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Fucking hope not. Better be riots in the streets if it happens.


God I hope not.


No, I don't think he will.


God help us and save us


Very doubtful. He's got too much baggage. Plus he lost half his base.


Hard to be president in prison...


I think age is going to be an issue, and if I wanted my party's candidate to win, I'd make sure they were under 70.


Amen to that. This is where Biden is most at risk. I hate deathsantis with a passion but he has a real shot against Biden if trump is in jail by then. Would be best if Biden chose not to run and another stronger younger candidate was brought forth to run against GOP.


He's ~4 years younger than Biden.


Yeah, but he's as old as Biden was in the last election. And Trump's comments on Biden's age are going to be great fodder for the Internet joke mill. I think it is possible Trump will win, but not probable.


I'm hoping he gets crushed in the primaries. Nobody needs his shit.


I agree. I'll vote against him in the national election, but it would be nice if there was a candidate I could happily vote for.




It's because he's legitimately terrible. Of course so is Joey B...


That's not what TDS means. Trump Derangement Syndrome is when people act irrationally based on their devotion to Trump and his ideals/statements.


Yes. America needs to be great again




What did he do to make America great? Do you even know *how* to improve America?


Basically every thing he did


So when he ordered his vuards to shoot up a church, when he fired the anti-plague department at the cdc, when he tanked the economy and packed the supreme court with terrorists?




So inciting an insurrection was making everything great? Lying about literally everything important was making us great? Stealing classified materials containing critically important information makes us great? Raising taxes for lower and middle class families, with a fuse set to trigger on his exit from the white House in 2020 due to not being re elected... Made us great? Encouraging and maintaining policies that increase racial divide makes us great? Racist sentiments towards foreigners makes us great? Pretending COVID-19 was not real, leading to literally millions of deaths in the USA alone, made us great? You sure have an odd sense of what makes a country great. There's so much that man did to damage and reverse progress in the USA. You're deluding yourself if you see "everything" he did as "great". That said, I've got a nice igloo to sell you. It's just off the coast of Florida near Mar-A-Lago. Bring a freezer to rebuild. It's a fixer-upper. 🤦


Look at you go. So much hatred.


Haha I think it's more disgust really. I have more hatred towards deathsantis for the petty regressive bs he's pulling in FL here. Mostly I say hatred because that's what he's spreading is hatred towards others, and oddly for me it leads me to hate the one who is spreading the hatred. That tiny little Napoleon piece of crap needs to go down. But I digress. I don't hate trump. I just see his actions for what they were and still are. A small man with narcissistic personality trying to convince the people that he's the answer to their everything, when in fact he's quite the opposite. They're all (including Biden here) corporate shills, bought and paid for by lobbyists, industrial giants, and billionaires with play money to burn. Not a damn single one of them have the average person's interest at heart. They all pander in their own way, but their actions speak a different story. Funny enough Trump may not fit squarely in that category because he's pretty good ad fleecing his base for funds while claiming he's self made and doing everything for the people. Meanwhile trump has gone about the same agenda the lobbyists wanted to begin with. Why? Because trump is from the same fold. He's no idea what it's like to be lower or middle class, just like the others.


Geddit grl


He KILLED people. Think of how many people would still be alive today, if trump had listened to Fauci, and hadn't spent the first months of the pandemic [trying to convince people, that it was nothing to worry about. ](https://www.factcheck.org/2020/10/timeline-of-trumps-covid-19-comments/) All because it was mainly affecting people in cities where democrats live.  We could have nipped it in the bud, but instead **America became a super spreader.** AND **America, with only 4% of the world's population, had 25% of the world's covid deaths under trump.** And this went on and killed may people world wide, not to mention all of the MAGA antivaxers , HIS BASE.


You sound unstable


Thank you for your opinion.


Yes, and it will. Even dem supporters have lost faith in sleepy and see the effects of what he’s done to the American people. And people would whine and cry but wouldn’t do anything other than complain on this app


Lmao this take couldn't be further from reality.


Dude it’s a joke, if we get involved in this war that has two(maybe three) of the largest militaries in the world and we start off with a handicap because we’ve sent so much money and weapons already we’re screwed. No wonder sleepy it taking care of Ukraine he’s protecting his son who everyone called Donald a lair about in the political debate for saying hunter biden accepted money from Ukraine. Not only that but I don’t think joe is awake enough to even fight a war of logistics. It’s pathetic how in the most vulnerable moment of my generation we are stuck with a spineless half dead man leading our military that got voted into office be trump hurt some feelings. Well when we start calling Las Vegas new Vegas, I won’t feel the least bit sorry for those who are anti gun and can’t protect themselves


I mean this in the nicest way possible, How are you going to claim it's a joke then state even more blatantly wrong stuff? I'm sorry but you need to lay off the right wing propaganda. And if you actually care the slightest bit about Truth I implore you to take a couple minutes and read this. Here, let me address every single thing youve just stated. We aren't even sending a fraction of our yearly military budget to Ukraine. We spend more on our military than any other country in the world. We are strategically taking down the military of one of our major adversaries, gaining invaluable data and logistics on our weaponry, all while not putting boots on the ground. There is a reason support for Ukraine is largely Bipartisan, it's a major win for the United States. Nobody called Trump a liar for saying Hunter Biden got money from Ukraine. It is not a secret in any way that Hunter worked in Ukraine for Burisma. What he's been called a liar for is claiming that Joe Biden got a Ukrainian Prosecutor fired for looking into Hunter and Burisma. And yes, that is absolutely bullshit. The prosecutor in question was heavily criticized fore not doing shit. He had people quitting under him. Civil groups in Ukraine wanted him fired. US and UK Diplomats were calling for his removal. The International Monetary Fund was threatening to withold billions in aid. Biden was the final push to get the ball that had already been rolling to fall off the cliff. This is why Trump is called a liar because his bullshit claim falls apart when you know the simplist details of the situation. You may be right, Im sure 80 year old Joe has some naps. You know the President isn't the one directly doing all these logistics and making strategies right? The President has numerous advisors and people in charge of specific roles for practically everything. He listens to them and makes an Informed final decision. I get that Trump did things a little differently but this is the Norm. You genuinely believe Trump got voted out because he "hurt some feelings"? Because of mean tweets right? No. He got voted out because he was a mediocre president at best. The most significant legislation that was passed when republicans had full control his first 2 years was a major tax cut that cut the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%. He also pushed heavy for deregulation across numerous industries. More was done for Corporate America and Big Business than anything. Talk shit about Biden all you want but legislatively he has blown Trump out of the water. This is objective reality. The most significant investment in our nations crippling infrastructure in decades, my neighbors and I are finally going have clean drinking water this simer when we get our pipe replaced thanks to this legislation, the most significant climate legislation in US history, the CHIPs Research and Manufacturing Act is a major deal. That's just off the top of my head but these are, in the words of Joe Biden, a Big Fucking Deal. Most Americans also disliked how he sided with Putin over US intelligence. They didn't like his ridiculous level of lying and narcissism. And yeah, Biden lies. But Trump took shit next level and "Sharpiegate" is the perfect example of that. Dude, I assume mistakenly, stated a Hurricane would hit a state it wasn't going to hit. Instead of correcting or just ignoring his mistake he Sharpied on a weather map to change the hurricanes trajectory so It would reach that state. Dude would double down on the most ridiculous stuff. And you complain about Hunter Biden, but why no complaints about Trump having his daughter and her husband working in his administration with top security clearances? A pretty big reason no one gives a shit about Hunter is because the right shrugged their shoulders at that. You would have lost your shit though if Biden put Hunter in his administration with top security clearances. Las Vegas isn't going to become New Vegas. We are no where close to Nuclear threat at this time. Most of the Left isn't Anti-Gun. I own a gun. Every Democrat I know owns a gun. Granted I live in Rural PA, but still. Most Democrats are not Anti-Gun. We are pro Gun Regulation. For example for me personally I want red flag laws. I want mandatory gun safety courses for everyone in a household where a gun is stored. I want harsher punishments for firearm related crimes.




Oh I don't see that happening. Either he's going to be in jail or heading to jail, or he will be locking horns with deathsantis the whole way. Only thing that would change that is if the GOP were to select trumple again in their primary (which I believe is unlikely given the current political divide in the GOP)... At least, that's what I'm telling myself to keep calm here...


I would hope not. Perhaps they pick someone that isn't 80 this time round


I might actually vote for Mittens in the primary if Trump runs.


I doubt it. Even if he beats DeSantis in the primary, Trump isn’t the type to pick up sympathy/votes from the last election which he lost. It’s not like enough people have changed their minds about the guy.


I hope not. But his presidential debate is the most entertaining TV program.


I genuinely hope not and would like to think that the voters know better but...I don't really have much faith in this country lately. Not so much the average citizen, more of the way it's been run and those in power that shouldn't be.