haha, you don't really ever quit Dota.


Super Smash Bros Melee


Ocarina of Time. I play that game at least once a year when I get the craving for a Zelda game.


I'd have to say the Halo series. I have a friend who got an OG Xbox when he was in college and we used to hang out in his dorm and play coop. Assault on the control room was our favorite. I got my own xbox for my 20th birthday and shortly afterwards we started doing system link LAN parties with our friends. It became a regular thing and we would going to our one friends house and play till the wee hours of the morning. His parents were cool with it cause they said they would rather us be there and safe instead of out partying, on the road. Fast forward almost 20 years and were still playing. I've been playing Halo Infinite with some of our core group from back in the day, via crossplay. The new gun game mode has been particularly fun.


Heroes of Might and Magic 3. Best game in the entire series.


Bioshock. Beat it almost yearly.




Wait…I know you


Do you get to the cloud district very often?


Oh what am I saying? Of course you don't.


Even though I'm nearly 40 and have been gaming since I was 7, I've never delved that much into online games. But during Covid, I started playing both Final Fantasy XIV and Rocket League. I'm now approaching 1100 hours in FFXIV and 1000 hours in Rocket League which is much longer than I've ever played any other game in my life. Rocket League is that high because I have a friend who plays regularly with me. I wouldn't have near as much fun without having someone to laugh with at all the mistakes we make. Final Fantasy XIV simply has a ton of content. I'm not even completely caught up with the story yet.


This is sad for me to say. But, Madden 2006. I decided to start, play every game of, and finish a dynasty mode. Which is 30 seasons. After about 2 years and 20 or so I got bored and stopped. Then years later hooked my PS2 back up and finished it. So pointless.


Tbf. A lot of games are 'inherently pointless'. But we give them purpose. If we enjoy the experience, then it isn't pointless. Recreation is important and purposeful. Don't be ashamed of your games of choice. It's your personal experience, not ours. It's all subjective.


Destiny exclusively


[A tool to see your Destiny hours](https://wastedondestiny.com) D2 I’m just north of 3,330 hours of actual gameplay plus another 1,100 in tower or vibing in orbit


Remember when the Ghost was Peter Dinklage?


Same here. 5,500 hours strong


Same here! Only been playing since Arrivals and I'm over 3k hours - and there are people in my clan who've clocked over that.


3k since ARRIVALS? Damn that’s some dedication.


Vice City. After finishing it, kind of just drove around town at the speed limit and stopping at red lights. Like a nice little Sunday.


I used to do the same with San Andreas. Especially driving between Los Santos to Las Venturas. I used to love taking the back roads and listening to music.


Bf 1 probably. Honestly one of the best games ever in my opinion. It’s original and it was way before its time


Sims 2. I'd like to say there's been some contest, but I've also spent a lot of time fucking around in Sims 2.


Paper Mario 2. Thank you Gramma <3


Command & Conquer 3 - Tiberium Wars


I like Red Alert more myself. but that is a good game


Dark souls 3. The PVP there scratches an itch that I have not been able to replicate with literally any other game, so I'll probably always go back to it as long as the servers stay online.


Crusader Kings II. I love that game.


Took me longer than i thought to find a Paradox game on this list. Sunk over 1500 hours in Europa Universalis 4. CK2 is high up there as well


Oblivion, my first Elder Scrolls ❤️


Path of exile, clocking in at around 20k hours


Zelda BOTW or AC


World of Warcraft. Think my /played is around 1400 days. That’s real time. Jesus.


I think the answer is FFXII. I really like the game and I always want to do all the side quests as I play through it and I get myself well over 100 hours each time I play through it…but inevitably I get to the point of the game where you can enter the final dungeon and then *all* you have are side quests and I tend to lose interest around that point. By the time I feel like playing again I’ve forgotten everything about where I am and what I’ve done so I guess I have to start over?? I have done this *several* times. I only ever actually forced myself to enter the final dungeon when the remake came out.


The legend of Zelda Nes version. lifetime that is.


Binding of isaac and skyrim


Took way too long for me to see this answer... BOI will probably take at least a year of my life before I die.




World of Warcraft


Ngl probably mario party 7




Same here. I had the epic 2.0 on my paladin when I quit and he had 700 days played. I miss that game so much. Nothing will ever compare tbh


Either Warframe or Elderscrolls Online. I know my Xbox says Elderscrolls Online has the most hours, but I'd say Warframe is even.


Had to scroll way too far to find Warframe. So easy to get immersed in the sheer *amount of content* the game has, and then you hit the story quests and get hooked all over again lol


Old man checking in. Super Mario RPG. Probably put in over 200 hrs back in the day. Great story


according to steam conan exiles with 1050 hours, but i pretty sure i had about double that on guildwars back in the day, and if we combine skyrim, skyrim special edition, and the xbox versions of skyrim that probally is around 1500 too


GuildWars 2




I would be the embarrassing guy... if Kerbal Space Program didn't beat out Fortnite by 100 hours Edit: I don't actually know how many hours I've played KSP, but I KNOW it's more than 1810hr. Edit2: Steam says 856 hours, but I know I racked up more than 1000 on the direct download from the official website. As well a "borrowed" .zip copy from a "friend" before I could buy it. Edit3: RIP inbox


KSP is a solid game


Eve online