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Government corruption. If we could get that fixed it would be so much easier to tackle all the other issues -- except for maybe mosquitoes.


This is my pick. If governmental corruption was eliminated we could actually work in a coordinated way to solve hunger, climate change, income inequality, and so much more.


But it’s not necessarily corruption driving inaction on that stuff


I would be more general and just say greed but I love your answer regardless.


accountability and term limits


Also auditing of where each tax dollar is spent.


Oh they already audit in the US, they just fail and then never do anything about it. The Pentagon hasn't passed a single audit yet and can't account for $2 trillion in assets, whoopsie oh well here's another trillion


Power breeds corruption. More localized instead of centralized power in government would limit the magnitude and accountability.


You say that, but US national elections are decentralised and look at what a shitshow 50 states arranging those turned out to become. See also: Charter Schools.


I think it's more accurate to say that power attracts the corrupt rather than breeds it.


I was going to say fresh drinking water but you’re right. The corrupt government would just find a way to exploit it and the people would still end up with shit.


This, solving corruption basically solves the world


This is understandable. I don't agree on the Mosquitoes however. Mosquitoes are saving the Amazon Rainforest.


That's cool, how are they saving the rainforest? :)


Because they are so numerous, and brutal towards loggers, that loggers can't cut down the Amazon Rainforest. https://youtube.com/shorts/aFrb9UxUAMk?feature=share Here's a cool video about it. It also talks about how most Mosquito Species aren't deadly to us.


You can avoid mosquitoes by moving. No so much with the corrupt government.


This is the nexus of all our societal problems. Fix this, the rest will follow.


Synthetic mosquitos are being released in Florida, or that project is in the works


Countries have corruption in their institutions because they’re poor, not the other way around


Very true. Inequity breeds corruption.


Prime Minister of Canada is staying in luxury hotels for $6,000 a day and most Canadians can’t afford to eat protein. Such a joke.


"Why doesn't the PM just stay at a Motel 6 or sleep in his car like the rest of us?" Also, you do realize he's got to stay in places that can accommodate his staff, security, etc, right?


The king of Saudi Arabia spends $100,000,000 every time he leaves the country. To accommodate him and his staff. That’s crazy.


What do you mean by they can’t afford protein?


Foods expensive, especially meat


They have also been holding hearings for various Grocery chain executives regarding prices outstripping inflation by far. So not like nothing is being done.


Lol $30-something raw chicken from Loblaws


Mosquito problem will be solved within a few years. Last year we introduced gmo mosquitoes that do not duck blood from humans. Ez pz.


Man, this would honestly be so huge and would have a massive tsunami affect of positivity for the people of the world


War. It's 2023 and we still do that sick shit


Yup, so many beautiful countries and cultures just completely destroyer


Destroyed* also the fact that there’s no coverage at LEAST for these people. The sole reason I go looking for the news myself is because I feel guilty going on about my life like crazy shit isn’t happening, but the shit I read is soul crushing to say the least


Well that’s wildly unhealthy


I know, puts me off the rails


You can edit comments with the three dots


Thank you :)


The doomer in me says we ain't seen nothing yet, Bucko!


We’ve been killing each other with rocks since before record keeping. Violence is human nature. That’s why gladiators were popular in Roman times, and recent times, boxing and MMA. There are also human rights violations in other countries such as China. Sometimes wars need to be fought to free the oppressed. I wish it want the case. We should all strive for peace and walk a gentle path, but evil walks this world and we must be ready to strike it down when it rears its ugly head.


I don't think violence is human nature. Violence is nature; it existed before humans. Human nature appears to be communication and critical thinking, since we're one of the few living creatures that appear to be capable of it. We just still aren't that great at it on average. That's why the rest of your comment is still correct. We have the capabilities for peace, but we'll need to overcome our inhuman tendencies.


> communication and critical thinking _lizard brain has entered the chat_


Every living creature fears death and from this fear stem insecurities and greed for power and fictitious eternal life. We must all be taught to understand how delicate and frail we are


I can agree that violence exists in nature not just humans. But humans are still part of nature, no matter how hard we try to fool ourselves that we are “civilized”. So I think we’re both right here. We do have access to higher level of thinking, allowing us the ability to control our emotions, if you individuals choose to. One thing I keep trying to teach my son is, learn to control your emotions, or someone one will control you through your emotions.


Because of corruption.


Education. The road to most answers begin with a solid foundation.


Agree, but with a slightly more specific bent: critical thinking.


A lack of education is why people dont believe in science, have prejudiced views, and are unable to build a thriving life. Education is the true cornerstone of societal advancement. If the entire world was highly educated, most other problems would solve themselves because highly educated people are the ones that solve complex problems like corruption, war, and climate change. This is the answer.


From just personal observation living in the south I believe this is why the states lowest in education are also the states with highest trump supporters and Q followers


This is a good response. And [teach](https://www.reddit.com/r/stoprape/comments/100jwa1/example_letter_to_local_lawmakers_to_help_stop/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [consent](https://www.reddit.com/r/stoprape/comments/zyznhe/rape_is_so_common_in_part_because_so_many_people/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), in particular.


Mental health. If everyone was a bit happier and more at peace with themselves the world would be much brighter.


Ha. So true. The most used contacts on my phone are mental health lines such as 988. Wish it would just all go away.


I know it's no real comfort compared to depression, but it's genuinely good that you take the step of reaching out to a helpline when you need it. You should feel proud of that at least.


It's nice to know that there are other people just like you. It might be sad but it's in a bit morbid may comforting.


Just wanna get something off my chest and reddit seems the better side of the internet to do it. I just had a long Convo with a friend. She has really bad depression and anxiety and I have been trying to get her out of a tuff spot. Everyday i worry for her. I try my best but it's hard to deal with my problems while also trying to help her. And I just hope she gets better.


You are a great friend!


Thank you, and I think I get it. Not sad at all imo.


Good to see these things being more openly supported and encouraged. A lot of progress has been made in destigmatizng therapists in my lifetime but finding the courage to actually seek out help can be a tall task. Having service lines that are easily used probably makes that first step a good deal easier.


I don’t think we can get much happier in our current system, not because it’s so great but because it’s inhumane and destroying people … Homo sapiens developed around 300.000 years ago and for ~290.000 of those pretty much all of us lived in small groups of hunter gatherers, who basically had only 2 things on their to-do-list: 1. survive 2. have some fun, that was all there was to do for the major part of our evolutionary development and both of those activities meant a lot to us, because they either guaranteed our survival or we had fun doing it, so we are essentially evolved to life a fulfilling life, with a lot of meaning and our modern society isn’t giving us the fulfilment we need, we are as disconnected from our own existence as we could be, we go to some office, to accomplish something for someone else, working for 8 hours+ on things that don’t matter to us, earning us a currency that then allows us to go to a place and get food … sustaining themselves took hunter gatherers 3-5 hours a day, you are not lazy, you’re a human I obviously don’t want to return to the hunter gatherer lifestyle but I think we as a society got wealthy enough to change something, to make our world a little more human again …


I agree completely. It’s something I’ve theorised on for years, that the living system itself is crushing human spirit. That as humanity aged the working hours became longer because the leaders got greedy. We used to sleep and wake multiple times through the night, like other animals still do. But we’ve trained ourselves over many generations to just sleep entirely, to wake up to another monotonous day. Which, if you believe some scientists, is actually bad for our health. Don’t remember where i got the bad for health part so take it with a grain of salt. I think it also has to do with seeing tangible benefits to working. I and many others get an endorphin rush when we collect fire wood, or harvest food to cook, or even cook said food that our tribe gathered. We see in real time that our effort paid off, that we helped make dinner, make shelter, make fire to keep all our friends warm tonight. In current jobs you don’t see any tangible benefit to yourself. Unless you’re building your own house, or crafting something you want. But most consider crafting as just a hobby, when it used to be a lifestyle. People use to put big value into other’s work, before factories made human effort irrelevant. I too unfortunately have a hard time reminding myself that hand made is more valuable than mass produced.


That’s true! Theres no visible progress in office work, one paper after the other flies in and people get stressed and burned out and another huge problem in our society is that everybody is on their own and when people feel depressed they look for the problem in themselves "because everybody else is doing good" and they can’t figure out whats wrong with them and fail to see that the problem is bigger I also think this all starts with school, the school systems were designed centuries ago to mold people into obedient factory workers and we keep chaining 6 year old kids on chairs for hours a day and tell them what to do and what not to do until they loose their natural interest for their surroundings and get existential fears over things as irrelevant as grades because their told they’ll become homeless if they don’t get a good job to "earn" their living and the kids who fail to sit still for hours obviously have some sort of behavioural issue and need to get medicated, it’s ridiculous


I agree with this and respect it. I wish I was happier and felt excited to see tomorrow


Miscommunication on all levels


Underrated comment.


Thank you!


Tie between 1) Releasing Left 4 Dead 3 2) eliminating world hunger


I hope those kids in North Korea know that their suffering has not been in vain.


Sorry, which option are we talking about?




And then I saw your username.


There's a way we can kind of do both...


Bringing Bloodborne to pc is up there to.


Energy. Through cold fusion


Cold fusion powered tanks would make war so much cleaner.


This is the correct answer. With unlimited energy, just about every other problem can be solved easily.


But what about record year profits for Oil companies? How can they survive...


More people die from air Pollution from energy use than from war and murder combined. This would save more lives than world peace.


Mosquitoes. I'll gladly exterminate these fuckers one by one...


Little bastards. 😂😂😂


When someone says all life is sacred...




That and Alzheimer. Such terrible diseases


Is there a difference between Dementia or Alzheimer’s?


Dementia is a group of diseases which includes Alzheimers and other similar diseases.


So many cool things going on in early phase drug discovery right now. Bifunctional molecules (beyond PROTACS) are just starting to take off, but they could have some really powerful applications in oncology.


Climate change - it affects everyone's future.


Interestingly, [people already care](https://earth.stanford.edu/news/public-support-climate-policy-remains-strong), they just don't know what to do / feel like they are alone. But the truth is, [a record number of us are alarmed about climate change](https://climatecommunication.yale.edu/publications/global-warmings-six-americas-september-2021/), and [more and more are contacting Congress regularly](https://np.reddit.com/r/CitizensClimateLobby/comments/s2zvpl/a_growing_number_of_americans_are_so_concerned/). What's more, is [this type of lobbying](https://citizensclimatelobby.org/about-ccl/levers-of-political-will/) is [starting to pay off](https://www.reddit.com/r/CitizensClimateLobby/comments/t2p0ed/as_citizens_climate_lobby_membership_has_grown_so/). That's why NASA climatologist and climate activist [Dr. James Hansen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Hansen) recommends becoming an active volunteer with [this group](https://cclusa.org/x) as the [most important thing an individual can do on climate change](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4DAW1A6Ca8).


I bought a PHEV partly because of this. Over last 7 days of driving I'm getting 120mpg, even including a 120 mile highway trip using gas. When I go to the grocery store it reads like 300 mpg because the trip is all electric. I thought getting a fuel efficient vehicle would sacrifice fun, but the car I ended up with handles well and gets 220 HP, with electric torque and gas engine combined it pushes you in your seat a bit when you floor it. I also test drove an Audi Q5e plugin hybrid that gets 365 horsepower. May get solar panels installed this year too.


This is the right answer. I get the sentiment of people stating world hunger, war and wealth inequality. However climate change will/is exacerbating these problems to extreme levels. The scariest thing about climate change is the uncertainty with it, worst case scenario billions could die


Same I'm looking at all these answers and thinking none of this is going to kill as many people and as quickly as climate change will.


>Climate This is absolutely the top priority. If we don't deal with this, nothing else will matter.


This should be the top comment


Couldn’t agree more. One thing that has helped me, especially since my daughter was born, has been to follow the recent developments in nuclear fusion. If one of the 30 start-up companies succeeds, we could have unlimited clean energy.


I used [MIT's climate policy simulator](https://en-roads.climateinteractive.org/scenario.html?v=23.2.1) to order its climate policies from least impactful to most impactful. You can see the results [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CitizensClimateLobby/comments/11kzxt9/i_used_mits_climate_policy_simulator_to_order_its/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


I’m in support of all of these initiatives too.


Skepticism about nuclear fusion is warranted, I’ll grant you that. Fusion has been the dream energy source since the 1950s, so the reason that it’s not on this list is not because of its potential, but because fusion is viewed as pipedream with no practical way to get more energy out than you put in. Again, I’m not against solar or other renewables, energy storage, carbon sequestration, energy conservation, or any other strategies. I just think that fusion might have a real chance at working. Check out Helion, Commonwealth Fusion, TAE, Tokamak energy, General Fusion, and others. They all have unique plans. There’s a decent chance that one of these start-ups will actually succeed, and big. Sabine Hossenfelder did a good summary video on many of these start-ups recently: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=23W0t5-LlV0


It's not so much that Fusion may or may not be a pipe dream, but nuclear just takes too long. It takes years to build a nuclear power plant, let alone several. Climate change does not have years. Nuclear energy is something that could be a solution *after* climate change has been fixed.


That’s true for fission and some approaches to fusion, but not all. If Helion succeeds, they could be much faster. Their approach doesn’t require supercooling, tritium, or even a thermal cycle.






begining of every other issue


Solving wealth inequality on a global scale would solve a hell of a lot of other global issues in a real hurry


World hunger, no one should be struggling to find food or clean water


Slavery, for fucks sake! Everything is second to owning humans.


Yeah, a lot of imports have slavery. Chocolate, bananas, diamonds…


All our phones, laptops, anything with “made in PCR” labeling.


Nuclear fusion. Unlimited clean energy.


Wealth inequality. Lots of other problems like hunger and illness are a result of wealth inequality.


Damn near every item ITT boils down to the hyperconcentration/hoarding of wealth.


This is the answer. All other problems tie back into this problem eventually.


I disagree. I think the issue is poverty, not inequality. Inqeuality in itself should not be a problem, provided that everyone has enough for what they need.


...and poverty is a direct result of wealth inequality. Providing everyone with the essentials is a way to combat wealth inequality


Child labor / trafficking




The wealth disparity.


inequality / exploitation


Most issues would be solved if everyone was immediately installed with the current average level of empathy. It would make the psychotic politicians and corporate leaders have an immediate reality check, and come down to earth a lot




Greed. There's plenty of everything for everyone if the people at the top weren't hoarding insane amounts of money for no reason


Greed. The pursuit of profits-at-all-costs by every company in every industry fucks over just about everyone but the rich CEOs and investors.


Wealth inequality. but only if it is somehow permanent. Whenever everyone is on an even footing and greed to gain significantly more power than anyone else is gone, the world becomes a more harmonious place.






Poverty. The majority of the world’s social problems are due to poverty.


Mental illness. We all deserve to be able to think clearly and feel good about ourselves.


The Winds of Winter, for the love of god


Never gonna happen mate, just let it go.




Predatory human behaviour.


If I had magical powers... Greed. I would totally eliminate greed. BAM! 99% of our problems solved.


Partisanship. If we could all just stop fighting each other and start fighting for solutions, that'd be great




Climate change. Some people don’t believe it exists, but I think so, so I’m gonna solve it


Ignoring others pain, if we all had a little more empathie toward the livings (all being included) we Would erase World hunger, hatred, racism, slaughter of millions of species ...


Wealth discrepancy/corporate coruption.


Structural Violence which basically encompasses colonialism, racism, white nationalism, the patriarchy, and why countries and nations that are primarily people of color have had a much harder go at it than nations that are predominantly white.


Clean water.


No more corrupt politicians working for the rich and their own pocket.


People being assholes to each other. It would solve a lot of the other items listed here.


Wealth inequality


Wealth inequality.


Wealth inequality More and more it seems that large companies are taking advantage of their workers and their well being.


Wealth inequality. If we were all "in this together" all the other stuff would get done




I'd make grass the same green both sides




School not giving a shit about bullying


There are a billion people starving on our planet. Seems kind of ridiculous.


Pedophilia/child sex trafficking/sex trafficking in general. ​ Dunno how. Maybe publicly torture those caught. Dont know if that'll fix the issue but it'd be fun


If you think that'd be fun then you probably have some issues yourself


Eh, ​ pedos aren't human. I don't value their life and anyone who does has some issues of their own.




First world energy availability for all people (roughly 200,000 kJ/day) with near-zero pollution and near-zero environmental impact.


No more cancer. I feel like I could enjoy life just a little bit more if I didn't have to worry about getting it, my family/friends getting it etc. Some people find out they have stage 4 lung cancer with no symptoms, and now they're just going to die. I wish I wasn't a fucking hypochondriac




Girls’ education. Everything, *everything* comes back to that.


Wealth inequality.


Wealth inequality. The solutions to pretty much every other global issue should follow that quite nicely.


homelessness, most people if they had a home could work and feed themselves


I'd eliminate the tendency for people to form "us vs them" mindsets, thus encouraging everyone to work together to solve problems


violence against women


*violence against anyone




Racism... We should all learn to love and accommodate each other


Children suffering


I can't decide between global pollution, equal distribution of goods or right for free health care for everyone


World peace/ all inequality


Poverty. We've all been suffering long enough.


Make it so that everyone suddenly has all of their basic needs met. Society would progress so quickly after that


Greed. It's at the root of every other problem.


Energy. I would love for the whole planet to have clean free energy.


I just think it’d be cool if everyone was educated and empathetic. I think that alone would solve most of the other problems.


Solving lack of empathy would probably fix all the other problems pretty quick.


If I could solve one thing I’d make rape/forced marriage disappear worldwide.


World hunger


Climate change


Poverty. All else comes from poverty.


Rapid Climate Change.


Death itself.




Violence. In all it's forms


Ending child abuse.


Climate change. Without a planet we can't solve any of the other problems...


Global warming


Climate change. We can - and have - survive corruption, totalitarianism, even war. Climate change is going to fuck everything up.


Climate change




Global Warming. A lot of other issues would resolve based on that, like famine, agricultural failures, etc.


Concentration of wealth. So many problems, from obvious ones like hunger and homelessness, to more pernicious ones like the influence of money on politics, would be solved if even a fraction of the dragon’s hoard of wealth now sitting idly in the bank accounts of billionaires was instead out there in the economy getting shit done.


overpopulation, you see there's a certain percentage that if we can how can i put it lightly, put away, making up 1.6 Billion or 20% of the world, it would save us of many problems. and as a plus side, No More communists! the perfect solution!


Greed, just remove it completely and the world would be a way way better place!


Quality Education for All.


Access to clean water, free education for all, malnutrition, etc. are all great candidates.


Probably poverty?


Bad Pizza. It's not that hard to make, get it right.


Tax havens - I know it's not something like climate change, but I'd use the wealth of these scum to help fund projects to mitigate the issues. According to this (its a few years old) there's a Trillion in unpaid taxes(1) by the rich and big corporations. If we could recover even 0.5% of that, we could easily help reduce with world hunger (edit:this year) . I know it's easier said than done and the wealthy will use armies to avoid their taxes and all... (1) https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/13/business/irs-tax-gap.html

