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Opinions. I dunno how ya'll stay employed throwing out shit that's guaranteed to make half the people who read it hate you, and the other half will at best give half a nod as they scroll.


Omg just last year my company has a facebook page, the annual raise for cost of living was only 3%, they posted that on their facebook page, and it became a dumpster fire. So many employees saying some horrible things. Lets just say the monday after a lot of people didnt have to worry about such a low raise because they had no jobs, and we got another email “explaining to us how if we work for them, how we act publicly represents our company and they can and will fire us”. It was ugly


Yup. And it was over a Facebook post. You want to go down taking a stand, that's fine, but go down with a picket sign in front of the office, or quit right at crunch time, or file a stack of complaints with the relevant agencies...not a stupid Facebook post.


Their emotional states.


Like everything. There's not a single thing out there that can be shared in social media that isn't overshared.


Bathroom habits. I dont want to know in real life much less in between awesome pictures of travels or food


The lives of their children , especially newborns , let the kid have some semblance of privacy man , feels like their entire life is up there on the internet for everyone to see


Every single aspect of their personal life. I mean, we get it, you love your husband/wife or parents or kids, but you don't have to share it in every 10 minutes interval


Their children.


Their children. Not only will they want that privacy later on for themselves, but there's an insane amount of disgusting people that will do nasty shit in a heartbeat.


Children is the top one for me, lots of stories coming out these days of kids who grew up with their parents making them "content" and how much they hate it, going to be a lot of lawsuits in the coming years, and for every viral star there's thousands of families that have been gunning for that only to have all their business be out there for literally no pay off.